SPU – Awakening Intuition in Leaders

There is no greater need right now on the planet than awakening intuition, particularly in leaders. The acceleration of technology and consciousness require adept leadership to navigate. Without accessing our intuition, it’s impossible to keep up or guide teams successfully through the chaos. Dov Baron joins Tonya Dawn Recla in this powerful exchange between two powerhouses in the intuitive space. In addition to being twice cited as one of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov’s impressive bio includes being a master of human dynamics and multi bestselling author. Don’t miss the opportunity to glean advice from top intuitive leaders. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm pretty excited about today's episode. As you know, we've been doing the Disrupt Reality Series, and so we're all about talking to people who are really willing to look at the world a [...]

2019-10-16T22:32:51-07:00August 30th, 2019|

SPU – Beyond Reality with Paul Selig

Don’t miss this amazing episode when Paul Selig channels on the Disrupt Reality show with Tonya Dawn Recla. Paul is a world-renowned channel and vessel for numerous books starting with I Am the Word: A Guide to the Consciousness of Man's Self in a Transitioning Time. He is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In this conversation, Paul and Tonya discuss what comes after what we currently perceive of as reality. Join them as they dive deeply into the rabbit hole and emerge on the other side in a world beyond reality. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm so excited today. We have such a treat for you all. We attract really amazing people, but this one in particular, this one, this, this person, this being that we've managed to attract today is really [...]

2019-08-15T03:36:32-07:00August 16th, 2019|

SPU – God 2.0: Science and Spirituality

What if the true essence of God exists in the intersection between science and spirituality? Perry Marshall returns to join host Tonya Dawn Recla on the SuperPower Up! Network. This time they tackle evolution, religion, spirituality and updating our perception of God. Have you ever considered what a God 2.0 version might look like? Listen in as they dive deeply into the complexities of the evolution/creation debate and provide guidance for how you can move your understanding of the divine beyond superficial polarity. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm super excited for this conversation today. We're having back on this show, Perry Marshall. If you all recall back in the day, I don't remember how long ago it aired now, but we talked to him about personal development and the business benefits of personal development specifically. And in that [...]

2021-05-28T01:32:44-07:00August 9th, 2019|

SPU – Inspiring Male Entrepreneurs

Is the journey different for male entrepreneurs? Purdeep Sangha, mentor to male entrepreneurs, thinks so. Purdeep’s personal mission is to help men live more fulfilling lives, have passionate relationships and raise happy families. He joins Tonya Dawn Recla as they talk about the importance of niching your business and being in service to your tribe. Don’t miss this episode full of guidance and experience to empower you to fully walk your path. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And as always I'm very excited about this show. You know, this show lights me up.  I love talking to new people and exciting people and people who are walking their walk and talking their talk and have the courage to do that. Folks, I know so many of you are sitting in that space of like, I know I need to get [...]

2021-05-28T01:33:00-07:00August 2nd, 2019|

SPU – Entrepreneur Leadership on Purpose

Most conversations about entrepreneurial leadership lead entrepreneurs astray. Well, not this one! Iman Aghay joins host Tonya Dawn Recla to hash through the intricacies of leadership conversations specifically related to building purpose-driven business ventures that have any hope of success. Iman brings his experience empowering thousands of entrepreneurs to impact the world. Listen to this conversation between two prominent thought leaders in the purpose-driven entrepreneur space and learn how to keep your big vision on a track to success. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm delighted to have with us today this just remarkable guy. We were together on the Marketers Cruise, we didn't get to spend a lot of time together, but what I witnessed in him was this amazing attractive principle and this just guided completely by service. I watched him navigate the rooms, I watched him [...]

2019-07-22T13:01:11-07:00July 26th, 2019|

SPU – Brain Power

Brain power is the secret to mastering many superpowers. While the brain isn’t the only thing that determines our superpower success, it is a crucial ally in harnessing belief about supernatural abilities. Jerry Teplitz is no stranger to accessing powerful brain enhancements and moving the brain from a deterrent to accelerant. Jerry has a Ph.D. in holistic health sciences and is dedicated to helping clients enjoin their minds in evolutionary quests. Listen in for actionable techniques to master your mind and harness your brain power. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm so excited to have back on the show, Jerry Teplitz. He is brilliant, and we'll put a link on the page for our previous interview so you can hear all about Jerry and what he's up to.  And today I've asked him to come back on, and we're [...]

2021-05-28T01:33:12-07:00July 19th, 2019|

SPU – Finding Spiritual Intelligence in Folklore

Spiritual intelligence is the key to traversing your consciousness journey smoothly. Ayn Cates Sullivan, prolific author and accomplished steward of Celtic folklore, joins host Tonya Dawn Recla on the Disrupt Reality show to share her expertise regarding the mythological and magical worlds of ancient wisdom. Ayn is an award-winning, best selling author of ten books and has won over thirty literary awards. She brings a deep academic background from places like King’s College London and applies it to assist women in creating their own heroine journeys. Don’t miss this fabulous conversation about the power of symbolism and ancient clues woven throughout all of our ancestral stories. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am delighted. You all are in for a super yummy treat here today. We're talking today... I'm not even going to tell you who we're talking to. [...]

2019-06-27T12:55:17-07:00July 12th, 2019|

SPU – Developing Self Money Mastery

Christopher Cumby, the Kick Ass Sales Guy, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss tricks for developing self money mastery. Chris is a sales coach and business development consultant and wrote The Success Playbook. He’s been featured on The Brian Tracy TV Show on NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox networks in early 2015, and highlighted on numerous podcast shows on iTunes. Listen in as Chris and Tonya talk about developing self and becoming a money master.  Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm so excited to have with us today Christopher Cumby. We met at the New Media Summit. I was there supporting Neva as an Icon of Influence, and Christopher was one of the icons there. What I love about his approach to things in his, if you look at his bio and stuff, I love the fact that he [...]

2019-06-29T14:32:41-07:00July 5th, 2019|

SPU – Step into Being a Spiritual Leader

Debbi Dachinger, a brilliant and impactful spiritual leader, joins Tonya Dawn Recla as they share techniques and secrets for guiding people into being a spiritual leader. Debbi is the epitome of someone who walks her talk and demonstrates the power of connection and relationships in today’s marketspace. She and Tonya model how to stay ahead of competition by opting out of competition. If you’re seeking ways to connect more fully to your potential clients, audiences and tribe, listen now to these two powerhouse women who continue to forge that path and beyond. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I just have a big old grin on my face. I'm sure you can feel it and hear it. I don't even know how this is going to go because we just absolutely enjoy loving on each other. So you just get [...]

2019-06-19T11:43:23-07:00June 28th, 2019|

SPU – Business Confidence Equals Business Success

Lady Balls extraordinaire, Jody Jelas joins Tonya Dawn Recla as they dissect the power and allure of business confidence. Jody is no stranger to busting through limitations and challenging the bounds of reality as a powerful female entrepreneur. In addition to embodying disruptive brand concepts, Jody works with clients to combine the power of mindset, online presence, branding, offer creation, social media, and marketing in their businesses. Listen in as these reality-crashing women share stories from the trenches of business disruption. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and you have a treat today. I'm very excited, I've got this big smile on my face. I love this woman, and I wish we were standing together and I could give her a big hug, but I'm doing that virtually. So Jody Jelas joins us today to talk about Business Confidence Equals Business [...]

2021-05-28T01:33:22-07:00June 21st, 2019|

SPU – Entrepreneur Success Starts with Culture

What key components create entrepreneur success? Claudette Rowley, CEO of Cultural Brilliance, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to the power of integrating your company’s culture in success strategies. As the author of Cultural Brilliance: The DNA of Organizational Excellence, Claudette brings decades of experience helping companies resolve complex problems through exploring the culture. Listen in as Tonya and Claudette talk about the wealth of information and success found by diving deeply into the heart and soul of a company. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm really, really excited today about this show. We have with us today, Claudette Rowley, who's going to help us flesh out the power in the, you know, what the corporate, organizational culture conversation can really do in your business. I know a lot of times as entrepreneurs we get started and we're driven by what we're [...]

2021-05-28T01:33:32-07:00June 14th, 2019|

SPU – How You Use Your Mind Matters

Just how much do mind matters impact our projected reality? Some say it is the only thing that matters. Ani Anderson, co-creator of Sensation-Based Mindset, knows the importance of managing the mind and finding the balance between our inner and outer realities. She joins Tonya Dawn Recla to dive into the various aspects of the mind and explore the innate power lying within each one. Listen in as they provide tips and tricks for enjoining your mind in your evolutionary journey. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm delighted to share with you just a wonderful wealth of information about some concepts that a lot of you struggle with of these minds, they're all very, very, very smart, intelligent people and sometimes that's our biggest hiccup in this development evolution game. So I'm really excited to bring in this conversation. [...]

2021-05-28T01:35:50-07:00June 7th, 2019|

SPU – The Shadow Side of Entrepreneurship

What can possibly go wrong with entrepreneurship? If you’ve been in business for more than a day, you already know the answer - everything! Add into the equation lots of hype, social media timelines full of rah-rah motivational business advice and experts popping out of the woodwork claiming to have all of the secrets. Author and futurist Nick Jankel joins Tonya Dawn Recla as they explore the shadow side of business and unveil what people aren’t telling you. Listen in as they wade through the whatnot and emerge on the other side, the side where business can catalyze huge shifts and disrupt reality. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm just tickled. I'm sitting here with this giant grin on my face. I know you can hear it in my voice. I really am excited about this show. We have [...]

2019-05-20T21:43:53-07:00May 31st, 2019|

SPU – Changing Society through Cooperation

What has the potential to catalyze a changing society into a thriving one? Business and political influencer Berny Dohrmann joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the power business owners wield in the creation of our future path. As Founder and Chairman of CEO Space International, Berny embodies decades of experience in the upper elite of personal development and blends it with intuitive insight from higher spiritual realms. Listen in to this high-flying, amazing conversation about how cooperation today can save society tomorrow. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so excited to have with me today Berny Dohrmann. What a delight. We're going to talk today about changing the fabric of reality, really changing the world, the concept of changing society through cooperation. And we're not talking learn how play nice as kids. This concept integrates into oneness, [...]

2019-05-10T15:17:15-07:00May 24th, 2019|

SPU – Resist the Pedestal

What happens when living on purpose means others put you on a pedestal? And what if that happens when you’re 9 years-old? In this down-to-earth conversation between mother and daughter, Tonya Dawn Recla and Neva Lee Recla get real about how to manage popularity and notoriety in a world fascinated with appearance and influence. Add on top of that navigating childhood and evolution in the same life experience. Neva shares how she walks the world keeping her heart and soul intact. Listen now to this fascinating conversation from a guided and clear 9 year-old who boldly shows up in her greatness. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm very excited today. I think I'm always excited. Today, I have with me, again, my beautiful, talented, amazing daughter, Neva Lee Recla. Say hello. Hi, everyone. There she is. We're talking today. We [...]

2019-05-11T21:15:22-07:00May 17th, 2019|

SPU – The Frequency of Christ Consciousness

Do you ever wonder if Jesus had superpowers? Or is it cool to talk about Christ Consciousness? In this episode of SuperPower Up! Disrupt Reality, Dr. Mark Moore joins Tonya Dawn Recla to unwrap the connection between the church, Jesus, spiritual awakening and personal development. Mark is a Teaching Pastor at Christ's Church of the Valley (CCV), the largest non-denominational church in Arizona and sixth largest in the United States, amassing over 28,000 congregants each week. How does a church this size handle the collective wounds perpetrated in the name of Christianity? Listen to this episode where the gospel meets woo woo and Jesus is cool enough to guide us into consciousness. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm really, really excited about this conversation. I'm typically excited about my interviews, but this one in particular feels super crucial right [...]

2019-04-27T03:13:13-07:00May 10th, 2019|

SPU – Ideas that Changed the World

When people have the courage to speak about their role actualizing ideas that changed the world, it’s worth listening. Jill Chambers, retired colonel and U.S. Army Women’s Hall of Fame inductee, joins host Tonya Dawn Recla as they unpackage a riveting story of battling the behemoth U.S. military system to create change. Jill is widely recognized as the first person in U.S. military history to develop a successful, sustainable strategy to address the unimaginable destruction created by stress, trauma and mental illness. Jill’s efforts profoundly altered the post-war experience for service members and veterans everywhere. In addition to her heroic efforts in the policy battlefield, she carried the internal burden of being in the Pentagon on 9/11 until realizing the damage of untended constriction in the body. As a dynamo in a little package, Jill embodies ultimate courage, intestinal fortitude and an internal compass consistently pointing her to magnificence. [...]

2019-04-29T20:19:39-07:00May 3rd, 2019|

SPU – Disrupting the Human Condition

What happens when the human condition, the digital age and spiritualism collide? Gustaf Tadaa, Burning Man regular and founder of Urban Burn in Stockholm, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss disrupting the human condition. As one of Sweden’s most frequently hired speakers in human and societal impact of digital technology, Gustaf brings a wealth of information to the disruption conversation. Listen in as they explore the undeniable collision course of technology and consciousness and how we can harness that power to disrupt reality. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Down Recla, your Super Power Expert and again, of course, I'm laughing because I have the amazing job of being able to connect these fantastic people prior to the show, and then I go to record, it's like I'm already on cloud nine, because I just got to experience them. Today's show is no exception to that, and [...]

2021-01-28T21:47:25-07:00April 26th, 2019|

SPU – Radical Parenting

Radical parenting requires radical courage, radical partnership and radical children. Neva Lee Recla is the embodiment of radical. She joins her mom, Executive Director Tonya Dawn Recla, on the SuperPower Up! Disrupt Reality series to talk about the ups and downs of bucking the system. From starting business at age 2 to free range learning to finishing her first book, Neva takes listeners on a journey into her world and illuminates how she walks her path and holds herself accountable to her highest frequency. Listen in to this remarkable exchange between mother and daughter as they model open dialogue, disruption, self-dominion and the frequency of love.   Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today I'm joined again with the fantabulous Neva Lee Recla. Hi everyone. And we're talking today about radical parenting, which we're super excited about because, well, we [...]

2019-04-13T18:25:22-07:00April 19th, 2019|

SPU – Can Magic and Superpowers Change our Reality?

Dean Radin, PhD, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss whether or not magic and superpowers can change our reality. Dean’s book, Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe, challenges the bounds of what is acceptable as science. He has boldly tackled the very polarizing conversation about the relationship between psi studies and science. Listen to this amazing dialogue that tackles conspiracy theories regarding how we interact with the world and why we’re programmed to blindly accept materialism as the only viable explanation of our physical reality and what happens when we move beyond the obvious.   Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm really, really, really excited for today's episode. This gentlemen I've been kind of looking into for a while now ever [...]

2019-04-11T17:30:27-07:00April 12th, 2019|

SPU – Disrupt Reality: Reclamation

What happens when change just isn’t good enough? In this debut episode of the new SuperPower Up series, Disrupt Reality: Reclamation, Tonya Dawn Recla dives down the rabbit hole and takes you with her. She is joined by her amazing husband, Justin Recla, and phenom daughter, Neva Lee Recla. They share what it’s like to be a 24/7 family, shattering the limits of previously constructed projections. As Neva says, “We’re not normal!” From magic, to science, to religion, to Burning Man and beyond, Tonya’s new series puts reality on notice that disruption is coming. If you’re ready to challenge the bounds of what you previously thought possible, then sit down, strap in and prepare to experience the show that proves there is no spoon. Maybe there is no spoon. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, Your Super Power Expert and well, to say [...]

2020-07-13T15:40:01-07:00April 5th, 2019|

SPU – How to Love Yourself to Freedom

Dr. Heather Clark, an intuitive coach, healer, speaker, and author, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about how to love yourself to freedom. Heather focuses on guiding individuals to understand their internal selves and repattern their lives to create support and freedom. Her 21 Days to Transformation for the Master Healer guides healers to be of service to themselves and to others. Listen in as she and Tonya talk about how to be awakened to your purpose and to realize that the root cause of burnout is not always just stress from work, home or school. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert, and I have with me a delightful woman today, Dr. Heather Clark, an intuitive coach, healer, speaker, author. I love the fact that she comes out of the pharmacy space. So she got her Doctorate in Pharmacy in '97 and [...]

2018-11-05T23:37:01-07:00December 21st, 2018|

SPU – Spiritual Awakening Signs

Irene Weinberg, highly sought-after public speaker and author, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss about how to find spiritual awakening signs and how to use them to live a soul purpose. Irene is the author of the They Serve Bagels in Heaven, a 5-star rated memoir filled with love, humour, and narrative flair and to live a life from a devastating loss to a renewed sense of inner strength, spiritual wisdom, and passion for life. Join in as she and Tonya talk about how spiritual awakening signs can enlighten the purpose of life and resonate with your own soul’s purpose. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert, and I have with me a really fun guest today, Irene Weinberg. She wrote the book, "They Serve Bagels in Heaven," and it's such an amazing, fantastic story. We're going to be talking to her today [...]

2018-12-19T09:23:04-07:00December 14th, 2018|

SPU – Spiritual Awakening Through Your Divine Frequency

Jacquelyn Gioertz, intuitive and transformation coach, author, speaker and artist, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to identify spiritual awakening signs and address awakening through divine frequency. Jacquelyn is the founder and CEO of Awakening Women, LLC and the author of The Unthinkable Has Happened - A Guide for the Young Widow. She strives to inspire and empower all people to embrace their uniqueness. Listen in as she and Tonya talk about how to awaken to your spirits and discover your strengths to create the life you love and deserve. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower expert. I have a very special treat for you today. I'm speaking with Jacquelyn Gioertz, and you'll be listening I guess too. She's the founder and CEO of Awakening Women. She's also the author of The Unthinkable Has Happened, a guide for the young widow. I love bringing that [...]

2018-11-30T15:57:34-07:00December 7th, 2018|

SPU – Clairvoyant Super Powers

Jocelyn L. Robinson, intuitive and psychic channeler, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to share her experiences on how she aligned her physical, emotional, and spiritual body to release clairvoyant superpowers. Jocelyn has the psychic abilities of claircognizance, clairvoyance, and clairsentience that allow her to connect with her clients’ spiritual guides and channel messages. Listen in as she shares her wisdom, experiences, and secrets with Tonya and the audience to gain more clarity and direction and to reach true healing. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am excited to have with us today a delightful woman. Jocelyn Robinson is a psychic channeler, intuitive, we're talking claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairsentience, like all over the map with her gifts and abilities, and so I'm really excited to talk with her today about clairvoyance super powers. I think that we apply the concept of super [...]

2018-11-01T17:55:52-07:00November 30th, 2018|

SPU – Divine Spiritual Messages

She-She O’Donnell, certified Angel Therapy practitioner and love, life, & relationship coach, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to share her experiences working with clients to access spiritual messages. She-She uses her natural abilities and focuses in with the guidance of her angels, as well as other people’s angels, to guide and assist people to move through their inner obstacles and gain clarity. Listen in as she shares her wisdom, experiences, and secrets with Tonya and the audience and how to facilitate Divine Guidance to bring in as much joy and peace in your life. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert and I'm really delighted to have with us today, She-She O'Donnell. She is super She-She, so as you know that she's a perfect fit for the show. But before we get too far into things, she's asked to lead us all in a [...]

2018-11-04T15:17:14-07:00November 23rd, 2018|

SPU – The Power of Intuition

Allison Sutter, best selling author and contemporary spiritual teacher, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the power of intuition. Allison is highly acclaimed for her ability to seamlessly blend spiritual and practical self-help information and how to make them relevant to the daily life. She is the author behind the book: Accelerate Your Mojo: 7 Simple Steps to Ignite Intuition, Shake off Fear, and Unleash the Real You. Join in as Allison and Tonya talk about how to accelerate your mojo and the most effective way to approach self-help and personal development to transform fear and allow yourself to shine. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm excited with us today a really fun woman who we're going to have a great conversation. Allison Sutter is all about accelerating your mojo. In fact, she wrote the book on it, [...]

2018-11-04T13:56:22-07:00November 16th, 2018|

SPU – Business Ideas from an Ecopreneur

Scott Simons, yoga and meditation teacher, community founder, and health and wellness ambassador, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about business ideas from the eye of an ecopreneur. Scott co-founded the DESTA Youth Network, a non-profit organization that helps marginalised youth back on track. He also contributed to health as a yoga teacher, personal trainer, speaker, and health coach. Join in as he and Tonya discuss business ideas that inspire a daily practice of health and enhance overall life, health and wellness. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your superpower expert, and I have a really fun conversation for us today. We're talking today with Scott Simons, who is an ecopreneur folks, this is perfect. I know so many of us, our hearts are in this space of really making sure, the way he describes it is putting people, purpose and planet before profits. I [...]

2018-10-31T23:05:15-07:00November 2nd, 2018|

SPU – Creative Entrepreneur Business

Ed Roman, award-winning singer, songwriter, performer, and multi-instrumentalist, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about entrepreneur business. Ed uniquely crafts songs that receive regular rotation on more than 100 radio stations across North America and more than 400 stations worldwide. He also travels to several countries to deliver humanitarian aid. Listen in as he and Tonya talk about his experiences as a creative entrepreneur business owner and how music can change people’s lives through his songs that deliver socio-political, earthly-conscious, and globally-aware messages. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I have a really fun treat for you all today. We're talking today with Ed Roman, he is an award-winning singer, songwriter, performer, multi-instrumentalist, all kinds of fun stuff, but he operates in the pop rock full country music space, and tons and tons and tons of a litany of awards, [...]

2018-10-18T16:27:48-07:00October 26th, 2018|

SPU – The Evolution of Psychic Awakening

Clayton John Ainger, award-winning author, international psychic medium, spiritual teacher, and entrepreneur, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about how psychic awakening makes every person matter. Clayton is a regular guest on radio shows across the US and Australia. He has appeared in UK magazines Kindred Spirit, Spirit & Soul Magazine, and Paradigm Shift. Join them now as he and Tonya talk about the evolution of psychic awakening and how to raise your consciousness to grow and experience a deeper understanding of life. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I have the biggest grin on my face. I am so excited to introduce to our guest today. It has been such a long time in coming, this conversation between us. I don't know if I've ever worked so hard to get a guest on our show, and he's worth it. [...]

2018-10-16T16:58:50-07:00October 22nd, 2018|

SPU – Exploring Flow: An Altered State Of Consciousness

Craig Filek, philosopher, coach, and executive director of the Purpose Genome Institute, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about how the altered state of consciousness can bring your own life into alignment. Craig is the creator of Purpose Mapping that guides high achievers to realize their full potential by clarifying their purpose, aligning with their flow state by playing to their strengths, and making a meaningful contribution every day, one tiny step at a time. Listen in as he and Tonya discuss how to get valuable insights through an altered state of consciousness and how to align them with personal productivity and day-to-day life. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm excited to have with us a fun guest today. Craig Filek is the founder and creator of Purpose Mapping, and what I really like about his approach is he [...]

2018-10-18T14:51:56-07:00October 19th, 2018|

SPU – Publishing Books for the Business Entrepreneur

Rob Kosberg, three-time best selling author and founder of Best Seller Publishing, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to share his experiences as a business entrepreneur. Rob and his signature “Publish. Promote. Profit. Trademarked” system have been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and Entrepreneur magazine as well as hundreds of other shows, podcasts, magazines and articles. He teaches entrepreneurs on how to become the go-to authority in the market by writing, launching, and profiting. Listen in as he and Tonya talk about the way to 7 figures and beyond and how to be a successful business entrepreneur while mentoring and inspiring others. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I have with me a really awesome guest today. Rob Kosberg is all about the publishing, promotion, PR kind of space, and so I know a lot of you have questions. You've got your [...]

2019-04-11T16:15:49-07:00October 12th, 2018|

SPU – Growing the Entrepreneur

Nathan Hirsch, co-founder and CEO of FreeeUp.com, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about how to outsourcing and brutal honesty as tools for growing the entrepreneur. As a college student, Nate cracked the entrepreneur code and managed to get a cease and desist order from the university for out-profiting their bookstore. He’s been on an amazing trajectory ever since. With over $30 million in online sales to his credit, Nate and his business partner, Connor, have changed the way businesses outsource. Listen in to hear how you can get started today in systemizing and scaling your business while growing as an entrepreneur. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. This is a really special treat today. We attract some really, really amazing people. In today's show what I love about it is, you know the whole concept of how do you do [...]

2019-09-25T17:13:55-07:00October 8th, 2018|

SPU – Work from Home…or Boat

Jim Palmer, marketing and business building expert, joins Tonya Dawn Recla on the SuperPower Up! Podcast to talk about the entrepreneurial freedom to work from home, or even from a boat. Jim and his wife, Stephanie, live on a houseboat and travel up and down the east coast of the United States. In addition to pursuing the life of his dreams, Jim many books, including, Just Say Yes - Create Your Dream Business and Live Your Dream Lifestyle. Listen in as he and Tonya talk about the trials and tribulations of pursuing entrepreneurship and the amazingly empowered feeling of building a life where you can work from home. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I have such a fun guest today. His name is Jim Palmer. He's a marketing and business building expert and he wrote a number of books, but [...]

2018-10-02T20:17:03-07:00October 5th, 2018|

SPU – Change this World Through Global Health

Dr. Anastasia Chopelas, 4th generation healer and retired physicist, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about her vision of how we can change this world through global health. Anastasia spent a 40 year career researching quantum and vibrational physics to become The Scientific Healer. She assists her clients in functioning with top mental clarity and health. Listen in as she and Tonya discuss the power of a global vision of health and wellness to change this world. Hello everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I have a delightful woman on today's show with us. I am really, really excited. Dr. Anastasia Chopelas is the epitome of everything that we stand for at Super Power Experts, this really amazing blend of gifts and abilities and experience and perseverance and education and all of this wonderfulness. Walking her walk, talking her talk and [...]

2018-08-10T15:44:35-07:00September 28th, 2018|

SPU – Parent Psychology and Personal Development

Roger Ramsukh, author, speaker and therapist, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the relationships between parent psychology and personal development. Roger is certified in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Applied Behavioral Analysis and Crisis Intervention and has worked with clients who exhibit problem behaviours for over 15 years. He teaches parents and helps adults and small business owners find joy in their life, reconnect with their families, get unstuck from mental blocks and find true abundance. Listen in as he shares his experience and insights to illuminate the power of incorporating personal development to understand parent psychology. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm excited to have with us today Roger Ramsukh. We're gonna talk today about, he's the award-winning author of the book The Fearless Parents: 20 Ways to Inspire Success, Respect & Gratitude, which I know all of us [...]

2018-07-01T14:25:18-07:00September 21st, 2018|

SPU – The Entrepreneur Mindset

Renee Lopez, coach, keynote speaker and seminar teacher, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about her experience helping clients develop the entrepreneur mindset. As a seventeen-year coaching veteran, Renee uses her experience as a soccer coach in her leadership development academy. She is a certified speaker, trainer and coach with the John Maxwell Team, Jon Gordon Company, 3Dimensional Coaching and Positive Coaching Alliance. Listen in as she and Tonya talk about the stages of entrepreneurial growth and the importance of solidifying the entrepreneur mindset. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am really excited to talk today with Renee Lopez. We're going to be talking about the entrepreneur mindset, and she brings such a really cool flare to this. You're gonna love her energy, but she has such a unique background. She was a college soccer coach for fourteen years, [...]

2018-07-11T22:31:45-07:00September 14th, 2018|

SPU – Dating Soulmates

Marla Martenson, professional matchmaker, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about her work playing Cupid and guiding people to dating soulmates. Marla has been connecting soulmates since 2002. She’s an award winning author, energy healer and host of the YouTube show, Cosmic Conversations. She’s also been featured on the Today Show and Coast to Coast with George Noory. Listen in as she and Tonya talk about conscious coupling and dating soulmates. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I have with me today a delightful woman who has been a professional matchmaker, and connecting soulmates since 2002. She also does dating coaching and all kinds of fun stuff, Marla Martenson. We met at New Media Summit recently, well recently, last year. And it's just fun, she has a great story, she has a really great outlook on things. So, those of [...]

2021-11-22T11:31:51-07:00September 7th, 2018|

SPU – World Changing Iconic Women

Dr. Marissa Pei, inspirational speaker, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to share her experience teaching life balance and inspiring world changing iconic women. As a TV commentator and on-air personality, Marissa shares her messages of hope globally. Her radio show, Take My Advice, I’m Not Using It: Get Balanced with Dr. Marissa, is in its 6th year or production. In 2017 she received the Iconic Woman of the Year Award at the Women’s Economic Forum in India. Listen in as she and Tonya talk about the importance of a global message and the growing movement of world changing iconic women. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and you all are in for such a treat today. A delightful woman. We are talking today with Dr. Marissa Pei. We're going to be talking about world-changing iconic women, so that gives you even the [...]

2018-07-11T21:03:14-07:00August 31st, 2018|

SPU – Being a Psychic Healer

Janet Raftis, certified in Pranic Healing, Matrix Energetics and as a Reiki Master, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about her experience being a psychic healer. Janet has played with energy her entire life, and now includes speaking to angels, Spirit, and guides. She’s able to psychically see, hear, feel, sense and know what Spirit wishes to reveal to her clients. Listen in and she and Tonya talk about the courage it takes to step forward into this work and the immense gratification of delivering Spirit’s messages in a psychically healing way. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm so excited to have with me today Janet Raftis, who's psychic, intuitive, healer, all that yummy goodness like mixed up in one, and she talks about chronic healing, matrix energies, so all that fun stuff that we love to dive into [...]

2021-11-22T11:30:34-07:00August 24th, 2018|
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