Ayn Cates Sullivan joins Neva Lee Recla to talk about how your story can change the world. Ayn is a writer and bestselling author of the amazing book Ella’s Magic, And she is pretty stinking awesome. Ayn and Neva talk about fairies, spirit, horror stories and how you can change the world by rewriting your story. They’ve got it all covered. Ayn is so amazing and inspirational. Listen to hear the two talk about changing the world by rewriting your story.

Hi everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. I’m so excited for today’s interview. We are talking about how your story can change the world. 

Now listen in to that question: How can your story change the world? 

Well, today’s interview, we’re going to be talking about just that. Our guest today is Ayn Cates Sullivan and she is awesome. She is a best selling writer. She is a new podcast host of Wisdom of the Ages, coming soon in the SuperPower Up! network, and she also wrote a book that I read called Ella’s Magic. It talks about how a young girl has superpowers and her family basically tries to hide it from her, and they try to help her hide it, but then she learns how to accept herself and how to appreciate others around her. It’s an amazing book.

Without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest,  Ayn. Hi.

Hi, this is magic. Thank you. 

Thank you so much for coming on.

I’m so glad you’ve read Ella’s Magic. I’m so glad you read it and you’ve got it. You got the message. That’s so awesome.

It was really awesome because it reminded me of every super power movie we watch. And it kind of reminds me almost of real life, like how sometimes people try to cover up themselves or they tried to hide their other friends who they really are and they try to cover up their entire selves. But then it’s a beautiful gift when people get to learn how to just uncover it and be who they are and not really care about what others think, so I think that’s awesome.


I can already tell you have a lot of superpowers, but can you name a few?

Well, I like to say that my favorite super power is air. Because I don’t have it with me, but I have a white swan feather. And when I’m writing, I take out my white swan feather and I close my eyes, and I imagined that I’m flying through the universe and I’m collecting stories, gemstones, and precious gifts for all the people in the world that need it.

Oh, that’s really cool. I like that idea. For me, I don’t write a whole lot, but I write creative stories and so I like what writing fictional stories and all that. I do a course that Michael Gerber has, as well as his wife, and it’s basically an entrepreneur course. And they talked about how you go outside, get in your space, write down what you’re here to do, and write down basically what your superpowers are and how you can change the world. And so I went outside for about 30 minutes, I sat down, I got a towel, laid it out, played some music and I got to writing. I just wrote until I couldn’t anymore. And that’s really awesome being able to have that creative mindset.

I think it’s so important. I think it’s so important really for everybody to go out and do that.


But when I was a kid, I had this really cool mom. She’s an artist. We’re actually, we’re getting ready to go see her art show, which is on black holes, exoplanets and blue star implosions. She’s super cosmic. Her superpower is the paintbrush. But when I was a kid, she was never afraid of the imaginal world, the mythopoetic imagination. And so she would go out and she would say, “Okay, go sit down next to that tree and talk to it and write a story.” I sent you another story called A Story of Becoming, and that was basically what I did. I just went and I sat down by this apple tree and I’m like, “Tell me about yourself.” And that was the story that came through.

That’s cool. That’s really cool.

It’s a different way of writing. You’re not following an outline. I think you’re following your superpowers when you do that.

Exactly. You’re following your heart. And I like explaining it as like the bright light and dark tunnel pretty much.


When you’re saying that you reminded me of our hosts of Sex Love and SuperPowers, Tatiana Berindei. We once went to this tree area and there was a tree that was really good for making tea. And before we went and took a bunch from it, Tati said, “Cool, why don’t we ask it if it’s okay if we take from it because we don’t know if its young and we don’t know if it still eats that.” And so we asked and we heard, “No.” And so most people wouldn’t think to do all that, but I think it’s kind of cool that you just sat down and just kind of let your creative juices flow. That’s awesome.

She decides to make the most beautiful rose that anyone’s ever seen and so she makes it up, and then the gardener comes over and he sees this rose and he just picks it.

I have another book, I don’t think I sent it to you, but it’s called Kachina’s Rose and then there’s a longer version called Sparkle and the Gift. But in it, in Kachina’s Rose, that’s a story about a fairy and because she knows the world’s in trouble, so her superpower is making blossoms. She decides to make the most beautiful rose that anyone’s ever seen and so she makes it up, and then the gardener comes over and he sees this rose and he just picks it. And so we have in the story, we have the pages looking as though they’ve been torn. And the question is, if you see a beautiful flower, would you just pick it without asking the bush?

That’s cool. I like that. And for me especially, it’s almost I kind of think of like how does it feel when someone takes your things without asking?


For me, if people take my fun toys or something and they go in my room and just start playing with all my things, I don’t like that very much and I’ll tell them so. And it goes to the same with other people for sure, if you want to be treated that way, treat others the same. But also, it goes with the world around us because if we want this world to become something beautiful, we have to start treating it like it so I like that question. If you see a beautiful flower, do you just go and pick it or do you check in with the bush, see, “Is this okay with you?”

Exactly. I mean in order to do that we have to realize that nature is alive and that everything within this world, every hair on our head, and every blade of grass has meaning and purpose.


And so if we’re just walking down a trail and we see a pretty stone and we pick it up, we don’t know what that stone might be doing in that spot. We don’t know what vibration it’s holding. I think when we become more sensitive, when we start asking then I think the world actually starts opening up for us more or reveals more of its magic.

Well, exactly. I want to share this before we go into the break. I think that it’s cool when you can check in with everyone and realizing that, again, they may not have a heart and it may not have lungs, but it’s still there and it still lives and it’s still a part of your worlds. And like you said, you don’t know what it’s doing for that area. And maybe you do, and that’s even more of a reason to ask it.

And so I think it’s cool being able to be in tuned as well because sometimes people will be like, “All right, I asked,” and then they’ll be like, “They said yes, I can take all the crystals and I can take everything.” But then they’re not really tapping into it. They’re just listening to their ego. And so it takes the ability to listen and also like the courage and strength to ask something and be okay with a “no” or a “not now” type thing and not letting our egos to take hold.

I agree. Yep.

Yeah. I want to talk about this a little bit more, but we needed to go into a quick break. Can you tell our listeners where they can go to find out more about you?

Yes, you can visit my website, which is ayncatessullivan.com. All my books, I have 13 books up there, they can go and explore and have some fun.

Awesome. And again, definitely go check her out because she is so awesome and she definitely has superpowers. We’ve been talking with Ayn Cates Sullivan about how your story can change the world. We’ll be right back after the break.

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