Shelley Paxton All of us say we want freedom, but few are willing to do what it takes to achieve it. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Shelley Paxton, author and speaker, about the process of radical rebellion inherent in the developmental journey. Shelley is the author of Soulbbatical: A Corporate Rebel’s Guide to Finding Your Best Life and is on a mission to liberate a billion souls. Listen in to this powerful episode about the power of radical rebellion and the ultimate experience of freedom.

Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Experts. And I just have the biggest grin on my face. I’m really excited for this conversation about freedom. I know so many of you can relate to our guests today in the sense that she did 26 years in marketing advertising, the exec space, corporate America, so many of you have that history in some short of established traditional environment. That you pursued through, for whatever dangle it was for you, that had you walking through it, and you find yourself in these, wacky, transformational, super power conversations now going, “What?” And you could see it all clearly and yet you were that. And so that transformation space, a transitional space is a lot of what we’re talking about today and the burning of the bridges, right?

Activate Your Superpowers

And how do you take all those things and move it forward, and yet have the courage to not slide back into spaces that maybe didn’t feel so good by the time you left them, but certainly were more comfortable to you then than what you’re embarking on now? And so we’re talking today about the freedom of radical rebellion. Radical rebellion, and it’s having the courage to do things in the way that you feel guided to do them. And we’re going to talk today with Shelley Paxton, who’s going to share her deep wisdom and experience in this transformation space and from her book, Soulbbatical. So she’s super fun and just lights you up, listening to her. And so I’m excited to share her with you. Please join me in welcoming Shelley to the show. Welcome. Thanks so much for coming on.

Oh, Tonya. I’m so excited for this conversation. I like you, have an ear to ear grin.

Yes. Perfect. That’s it. That’s a win, win, win all around. So, we’ll just dive in like we do with everybody and ask you, what are your superpowers?

What are my superpowers? I would say my number one, super power and I think the reason why you feel the energy across the transom is authenticity. And it took me a long time to figure this out, but I think that as I was writing my book, the one thing that was so clear to me is that authenticity is the truest form of rebellion.

Nice. That sounds like a quote folks. You heard it here first, “Authenticity, the truest form of rebellion.” I like it.

Yeah. You and Justin live this too, right? Like this is radical rebellion and freedom. And I realize, wait a second, showing up as me, fully aligned, truthful me and rebelling for who I am and what I want and the impact I want to have in the world, makes me a lighthouse, and that is a superpower.

Oh, it’s a huge superpower. And, it’s true for all of us, right, but this idea, you and I talked before we got on the recording about the, where that resistance comes in. I alluded to it a little bit at the intro to the show, but it’s so pervasive and it’s so tricky and we tell our clients and stuff, you give it the least little, micro little bitty millimeter and that’s all it needs. And it starts to run with you back into what’s normalized, or what the crowd’s doing, or what you used to do, or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it’s one of the things we work on a lot that you might find fascinating is we do the whole super power thing.

And early on, I was really obstinate with God about this whole thing. I was like, “No thanks I was the corporate or as a counter intel agent, we have a corporate counterintelligence firm. Yeah. I’m pretty too serious for that. Thanks anyway.” And, and we just kind of went around and around about it. And finally, I’m thinking, I’m going to drop the ultimate, double dog dare, and God’s not going to be able to produce because I’m like, “Fine. If you want me to teach people superpowers, I need to be able to tell them what their superpowers are. How will I do that?”

And so then I hear very clearly, “Go find an assessment, do an assessment.” And I was like, “Ah, there’s no superpower assessment.” And so we went around and around about that. But what was so fascinating in that journey and in my ridiculousness is, if we are willing to look at all, you both have to make the broad categories of, this is super powers and here’s this big, superpower, and here’s this big superpower, but then we have to be willing to also look at those nuanced differences. Those really itty bitty subtle differences, almost the idiosyncrasies that we have and start saying, “What if, instead of just being this random thing that I have, or am it actually on purpose? And if it’s on purpose, what is it meant to do? And what would I, why would I have that?”

And the reframe is so beautiful I think for people in that resistance point, because you get to reimagine yourself in all kinds of ways. And I suspect that’s where you find a lot of people stuck in the transition. Is that true?

Yeah. Yeah. I think there’s a beautiful thing. I just want to comment on what you said. There’s so much beauty in owning the thing that we often spend our entire lives, trying to disown. And that’s exactly what was coming through me as you were talking and I’m like, “Yes, that’s it.” I had a similar conversation with someone this morning, a fellow coach, and we were chatting about this and there’s such a beauty when you go, “Actually, that’s what makes me unique. That’s why people want to listen.”

Here’s another one for me is language. I love to make up language. I’m good with words, I create words. Soulbbatical‘s a created word, Chief Soul Officer is a created title. There’s all other kinds of language that I make up and it comes through me on a daily basis.

We really shouldn’t have spent very much time together. We really shouldn’t.

It could be dangerous. I know I’m excited to see where freedom could go. So I wanted to just complete that thought because I thought it built so beautifully off of what you said. And yeah, I think people get really stuck because it’s like, I have to have the, I have to know exactly where I’m going. I think the stuckness comes from in transition, believing that we as human creatures could ever even have an idea of what the divine plan is.

So we get stuck because we’re afraid to take that first step, that baby step or follow those breadcrumbs and be willing to trust and surrender and see what happens. And then witness the beautiful, the magical synchronicities that inevitably happen, in ways that we couldn’t have imagined. And so a lot of my coaching work is getting people unstuck and in that place and getting them into, helping them understand more of their being versus doing and aligning with who they truly are. And then starting to take those baby steps forward because that’s when the doors start to open.

Beautiful, beautiful. I love it. Well, let’s, we’re going to cut to break talking about freedom and radical rebellion but before we do, let’s make sure we let people know where they can go to find out more about you.

My website is an easy one., all my goodness is on there. And Instagram is probably my favorite social playground. It’s @Soulbbatical.

Beautiful. And we’ll have links to that on the episode page. Folks, you’re not going to want to miss the rest of this conversation about freedom and radical rebellion. We’re going to tell you why, why in the world you would want to persevere through all this. Trust me, it’s worth it because we’re going to talk about the freedom of radical rebellion with Shelley Paxton when we come back right after this break. You’re not going to want to miss it folks, stay with us.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.