Do you ever get caught up in your own thoughts, and believe that they define you? On today’s episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewels Arnes and Erika Barth discuss the first element of the seven elements of consciousness, which is you are not your mind and you can reprogram your life. Your mind is a machine just like a computer and you can erase programs that no longer serve you while creating ones that bring you into a magical life! Tune in to today’s episode to reprogram your mind to believe you are not your mind.

Blessings Soul family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, and this is the reprogramming reality series. I have my co-host with me, Erika.

Blessings everybody.

I am so excited. So we are going to be doing a seven part series on the seven elements, and the seven elements hold seven rays that allow us to absorb seven states of consciousness to code to the new human, to really become the master of our own lives. And the first element is such a powerful element and it is, I am not what my mind says I am.

And every time you say that, my mind kind of explodes because when you say, “I am not what my mind says I am.” We are in a space where people are in their thoughts and they think that that is what’s defining them, and we’re taking them out of that as we’ve transformed into the new human, into our new light bodies, as if that is not the truth. That is limiting belief systems that hold us back instead of push us forward.

Beautiful. What I love about, I am not what my mind says I am, so what I do when I’m in a place where I am identifying that I am in a program, or I’m repeating a pattern, I visually see myself take my mind, my brain, outside, and I just look at it and that gives me the chance to step into the observer. And then once I’m able to do that, I can actually look at the program from a place of not being attached or in the identity of that program. And I think that that’s a really powerful thing that we can start to practice because that’s the first step of being able to break those repeated patterns that we all get sucked into.

And it’s neat because sometimes you’re in a pattern and you know you’re in a pattern and you don’t know how to necessarily stop it. So, when you say, be the witness and the observer of that pattern, it’s so important to understand that at any given moment you can observe and then rewire from that point. It’s not something where you have to say, “Oh, I didn’t do it right. I’m not doing it right.” Again, those are more thoughts that are keeping it limited, but rather just observe it and not react to it, but just be the witness of it and know how to interrupt that program in that moment.

That’s so beautiful. And I want to talk more about that, but we’re going to take a really quick break. And if you’re feeling called to learn more about how to ascend through either ORMUS elements or the DECU program, go to, and we’ll be right back.

Optimize Your Life!

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