What are some of the tenets of success? What are the underlying factors that we want to get in control of, in our head, in our spirit, and in our habits? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell is graced by guest Joe Florentine as they talk about the underlying tenets of success. After retiring as founder, president, and majority owner of a hugely successful real estate business, Joe started to pursue his new goal of giving back to others by sharing the success lessons he has learned. Joe established Success Cornerstone, which is dedicated to helping people live a more successful life. Along with his daughter Erica, Joe is the author of The Foundation of a Successful Life. Joe shares that aside from putting action, it is crucial to have the mindset to start attracting the things that you want in life. Join Kristin and Joe in today’s episode to discover more about the tenets of success.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life.

Today, I am talking to Joe Florentine about the tenets of success. After retiring as founder, president, and majority owner of a hugely successful real estate business, Joe Florentine started to pursue his new goal of giving back to others by sharing the success lessons he’s learned. He established Success Cornerstone, which is dedicated to helping people live a more successful life. Along with his daughter Erica, Joe is the author of The Foundation of a Successful Life.

Joe, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

Activate Your Superpowers

Thank you, Kristin. A pleasure to be here.

Thank you. I am really excited because it sounds. From your bio and what I’ve looked at, you definitely have an understanding of what are some of the tenets of success? What are those underlying factors that we want to get in control of, in our head, in our spirit, and in our habits, and all of that? So glad you’re here.

My first question is always: What superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

I would say with complete confidence, Kristin, that I’ve developed the ability to deliberately attract whatever it is that I really desire in life. I mean, whether it’s financially, in relationships across the board, in business, I focus on the things that I really want. I focus on them with enthusiasm. I pursue them, and really, things, opportunities, situations, people, would seem to show up in my life at exactly the right time. It’s really kind of an amazing process when you’re deliberately creating things and drawing things to yourself.

And most recently, as you mentioned, the opportunity, really, to work with my daughter and write our first book, The Foundation of a Successful Life, which just timed up perfectly in my life with hers. And it’s been nothing but a wonderful experience to work with her.

That is so great. And what I love is you’re talking about success. We’re here to talk about success, and what you’re saying in your answer is not about pushing towards success. It’s about creating, focusing on what you want, and then creating so that it comes to you.


Attracting it, and that’s a very different way than we often talk about it, I would say, in society.

There is no doubt. I mean, don’t get me wrong; there are actions that go behind the attraction. But first and foremost is the mindset in starting to attract the things that you want in life to you. I mean, there really is some magic in it, and I feel bad for people who have not, at this point, been enlightened to that, which is, unfortunately, the majority of everybody.

Yeah, and you know what’s so funny? I wrote down the word magic, actually. As you were talking about deliberately attracting, I wrote down the word magic. It feels magic.

It really does. It really does.

Yes, and what I really want to call out there is just opening up to the possibility that one can have such a mindset that things do come to you. Even right there is a huge shift in perspective.

There’s no doubt about it, and I spend a good 20 minutes, I’ll say, every single morning, working on what I want to attract and come into my life. And the odd thing is, I’ve seen that sometimes it doesn’t happen exactly how I pictured how it would happen. But I know that the something that I want, sometimes it comes even from a completely different angle, a different source than you ever would have imagined before. But the end result always seems to show up for me.

So I couldn’t be happier with that, and I want to spend the rest of my life. I’m 60 years old now, retired, and the rest of my life conveying this over to everybody else and trying to get them to share in this process.

Ah, wonderful. Well, good, and I want to go into this process because there is a way that you have learned to do it, after it looks like years of study, intense study on how to do it. And what I am super curious about is how you then break it down for people, if they’re wanting to get started. But we have to go to a break before we go into that. Can you let people know where they can find you and your book?

Sure. They can find us at Our company is called Success Cornerstone, so they could go to our website, successcornerstone.com. Our book is called The Foundation of a Successful Life, and you can get that there at our website, or you could just go to Amazon and plugin Joe Florentine or The Foundation of a Successful Life, and you can get the book there, at Amazon, as well. So whatever’s easier.

Great. Thank you. Hang on. We will be right back and go dig more deeply into some of the underlying tenets of success.

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