Do you find yourself circling in a particular space and constantly being in pursuit of real embodiment? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by one of the coaches of Super Power Experts and the host of Your SuperPowered Mind, Kristin Maxwell. Kristin shares that the first big step towards embodiment is making her clients recognize what they are telling themselves then proceeds by questioning them if it is true. Join Tonya and Kristin in today’s episode to learn more about being in pursuit of embodiment. 

Hello, this is Tonya. Thank you all so much for joining us on the SuperPowers of the Soul show. We’re so thrilled to have with us today, Kristin Maxwell, who’s the host of Your SuperPowered Mind and more importantly an integral part of the Super Power Experts ecosystem as a coach, as a guide, as the coordinator for our podcaster program, really touching in with people and walking them on these trajectories as they’re developing themselves so that they can have an impact on the world. There is no greater joy, I guess, in my world than being able to witness and walk beside people as they’re opening up to themselves.

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Kristin has a really beautiful way of holding that container with people perhaps one that comes from more of the kind of cognitive aspects, more of the in your mind, the intellects, the ones who focused on developing those thought processes or the ones that find themselves kind of circling in that space or in figuring out how to move into this real embodiment. She’s brilliant in that space. I’m so excited to have her share her wisdom with you here today, as she does with so many of our clients. Kristin, thank you so much for joining us today. It’s a real treat.

Thank you, Tonya. It’s quite fun to be here at this end of the process.

Isn’t it a trip? It’s like, “Oh, Oh yeah, that’s cool. I will do this.”


So I love that and it’s beautiful when that comes together and we can see the thing full circle because we kind of laughs like podcast hosts or either the worst guest or the absolute best. And I think it depends on the type of shows and how they show up in their shows. And here we lead with our hearts and souls. And so any time where two or more of us gather to have conversations, it’s a really beautiful exchange. And I credit the podcast process with that, wouldn’t you?

Yes. For sure. I mean you learn so much about yourself and expressing and bringing aspects out of other people. Yeah. It’s a trip, frankly.

It’s a trip, frankly. I think that’s the best quote ever.


It’s wonderful. Today’s show we’re talking about in pursuit of embodiment, because this is the thing that trips people up, right. We’re totally fine learning concepts, right. We’re totally fine playing with little techniques and stuff, but when it comes to really integrate the material into our lives and allowing ourselves and our lives to change as a result that tends to trip people up, it kind of creates this, well, this arms length like let’s just keep it over there. Ultimately what that does is it creates and it feeds that real sense of dissatisfaction. How do you meet with people in that space?

Basically, the way I look at things and the way I see things is there are so many people, myself included, I do this too because this has been my path, people are stuck in anxiety and worry and stress and not in peace. And as a result of that, they’re not, first of all, doing what they want to be doing in the world. And they’re also not being who they want to be, and they don’t feel how they want to feel. So I’m sort of going out this the round way. So it’s a way of getting people to recognize what they’re doing in their head and the impacts that their thoughts are having on them, and then learning to have different thoughts, and then also learning to have different energy and expanding into the energy of the world.

Oh, I love that. And a lot of times folks come to us and it’s interesting because when you start to shine a light on, well, where’s the discontentment coming from, there’s almost this immediate like, “Yeah, but everything’s fine. I’m okay.” Because there’s sort of a lot of our clients, they’re doing well in the world. They’ve had success. They have families. They’ve checked certain boxes, right? Kind of that’s our staff are the folks who kind of get to the point of realizing that there’s only so far that your own kind of personal development will take you until you start looking at well, how am I contributing to the world? How am I being in the world? How do I want to feel about myself in the world?

It’s really interesting when that aspect of us wants to keep breeding discontent, but then it doesn’t really want us to look at it. Right. Because typically, there’s not a lot of substance there. And so it does this really interesting evasive dance. I know a lot of folks can really relate to that. What’s the first step in sort of stopping that dance from taking hold?

Well,  this is the thing that’s interesting is some people who are almost sort of spiritually aware and energetically aware, they can automatically go into meditation and to breathing and they can calm down. Okay. That was not me. Those are not my clients. Okay. Sure that sounds lovely, but it doesn’t happen. So the way that I often help people to go into it is to start to recognize what it is that you are telling yourself? What are those thoughts and beliefs that are causing you such pain? And then questioning them. Is that true? What are other interpretations of the situation? And it takes practice, but what you often find is that the vast majority of those disturbing thoughts that you’re thinking actually aren’t true when you look at them. So that’s the first step. There are multiple steps, but that’s the first and it’s a big step.

It’s a huge step. I love that you said that. We’re going to take quick break folks. When we come back we’re going to dive into that even more deeply because that’s a lifetime of work right there in just discovering that, and if you can harness it based on Kristin’s experiences and the work she does with clients, then you really do stand a solid chance of expediting or at least smoothing out the experience of that and not needing to sit in it, kind of suffering aimlessly in that space. So we’re going to touch into that when we come back because I think that’s where a lot of folks are sitting, and trust me that there’s a way out of it. Before we do, you can go to learn all things about Kristin at If you’re ready right now and you know you’ve been asking for this and you’re like, “I want something now to move and I’m ready to change now.”

Then make sure you go to to get immediate access to our body of work on the Super Power content and how you can take next steps with us here at Super Power Experts. For now, stay tuned. You’re listening to SuperPowers of the Soul we’re talking about in pursuit of embodiment and we will be right back after the break.

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