Have you ever been placed in a tough situation where you just said, “God, I could use some help here”? If your answer is yes, then this episode of Cosmic Consciousness is the one for you? Host Jewels Arnes and guest Devi Adea talk about how our lives become magical when we put the Divine first in our lives. Devi also emphasizes how we always have a choice, living with the Divine or living in our programming. This choice becomes the most powerful pivotal moment creating miracles. Join Jewels and Devi in this high vibe conversation if you are looking to live life in flow with the universe. 

Blessings soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. To listen to more podcasts like this, visit the Evolution Channel or go to activateevolution.com. I am so excited to have Devi return. She was interviewed in episode seven. If you want to go back and listen to her first episode, it was during COVID-19 and it was on spiritual symptoms, which was such a fun interview. So it’s Devi, and welcome back honey. How are you?

Activate Your Superpowers

I’m doing so well. It’s so good to be here with you Jewels and you guys in the soul community here. What a blessing! I’m so grateful to have time with you today and have this conversation.

We were kind of talking about what we were going to have our conversation on and we both were kind of tuning into that space where everything starts with the divine. Tell us a little bit about how that feels to you and how you use that in your daily life?

That’s a beautiful question. For me, the divine is in everything and I really feel like my purpose here on the planet is really to serve the divine in everything, to see it in everything and call it forth in everything. For me, a lot of that shows up as light because I think a lot of us that are here are probably lightworkers as well. We’re really activating and serving the lights of the divine in humanity. Right? One of my favorite ways of living is co-creating with the divine. That means that it starts, begins, ends, finishes, and all of the middles with it. For me, it’s really about, sometimes even we were talking a little bit about this before, how in times of uncertainty we can look for answers to things. We want to know what’s going on.

One of the great ways that we can really just simply co-create with the divine is either through talking about prayer and meditation and by living in the question. Rather than when we have a question, seeking certainty in the answer, especially in uncertain times, we can start with a question where we literally ask the universe, God, the Divine Unicorn, whatever, however you represent that connection, a question of something that we’re needing in our life.

Maybe it is “God, what would you have me do?” Or, “Universe, what’s the highest and best path for me here?” Or, “What is the answer to this?” Then rather than getting the answer inside, you may get an answer, right? Taking that as a piece of the puzzle and then allowing your life to be the response to the question that you’ve just asked and witnessing the divine signals, the divine guidance, the divine kismet, and in miracles that show up in your life, an answer to that question. That requires us being present to the divine. Starting our day with that,leaving meetings with that, greeting people with that, so we can actually start to remember to be present to that divine voice coming in and through our life experience.

I think that we make it so complicated. When it’s either we’re living with the divine coming first or we’re not. It’s so funny. I talk about whether we’re either in the new paradigm or the old paradigm and it’s so easy if we really just take a moment to check ourselves. Okay, am I living in the divine or am I not? Am I in the new paradigm or in the old? It’s so easy to actually know if we just tap in. Sometimes I just laugh at myself when I think, “Well, am I? Am I not?” It’s like, okay, do you really need to ask that question? How are you feeling right now?

I would definitely want to come back and just dive into this a little bit more because it’s such a beautiful way to live our lives. It’s just such an easy way to make our lives our spiritual practice as well because I talk about that a lot. What better time than now, as things are starting to open up and we’re finding ourselves in this new world, to start it out with the first step being to tune into the divine. Before we go to break, tell everyone where they can find you, Devi.

Yes. So I’d love to have you come and listen to some of the actual interviews with Jewels on my podcast, spiritualentrepreneur.com. She’s episode 220. I know you love her, so you’d probably like to listen to her episode. It’s called Creating the New Human, it’s a divine episode. You can also just find me at deviadea.com. You’ll find everything you need to know about me.

Beautiful. Thank you. And we’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.