What is Marriage Alchemy? In this episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares more with us about the upcoming show Marriage Alchemy.  Learn how to master the relationship dynamics of communication, raising kids, and sex, to receive the beautiful gift of an intimate marriage. Throughout this series, we will discover exactly how two become one. Don’t miss the insight of a marriage founded and held in God. Listen in now to learn more about the real meaning of marriage.

Hello everyone, I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM Show. This episode today has me so jazzed because I get to tell you about the latest series that we have coming up here in the IM, and it’s all around marriage alchemy. What a trip this has been. This has been quite the wild ride. For those of you who allow spirit to create content through you and take you on the journey of that in the synthesis of it, it’s a remarkable experience and this has been no exception. And as Justin and I sat and crafted it together and felt into it and dove into it and connected it over the IM series, it was just this beautiful expression of what’s possible in relating to each other. This is held within the container of marriage specifically what Justin and I’ve learned in our marriage. But certainly, it’s transferrable in all different types of relationships.

Activate Your Superpowers

And this series is not just the typical, like how do you do marriage okay, but really what is the ultimate expression of marriage? And is it attainable? And if so, is it desirable? And if so, how do you do it? And so that’s what the point of this series is about. It’s for those of you who are contemplating perhaps a relationship and you’re wanting to see a model for something different. I know that held a huge part in my journey, I was fairly opposed to the concept of marriage for quite a long time just because of what I was seeing from it institutionally, how I’d been seeing it interpreted and maybe misused or not interpreted. And it just wasn’t appealing.

And I remember someone handed me a copy of bronze on marriage. And as I read it and could see and feel this resonance with it, I understood that there is an invitation in that relationship construct that may not be available to us in the exact same way within others. I don’t know, but at least for me on my journey, it opened up all kinds of awareness into how we connect with each other. And so that’s what the series touches on. We’re going to jump to a quick break here. When I come back, I’m going to talk to you a little bit about what you can expect from that series, how to navigate your way through and how to make the most of it. It’s really phenomenal if you can sit with it with your spouse or significant other, but if they’re not into it or they’re not present, or you don’t know who they are, they’ve yet to show up in your life, it’s valuable to set a construct in a way that is in resonance, that feels good for you.

And so if you’re new to the IM Series, and you’re just now checking out this show, welcome. The show is designed to talk about all things having to do with the IM Series. So upcoming series, further insights, that type of stuff. And so we’re glad that you’re here with us. As the podcast goes, it’s step one in the process of unlocking your superpowers. You can find out all about that at superpowerexperts.com.

The series itself is a video series that goes out weekly. And that’s part. Then that’s step two in the process. So you can combine both here by listening to this, and then following up by watching the IM Series. And of course, all of that is leading you to unlock your superpower so that you can truly change your life and then have an impact on the world at large. Again, you can find out all about that at superpowerexperts.com. Stay with us. After this break, we’re going to come back. We’ve been talking today about our upcoming series, Marriage Alchemy, and we’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.