Darlene Karpaski

How do you make your dream a reality? On today’s episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perrotti speaks with Success Hypnotherapist and Intuitive Channel, Darlene Karpaski about how you can tap into your own experience – and even past trauma – to make your dreams a reality. Wendy and Darlene kick off the Play BIG, Lean in and Own it series with learning to tap into your own experience. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about how to make your dreams a reality. 

Welcome, this is A Glimpse Inside and I’m Wendy Perrotti. Today, we’re starting a brand new series, Play Big, Lean In, and Own It. I’m really excited about this series. As you know, this is near and dear to my heart. We’re moving people from stuck to happy and being able to own your own business, really own who you are, is a critical component of that. Today, my guest and I are going to be talking about making your dreams a reality, and I could not be more excited about who I have here with me.

Darlene Karpaski is a hypnotherapist, business growth catalyst, and inspiring speaker who accelerates the success of ambitious, spiritually-driven entrepreneurs by harnessing the untapped magic within trauma, which I know is an incredibly fascinating topic.

I’ve talked to her about this before. You all are going to love hearing about it. Her activating programs have helped more than 7,000 leaders trapped in ineffective mindset and marketing programs heal and restore their sacred power to prosper. Darlene has clocked over 46,000 hours coaching, re-inventing, and leading small and multi-million dollar businesses to enroll clients like clockwork. Her proprietary Restore Your Power to Prosper protocol weaves hypnotherapy, neuroscience, intuitive channeling, and wholehearted selling into a simple new path, new purpose, passion, and prosperity. I’m so psyched to have you here, Darlene.

It is so great to be here with you, Wendy. I’ve been looking forward to this conversation for days.

Yeah, me too.

I’ve been playing with energy.

Yeah. So to get us started, tell us more about you. What’s the program and the Darlene behind the bio?

Yeah, well the Darlene behind the bio, I’ve had just an incredible life where it started off extremely challenging where my Grammy died in my arms when I was four years old. And then this really crazy walk through emotional trauma, physical trauma and money trauma, while growing up and then really watching those themes play out again in my adult career and then ultimately my business as well. And during that time, I also experienced what they called a disabled for life diagnosis, and through neuroscience, hypnotherapy and these spiritual processes that we’re talking about today, I was able to heal from that rapidly and not only just make it through life, but really live bigger than the dreams I even knew that I had at that time.

And that’s why I’m just so inspired to work with ambitious, spiritually-driven entrepreneurs and help them to attract the clients that inspire them and call even more of their greatness out of them. And that’s why I’m just so excited to have this conversation with you, because this is where we both play, Wendy. This is where we both play.

This is where we both play and it really is. There are lots of arms to this piece of making your dreams a reality. There is that spiritual component. There’s that energetic component. There’s an intellectual component. And yet, it’s all much simpler than that, right? The wholeness, when we can trust that wholeness. I worked with a coach once years and years ago, who used to always say, “What would this look like if it were fun and easy?” And I think that as many pieces of the puzzle as there are, the more that we always dial back to that. We find much more simple solutions to getting what we really want out of life and living in that state of fully alive.

Yeah. And what you’re speaking to, living in the state of being fully alive, is what I teach my clients in terms of attracting clients, attracting the high achievers that they really want to be working with, because when you’re coming from wholeheartedness, even before you open your mouth, people feel your energy coming across your words and coming through your conversations. Your energy proceeds you into every conversation you’re having.

And it’s contagious, right?

It is. And even if you wear a mask, you can’t prevent yourself from receiving it.

How true and perfect are these days of COVID? Okay, we’re going to take a super duper quick break. And for those of you who are interested in these kinds of topics that we talk about here on A Glimpse Inside, if you’d like to be a guest on the show and share your expertise, or if you’d like to come on as a coaching client, I would love to meet you. Go ahead and reach out to me at wendyperrotti.com or aglimpseinside.superpowerexperts.com. And Darlene, how can folks who are interested in your programs get in touch with you?

Sure, yeah. I would say just simply go to www.yourmissiontomoney.com/sixfigureceiling, and this is where they can grab their copy of Passport to Prosperity, How to Kickstart Your Sacred Prosperity Superpowers in 15 minutes or Less.

Okay. Really cool freebie. Can you give us that website again just for anyone who missed it?

Yes. yourmissiontomoney.com/sixfigureceiling.

Perfect. All right, everyone stay with us. We will be right back and talking about making your dreams a reality.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.