SPM – Arranging Your Home for More Peace and Joy

Peace and joy can both be found in the simplest things. In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, host Laura Greco is joined by Laura Platt who has been a single mom for much of her children’s lives. Laura shares her superpower of resilience and making things work.. She also talks about how she found peace and strength when raising her children and how other moms can too. Join Laura Greco and Laura Platt in this episode to learn information about our homes and simple steps to get you started. Hello and welcome. You're listening to SuperPower Mommas, which is one of the shows on the SuperPower Up Network. I am so excited to be with you today. Today, our topic is arranging your home for more peace and joy. During turbulent times, we are often needing to find something to ground us and create a peace [...]

2020-12-07T15:44:14-07:00December 14th, 2020|

CCS – Why Mainstream Medicine Fails so Many People

Have you ever wondered why mainstream medicine fails a lot of people? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes and guest Elizabeth Hughes talk about why mainstream medicine fails. Elizabeth explains how you can learn about your beliefs in healing and also describes how healthy beliefs can support healing from an incurable disease. Join Jewels and Elizabeth in this episode to learn more and practice this for yourself. Namaste, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I am so excited about our guest today, Elizabeth Hughes. Elizabeth received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University and her medical degree from the University of Virginia. She did Advanced Medical training at the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University. After completing your residency, she joined the Stanford faculty where she taught for eight years. She also practiced at [...]

2020-11-16T17:17:55-07:00December 12th, 2020|

SPK – Spreading the Good Word

How do we spread the good word? On today’s episode of Super Power Kids, host Neva Lee Recla sits down with guest and long time friend Ashley Palmer to talk about how we can further spread the good news of God. Ashley is a Christ-centered difference-maker, with a Jesus filled heart. She graduated from high school at sixteen and later joined the Disney college program becoming the youngest participant ever! Ashley and Neva serve together at Christ Church of Valley, and she is truly an inspiration showing others what pure love looks like. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about how we can spread the good news with pure love. Hey everyone, this is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. I am so excited, and I mean so, so excited for today's conversation. We're going to be talking all about spreading [...]

2022-05-18T15:36:32-07:00December 12th, 2020|

SPU – The Moral Cost of Misandry

One of the most unpopular topics in the slew of prejudice issues is misandry, and yet, there’s a true moral cost to its perpetuation. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla explores the concept with Dr. Paul Nathanson. Paul’s work in the field of misandry is both extensive and grounded, as well as documented in a series of books on the topic. If you’re curious about the personal and cultural cost of over-generalizing and villainizing any represented group, then don’t miss this fascinating conversation. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and we have a really fantastic conversation for you today. I'm excited to bring this forward because it's one of those conversations that you're like, "Are they going there?” And it's like, "Yeah. Of course, we're going to go there." We go there on everything because here are [...]

2020-11-09T18:59:36-07:00December 11th, 2020|

AGI – How to Lean In When What You Want Feels Big

How do you lean in when what you want feels big? On today’s episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perotti and fellow podcaster Christine Krahling, host of Bloom Where You’re Planted, talk about how you lean in when what you want feels too big. How do you thrive and grow when you still have fears over what you want? Join Wendy and Christine to discover more about leaning into what we want. Welcome. This is A Glimpse Inside. I'm Wendy Perrotti, and today we are wrapping up our four-part series, play big, lean in and own it. This show will originally air on Christmas Eve, and I can't think of a better time to talk about how to lean in when what you want feels really big. Sometimes we're just too afraid to even wish for what we [...]

2020-12-17T13:58:33-07:00December 10th, 2020|

ISP – A New Tomorrow

What changes do we need to place for us to have a new tomorrow? In this episode, Ari Gronich joins ISP host Justin Recla to talk about the health sector in specific. Ari has been in the health sector for over 20 years and is challenging the medical community to fix the problems of today's health care systems. They discuss how new sustainable systems for medical procedures need to be put in place and ways the medical community can make the current system more efficient. Join Justin and Ari in this episode to learn more about what we can do to improve our healthcare systems. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. Folks, you are going to be in for a treat today because my guest's name is Ari Gronich. And the topic we're going to be talking about is [...]

2021-05-12T12:22:04-07:00December 10th, 2020|

WOA – Mysteries of the Divine Feminine

How do we fully embody the state of being feminine? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan talks with guest Chloe Isidora about wild, crazy love and what it is like to deal with it as a woman. Chloe also shares this book entitled Sacred Self-Care and tips to honor and release past lovers. The episode also talks about womb healing, alongside knowing the true meaning of self-love. Join Ayn and Chloe in this episode to discover the mysteries of the divine feminine. Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan host of the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show, where we invite the sacred into modern day reality. So, this show is really about the mysteries of the feminine body and taking care of our body mind. In most of the religious training that I've had, that was really not [...]

2020-11-30T16:40:57-07:00December 9th, 2020|

HFH – Intuition: The Door to a High Frequency Healing

How can intuition lead to high frequency healing? On today’s episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaria talks with guest Mara Marches about learning to listen to your intuition. Mara also shares her experiences and how those painful, hard, and tough times helped her to become the best version of herself. Join AngelaMaria and Mara Marches in this episode to learn how to listen to your intuition to feel that high frequency healing. Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the superpower hosts and you are listening to High Frequency Healing show Awaken Superpowers through Higher Dimension Healing. The only difference between where you are to where you want to be is the action you take here and now to heal your life. So let's take a deep breath and be here and now. I invite you to enjoy this time together. So [...]

2020-11-30T16:49:38-07:00December 8th, 2020|

YSPM – Repairing Estranged Parent∕Child Relationships

How do you repair an estranged parent child relationship? Is it still possible to fix all the damages that were made? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell talks with guest Tina Gilbertson about the factors that divide families -- and how to repair those rifts. Tina also shares what parents need to understand before they reconcile with their children. Join Kristin and Tina in this episode to learn how to repair an estranged parent child relationship with the help of compassion in the process. Hello, everyone, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am talking to Tina Gilbertson, about repairing estranged parent child relationships. Tina [...]

2020-11-30T16:52:34-07:00December 7th, 2020|

CCS – I AM Not My Mind

Being able to affirm with the statement “I am not my mind” takes a lot of courage. How does a person get to be the master of controlling their thoughts? When do you shut these thoughts off and how do you separate from it? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewel Arnes and Erika Barth talk about exploring what it means to tune into higher frequencies to shift your reality. Listen in to this episode and discover how much power there is in seeing that we are not our thoughts. Blessing. So family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. And today we are going to go into the second element, which is, I Am Not My Thoughts. And I love that [...]

2020-11-30T17:26:04-07:00December 5th, 2020|

SPU – Family Matters

All too often, the holiday season creates an additional layer of stress and dysfunction to family matters. But what if it didn’t need to be that way? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the next IM Series, Family Matters. From learning how to manage our expectations to endeavoring to come from love first, families present an amazing playground for us to master interaction and connection with others in alignment with Spirit. If you’re not getting our IM Series weekly messages to your inbox, take advantage of this free video training that encourages you to live life at a higher frequency. Go to superpowerexperts.com/messages so you don’t miss this powerful series that reminds us that Family Matters. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm [...]

2020-11-30T16:59:24-07:00December 4th, 2020|

AGI – Making An Impact

Do you want to make an impact on other people? Do you want more out of your life? In this episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perrotti talks with guest Robyn Vogel on her second coaching session. Robyn knows that she's meant to make a big impact on the world. Now, she is ready to let go of what is holding her back from going really big. She is meant to bring masses of people back into love, and that is exactly what she is going to do. Join Wendy and Robyn in this episode to learn how to make a bigger impact. Welcome to A Glimpse Inside, I'm Wendy Perrotti. You’re listening to episode three of our four-part series, Play Big, Lean In, and Own It. I'm here with Robyn, and if you missed her first call [...]

2020-12-17T13:58:59-07:00December 3rd, 2020|

ISP – Breaking Through the Noise

Are you trying to break through the noise of the people that tell you how to play their game? Do you want to have things your way and go against what is mainstream? In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla and guest Tom Schwab delve into the power of podcasting. Tom talks about podcasting as something that holds power to go against mainstream mass media marketing. Listen in to this episode if you also want to create new relationships and ultimately increase your sales. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPower. Got a question for you. Are you trying to find your voice in the world? Are you trying to break through the noise of the gurus who are trying to tell you how to play their game? Do you want to play your game? Do you want [...]

2021-05-12T12:22:09-07:00December 3rd, 2020|

We Did This…and the inarguable solution for global recovery

We Did This....and the inarguable solution for global recovery. This article could also be called: Confessions of a falling nation.  global Hello. We’re the citizens of the United States of America and we have a confession.  Because we are, right? Falling? Does anyone feel like we’re standing solidly on a foundation we’re wholly confident will support us into the future? And why should we expect access to such a foundation? Do we deserve it? Let’s face it, when we turned the presidency into fodder for sketch comedies and media mania, then globally aired our ridiculousness as fast and furiously as we could, what did we think was going to happen? When we chased likes and friends and subscribers and users and votes, what sort of world did we think we were creating? Are we really so insecure that we willingly sacrificed our [...]

2023-05-16T23:25:49-07:00December 2nd, 2020|

Agents of Change Assemble: The time is now and this is what we trained for

Agents of Change Assemble: The time is now and this is what we trained for! This discussion follows on We Did This: And the inarguable solution for global recovery. This is for all the light workers, teachers, trainers, pastors, healers, counselors, coaches, and transformationalists. If that’s you, read on. For those of you who got lost back at "light worker" and want to be sure you’re not falling for some sneaky wine flavored kool-aid ploy, keep seeking. This journey is full of twists and turns and perhaps taking up the mantle as a fully-identified agent of change hasn’t landed in you yet. It will. Stay the course and guidance becomes clearer. For the rest of you, we have work to do. Truth, with a capital T, only becomes our truth when we surrender into the experience of total communion with the divine. - Tonya [...]

2023-06-05T11:42:18-07:00December 2nd, 2020|

WOA – The Beloved

How can your beloved be a path to spiritual awakening and ultimate liberation? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan shares her experience about living life with her soulmate. Ayn compares her experience to surfing on a cosmic ocean with her true soulmate being there to ride the wave to cosmic bliss with her. Listen in as she proves how it is possible to love your soulmate all the way to the divine sacred union. Well, love and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages. I am happily a part of the SuperPower Network, the number one podcast network for personal development and spiritual growth. Today, I have a really special subject for you. I want to talk to you about the beloved, what the beloved is in the sacred soulmate, a little bit different than [...]

2020-11-04T18:34:20-07:00December 2nd, 2020|

WOA – Our Song꞉ Freeing The Creative Voice Within

How can you set free the creative voice within you? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Diana Rowan answer this question alongside discovering how you can bring joy and resilience back into your life. Diana shares her song “Live Without Thought of Dying” which is inspired from a poem by St. Catherine of Sienna. Diana also talks about the importance of finding your song both personally and collectively. Join Ayn and Diana in today’s episode to learn how you can heal through music. Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Wisdom of the Ages podcast, where we invite the sacred into modern day reality. If you're interested in spirituality, I have recorded many episodes with spiritual mentors, teachers, and creative leaders from many walks of life, and also share my own monologues on the [...]

2020-12-01T14:12:13-07:00December 2nd, 2020|

HFH – Marcas de Nacimiento y Sanación

Inspiradora, animada y directa, Stacee Magee es una experta en marcas de nacimiento y maestra sanadora de energía, donde combina sus habilidades intuitivas para descubrir los mensajes ocultos del cuerpo, que le dan una hoja de ruta para vivir una vida mágica. Stacee Magee revela los secretos para comprender los mensajes de sus marcas de nacimiento, y cómo usar esos mensajes para crear una poderosa experiencia de curación con sus pensamientos y emociones a través de su libro, "Los Mensajes Secretos de las Marcas de Nacimiento". Acompaña a AngelaMaría, para averiguar el mensaje secreto de las marcas de nacimiento y mucho más!   To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2020-11-04T18:18:07-07:00December 1st, 2020|

SPM – Moms Getting to the Heart of Vibrant Health

Are you a mom who is struggling to have vibrant health? Do you end up in the background when things start to get too overwhelming? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, host Laura Greco talks with guest Meagan Wood, on her experience of tapping into her heart and not just taking on the title of the mother or working mom or a stay at home mom. She advocates for moms to see themselves as a woman, a person who contributes to the world. Listen in and learn how to tap into your intuition and to the heart of vibrant health. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Laura Greco, one of the podcast hosts at SuperPower Up, and you are listening to SuperPower Mommas. And today we're speaking with all of you busy, hardworking moms, and we want to explore getting to the heart of vibrant health. This [...]

2020-12-01T14:49:51-07:00November 30th, 2020|

SLSP – God and Sex

How do we reconcile our yearning for God and sex? According to this week's guest, we no longer have to. In this episode of Sex, Love and SuperPowers, host Tatiana Berindei interviews author and yogi Mark Whitwell about how the hierarchy required to get to God that was established by organized religion took us away from an honoring of the divine feminine aspects of life, including sex. Tune in for this rich and juicy conversation that ties in our denial of the feminine to the societal uprising and unraveling that we are witnessing today. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today my guest is Mark Whitwell, and we're going to be talking about God and sex. So this is going to be a good conversation. [...]

2022-05-30T17:50:59-07:00November 30th, 2020|

SPS – Freedom from Pain

Does freedom from pain almost seem impossible for you to have at this point? Does it seem like the pain will never go away? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, host Jennifer Urezzio talks with guest Diana Cole about going through pain and dealing with it. We all experience this at least once in our lives and the only way to address this is to solve the trauma within you. Jennifer and Diana also discuss how one can release pain from their life, they have truly freed themselves from pain. Tune in to today’s episode to learn how you can be free of your pain. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2020-10-26T17:50:48-07:00November 29th, 2020|

SPK – Small Leaders, Big Impact

How can a young entrepreneur make a big impact? In today’s episode of Super Power Kid, host Neva Lee Recla is joined by young entrepreneur and YouTuber Gabriel Gronich as they try to answer this question. Gabriel is a living proof that leaders like him can make a big impact despite being smaller as a young entrepreneur. Gabriel has accomplished so much at such a young age, he is the most inspiring six-year-old Neva knows. Join Neva and Gabriel in today’s episode to discover how small leaders can make a big impact. Hey, everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and I'm so excited for today's conversation. We're going to be talking all about small leaders, big impact. I think that really speaks to what it's like being a young entrepreneur, because as an entrepreneur, you're smaller than other people, and [...]

2022-05-18T15:36:54-07:00November 28th, 2020|

CCS – Why Manifesting Will Never Be the Same

Have you ever wondered why manifesting will never be the same? How can someone manifest in a spherical time where there is no future and past? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewel Arnes discusses absorbing consciousness within spherical time. It is a pathway to unity and there is no other time but now to awaken humanity so we can exist with love and oneness. Tune in to today’s episode to see how we can use spherical time to learn a new way of seeing manifestation. Namaste Soul Family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. I wanted to hop on, I just had this calling to broadcast this download that I've been getting over the last few months and every time I think I'm about to understand [...]

2020-11-09T10:03:03-07:00November 28th, 2020|

SPU – Is Radical Faith the Path to Radical Freedom?

Are you ready to harness radical faith as a tried and true pathway to total freedom? Have you ever wondered what the real cost is of lukewarm faith? Faith, as a practice, gets watered down as we traverse our day-to-day lives but pulled front and center when we’re in crisis. What if we incorporate radical faith in every moment so we don’t have to be in crisis? Take a pause and listen to this powerful episode of Disrupt Reality with host Tonya Dawn Recla. Allow it to open up your own awareness that there truly is only one way through this world, if we just have the courage to follow it. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert, and today we're talking about is radical faith the path to radical freedom? Last week, we talked to Shelly Paxton, delightful, delightful. Make sure you [...]

2020-11-04T18:03:07-07:00November 27th, 2020|

ISP – Charitable Real Estate

What is charitable real estate? There is a preconception that real estate and charity do not go together and perhaps you are thinking you will not get paid from it. In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recta and guest Cami Baker debunk this idea by talking about the creation of meaningful relationships in the field of real estate. Listen in to today’s episode to learn what it is like to work with a powerful purpose in real estate. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. If you are in real estate, you are going to want to listen to this episode, because we're going to be talking about charitable real estate. And it's not what you think it is, it's much bigger than that. And I know a lot of you, especially if you're a real estate agent, [...]

2021-05-12T12:22:15-07:00November 26th, 2020|

AGI – What’s Stopping You?

No matter how much success or encouragement you've had, it can be hard to lean all the way into your biggest life. In this coaching episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perrotti dives in deep with psychotherapist, certified sex coach, and creator of Come back to Love, Robyn Vogel, to talk about what -with all of her incredible accomplishments and successes - is still holding her back. Welcome to A Glimpse Inside. I'm Wendy Perrotti. Today, you're listening to Episode 2 of our port, our four-part series, Play Big, Lean In, And Own It. Really exciting topic, but not so easy to do all of the time. And the crazy thing about this is it doesn't matter where you are in your life or who you are. The more you're drawn to a mission or some sort of [...]

2020-11-09T09:58:44-07:00November 26th, 2020|

WOA – Shared Crossings Life, Death & The Afterlife

Have you ever wondered what the afterlife is like? On today’s episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan speaks with guest William Peters about shared crossings, life, death, and the afterlife. Ayn and William discuss near-death experiences, shared death experiences, and how to live life according to our purpose and mission. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about living for today and the afterlife. Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Kate Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages. I love interviewing creative authors, spiritual teachers and leaders from around the world who have positive messages to share for the times we live in. I believe we're standing on the brink of a new paradigm of consciousness and a new type of spirituality. You can listen to many more fascinating Wisdom of the Ages episodes on superpowerexperts.com/wisdom-of-the-ages. [...]

2020-11-25T13:06:19-07:00November 25th, 2020|

HFH – Birth Marks and Healing

Have you ever wondered about the healing power of birthmarks? On today’s episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría speaks with guest Stacee Magee on the powerful secret messages of birth marks. Stacee is a birthmark expert and master energy healer who combines her intuitive abilities to discover the body's hidden messages that give them a roadmap to leaving a magical life. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about the healing power in birthmarks. Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts, and you're listening to the High Frequency Healing Show. Awaking superpowers through higher dimension healing. The only difference between where you are to where you want to be is the actions you take here and now to heal your life. Let's take a deep breath and be here and now. I [...]

2020-12-03T11:06:27-07:00November 24th, 2020|

YSPM – Moving Beyond Grief

 Have you experienced grief after losing someone you love? Did it bring some sort of numbness to your body, an inability to function, unable to comprehend everything that is going on around you? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell talks with guest Jan Luther as they discuss the overwhelming grief brought by loss to someone. Kristin and Jan share their experiences and talk about moving through all the pain and finding joy and purpose once again. Tune in to today’s episode to learn how to recover and move beyond grief. Hello everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. My name is Kristin Maxwell. In this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today I am going to be talking [...]

2020-10-28T17:32:59-07:00November 23rd, 2020|

SPS – Change is Good

Are you someone who is often hesitant to embrace change? Do you fear that it might be something you will not grow comfortable with? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, host Jennifer Urezzio speaks with guest Petra Contrada as she shares valuable insights by bringing some light to the benefits and advantages of change. Jennifer and Petra highlight change as something that produces more opportunities and countless possibilities. Listen in and discover how to embrace the idea of change as a window for progress and growth. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2020-11-09T09:41:46-07:00November 22nd, 2020|

CCS – You are Not Your Mind

Do you ever get caught up in your own thoughts, and believe that they define you? On today’s episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewels Arnes and Erika Barth discuss the first element of the seven elements of consciousness, which is you are not your mind and you can reprogram your life. Your mind is a machine just like a computer and you can erase programs that no longer serve you while creating ones that bring you into a magical life! Tune in to today’s episode to reprogram your mind to believe you are not your mind. Blessings Soul family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, and this is the reprogramming reality series. I have my co-host with me, Erika. Blessings everybody. I am so excited. So we are going to be doing a seven part series on [...]

2020-11-02T10:59:56-07:00November 21st, 2020|

SPU – The Freedom of Radical Rebellion

All of us say we want freedom, but few are willing to do what it takes to achieve it. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Shelley Paxton, author and speaker, about the process of radical rebellion inherent in the developmental journey. Shelley is the author of Soulbbatical: A Corporate Rebel’s Guide to Finding Your Best Life and is on a mission to liberate a billion souls. Listen in to this powerful episode about the power of radical rebellion and the ultimate experience of freedom. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Experts. And I just have the biggest grin on my face. I'm really excited for this conversation about freedom. I know so many of you can relate to our guests today in the sense that she did 26 years in marketing advertising, the exec space, corporate [...]

2020-10-26T19:20:26-07:00November 20th, 2020|

AGI – Making Your Dream A Reality

How do you make your dream a reality? On today’s episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perrotti speaks with Success Hypnotherapist and Intuitive Channel, Darlene Karpaski about how you can tap into your own experience - and even past trauma - to make your dreams a reality. Wendy and Darlene kick off the Play BIG, Lean in and Own it series with learning to tap into your own experience. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about how to make your dreams a reality.  Welcome, this is A Glimpse Inside and I'm Wendy Perrotti. Today, we're starting a brand new series, Play Big, Lean In, and Own It. I'm really excited about this series. As you know, this is near and dear to my heart. We're moving people from stuck to happy and being able to own [...]

2020-11-02T10:54:27-07:00November 19th, 2020|

ISP – Pandemic Proof Publicity

Do you ever wish you could pandemic proof publicity? On today’s episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla speaks with guest Jill Lublin on how to pandemic proof your publicity. Jill Lubin is one of the original creators behind the concept of Gorilla Marketing and she offers an online course on how to Pandemic proof publicity. With the epidemic of COVID 19, so many businesses were impacted and not ready to pivot to new methods of reaching new clients. Tune in to today’s episode to find out how you can pandemic proof your publicity. Welcome to Incorporating SuperPowers. Folks, you're in for a treat today because I have one of my very dearest friends from the business world, Jill Lublin, joining us today. And today we are going to talk about pandemic proof publicity. I know a lot [...]

2021-05-12T12:22:20-07:00November 19th, 2020|

WOA – Financial Freedom and Spiritual Awakening

What would it be like to achieve true financial freedom? On today’s episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan speaks with guest Steve Mariotti how to achieve financial freedom and spiritual awakening. Ayn and Steve discuss financial education for everyone, entrepreneurship education, and overcoming fears and ending traumas. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about financial freedom and the spiritual awakening that follows. Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Wisdom Of The Ages, where we invite the sacred into modern day reality. So every week, I truly enjoy sharing some aspects of wisdom that I've learned on the quest of life. I'm honored to have interviewed many wise teachers and leaders, and also to share monologues on spiritual awakening. I feel we need more positive and uplifting energy in this world, and my mission is to [...]

2020-11-02T10:56:40-07:00November 18th, 2020|

HFH – Más Allá del Infinito

Durante varias décadas, Catherine Weissenberg ha estado compartiendo su capacidad única de comunicarse y dialogar con Dios, los fallecidos y los pacientes en coma. Para conservar un registro duradero de estas comunicaciones, Catherine escribe las conversaciones a mano mientras ocurren, llamándolas "Escritos". Ella se une con Jocelyn Montanaro una abogada que trabajaba con parejas divorciadas, acusados criminales y en litigios en general, y juntas dan un mensaje de esperanza y amor gracias al proceso de muerte que vive el esposo de Jocelyn. Acompaña a AngelaMaria, en esta entrevista llena de conexión para que replantees tu mirada frente a la muerte.   To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2020-10-27T17:32:58-07:00November 17th, 2020|

SPM – Keys to Parenting with Confidence

How can you parent with confidence? On today’s episode of SuperPower Mommas, host Laura Greco speaks with guest Leah DeCesare about being a parent and learning how to parent with confidence. We all know parenting isn’t easy but Laura and Leah bring so much encouragement, wisdom and guidance on how to begin parenting with confidence. Confidence is a super power that all moms can develop. Tune into this episode because you won't want to miss how to create and develop your momma super power. Hello everyone and welcome. You're listening to SuperPower Mommas and I am your host, Laura Greco. And I'm very excited about the topic that we are talking about today, which is keys to parenting with confidence. I have with me a very special guest. I got to hear her do public talk that I attended and was very inspired by her way [...]

2020-10-27T17:32:04-07:00November 16th, 2020|

SLSP – Real Talk About Child Sex Trafficking

What can we do to help end child sex trafficking? In this episode of Sex, Love and SuperPowers, host Tatiana Berindei talks with Regina Evans, a modern-day abolitionist in the fight against child sex trafficking about this very important and pressing issue. Speaking from her direct experience on the ground in Oakland, CA, Ms. Evans shares what she is currently doing to influence change in this arena and how you, too, can show up in your community and start to make a difference. Not to be missed for anyone who cares about this issue but maybe feels like it is too overwhelming to do anything about! Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host Tatiana Berindei, and I am so delighted to have our incredibly special guest with us today. [...]

2022-05-30T17:51:45-07:00November 16th, 2020|

SPS – Learning To Understand the Message in Your Writing

Does your writing have a message? On today’s episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, host Jennifer Urezzio speaks with guest Betty Withrow about the messages that our writings have. Books can be so impactful on people and this is why it is important to consider the message that is being portrayed. Jennifer and Betty discuss that authors need to have an understanding that their book had a bigger message than they thought. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about learning to understand the message in your writing. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2020-10-19T18:46:39-07:00November 15th, 2020|

CCS – How Can Meditation Change your Life?

How can meditation change your life? On today’s episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes speaks with guest Ariel Garten on the power of meditation and how it changes your brain to create a better life. Ariel’s mission is to help people understand how their brain and mind work both the nuts and bolts and the neurons, and how that plays out in the messy and beautiful human experience of living. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about how meditation can change your life. Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Reprogramming the New Human for the New Earth. I am so excited about our guest today. We have Ariel Garten. She is probably one of the most interesting people you will meet. She is a Neuroscientist, a mom, Former Psychotherapist, Former Fashion Designer, and the Co-founder and visionary of the amazing, [...]

2020-10-21T18:17:53-07:00November 14th, 2020|
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