The idea of wielding supernatural powers to create impact is exciting, but what does it look like to live with them? Everyone wants supernatural powers, but what is it like to live with them? Danielle Egnew returns to the SuperPower Up! Network to talk with Tonya Dawn Recla about the responsibility that comes with honing superpowers and using them in the world. Their first conversation was all about super powers and the supernatural and in this episode they expand on the topic. Don’t miss the fantastic conversation that reveals the good, the bad and the ugly about living with supernatural powers. 

Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I’m excited. First of all, I just want to talk about my sultry, post plague voice that I have going on here. So if you hear silence for a moment, it’s because I’m hacking and coughing over here, but I was not missing this opportunity to connect with this amazing, amazing woman I’m going to share with you in a moment. Of course, you all know who it is because you’ve read the title, but anyway, we’re going to pretend that this is a suspense. But the reason I’m so excited about having her back on is that she was one of the first guests that we had on this show back in the day, it was around 2016, and we brought her on to talk about supernatural powers and everything else.

And today, we’re actually talking about living with supernatural powers. I mean, if you’ve known me for more than half a heartbeat, you know that I am a staunch, staunch proponent of dealing with supernatural superpower abilities, all that fun stuff, with the degree of responsibility. And if we don’t, then I predict as it’s not really that far of a stretch that we destroy things, and we destroy ourselves and those around us. And a lot of us have experience doing that and so we’re a little bit cautious when it comes to talking to people and helping people harness these or even encouraging them to. So as Super Power Experts, that’s why we train people in very foundational principles before we entertain the idea of helping them hone their abilities. And so without that, what are we talking about foundational abilities? What are we talking about living it? What are we talking about in terms of responsibility and accountability and transparency with all of this stuff?

And so that’s the conversation we’re going to be having today with Danielle Egnew, who is just lovely. She’s very delightful, super yummy, and you’re going to adore her. If you haven’t heard her episode, we’re going to link it. So make sure you go to the episode page and listen to the very first episode we did together. But she’s the real deal, folks. This is a significant situation here where we have someone paving the way and laying down paving stones, stepping stones for others to follow about what it is to be completely open and out there about kind of being a vessel, what I call your marching orders, following those marching orders, really being disciplined and in obedience around our work with the divine.

And I know that grates on so many of us, right, obedience and discipline. I was a soldier, I get it. I’m no longer a soldier, there’s a reason for that, but there’s still a discipline to it, there’s still an obedience, and it’s not punishment that’s going to happen if you don’t follow orders, it is the consequences of not following orders and the kind of world that we continue to self-replicate over and over and over again, our own little personal prisons and tortures if we don’t. And so it’s not punishment, it just can’t be any other way, right? If you choose to wallow in low frequency, you’re to experience low frequency things, which are not altogether pleasant for a lot of us, but if you choose to raise yourself to a higher frequency and be obedient and have responsibility to that, you get a pretty miraculous existence.

And so there are benefits, trust me. And we’re going to talk with Danielle about that because she eats, breathes, and sleeps this in so many capacities. And when I say she’s the real deal, folks, I’m talking about named Psychic of The Year. She’s worked on supernatural. She does cold cases for the FBI, DC’s Man of Steel. This is not something to be disregarded as fluffiness, she lives, breathes, and sleeps, and it’s proven that you cannot just build an existence around it, but you can have an impact doing it, and dare I say you’re obligated to. And so we’re going to bring her on to discuss what that looks like, what it looks like living with supernatural powers and you get a taste of just her magic and her brilliance and a real appreciation for everyone that’s paving the way in these areas, and she is no exception, folks. So please join me in welcoming back to the show Danielle Egnew. Welcome, my love.

Oh, thank you, gal. It is so fun to be back here and just bless you for your kind words and bless you for this space you hold. Well, you hold this space so we get a chance to talk about these things and show folks where their ultimate miracle potential is and it’s just awesome. So it’s wonderful to be back.

Well, thank you so much. Like I said, like attracts like and you boys had a special place in our hearts here, and we’re just happy to be able to shed some light on all the amazing things that you’re doing. But before we jump into our conversation, I want to share your latest project with everybody. So let’s talk about The Road Angel.

Yay. Oh my gosh, The Road Angel. So The Road Angel is a television show that I am beyond blessed to be a part of, and from a technical standpoint, it’s a TV show about me, I guess, or what I do. However, that’s not exactly how I look at it. I look at it as a television show that follows the work that comes through me or the purpose or the application of myself that comes through me, and we get to see, as I am an angel translator. We get to see how these angelic messages and these higher frequency messages affect people individually for amazing outcomes in their life, affect amazing situations in towns, and so The Road Angel basically follows me around. It’s a bunch of camera folks in an incredible production crew who follow me around to different places that I am literally directed by the angelic realm to go to, to assist.

I’m kind of the catalyst that everybody’s following around here, yet, it’s an opportunity that you were talking about where we get a chance to see that we have phenomenal potential to change everything.

So it’s really, it’s a docuseries. It’s not reality TV. It’s a docuseries and it is a phenomenal opportunity to be able to show anyone who watches the unbelievable potential we have, as you were saying earlier in your intro, when we just kind of get out of the way and let our function happen in the matrix that we live in and just one person makes a phenomenal difference. And that’s what I love about this show is that it has the opportunity to show everybody, not just me. I’m kind of the catalyst that everybody’s following around here, yet, it’s an opportunity that you were talking about where we get a chance to see that we have phenomenal potential to change everything. I love that about the show.

Well, and somebody has to wear the meat suit, right?

Right. Yeah, I’m cool with it. 

So far, we don’t have the technology yet where we can just film spirit essence doing their thing. So, we got to put on a show a little bit, but what I love about what you talked about was a very casual and I’m going to say humble, but not in the gross sense, of you just saying, “…and I am an angel translator.” What I love about it is that it is what you do, it is a function that you serve, but it’s not all of who you are. And, again folks, if you listen to this show for more than half a second, you know that one of my soapboxes is this kind of idea of where we started confusing personal development with spiritual growth.

And when you know who you are, when you can wake up every morning and remember yourself as an aspect of the divine here in the physical reality, and it’s like, “You win. Get on with your work.” What more spiritual growth do you need, but then we get into this, “Well, who’s more enlightened and who’s more tapped in, and who’s more of this and who’s more of that, and everything.” And sure there’s training, absolute hone your gifts, use them responsibly, make sure you have accountability, make sure that you’re bouncing them off to somebody, makes you got safe containers to lose your crap in when you’re a little overwhelmed with the fact that you’ve got every Tom, Dick and Harry from the universe trying to talk to you or appearing to you or whatever’s going on.

Yeah. Right.

Every moment is a choice.

Make sure that you’re being responsible in this matter, and at the same time, it doesn’t change who we know ourselves to be, and there’s an art to being able to hold those seemingly contradictory spaces, but that’s the multidimensional experience. So I love the really casual way that you mentioned that and it’s significant. You kind of roll off the tongue. In fact, you confessed that to me in our first interview: It was harder to come out as a psychic than as a lesbian. There’s a real like gut wrenching friction like, “Oh my gosh, am I going to do this thing?” Every single layer of these journeys, folks, every moment has to be courageous, every moment is a choice. Are your going to slip those old programs and what you think is not possible or are you going to be an inquiry, that’s a choice.

Oh, that’s that is a thing. You know what’s so funny that just came to me when you were speaking, is that..

It was a rant, you can say it, it’s okay.


I was ranting.

No, it’s great. It was like a channeled, on-point important thing for people to hear because the bottom line is, you’re right. Doing this work, being an angelic translator, I do get the angel channel as it were, in my ear of spheres. I translate for lots of different beings.

That’s not all you get, right? You a multifaceted receiver there.

Well, it’s like a radio dial. Angels come in on a specific frequency and you dial it down if you want to talk to humans that are out of their body or you dial it down to talk to off worlders or up, depending on the off worlders, you talk to elementals or you talk to the energy on a fork that was left at a crime scene and translate. It’s a thing. I mean, I translate these energies and that is a significant. That’s what I am, and I’m also a musician and I’m also a wife. Physics are a hobby of mine, I oil paint. And one of my most profound moments, I guess, was realizing that I was a signed musician, and isn’t it funny how we use the terms “I was a,” because that’s what we think in those terms from the old world. 

The old world.

I hear from all the time: These angels go on and on in a frickin’ mantra, day in and day out, “The old world has basically dissolved, the great mother has arisen,” and I’m like, “You guys, this is… Wow.”

You’re like, “Look around, we still have McDonald’s.”

I know. I’m like, “I’m glad you all are rotating so fast forward, while we’re cleaning up on aisle nine, but thank you for that.”

Why have you created this again?

Well, and it brings up the subject of when I was a signed musician. That my job was literally rock star forever and when I was asked to come forward with these gifts, which I had the whole time. I just felt like I couldn’t let people know that, thus the comment, it was easier to come out as a lesbian in music in 1991 than it was to say, “Oh, I hear things and see things.” And yet it’s like you said, there comes a time where we have to decide are we going to keep lying to ourselves and lying to the world about what we are or are we going to come out and say, “It’s okay that you’re many things, that is the gift, that is the miracle, that is the blessing. Now go light them all on fire.” And that was the message that I personally received and here we are many years later, 15 years later, and we’re on TV with The Road Angel. So it’s an interesting journey.

And we can laugh about it. Well, and you know my story again with the soldier. I awakened as an agent, it was like, “You’ve got to be joking here,” like, “This is somebody’s really sick and twisted, funny joke here.” But it is what it is and we survived.

We’re going to take a quick break because that’s what we do here in the physical reality because we have sponsors and advertisers and then that’s what we do. But before we take a break, where do we want to go to send people to know more about you or The Road Angel? Where would you like to sit folks?

Let’s send folks over to and you can also find us on Facebook under The Road Angel and you can find us on Instagram, and we are a very interactive production team, so please hit us up. We’d love to chat.

How fun and beautiful. We’re talking today with Danielle Egnew about living with supernatural powers. Stick with us, because when we come back, we’re going to get way down and dirty here, folks. We’re going to get into the nitty gritty. I know all of you are sitting there going, “Well yeah, that’s okay for her, but not my life. And what will people say? And I have a mom…” Okay, stop. We’re going to talk about that. So stick with us and we’ll be right back.

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