WOA – Wisdom of the Ages

In this debut episode of the Wisdom of the Ages show, host Ayn Cates Sullivan joins the SuperPower Up Network. In this conversation, she chats with Tonya Dawn Recla, Executive Director of Super Power Experts, about the importance of bringing forward the experiences and deep knowledge of the past into the modern world. Through this show, Ayn introduces us to an amazing breadth of mythology, folklore and cultural wisdom all entwined with universal wisdom. Listen in, subscribe to the show and get ready for a wonderful, wild journey into worlds long forgotten as we build worlds yet to come. Are you ready to lean back into the wings of wisdom and be carried by a higher source? Then tune in with me and get ready for a wild and magical ride. Throughout the ages, wisdom has been [...]

2022-06-06T10:39:29-07:00January 15th, 2020|

SPU – What is Fear?

What is fear? Is it an emotion or feeling, an idea, a biological response to our environment or just a program? This conversation picks up where last week’s episode, Choose Your Reality with Gary Douglas from Access Consciousness, left off. Whether fear is a created construct or not, the undeniable truth is that the majority of humanity accepts it as real, therefore it has an impact on how we perceive of our reality. In order to alter what you see in the projection, you must be willing to look at all of the unknown or subconscious mechanisms that create on your behalf without your awareness. Listen to this episode to find out how to start disentangling yourself from fear and move into creating a reality founded in a higher frequency. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and today, we're chatting about [...]

2020-01-08T13:09:38-07:00January 10th, 2020|

SPK – Million Pound Mission

Adam Schaeuble is on a million pound mission! Adam refers to himself as a PHD (previously heavy dude) because he once weighed 327 pounds and lost 100 pounds! He then went on to help others reach their goals. Have you ever wondered how you can make a change in your life? Well, listen in as Adam and host Neva Lee Recla talk about how you can make an impact in your life and encourage others! Hi everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and I'm so excited for today's interview. We are going to be talking about the Million Pound Mission. So what is the Million Pound Mission? Well, our guest today is going to be sharing that with us. His name is Adam Schaeuble. And he is just so awesome. He was an Icon of Influence at Steve Olsher's [...]

2022-05-23T19:05:53-07:00January 4th, 2020|

SPU – Choose Your Reality

Today’s transformational conversations accept that our perception impacts reality, but is it really possible to choose your reality? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Gary Douglas comes back to the show to chat with Tonya Dawn Recla about the power we wield beyond managing our reactions to what we perceive. Listen in to this fascinating conversation that explores how to revamp limiting vernacular, programs, and behaviors. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm so excited to have back on the show today Gary Douglas from Access Consciousness, the founder, the brilliant mind behind it all. Well, mind, brilliant being that allowed this thing to be birthed into the world that's had such a profound impact globally.  We talked years ago, brought him on the show talking about the intersection between superpowers and access consciousness. So I'm not going to get too [...]

2019-12-30T06:48:53-07:00January 3rd, 2020|

HFH – How To Channel Energy To Heal

Everything around you circulates life energy. The flow of energy connects everything that exists and it supports life and helps you heal. How To Channel Energy To Heal, is the topic that AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show discusses today with Renae Mussachio. Multi-dimensional energy therapist and EFT Practitioner, Renae is an internationally known and respected energy therapist who is able to channel source, a person’s higher self, and work with multi-dimensional healers to assist busy women resolve their issues and easily release old patterns that hold them back from their greatness. Renae’s journey of life began with a childhood of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse that ended when she was reunited with her birth mother at the age of twelve. Through her own journey of healing, she has awakened to her genius while learning a multitude of tools. Listen in as she shares with AngelaMaría some actions [...]

2019-12-29T23:08:51-07:00January 1st, 2020|

SPU – Be You. The World will Adjust

The encouragement to Be You is rampant in personal development circles, but what does it really mean? Last week Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Amazing Robyn about Expanding Beyond Normal and that episode sparked levels of awareness around the relationship between being you and changing the world. Of course we accept that in order to change the world, we have to change on some level, but how many of us are truly willing to change ourselves at the depth of our beingness? Listen to this episode of Disrupt Reality to get solid tips on how to start seeing yourself differently so the world can start to appear to be different.  Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today we're talking about Be You. The World Will Adjust. It's coming off of last week's episode with Amazing Robyn where we talked about Expanding [...]

2019-12-19T12:40:56-07:00December 27th, 2019|

SPU – Expanding Beyond Normal

These days, the concept of normal is readily challenged, but how do we know what lies beyond normal? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla chats with Amazing Robyn about pursuing expansion, living outside of the box, and challenging the status quo. Robyn is a spiritualist who started her journey as a gospel teacher and this conversation is anything but ordinary. Listen in as these rebellious ladies talk about their experiences busting through the paradigm and creating on the other side. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm excited. You know, I'm always excited. I don't really talk with people I'm not excited to talk to you. That's the luxury of being free to do your own thing and being the boss of your own show. Today is no exception, folks. We have, well, I'm going to say [...]

2019-12-11T15:09:42-07:00December 20th, 2019|

SPU – Diving into Creation: The InsideOut book experience

As we ponder the vastness and complexity of creation, we come face-to-face with our own cosmic consciousness. Whether we glimpse creation through a scientific, spiritual, mathematical or practical lens, we start to see patterns emerge. To illustrate this, Karen Elkins, host of the Mystical Science show on the SuperPower Up! Network, takes us on a decadent sensory experience in her book, InsideOut: Revealing the Mysteries of Creation and the Wisdom to Live Your Life Consciously Connected. Sharing the depth of experience and insight from brilliant minds such as Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Krishna Madappa, and many others, Karen weaves together the undeniable complexities of creation in an artistic and consumable way. Listen in as she shares with host Tonya Dawn Recla her amazing story of faith, guidance, courage and trust as she allowed Spirit to create this delightful book through her for all the world to experience.   [...]

2019-12-10T23:26:50-07:00December 13th, 2019|

SPK – How Your Story Can Change the World

Ayn Cates Sullivan joins Neva Lee Recla to talk about how your story can change the world. Ayn is a writer and bestselling author of the amazing book Ella’s Magic, And she is pretty stinking awesome. Ayn and Neva talk about fairies, spirit, horror stories and how you can change the world by rewriting your story. They’ve got it all covered. Ayn is so amazing and inspirational. Listen to hear the two talk about changing the world by rewriting your story. Hi everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. I'm so excited for today's interview. We are talking about how your story can change the world.  Now listen in to that question: How can your story change the world?  Well, today's interview, we're going to be talking about just that. Our guest today is Ayn Cates Sullivan and she is [...]

2022-05-23T19:14:59-07:00December 7th, 2019|

SPU – Ascension into the New Earth

Many people pursue their own development with fervent hope of experiencing the New Earth. But what does that mean? In this episode of Disrupt Reality on the SuperPower Up! Network, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Jewels Arnes about ascension and evolution. Jewels is the founder of Eternal Gold Skincare, an organic line of skincare products formulated as a delivery system for elements and frequencies, specifically selected to bring about expansion. She believes that eternal life is our true nature. Listen in to this fascinating, out-of-this-world conversation and incorporate the techniques shared to accelerate your own ascension into the New Earth. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am super excited today to have with us Jewels Arnes. She is just delightful. You all are really in for a treat today. The light that emanates off of this woman is [...]

2021-05-28T01:35:42-07:00December 6th, 2019|

SPU – What are Real Superpowers?

What are real superpowers? Are we talking about movie magic, science fiction, literary imagination or just plain woo-woo whatnot? Last week’s episode with Danielle Egnew shared insights about living with supernatural powers. This episode expands on the idea of superpowers and claims that superpowers are, indeed, real and we have methodologies to enhance their development. Whether we’re talking about predisposed superpowers, CAT I or CAT II superpowers or, the most powerful and essential superpower, intuition, we must first start with a construct that entertains the possibility they exist. Listen in to this information and how to discover your own predisposed superpowers. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today I'm talking about, what are real superpowers. Last week, I talked with Danielle Egnew about living with supernatural abilities. She's been on the show a couple of times. She's such a delightful [...]

2019-11-26T06:34:02-07:00November 29th, 2019|

SPS – Having The Courage To Leap Into Success

What is the meaning of courage for you? Does it play a big role in your success? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Nikki Gangemi discuss the topic of having the courage to leap into success. Nikki talks about how you need courage to define success for yourself and to let things go that no longer serve you. Listen now to hear how to tap into your own courage to catapult your success. Hello everyone and welcome. This is Jennifer Urezzio, Founder and Spiritual Director of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I'm a Super Power Expert. I'm so excited that we're going to talk to Nikki Gangemi today. What we're talking about is having the courage to leap into success.  Welcome Nikki. Thank you, Jennifer. I'm so excited to be here.  I know, it's a good way [...]

2019-11-18T19:06:57-07:00November 24th, 2019|

SPU – Living with Supernatural Powers

The idea of wielding supernatural powers to create impact is exciting, but what does it look like to live with them? Everyone wants supernatural powers, but what is it like to live with them? Danielle Egnew returns to the SuperPower Up! Network to talk with Tonya Dawn Recla about the responsibility that comes with honing superpowers and using them in the world. Their first conversation was all about super powers and the supernatural and in this episode they expand on the topic. Don’t miss the fantastic conversation that reveals the good, the bad and the ugly about living with supernatural powers.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm excited. First of all, I just want to talk about my sultry, post plague voice that I have going on here. So if you hear silence for a moment, it's because I'm [...]

2021-05-28T01:31:39-07:00November 22nd, 2019|

SPU – Spirit and Superpowers

Expanding on last week’s episode, Living by Christ’s Design, Tonya talks about spirit and superpowers and everything in between. In her discussion with Dave Stone, they unveiled some of the more challenging aspects of truly walking the world as God intended. This brings up all kinds of questions about religion, spirituality, metaphysics, magic and all things disruptive to the status quo. Listen in as she dissects the complexities and searches for the shared symbolism in all of it.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today we're expanding on last week's show of Living by Christ's Design with Dave Stone. And today's episode is Spirit and Superpowers. And the reason why we're coming back on and talking about this stuff is because it's... There was so much complexity, right? That gets brought up when we talk about living as the divine, walking [...]

2021-05-28T01:31:54-07:00November 15th, 2019|

SPU – Living by Christ’s Design

What does it mean to walk the world by Christ’s design? Did he really mean for believers to perform miracles like he did? How are believers supposed to manage pride and ego in the midst of all of it? So many questions come up for people when they reach the point where they feel called to be an aspect of the divine, to live as though they’re already free. Disrupt Reality host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Dave Stone, former senior pastor at Southeast Christian Church, about this hard-hitting, faith-challenging topic. Listen now as they uncover the complexities of Christ’s guidance and how you can apply his teachings in your life. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm giddy. Listen, I'm so excited to share this man with you. We have had the amazing blessing of being in his presence [...]

2019-11-04T16:29:41-07:00November 8th, 2019|

ISP – How Emotion and Intuition Affect Your Success

Mastering your emotion and intuition are the keys to your financial success. And if you’re in the real estate game not honing these skills can have devastating effects. Scott Carson (aka “The Note Guy”) has been an active real estate investor since 2002. He is also the host of “The Note Closers Show” and assists those in the real estate world. Scott joins host Justin Recla on the Incorporating SuperPowers podcast to discuss how emotion and intuition affect your success in life and in business. Welcome to Incorporating SuperPowers. I am your host Justin Recla, and today I'm super excited to introduce you to my guest.  Scott Carson is somebody that's been in the business world for a long time. He's doing some great things out there. We met at Secret Knock, I don't know, five [...]

2022-04-12T17:59:59-07:00September 19th, 2019|

HFH – Self Esteem Issues Due To Stress

After riding the wax and wane of success in business, life, and love, Keith Tong has begun a path to tell people the importance of life, which he considered his Healing Super Power. Keith joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about how Self Esteem Issues Due To Stress lead to a variety of illnesses. His tireless determination to improve himself have delivered him from a  nightmarish past to a prosperous present as a family man and a business owner. Keith considers that most business owners are putting their focus somewhere else rather than their own health. He has seen many business owners suffer greatly from stress, fatigue, and lack of mental acuity as their health begins to deteriorate. Listen in to hear how Keith assures that “In today’s highly competitive business world, every individual needs a solid path to relieve health issues.” loving ourselves. Hello, this [...]

2019-09-05T09:59:49-07:00September 10th, 2019|

SPU – Awakening Intuition in Leaders

There is no greater need right now on the planet than awakening intuition, particularly in leaders. The acceleration of technology and consciousness require adept leadership to navigate. Without accessing our intuition, it’s impossible to keep up or guide teams successfully through the chaos. Dov Baron joins Tonya Dawn Recla in this powerful exchange between two powerhouses in the intuitive space. In addition to being twice cited as one of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov’s impressive bio includes being a master of human dynamics and multi bestselling author. Don’t miss the opportunity to glean advice from top intuitive leaders. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm pretty excited about today's episode. As you know, we've been doing the Disrupt Reality Series, and so we're all about talking to people who are really willing to look at the world a [...]

2019-10-16T22:32:51-07:00August 30th, 2019|

HFH – Do We Need Special Powers to Connect to the Divinity?

Do we need special powers to connect to the Divinity? Jennifer Weber an author, spiritual guide, and life coach, joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about how to tap into your inner guidance so you can go forward fearlessly into the world, knowing you are guided and your life was created with purpose. Her hope is to illustrate how, throughout your life, you are created, shaped, and given experiences which guide you into who you were meant to be and what you are here to do. There are often hints and guide posts along the way, as well as struggles and miracles that shift your path and hone your personality. Listen in to hear Jennifer’s experiences about how when you move forward in faith, knowing you are powerful and rewarded for your bravery in faith, you are unstoppable. Hello. This is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower [...]

2019-08-19T16:47:15-07:00August 27th, 2019|

ISP – How to Revolutionize the World through Collective Efforts

Encouraging people to live on purpose is how to revolutionize the world. Steve Glaveski, CEO of Collective Campus in Australia, joins host Justin Recla to discuss how to revolutionize the world through collective efforts. His book Employee to Entrepreneur: How To Earn Your Freedom and Do Work That Matters encourages those ready to take the leap to jump and trust themselves in the process. Steve has helped over 100 startups and through collective campus collectively raised over US$25m for those startups. Listen in as Steve shares some tips on how you can raise the frequency of the corporate culture and bring your business into the 21st century. Welcome to Incorporating SuperPowers. I am your host, Justin Recla and today, I'm going to butcher your last name. Welcome our guest, Steve. Steve, how do you say your [...]

2022-04-12T17:47:39-07:00August 22nd, 2019|

SPU – Beyond Reality with Paul Selig

Don’t miss this amazing episode when Paul Selig channels on the Disrupt Reality show with Tonya Dawn Recla. Paul is a world-renowned channel and vessel for numerous books starting with I Am the Word: A Guide to the Consciousness of Man's Self in a Transitioning Time. He is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In this conversation, Paul and Tonya discuss what comes after what we currently perceive of as reality. Join them as they dive deeply into the rabbit hole and emerge on the other side in a world beyond reality. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm so excited today. We have such a treat for you all. We attract really amazing people, but this one in particular, this one, this, this person, this being that we've managed to attract today is really [...]

2019-08-15T03:36:32-07:00August 16th, 2019|

HFH – Spiritual Journey through Food

Is it really possible to live a spiritual journey through food? On this episode of High Frequency Healing, Kathleen Gage joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share her spiritual experience through food. Having participated in her first full marathon at the age of 61, completing her first sprint triathlon shortly after her 64th birthday, celebrating her 65th birthday with a half marathon, Kathleen is working toward certification through eCornell University with the plant-based nutrition program and writing her next book, Discover the REAL Fountain of Youth; Plant Based Eating for Health, due for release in summer, 2019. Listen in as she shares with AngelaMaría how creating a level of success many entrepreneurs aspire to achieve, Kathleen discovered a passion that had been percolating under the surface for years; a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. Her book on plant-based eating shows it’s never too late to take control of one’s health. [...]

2019-08-12T10:08:17-07:00August 13th, 2019|

SPU – Inspiring Male Entrepreneurs

Is the journey different for male entrepreneurs? Purdeep Sangha, mentor to male entrepreneurs, thinks so. Purdeep’s personal mission is to help men live more fulfilling lives, have passionate relationships and raise happy families. He joins Tonya Dawn Recla as they talk about the importance of niching your business and being in service to your tribe. Don’t miss this episode full of guidance and experience to empower you to fully walk your path. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And as always I'm very excited about this show. You know, this show lights me up.  I love talking to new people and exciting people and people who are walking their walk and talking their talk and have the courage to do that. Folks, I know so many of you are sitting in that space of like, I know I need to get [...]

2021-05-28T01:33:00-07:00August 2nd, 2019|

HFH – Access Consciousness To Heal

Is it possible to access consciousness to heal yourself? Carolina Yalcin, a Colombian industrial engineer turned therapist as a way to help her daughters, believes it is! Carolina joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about her well-rewarded hobby, guiding others through different alternative therapies, to heal themselves while elevating their consciousness. When she moved to the United States, she learned holistic techniques to be able to use them on her kids. As a curious mom, she tried different options and she got certified on Reiki, Holo-biomagnetism, Dowsing and Access Consciousness. Carolina currently works in Atlanta as a holistic therapist, life coach and Access Bars facilitator. She loves to travel, learn and share her learning. Listen in to hear Carolina’s experiences of healing and how she conduits her therapies to guide others exactly how and where they need it. Hello, this is AngelaMaría. One of the superpower [...]

2019-07-24T09:43:20-07:00July 30th, 2019|

SPU – Entrepreneur Leadership on Purpose

Most conversations about entrepreneurial leadership lead entrepreneurs astray. Well, not this one! Iman Aghay joins host Tonya Dawn Recla to hash through the intricacies of leadership conversations specifically related to building purpose-driven business ventures that have any hope of success. Iman brings his experience empowering thousands of entrepreneurs to impact the world. Listen to this conversation between two prominent thought leaders in the purpose-driven entrepreneur space and learn how to keep your big vision on a track to success. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm delighted to have with us today this just remarkable guy. We were together on the Marketers Cruise, we didn't get to spend a lot of time together, but what I witnessed in him was this amazing attractive principle and this just guided completely by service. I watched him navigate the rooms, I watched him [...]

2019-07-22T13:01:11-07:00July 26th, 2019|

SLSP – Access to Consciousness Through Orgasm

Did you know that you have access to consciousness and states of awareness you never dreamt possible - through your orgasms? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and “Orgasm Unleashed” author Eyal Matsliah pull back the covers and reveal some secret techniques that will rock your universe. If you have sensed that maybe there is something beyond the “wham, bam, thank you ma’am” model of sex, then you’ll be overjoyed by what you discover in this interview. So if you’ve been curious about ejaculation control, energetic orgasms and more, listen in to this very special episode. Hello, everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei and today I have a very special guest with me, Eyal Matsliah, and we are going to be discussing access to consciousness through orgasm. This is going to be a very juicy [...]

2022-05-30T19:11:16-07:00July 24th, 2019|

SPU – Finding Spiritual Intelligence in Folklore

Spiritual intelligence is the key to traversing your consciousness journey smoothly. Ayn Cates Sullivan, prolific author and accomplished steward of Celtic folklore, joins host Tonya Dawn Recla on the Disrupt Reality show to share her expertise regarding the mythological and magical worlds of ancient wisdom. Ayn is an award-winning, best selling author of ten books and has won over thirty literary awards. She brings a deep academic background from places like King’s College London and applies it to assist women in creating their own heroine journeys. Don’t miss this fabulous conversation about the power of symbolism and ancient clues woven throughout all of our ancestral stories. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am delighted. You all are in for a super yummy treat here today. We're talking today... I'm not even going to tell you who we're talking to. [...]

2019-06-27T12:55:17-07:00July 12th, 2019|

SPU – Developing Self Money Mastery

Christopher Cumby, the Kick Ass Sales Guy, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss tricks for developing self money mastery. Chris is a sales coach and business development consultant and wrote The Success Playbook. He’s been featured on The Brian Tracy TV Show on NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox networks in early 2015, and highlighted on numerous podcast shows on iTunes. Listen in as Chris and Tonya talk about developing self and becoming a money master.  Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm so excited to have with us today Christopher Cumby. We met at the New Media Summit. I was there supporting Neva as an Icon of Influence, and Christopher was one of the icons there. What I love about his approach to things in his, if you look at his bio and stuff, I love the fact that he [...]

2019-06-29T14:32:41-07:00July 5th, 2019|

SLSP – Breaking Through the Church’s Toxic Relationship to Sex

Do you have a toxic relationship with your sexuality because of messages you received from the church? Then this conversation is for you! In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei talks with former youth pastor and promoter of the Purity movement Nathan Novero. Having finally found his true path to God through sacred experiences with his body, Nathan is diligently working to shift the conversation that is happening within the church around sin and sexuality. Tune in to this episode to gain insight into how you, too, can shift your relationship to sex into one geared more towards positivity and sacredness. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I'm your host Tatiana Berindei, and today, I am really excited to have with me, Nathan Novero. We've got a big juicy topic today. We are going to be talking about Breaking Through the [...]

2022-05-30T19:13:05-07:00July 3rd, 2019|

HFH – The Meaning of Intuitive Healing

Are you an intuitive? Or is intuition something weird and hard to believe for you? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, Maryanne Sea, a woman who had to live in extreme isolation from the world, in a room known as a ‘bubble’, joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share her experience of self healing. In this episode, they discuss the meaning of intuitive healing. Maryanne Sea, MSW, discovered the power of intuition in healing as she was recovering from severe Environmental Illness. During that experience in the “bubble” she developed her intuition. When she recovered, she began to teach others. She introduced Intuition in Healing courses to nurses, doctors and other health professionals at many Australian hospitals, and also taught at four Australian universities. She has been part of the Master of Wellness degree program at RMIT University, Melbourne. She is the author of The Healing of a Sensitive [...]

2019-06-25T05:30:11-07:00July 2nd, 2019|

SPU – Step into Being a Spiritual Leader

Debbi Dachinger, a brilliant and impactful spiritual leader, joins Tonya Dawn Recla as they share techniques and secrets for guiding people into being a spiritual leader. Debbi is the epitome of someone who walks her talk and demonstrates the power of connection and relationships in today’s marketspace. She and Tonya model how to stay ahead of competition by opting out of competition. If you’re seeking ways to connect more fully to your potential clients, audiences and tribe, listen now to these two powerhouse women who continue to forge that path and beyond. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I just have a big old grin on my face. I'm sure you can feel it and hear it. I don't even know how this is going to go because we just absolutely enjoy loving on each other. So you just get [...]

2019-06-19T11:43:23-07:00June 28th, 2019|

SLSP – The Key to Successful Relationships

Would you like to have more successful relationships in your life? What if there was a technique you could learn and use yourself to help you do just that? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and licensed therapist and EFT practitioner Sarah Getoff discuss the benefits of EFT and how to use it to truly transform your unhealthy relationship patterns - both in and outside the bedroom. Sarah shares numerous success stories with our listeners, as well as some of the keys required to get the most out of this incredibly powerful technique. Parents - you can even use it with your kids! Tune in to hear how you, too, can use EFT to release once and for all the stuck energies that have been holding you back. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei. And [...]

2022-05-30T19:13:35-07:00June 26th, 2019|

SLSP – Teaching Children Self Respect Through Consent

Did you learn self respect as a child? If not, do you wish you had? Are you curious how to talk to your kids about consent? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and 9 year-old Super Power Kids host Neva Lee Recla discuss the importance of teaching your kids the power of consent. Adults like to theorize about how we impact children, but in this episode we actually get to hear from a child herself about the importance of these topics. Tune in for some great tips on how to address the issue of consent and self respect with your children and the kids around you. You don’t want to miss this rare and incredibly powerful conversation! Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I have a very special guest with me today, Miss Neva [...]

2022-05-30T19:15:12-07:00June 12th, 2019|

SPU – How You Use Your Mind Matters

Just how much do mind matters impact our projected reality? Some say it is the only thing that matters. Ani Anderson, co-creator of Sensation-Based Mindset, knows the importance of managing the mind and finding the balance between our inner and outer realities. She joins Tonya Dawn Recla to dive into the various aspects of the mind and explore the innate power lying within each one. Listen in as they provide tips and tricks for enjoining your mind in your evolutionary journey. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm delighted to share with you just a wonderful wealth of information about some concepts that a lot of you struggle with of these minds, they're all very, very, very smart, intelligent people and sometimes that's our biggest hiccup in this development evolution game. So I'm really excited to bring in this conversation. [...]

2021-05-28T01:35:50-07:00June 7th, 2019|

SLSP – Relationship Advice From an Expert Palm Reader

Where can you go to look for expert relationship advice? How about your own hands? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and Cynthia Clark - an expert palm reader and creator of Love In Your Hands - discuss the many secrets our hands can reveal to us if we only know how to look. Cynthia explains how our hands change and evolve as we do, how to identify certain archetypes based on the shape of the hand and walks the listeners through some fun explorations they can do on their own. Tune in to learn more about how to use the messages in your hands to guide you towards a compatible partnership. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei. And today I have a very interesting guest with me. Lucky you folks, you get relationship advice [...]

2022-05-30T19:16:22-07:00June 5th, 2019|

SPU – The Shadow Side of Entrepreneurship

What can possibly go wrong with entrepreneurship? If you’ve been in business for more than a day, you already know the answer - everything! Add into the equation lots of hype, social media timelines full of rah-rah motivational business advice and experts popping out of the woodwork claiming to have all of the secrets. Author and futurist Nick Jankel joins Tonya Dawn Recla as they explore the shadow side of business and unveil what people aren’t telling you. Listen in as they wade through the whatnot and emerge on the other side, the side where business can catalyze huge shifts and disrupt reality. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm just tickled. I'm sitting here with this giant grin on my face. I know you can hear it in my voice. I really am excited about this show. We have [...]

2019-05-20T21:43:53-07:00May 31st, 2019|

SLSP – Recovering From Infidelity and a Failing Marriage

Is infidelity the cause of your failing marriage? If you answered yes, then you definitely want to listen to this week’s episode of Sex, Love and SuperPowers. In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and Stephanie Sharp, creator of the Enlightened Affair Recovery program, go over in detail what to do when your husband has cheated, how to reclaim your power from the situation, decide whether to stay or leave, create opportunity from destruction, and how - moving forward - you can create the relationship and life your highest aspect is truly asking for. Tune in to this powerful episode to hear all this and more. You definitely don’t want to miss this one! Hello, everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I am delighted to have with me today, Ms. Stephanie Sharp. We are [...]

2022-05-30T19:16:50-07:00May 29th, 2019|

SPU – Changing Society through Cooperation

What has the potential to catalyze a changing society into a thriving one? Business and political influencer Berny Dohrmann joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the power business owners wield in the creation of our future path. As Founder and Chairman of CEO Space International, Berny embodies decades of experience in the upper elite of personal development and blends it with intuitive insight from higher spiritual realms. Listen in to this high-flying, amazing conversation about how cooperation today can save society tomorrow. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so excited to have with me today Berny Dohrmann. What a delight. We're going to talk today about changing the fabric of reality, really changing the world, the concept of changing society through cooperation. And we're not talking learn how play nice as kids. This concept integrates into oneness, [...]

2019-05-10T15:17:15-07:00May 24th, 2019|

SLSP – Creating Healthy Boundaries in Romantic Relationship

Why do we need boundaries in a romantic relationship? And how do we determine what our boundaries actually are? In this episode SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and Love Empowerment Coach Spyce Hogan answer these questions and more. If you’ve had trouble with boundaries or tend to be the strong woman who takes care of everyone else, you’ll want to tune in to this episode. Get some great information on the importance of boundaries and how to start implementing them NOW. Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host Tatiana Berindei and today I have with me Spyce Hogan and we are going to be discussing creating healthy boundaries in romantic relationships. Very important topic. Before we dive in, let me tell you a little bit more about Spyce. She is a lifelong performer, educator, and creative entrepreneur who loves to [...]

2022-06-05T05:29:19-07:00May 22nd, 2019|

SPU – Resist the Pedestal

What happens when living on purpose means others put you on a pedestal? And what if that happens when you’re 9 years-old? In this down-to-earth conversation between mother and daughter, Tonya Dawn Recla and Neva Lee Recla get real about how to manage popularity and notoriety in a world fascinated with appearance and influence. Add on top of that navigating childhood and evolution in the same life experience. Neva shares how she walks the world keeping her heart and soul intact. Listen now to this fascinating conversation from a guided and clear 9 year-old who boldly shows up in her greatness. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm very excited today. I think I'm always excited. Today, I have with me, again, my beautiful, talented, amazing daughter, Neva Lee Recla. Say hello. Hi, everyone. There she is. We're talking today. We [...]

2019-05-11T21:15:22-07:00May 17th, 2019|
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