Gabriel Gronich How can a young entrepreneur make a big impact? In today’s episode of Super Power Kid, host Neva Lee Recla is joined by young entrepreneur and YouTuber Gabriel Gronich as they try to answer this question. Gabriel is a living proof that leaders like him can make a big impact despite being smaller as a young entrepreneur. Gabriel has accomplished so much at such a young age, he is the most inspiring six-year-old Neva knows. Join Neva and Gabriel in today’s episode to discover how small leaders can make a big impact.

Hey, everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and I’m so excited for today’s conversation. We’re going to be talking all about small leaders, big impact. I think that really speaks to what it’s like being a young entrepreneur, because as an entrepreneur, you’re smaller than other people, and sometimes you’re the only kid in the room. It’s such an amazing opportunity, and I think our guest today knows what that’s about. His name is Gabriel Gronich. He is one of the most inspiring six-year-olds I know. In fact, I’d say he’s the most inspiring young entrepreneur I know.

I’ve known him since he was a little baby baby in 2013. He’s attended over 30 CEO Space conferences, and you’ve heard me talk about CEO Space and how much I love it, and the impact that’s made on me and my life. That’s where we met, and it’s been so amazing.

He’s like my CEO Space little brother. You’ve heard me talk about him in other conversations multiple times.

So who is Gabriel and why is he so awesome? So, one, he’s a YouTuber. Two, he’s six years old. He has a Ninja Family Club, where you can join his Ninja Family for $1, $5, or $10, and I’ve had the opportunity to watch him grow up and become the amazing big boy he is today. His parents are so awesome and I’m just so excited to have him on our podcast today. So without further ado, will you help me welcome our amazing guest, Gabriel Gronich.

Hey, Gabriel. How are you?


Good. I am so excited to have you on the podcast today. So I have a question for you. Why are you excited to be on this podcast?

Well, I have my own YouTube channel, but I’ve never been on a podcast before. One, I’m just really excited; two, I want more people to know me; three, I think, is, I have my mom being on podcasts and I want to be on some.

That’s a good answer, and I think this gives you a really awesome opportunity. I know I love doing this podcast, but I remember getting interviewed for the first time. It’s pretty fun. It’s like being able to experience a YouTube channel, except you’re not the one making the YouTube video and you get to be featured in it. You’re like the special guest and it’s super fun. So now my next question for you is, what are your superpowers?

Well, this first started when I started my first business. I have five or six businesses now, but my first one was selling pictures. How it first started was, I started business, I drew different pictures and then I sold them. I had a babysitter, he was going to buy something, and my mom thought it was a really good picture, and she decided to add a picture of the first person who joined my business.

That’s so cool. Yeah, that’s awesome.

My superpower is, I think, making people happy and making them laugh.

That’s a really good superpower, and I know you do that, because you always make me laugh when I’m with you. I remember all of the amazing CEO Space jokes you tell and all of the fun times we’ve had. So I think that’s a really good power to have, and I know that’s something I love doing as well. So Gabriel, I know you. Of course I do. I’ve known you since you were a little baby. But can you tell me one thing, it’s like the superpower question, but tell me one word to describe you.


Kind? That’s a good answer. I like it. I totally agree with that answer as well. Now, let me think. So now tell me about your school life, because I’ve been homeschooled pretty much my entire life. Now I’m going to an online school, and I know that’s really made business and stuff easier. So tell me, what do you do for school?

Right now, I’m in first grade and I’m doing homeschooling, like as basically my mom being the teacher.

Cool. Fun. I know I love homeschooling. What’s your favorite part about it?

I get breaks all the time.

That’s a good answer. That’s something I love about going to online school is, even though my parents aren’t the teachers anymore and I’m not necessarily teaching myself, you still get a lot of breaks, and I’ll tell you a little secret, you get to eat in class because the teachers aren’t there to tell you that you can’t eat that food. So you can sit and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner while you’re on class, which is super fun.

I never got to do that.

Well, I’m in seventh grade, so it’s a little bit different maybe, and also, my school is different than how your mom is teaching you. It’s also-

No, when I was actually in school is what I mean there.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, and that’s kind of why I don’t like going to in-person school, because you can’t do that when you’re in in-person school, but you can when you’re at your house. Awesome. So we’re about to go into this amazing conversation about big impact deeper, but we also need to take a quick break. So, Gabriel, I’ve loved the first start of this amazing conversation, and after the break, we’re going to do some really fun things.

So to all of you listening, if you want to know how to support Gabriel more, go to That’ll lead you to his YouTube channel and other ways to help support him and become a part of his awesome Ninja Family Club. So we are going to go into a quick break and we’ll see you right after. Bye, everyone.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.