How can exploration and a shift in consciousness that is free from dogma be possible? We discover the answer to this question and more in this episode of Wisdom of the Ages with host Ayn Cates Sullivan. Ayn talks about exploring your consciousness without any undefended certainty. Ayn emphasizes how our imagination connects us with a higher vision, leading us towards consciousness. Ayn also shares the process of moving past the five senses into a multisensory understanding of reality. Join Ayn in today’s episode to learn how you can shift your consciousness and realize the inner spark of life.  

Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages. Each week, I offer monologues, interviews, or discussions on consciousness, wisdom paths, and the new paradigm that we’re stepping into. It’s exciting. You can hear many more uplifting podcasts on\wisdom-of-the-ages. I hope you’ll go and listen to many, many more. But today, I want to talk to you about the possibility of a shift in consciousness. Now, it’s this shift in consciousness that could lead to a new paradigm.

Activate Your Superpowers

This talk is meant to be filled with living ideas. None of it is meant to be dogma, but instead an exploration of consciousness, which I hope will inspire you to question the true meaning and purpose of life and your role in it. A shift in consciousness is upon us. So let’s inquire. This is not something to be frightened of but instead understood. For many years, I’ve worked to discover the wisdom of the ages, the roots that lead back to the ancient mysteries. In this quest, I understand that the infinite intelligence of life is always with us.

This is something that the five senses cannot understand. The infinite intelligence of life is understood through inquiry, observation, and personal experience. They’re simply moments in which we begin to realize that the earth is alive, a sentient being that we can interact with through the elements and devas or nature spirits. In discovering the living nature of the planet, we also begin to realize that we are not a biological accident. No, not at all. We are a precious pearl, a part of divinity housed for a time in our beautiful bodies yet eternal in nature.

Once this is understood and integrated, fear no longer governs our lives. We do not need to be afraid. There’s no need to be concerned with prophecies of doom or what is breaking down. I mean, you can check it out and look at it, but really, change is simply part of the universal natural cycle of life, death, and rebirth. We are currently living in one of those evolutionary threshold periods. That’s exciting. The old, outdated age of domination over nature and the feminine, greed, and spiritual ignorance is coming to an end. Hallelujah. We’re standing on the edge of an entirely new time.

The promise of this new paradigm is the emergence of a human with balanced male and female qualities and capacities, incarnate on the living earth, open and aligned with cosmic consciousness. Wow, what a vision. This new humanity holistically invites us to understand and honor the ancestral lineages, the spiritual oneness, our role, our role in the co-creation of the new paradigm. Each of us has a role to play in the unfolding drama and the time to come.

During this time of shift and change, we can either identify with what is passing away, not a great idea. Or turn our focus and our attention toward what is being born, and that’s what I’m going to talk about.

When we come back from this short break, I’m going to share more thoughts on our current shift in consciousness and how we can be players. In the end, I’ll offer a little visualization so that you can find your tool of creative mystery. So creative mystery, a little globe that you can enter into. So stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.