Being able to affirm with the statement “I am not my mind” takes a lot of courage. How does a person get to be the master of controlling their thoughts? When do you shut these thoughts off and how do you separate from it? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewel Arnes and Erika Barth talk about exploring what it means to tune into higher frequencies to shift your reality. Listen in to this episode and discover how much power there is in seeing that we are not our thoughts.

Blessing. So family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. And today we are going to go into the second element, which is, I Am Not My Thoughts.

And I love that because a lot of times what we don’t realize is that we have thoughts that we put into identifying ourselves through. And we put it in a brain, we put it in a story and more often than not, we don’t know the difference between what is ours and what’s not. And we’re just energy and it’s just frequency and vibration. So as it’s looping and we start to believe those thoughts, then we start to fall into our brain loop. And so we’re going to show you how you can become an observer of that and know that you are not, as we said, you are not your mind and you are not your thoughts.

And so as we embrace the second element and absorb the second element of, I Am Not My Thoughts, we’re going to show you how you get to be the master of controlling them or shutting them off and knowing that you can be separate from it. They are not part of you.

I love that. And so many times, I really like to see the kind of thoughts that we are picking up on are going to be the frequency of what we’re vibrating in. So I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed if you go to see a healer or you’re doing meditation or you go out in nature, your frequency rises. And a lot of times, you’ll have higher perspective or higher frequency thoughts. And then if we move into a lower frequency, we’re going to be resonating with worry and fear and whether or not I will survive. “Are things going to work out?”

But either way, depending on what frequency you’re at, those thoughts are still not your thoughts. And when we have a thought come in through a frequency pattern and we attach to it, and we attach to it over and over and over again, is when we actually program the brain to have an identity or a story to a thought that was never even yours.

See, I love when you say that, because right now as more of us are awakening, as the collective is awakening, there is a shift in frequency. And so people are trying to not, they’re trying to stop the process, and in doing so, they’re tuning into frequencies that are lower because it’s unknown to them. The feeling is unfamiliar. And so when you are in a space where it’s unknown or uncomfortable, one would want to create a story as to justify why, instead of being in that moment or attached to a frequency that may be lower because it’s something that they can identify with because it’s been done before.

They’re reaching into that filing cabinet and going into the idea of, “Well, if this is what I thought before, if this is something that I’m used to, this is probably my reality right now.” When that is actually a story. That is not the truth. That is a thought process that you may have taken on in a group process, in a group collective thought, that you’re trying to resonate with, and it’s sucking you down instead of you stepping out to observe it, knowing that it’s not you and you can raise above it.

What I love about that last part is that you get to step outside of it and observe it, or put it outside of it, and observe it either way, because it’s in that choice that we’re really seeing that we’re not our thoughts.

We’re not our minds. Our mind is programmed with repetitive thought, and those thoughts were never ours to begin with.

So what frequency do we want to tune into in order to have these higher frequency thoughts? Because we all enjoy being at a higher frequency. And you can have the exact same experience and see it in different ways.

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Like we talk about higher perspective is when we go into those higher frequencies, we really look at our lives like, “Wow, this isn’t actually that bad.” And, “Wow, I actually can change my life.” And, “Wow, Oh my gosh, here I am. Here I go.” And then where our frequency will start to lower. And then we go right back into the programming that we’re existing in. So we’re going to talk more about this when we get back.

But if you want to just join together with other people that are on this journey, who are here to support us, go to and sign up to become part of our community, to part of our group. You get discount code and a free ebook. And the most of all is you get to be part of joining together to raise frequencies with other people that are right where you are and it’s free. So it’s We’ll be right back.

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