No matter how much success or encouragement you’ve had, it can be hard to lean all the way into your biggest life. In this coaching episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perrotti dives in deep with psychotherapist, certified sex coach, and creator of Come back to Love, Robyn Vogel, to talk about what -with all of her incredible accomplishments and successes – is still holding her back.

Welcome to A Glimpse Inside. I’m Wendy Perrotti. Today, you’re listening to Episode 2 of our port, our four-part series, Play Big, Lean In, And Own It. Really exciting topic, but not so easy to do all of the time. And the crazy thing about this is it doesn’t matter where you are in your life or who you are. The more you’re drawn to a mission or some sort of purpose, the bigger the impact that that purpose potentially has on the world, the scarier it is. We all face that thing of, hey, what’s stopping you? What’s holding you back from playing all-in? And I’ll tell you, it’s why I’m so incredibly excited to have the coaching guest that I have here with us today. This is a woman that I absolutely admire. She is brilliant and loving and oozing with this most incredible energy. What’ stopping you?

And she is impacting people’s lives in a huge way every single day. And this is something that she’s considering right now. She is working on, what’s stopping her from playing all-in and living as this fully amazing woman that she is. So before you get to meet Robyn, I’m going to give you just a quick reminder of how we roll here on the A Glimpse Inside coaching episodes. This is a no advice, no judgment zone. We’re all about just creating a space where we can examine the unexamined, the wants that we’re afraid to admit out loud, sometimes even to ourselves, fears that fly in and out of our heads, sometimes they’re not fully defined even. That’s what we’re doing here. We’re untangling those stories that we tell ourselves about what is, and isn’t good, what is and isn’t possible for us.

We’re not here to fix Robyn. We’re not here to fix anyone. You don’t need fixing. We’re all perfectly fine exactly the way that we are. But sometimes we’re yearning for more. Sometimes something feels hollow and it means we’re ready to grow. So unlike change, growth sticks. Growth only happens in one direction. Nothing in nature un-grows and neither will you. Welcome, Robyn.

Thank you so much, Wendy.

I’m so excited to have you here to talk about What’ stopping you?

I’ve already got tears in my eyes.

I’m telling you, I was so excited that you agreed to be on the show. I couldn’t wait for this episode.

Thank you. Yeah, when you put that call out, I thought, “Yep, this is what I want to do.” I adore you, and I know you have so much to offer. I’m right sort of at the brink of something, so this just seems really right on.

All right. So before we dive into our coaching, tell us what’s important for us to know about you. What’ stopping you?

Well, let’s see. My name’s Robyn Vogel and I am sitting here outside of Boston, and I have been running a business for … Well, I’ve been in this iteration of my business for about 20 years, although it continues to grow and change. And so I would say the newest version is a little bit shorter than that, maybe eight or nine years. My business is called Come Back to Love. It just suits me, as you said, but it’s not only the name of my business, it’s my daily mantra. It’s my practice. It’s the reason why I’m here on the planet.

I used to think that that kind of, well, what I perceive as that kind of love, was for other people. We can get into it a little bit more later, but I grew up with a lot of a loss and a lot of trauma. And I would eventually, maybe in my 30s, about 20, 25 years ago, I would see this something in other people, this open, joyful, open-hearted connection. And that’s what I thought was for other people, until I realized that we could all have it and that it was available and accessible to all of us. And so that’s, sort of in a few sentences, been my life journey.

It’s a beautiful journey. And I think that’s maybe why we connected so easily and so quickly. I had a very different life. I was fortunate to have a really beautiful and simple childhood and life and family life. And yet, I got in my own way in my own head in spite of that. But something that I’ve always really known is that we can always, 100% of us 100% of the time, feel loved, be loving and be connected. And it’s a beautiful message. It’s beautiful work that you do. So while you’re here with us for these next two sessions, Robyn, what would you like to create or have happened as a part of this work?

Well, I would like to impact more people. That’s the main focus. I feel, especially right now with everything going on in the world with the pandemic, with the racial revolution, and on and on, we’ve always known that being loved is … being love in the world is what the world needs, but it feels so, so strong now. So that’s one piece, of having more impact in a specific way that we can talk about. And the other thing is, is my own … which sort of is side by side, but related, so I want to name both. But the other piece is the sense of freedom that I seem to keep striving for. And that’s the piece that can get me tripped up. It’s like I have this mindset around money and prosperity, and I equate having lots and lots of money with freedom, even though another part of me knows that freedom is internal, and that people can develop that internal sense of freedom in the most horrific of circumstances as well. But I somehow have them linked.

And yeah, so part of me would like not to have them linked and I would like to feel that sense of freedom and flexibility that is just who I am and what I thrive on and love in my life. And also, I would like to make lots and lots of money just because it would be fun and I would be able to do things that I want to do. And I’d also be able to share it. I feel like there’s a way that I … This is about living in our biggest selves and our fullest selves. And it feels scary to me to put myself out in that big of a way that would bring the impact that I’m talking about, and maybe the money that I’m talking about.

It feels like there’s been parts of me that have been holding myself back. I see for some people it’s just really natural. It’s natural for them to be on a really big platform. They wouldn’t even think of playing small. And that’s not me yet, but I want that to be. I want that to be easy, easier. I don’t know if that’s clear enough, Wendy, but maybe you can help me sort of hone in on it.

Yeah, I actually think it’s crystal clear. You’re right, those are really linked goals, having more impact and the sense of internal freedom and the sense of financial freedom and prosperity. And all of those are linked to your ability to lean into how big you really are and be able to play on a stage that is equally big. So I think it’s crystal clear. I love that this is the kind of work that we’re going to do together. We’re going to take a super duper quick break, and when we come back, we’ll get into the coaching and we’ll be working with Robyn. All of you out there listening, there will be lots here to help you figure out what’s stopping you. So stay with us. We will be right back.

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