COVID19 – With no known cure or vaccine, are there any COVID19 spiritual symptoms that you should watch out for? You should not only look after your physical health, getting a spiritual checkup during the COVID19 pandemic is essential. In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes is joined by Devi Adea to discuss the spiritual symptoms of COVID19. Devi is the Host of the Spiritual Entrepreneur podcast and the creator of Podcast on Purpose Online Academy. She helps conscious leaders and spiritual entrepreneurs fine tune their spiritual lives to work at optimal efficiency. Join Jewels and Devi as they talk about how you can embrace your soul’s purpose and upgrade your consciousness, even during tough times.

Welcome, soul family. This is Jewels Arnes, the host of Cosmic Consciousness: Coding The New Human For The New Earth. And I am so excited to have our guest, Devi Adea, and she is here to talk about COVID-19 symptoms and the spiritual awakening. So, Devi is the host of Spiritual Entrepreneur, Podcast and creator of Podcast On Purpose Online Academy. Spiritual entrepreneurs, excuse my stumbling of words, and conscious leaders hire Devi to help them embrace their soul’s purpose, upgrade their consciousness, and share their message and mission with the world through their own media platform and or soul driven lifestyle business. I absolutely love that and I have to say, I have met Devi in person and she is just a shining light. Her spirit is so pure and she truly does just meet people where they are and elevate them. So welcome to the show, Devi, I’m so happy to have you here.

I’m so honored to be here with you, Jewels, and right back at you. You are such a radiant light and you just walk in the room and you feel you, you see you, you know you, and you’re wrapped up in you. So thanks for who you be in the world.

Oh, my goodness, thank you so much. And when we’re in this just really intense time of something that humanity has not experienced, at least not in our lifetime and in many, many centuries, and it’s a very interesting topic. So, we’re going to just go into the topic of what’s happening right now and that is the COVID-19 virus and I want to take it and really expand it into the spiritual experience. So I’m going to just let you take that and maybe just give us a little bit of how you are experiencing this and what you feel the purpose is.

Yes. It’s really interesting, Jewels. Maybe you can relate if you’re listening in today with us. I’ve had this experience since this all started off, yes, it’s extremely tragic that things are happening the way that they are, I know there are a lot of people that are going through really real and challenging uncertainty and illness and other things, and at the same time I’ve been feeling the universe has come in and given us something that none of us can ignore. It’s happening without borders. It’s happening to everyone. No matter what age you’re at, no matter what gender you are, no matter where you live, we’re all being impacted in a way that is really causing us to take the time to go inside and learn and awaken to what it is that this whole experience is for us as a global species. COVID19

And I definitely feel like we’re moving from I to we. We’re getting to a place where this is causing us to come together as a humanity to find solutions together, to bring our unique soul’s gifts together, to really look at, how has the environment even being effected by it? Dolphins coming back into the channels in Venice and swans and emission levels. The pollution levels going down from space, if you look down. And I know for me personally, I’ve been having this experience of being called deep within to sit in the spiritual truth of what’s here and available, to being pulled out of myself and to being in spiritual leadership, to, as an empath, experiencing a lot of these cross currents of emotions that kind of keep flowing through.

And then also feeling like I spend so much time now as a spiritual entrepreneur on tech where I’m in this need to wanting to be connected through tech but also feeling like I need to have tech breaks and be in my backyard and be in nature. So there’s a lot of different things that have been going on inside of me, but overall I really feel like what we’re facing right now is an opportunity for a complete shift in consciousness and a spiraling upward of our human species in a spiritual awakening. Do you agree? What’s your experience? COVID19

Oh my gosh, yes, I totally agree with that in such a big way. And yeah, we were actually both just at the Media Summit and while I was there the day before and then all the way through, I kept seeing 911. I mean, so much to a point that my plane was 911. My Uber had 911 on his thing. It was so crazy. Every time I got coffee, it was just, “Oh, what is this?” And I thought I had figured it out and it was that we’re in this time of completion and we’re going through the bridge into the 11, or we can go back into a 10 and go back to the one, so it’s the choice of whether or not we repeat karma. And I was like, “Oh yeah, I got it. Okay, got the message.” Well, it never stopped. It just kept coming. So, I had to go in and really read the spiritual of 911 even to a deeper level than I had before. COVID19

And we’re going to go into that, but why don’t we just take a really quick break and come back. So why don’t you tell people where they can find you before our break here?

Yes. So I also have a podcast that Jewels was on. If you want to check out our episode just a few episodes back, it’s called the Spiritual Entrepreneur. So you can see and go to to listen to those episodes, or you can just join me on my website at

Lovely. Thank you. And we’ll be right back as we discuss COVID-19.


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