WOA – The Sacred Wheel of Community

What is the sacred wheel of the community? And how can this help us to create better and more awakened humanity? We answer these questions and more in today’s episode of Wisdom of the Ages. Guest Bruce L. Erickson joins host Ayn Cates Sullivan as they talk about the 12 elements of The Sacred Wheel Community. Bruce talks about the importance of body, mind, and spirit and how we open to the gifts of creation. Bruce is an important person in Ayn’s support system and has offered Ayn’s family many blessings over the years right when they needed them. Ayn considers Bruce to be an angel in disguise. Join Ayn and Bruce in today’s episode to learn more about The Sacred Wheel of Community. Welcome friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Wisdom of the Ages, where we invite the sacred [...]

2021-06-28T18:13:01-07:00July 14th, 2021|

TFC – The Healing Power of Creativity

How can we explore the healing power of creativity? Is it true that we are all creative in our unique, different ways? In this episode of The Frequency of Creativity, host Melinda Harr Curley is joined by guest Helen Bradley. Helen is a transformational creativity coach, an artist, and the owner of an art studio. She believes that creativity is not about genes. Instead, it is instilled within us, and we must delve deeper into different areas of our life to find it. She amplifies how each of us must embrace creativity by going with the flow of curiosity and exploration. Join Melinda and Helen to discuss art, energy, and listening into a deeper voice to unleash creativity.    To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! [...]

2021-06-28T18:24:37-07:00July 14th, 2021|

REC – Refuse to be the Victim

Why is talking about “refusing to be the victim” as a family essential? Sometimes, we do not realize that we are victims in different circumstances. In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about the importance of family for someone to break the chains of victimhood, self-empowerment, and creating boundaries. Neva shares her childhood experience with a family friend that awakened her to manage herself out from being a victim. The Reclas emphasize the power of love and how it can help a person take charge in a situation to decide whether to be a victim or not. Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva in today’s episode to know more about how they refuse to be victims. Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the Reclamation show. I am Neva Lee, and I'm with... Tonya Dawn Recla  Justin Recla Today we're going to be talking [...]

2021-06-28T18:48:01-07:00July 13th, 2021|

HFH – Soul Medicine

What is soul medicine and how is it different from the other types of medicine? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría is back for some healing conversation with author, spiritual teacher, physician of the soul, and one of the main live-food and vegan medical experts in the world, Gabriel Cousens. Gabriel graces the show and discusses the importance of soul medicine and how he connects with the soul of the person he is working with. Gabriel also shares that through that link, they can reconnect with their soul and love themselves enough to want to heal themselves. Join AngelaMaría and Gabriel in today’s insightful episode to learn more about soul medicine.  Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the Super Power Network hosts and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing Show: Awaken Superpowers through Higher Dimension Healing. The only difference between where [...]

2021-07-06T18:47:27-07:00July 13th, 2021|

WOA – Ten Stages of Consciousness

What are the ten stages of consciousness? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan answers this question with guests Allen David Reed and Tahnee Woolf as they talk about making an evolutionary leap in consciousness. Ayn, Allen, and Tahnee discuss Allen and Tahnee’s book, Ten Terrains of Consciousness: Understand Yourself, Other People and Our World. They also share their thoughts about spirituality in a nutshell and how we can make an evolutionary leap in consciousness. Join Ayn, Allen, and Tahnee in this fascinating and thought-provoking episode to discover more about the ten stages of consciousness. Welcome friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages: Weaving the Sacred into Modern Day Reality. Each week I offer stories, interviews, and spiritual monologues to inspire, heal and uplift the soul. And you can listen to many more [...]

2021-06-21T18:22:39-07:00July 10th, 2021|

SOS – Creating Evolution – Perry Marshall

Where in our lives are we creating evolution? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla and guest Perry Marshall discuss how creation and evolution can work together. Perry Marshall is one of the most expensive business consultants in the world. He launched the $10 Million Evolution 2.0 Prize at London’s Royal Society, with judges from Harvard, Oxford, and MIT. His mathematical formulation of the Pareto Principle as a fractal law of nature was published in Harvard Business Review and is taught at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs at the California Institute of Technology. Listen in now and enjoy a conversation on creation with Tonya and Perry. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Science of Superpowers. I am so incredibly excited about this conversation today. For those of you who follow me from SuperPower Up! and Disrupt Reality and now, into Science [...]

2021-06-29T17:13:12-07:00July 9th, 2021|

WOA – A Shift in Consciousness

How can exploration and a shift in consciousness that is free from dogma be possible? We discover the answer to this question and more in this episode of Wisdom of the Ages with host Ayn Cates Sullivan. Ayn talks about exploring your consciousness without any undefended certainty. Ayn emphasizes how our imagination connects us with a higher vision, leading us towards consciousness. Ayn also shares the process of moving past the five senses into a multisensory understanding of reality. Join Ayn in today’s episode to learn how you can shift your consciousness and realize the inner spark of life.   Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages. Each week, I offer monologues, interviews, or discussions on consciousness, wisdom paths, and the new paradigm that we're stepping into. It's exciting. You can hear many more uplifting podcasts on superpowerexperts.com\wisdom-of-the-ages. I hope [...]

2021-06-29T18:52:11-07:00July 7th, 2021|

REC – The Power of Unschooling

Have you ever been curious about the power of unschooling?  Reclamation host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by her husband Justin Recla, host of the Incorporating Superpowers podcast, and daughter Neva Recla, host of the Super Power Kids podcast.  Together they share their unique experience with Neva's learning, and what they have witnessed on Neva’s independent educational journey. Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva as they share the power of unschooling from their own pioneering trek through it. Hello, everyone, and welcome back. Thank you so much for joining us at Reclamation. We're so excited to be back with you today. I am Tonya Dawn. Neva Lee. And Justin. And we're the Reclas. We are Reclamation. And today we're really, really, really excited because we're talking about the power of unschooling, and the reason why, well, we were going to cheer. And the reason why we're talking [...]

2021-06-29T18:19:10-07:00July 6th, 2021|

HFH – El Poder de los Cuentos de Hadas

Ayn Cates Sullivan, MA, MFA, Ph.D. es una autora galardonada y exitosa que se centra en la mitología y el folclore de la era moderna. La Dra. Sullivan obtuvo su licenciatura con honores en la Universidad de Hollins y su maestría y doctorado en literatura de la Universidad de Columbia y King's College London. Entre sus variados libros se incluye una premiada serie infantil "The Sparkle Fairy Tales", "Las Historias del Hada Brillante". Su éxito de ventas, "A Story of Becoming", "Una Historia del Devenir", vendió más de 250.000 copias y ganó 18 premios literarios. Sus libros sobre mitología celta incluyen Leyendas del Grial: Historias de diosas celtas y Heroínas de Avalon y otros cuentos. Ha ganado más de treinta premios literarios. Su pasión es redescubrir las tradiciones sagradas femeninas, especialmente en Occidente. Acompaña a AngelaMaría en este recuento de su entrevista con Ayn, para descubrir el poder de [...]

2021-06-29T18:06:18-07:00July 6th, 2021|

YSPM – Conscious Sexuality

What is conscious sexuality? On this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind host, Kristin Maxwell is joined by guest Yuval Mann where they discuss Conscious Sexuality. Yuval suggests how you express yourself sexually reflects how you show up for the rest of your life. Consider looking at sex as an opportunity to explore different states of consciousness, as well as a playful platform to connect as humans. Yuval shares that moving past shame and guilt allows you to open yourself to sexuality. Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am really excited to be talking to Yuval Mann about conscious sexuality. Yuval Mann is an International Sex Educator, Founder of The Sensual Alchemy School of [...]

2021-06-29T17:55:53-07:00July 5th, 2021|

IMS – Superpower Parenting

What is Superpower Parenting? How do you connect more with your kids, and what intentionality will you pour into your relationships with them? In this episode of the IM show, The Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about the practice of superpower parenting and how it is done. Tonya emphasizes that parents should do this early as it dictates what their child sees next. Tonya also adds that pouring the right intentionality is crucial as the world children see when they grow older reflects today's beliefs. Join The Reclas in this insightful episode to discover the practice behind superpower parenting. Welcome, everyone. I'm Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to share with you our latest series, Superpower Parenting. What a ride this has already taken us on. I'm so fortunate to have the privilege to share that [...]

2021-06-29T17:27:26-07:00July 4th, 2021|

EVO – EvoStar Quantum Healing

What is quantum healing and how is it achieved through the EvoStar? In this episode of Evolution, host Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Ellen as they talk about quantum healing. Ellen speaks of her experience of healing through using EvoStar quantum technology. Ellen also talks about how we can move into the frequency pattern where healing can occur by raising the frequency of the body. Join Jewels and Ellen in today’s episode to know more about the EvoStar Quantum Healing. Blessings, Soul Family, this is Jewels, and this is Evolution: A Pathway to Infinite Possibilities. If you would like to listen to this podcast or more go to activateevolution.com. I am so excited about our guest today. I have Ellen, and Ellen has been playing in just our field of resonance, kind of taking the journey through OM Codes. I always had just a soft [...]

2021-06-29T17:38:01-07:00July 4th, 2021|

ISP – Awesome Outsourcing

What is Awesome Outsourcing and what is its goal? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla is joined by guest Michelle Thompson as they talk about outsourcing and the reasons that led to the conception of Awesome Outsourcing. Michelle shares that she started the Awesome Outsourcing Agency after having a stroke and needing assistance in getting tasks done for her side hustle. Michelle's agency was created "by accident" as she became so good at outsourcing for her business that she quickly found herself with the request to do the same for others and their businesses. Michelle's focus is on education, and the impact outsourcing has for business and for those who assist in getting the work done. Join Justin and Michelle in today's episode to discover how you can also use outsourcing in your business!  Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. Today's conversation is going [...]

2021-06-22T18:23:15-07:00July 1st, 2021|

DEC – Control, Separation and How Community Can Help to Bridge the Divide

How do you deal with control and separation? How can the community help bridge this divide? In this episode of DECU, host Kathy Read and Denise Kilonsky answer these questions and more. Kathy and Denise discuss how humanity is going through a massive upgrade and how important it is to know that you are not alone. Join Kathy and Denise in today’s episode to learn more about control, separation, and how you can help bridge the divide as a member of the community.  To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-22T18:13:25-07:00July 1st, 2021|

WOA – Qigong: Healing Secrets

What is Qigong? What are the healing secrets behind it? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by Mingtong Gu, founder of the Chi Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong. Ayn and Master Mingtong talk about Qigong as a 5,000-year-old science and healing art that helps students learn to nurture and work with the Chi. Master Mingtong also shares that this can ultimately empower a person to heal from within. Also,  stay tuned as Master Mingtong performs a sound healing practice at the end of the show. Join Ayn and Master Mingtong in today’s exciting episode to know more about the Wisdom Healing Qigong.  Hi everyone. I am Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages, and today I have a really interesting guest that I'm looking forward to finding out more about. His name is Master Mingtong Gu. [...]

2021-06-22T18:03:33-07:00June 30th, 2021|

TFC – How Paula Majeski Uses Art in Her Healing Practice

Are you ready to explore healing through the energy of art? In this episode of The Frequency of Creativity host, Melinda Harr Curley is joined by guest Paula Majeski where they discuss How Paula Majeski Uses Art in Her Healing Practice. Paula is a healer and an artist. Paula has a doctorate and master's degree in spiritual science and healing, and she uses her original abstract art to facilitate the healing process of her clients. Not only does Paula’s art hold the energy of healing, but the process of creation also captures this powerful energy as well.        To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-22T17:56:43-07:00June 30th, 2021|

REC – The Frequency of Miracles

What are we really talking about when we talk about the frequency of miracles?  Reclamation host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by her husband Justin Recla, host of the Incorporating Superpowers podcast, and daughter Neva Recla, host of the Super Power Kids podcast.  In this episode, the first family of inspired personal development dives deeply into the concept of miracles and the fact that there's a frequency at which all miracles occur.  Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva for this inspiring discussion and attune yourself into that space where miracles are constantly occurring. Hello, everyone. And welcome back to Reclamation. We are so glad you're here with us today. In fact, are we so glad, everyone? Yes, we are. Welcome back. We are talking today about the Frequency of Miracles. This conversation lights us up because this is what we live for. Right. And we talk about [...]

2021-06-22T17:10:27-07:00June 29th, 2021|

SOS – The Brilliance of Divine Design

What is the brilliance of Divine design?  How do we describe the energy that connects us all?  In this episode of The Science of Superpowers host, Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by guest Melinda Harr Curley, one of the newest hosts here on The Super Power Network.  Melinda’s show, The Frequency of Creativity, airs on the Evolution Channel where she explores the intersection of energy and art, discovering how artists give physical form to frequency.  Join Tonya and Melinda as they uncover the concept of divine design so brilliantly illustrated through art and artistic expression.  Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I'm so excited to have you here. I'm really, really, really looking forward to this show today because this conversation that we're about to have, and this journey that you're about to embark on with us is so near and dear [...]

2021-06-07T18:32:26-07:00June 25th, 2021|

WER – Walk the Walk

We often hear people say “Walk the talk,” but what does “Walk the walk” mean? We discover the answer to this question and more in this episode of We Rise with host Ashley Palmer and guest Justin Recla. Justin shares how he walks the walk through his superpowers which are his chameleon ability and energetic manipulation. Justin also talks about how we can walk the faith walk and how he walks in faith even in the most challenging times. Join Ashley and Justin in today’s insightful episode to discover how you can also learn to walk the walk! What is up, everyone. Welcome back to the We Rise channel. And another day, another episode. This is Ashley Palmer speaking, and I have a super awesome guest. I have completed the triangle. I am now with Justin Recla, the third one in the family. We get to [...]

2021-06-21T14:27:39-07:00June 24th, 2021|

WOA – The Power of Compassion

What would it be like to embody the actual vibration of the true power of compassion?  In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Jonathon Goldman tap into the incredible possibilities that await us through the activation of our hearts.  A profound encounter with grounded, authentic vibrational reality, beyond ideology or religious ideas, led Jonathon to create the Chakra Map and Transformational Energy Healing, which he has now taught to hundreds of people since 2008 through the Essential Light Institute.  Join Ayn and Jonathon now to uncover the power of compassion. Welcome friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages where we invite the sacred into modern-day reality. So each week I offer stories, interviews, and spiritual monologues to inspire, heal, and uplift the soul. And you can listen to many more episodes [...]

2021-06-21T14:23:48-07:00June 23rd, 2021|

HFHsp – Vivir Dichosamente

Rochel Marie ha pasado más de 30 años ayudando a las personas a lograr, elevar y mantener el bienestar y la riqueza a través de la sabiduría, para mejorar el poder de su mente, para transformar sus vidas para que puedan vivir la vida de sus sueños con más abundancia, claridad, energía, felicidad, alegría, paz, vitalidad, creatividad, sabiduría, prosperidad, éxito y riqueza. Acompaña a AngelaMaría para conocer más sobre esta fantástica mujer que gracias a su conexión y a través de una meditación se sana de una enfermedad sin diagnótico que padeció durante 17 años.   To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-21T14:14:13-07:00June 22nd, 2021|

REC – Radical Self-Reliance

What does radical self-reliance mean? How does it help you discover, exercise, and rely on your inner resources? In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva share their thoughts on radical self-reliance and what it means to them. The Reclas talk about their experiences with it, including going to the Burning Man for three consecutive years. Tonya also shares how they grew from this experience as a family, with the phenomenal principles of the Burning Man. Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva in today’s episode to know more about radical self-reliance. Hello everyone and welcome back to Reclamation. We are so glad you're back with us here. We love having you and we love the reviews and the feedback and we thank you so much for being on this journey with us. We love what we do and we're so excited to be back [...]

2021-06-21T14:12:43-07:00June 22nd, 2021|

YSPM – The Tenets of Success

What are some of the tenets of success? What are the underlying factors that we want to get in control of, in our head, in our spirit, and in our habits? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell is graced by guest Joe Florentine as they talk about the underlying tenets of success. After retiring as founder, president, and majority owner of a hugely successful real estate business, Joe started to pursue his new goal of giving back to others by sharing the success lessons he has learned. Joe established Success Cornerstone, which is dedicated to helping people live a more successful life. Along with his daughter Erica, Joe is the author of The Foundation of a Successful Life. Joe shares that aside from putting action, it is crucial to have the mindset to start attracting the things that you want in life. Join Kristin and [...]

2021-06-15T18:59:13-07:00June 21st, 2021|

CCS – Arcturian Healing

What is Arcturian Healing and how do we practice it in our lives? We answer this and more in this episode of Cosmic Consciousness as host Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Gene Ang. Gene and Jewels talk about how we are opening up to new realities that are changing the things that we used to call “normal”. Gene also opens up his journey from science to the healer and how he has connected to the Arcturians to explore his inner world. Join Jewels and Gene in today’s episode to learn more about Arcturian Healing.   Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels, with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I'm super excited about our guest today. We have Gene Ang. Gene is very much into the Arcturians, but instead of reading his bio, I'm just going to say, first of all, welcome, Gene. [...]

2021-06-08T17:02:41-07:00June 19th, 2021|

DEC – DECU: Reprogram Your Cells

Are you looking at readjusting your focus and reprogramming your life? If your answer is yes, then this show is the one for you. In this debut episode of DECU: Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram Your Life, Jewels Arnes introduces the show and explains why it is something you should look forward to. Jewels also tell us why we should use DECU in reprogramming ourselves and changing the reality of our lives. Join Jewels in this debut episode to learn more about DECU Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram Your Life. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-08T18:57:14-07:00June 17th, 2021|

CCS – God I Could Use Some Help Here

Have you ever been placed in a tough situation where you just said, “God, I could use some help here”? If your answer is yes, then this episode of Cosmic Consciousness is the one for you? Host Jewels Arnes and guest Devi Adea talk about how our lives become magical when we put the Divine first in our lives. Devi also emphasizes how we always have a choice, living with the Divine or living in our programming. This choice becomes the most powerful pivotal moment creating miracles. Join Jewels and Devi in this high vibe conversation if you are looking to live life in flow with the universe.  Blessings soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. To listen to more podcasts like this, visit the Evolution Channel or go to activateevolution.com. I am so excited to have [...]

2021-06-08T17:57:08-07:00June 12th, 2021|

EVO – Finding Inspiration in Change

When things are constantly evolving, how can you go towards the path of finding inspiration in change? In this Evolution episode, hosts Jewels Arnes and Yvonne Zook talk about finding inspiration in change and embracing this new process your body is going through. Yvonne also talks about being comfortable in her evolution and how you can also do the same thing. Join Jewels and Yvonne in today’s episode to discover how you can take positive inspiration in change.  Blessing Soul family, this is Jewels and this is Evolution: A Pathway to Infinite Possibilities. I have my co-host today, Yvonne, say hello, Yvonne. Hi everyone Yvonne is a DECU teacher and a DECU practitioner. She has been on this Evolution journey with me for, gosh, a couple of years now. If you want to learn more about her, definitely check out Yvonne on the DECU show, Reprogramming [...]

2021-06-07T19:14:08-07:00June 6th, 2021|
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