What changes do we need to place for us to have a new tomorrow? In this episode, Ari Gronich joins ISP host Justin Recla to talk about the health sector in specific. Ari has been in the health sector for over 20 years and is challenging the medical community to fix the problems of today’s health care systems. They discuss how new sustainable systems for medical procedures need to be put in place and ways the medical community can make the current system more efficient. Join Justin and Ari in this episode to learn more about what we can do to improve our healthcare systems.

Activate Your Superpowers

Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. Folks, you are going to be in for a treat today because my guest’s name is Ari Gronich. And the topic we’re going to be talking about is a new tomorrow.
Now, by the time you’re listening to this episode, we’re still smack dab in the middle of all the COVID whatnot, but by the time you’re listening to this, God willing, all of that will be done. But regardless, the conversation of a new tomorrow is still very relevant.
Ari Gronich. I’ve known Ari for, I don’t know what eight or nine years now. In the business circles that we run in, he’s known as magic hands. He’s personally healed me multiple times throughout the years when we’ve shown up at a conference together and he’s worked his magic and got all the whatnot out of me.
At one point in time, I was literally deathly ill. I mean I was in the bed thinking I was going to die. And he came in and spent a couple of hours with me and got rid of all of it. I was literally up and walking as nothing had happened. It was absolutely amazing. So Ari’s on a mission because he sees things differently. He’s very powerful and brings a lot of knowledge to the medical space, the healing space, the body space. And he’s absolutely growing. And we’re going to be talking about what a new tomorrow looks like in the medical field. Ari, welcome to the show.
Thank you for having me. I’m so glad to be here.
This is good stuff. So you’ve been doing this for a while. You’ve been in the industry for quite some time now. You’ve worked on superstar celebrities, lots of big names. You’ve toured with some people that, a lot of celebrities that they had you on tour with that you were on tour with them to keep them fresh, to keep them going and now you’re training people you’re outputting there and you’ve just got a book. What’s the name of the book that you just wrote?
It’s called The New Tomorrow: Activating Your Vision for a Better World.
Okay. So we know that you and I are still sitting here. We got the impact of everything COVID still going on, but for those that are watching hopefully, as I said, hopefully, we’re on the other side of that. What does that mean for a new tomorrow? What does that mean?
So there’s a saying that I liked that I kind of coin. It’s, “We made this shit up. We can make it up better.” And I think what people don’t understand is that society at large, the systems that we live under, medical systems, infrastructure systems, money systems, we created it. It didn’t come from anything other than our imaginations. And currently, as you can kind of see and as the world is starting to realize, it’s not that optimized. It doesn’t get great results the way that it is.
And so a new tomorrow is all about how do we move from this thing that we’ve created that we’re really attached to, to creating something better that works for everyone, that works more efficiently, more effectively, better results. I’ve known as a performance therapist, so I like things that perform.
Folks, what Ari is talking about here is very much in alignment with what we do at our, and that’s the fact that we create our realities, right? And just because we’re seeing something going on and we see something existing in reality, looking at the medical field, right? Those are just systems. Somebody had a good idea. Let’s see if it works and it works, but if it’s no longer working because we get more and more people, more and more illness, it’s time to rework those systems and processes. And that’s what Ari’s talking about here is that there’s a responsibility of the practitioner and of the industry to take a look at what they’re doing and go, “Hmm. Maybe this isn’t working and it’s time to do something different.”

Yeah, absolutely. It’s incumbent upon us as the professionals in any industry, whether you’re in the financial industry, government-industry, medical industry, as I am, it’s incumbent upon us when we see inefficiencies to speak up and speak loudly and say, “No, this is not working the way that we’re doing it. We need to shift the system.”
That’s our job. That’s the role that we place because otherwise, the people who come to us are going to get subpar results. And then why would they want to come back? Why would they want to use this system that we’ve created if they’re not getting the results of better health, of finances, of a better environment? Why would they want to come back?
Yeah. You can’t separate the fact that those good idea fairies with a system that worked at a point in time have gotten dissuaded by money, big pharma, right? And change, when you’ve got that much money invested in the system can be painful only from the perspective of it’s going to hurt somebody else’s pocketbooks. Right? But as far as treating society, up-leveling society, it’s time to put some better systems in place.
Yeah, absolutely. And one of the cool things is that the pharmaceutical industry can pivot, do something better and still make plenty of money. Right? It’s just that they’ve become so big. It’s like that old saying a large ship has to turn. It takes a long time to change course or change direction.
And so how do we build a system that’s a more tribal society, more modern, but tribal for the modern world? So easy to maneuver. You were in the military, right? Navy seals, special forces versus large armies, right?
We shifted because a large army is hard to move and activate while small teams that are purpose-driven.
On the fly.
On the fly, easy to maneuver, easy to transition and so even a large company can create a project and purpose-based teams that then can move faster than the large company as a whole.
I agree. But this is going to be a great conversation. We’re going to dive into this a little bit further on what that looks like? What actually needs to happen in the industry? Go over some of the stuff that Ari has covered in his book, The New Tomorrow: Activating Your Vision for a Better World. Before we do, Ari, where can people go find out more about you and your book?
Oh, they can check out [email protected]. So facebook.com, Ari Gronich. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, et cetera, Ari Gronich. And then on Amazon, you can look up Ari Gronich and A New Tomorrow, and you’ll see the book so you can order it there.
Fantastic. Folks, we are talking to Ari Gronich about A New Tomorrow and how to change the processes and systems of the medical system or better in the future. Stay with us, we’ll be right back.

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