Have you ever wondered why manifesting will never be the same? How can someone manifest in a spherical time where there is no future and past? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewel Arnes discusses absorbing consciousness within spherical time. It is a pathway to unity and there is no other time but now to awaken humanity so we can exist with love and oneness. Tune in to today’s episode to see how we can use spherical time to learn a new way of seeing manifestation.

Namaste Soul Family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. I wanted to hop on, I just had this calling to broadcast this download that I’ve been getting over the last few months and every time I think I’m about to understand it, I just keep getting more. And as I continue to get more, I realize that this is a new way of being. That there’s always going to be what’s next. There’s always going to be. And that the calling is that we don’t get stuck or attached to any one way of being, any one identity, and any one way of existing. And as I began to sit in this a little bit longer, I realized that there’s a reason that I am experiencing this and I’m going to guess on some level we are all experiencing this. The other thing that is happening right now is the experience of time. And I don’t know if you have noticed, but how hard it is to plan for the future, to have goals.

It’s like when you go to think about it, there’s just nothing there and it’s really hard to dream in the future and we have to refocus in the now, so that’s what I wanted to make this episode about. Why manifesting will never be the same and how we can use spherical time to learn a new way of seeing manifestation and the new level of consciousness that is available to each and every one of us if we put our focus into time in a new way. So I’m going to take a really quick break and when we come back, we’ll go into why time has shifted and how we can use the shift to elevate our state of consciousness and create a new way of manifesting. And if you’re interested in learning more about this, or just joining a community, go to our Facebook group at eternalfrequency.net. We are creating a place where people can go and learn, communicate, connect, and really move into this frequency of unity and oneness. I’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.