Super Powers are Real. Listen. Train. Evolve. Super Power Experts Delivers Transformational Education That Begins Where Other Personal Development Platforms Leave Off Unlock your Super Powers Who Are We? Super Power Experts is a collaborative human potential platform that operates on the philosophy that we are all more powerful together. At Super Power Experts, we bring people together in a tribe dedicated to assisting others in harnessing their Super Powers through mastering their personal power. Our members are the ones who know they’re here to change the world and they know they can’t do it alone. We offer many ways to play together and invite you to explore our Podcast network, free resources and membership options that are all designed to give you the exact support you need as you explore your own potential. Unlock your Super Powers Tonya Dawn Recla & The SuperPower NET™ Super Power Experts is a system built on collaboration and designed to push the envelope for awakening mass consciousness. Historically we’ve seen examples of a single person moving masses. That’s been done. The world doesn’t need people to duplicate what’s already occurred. What we need are adaptations to those ideas and methods. We need people willing to stand up and stand together to defend the right of every single person to show up fully in their uniqueness. To fight those people for themselves, if necessary, so they can remember what they came here to create. It takes courage and commitment to choose to come out of singularity into collaboration. It’s much easier to stand on top of the mountain and wait for others to join you there. But the work to be done on top of the mountain is only part of the equation. And many, many people work in that space. The Super Power Up! Network was created to serve those who have the strength and conviction to walk down from the summit and create change from within the masses. It takes solid internal strength, sovereignty, and a willingness to grow in the presence of others. Our purpose is to support and guide you as you walk off the mountain and impact the world. And, if you are just getting started on your own personal journey, the SuperPower Up! Network of shows and experts are here to support your continued evolution and are committed to guiding you even further than you currently dream to go. Tonya Dawn Recla & The SuperPower NET™ Super Power Experts is a system built on collaboration and designed to push the envelope for awakening mass consciousness. Historically we’ve seen examples of a single person moving masses. That’s been done. The world doesn’t need people to duplicate what’s already occurred. What we need are adaptations to those ideas and methods. We need people willing to stand up and stand together to defend the right of every single person to show up fully in their uniqueness. To fight those people for themselves, if necessary, so they can remember what they came here to create. It takes courage and commitment to choose to come out of singularity into collaboration. It’s much easier to stand on top of the mountain and wait for others to join you there. But the work to be done on top of the mountain is only part of the equation. And many, many people work in that space. The SuperPower Net was created to serve those who have the strength and conviction to walk down from the summit and create change from within the masses. It takes solid internal strength, sovereignty, and a willingness to grow in the presence of others. Our purpose is to support and guide you as you walk off the mountain and impact the world. And, if you are just getting started on your own personal journey, the SuperPower Up! Network of shows and experts are here to support your continued evolution. We are committed to guiding you even further than you currently dream to go. OUR MEMBERS ARE CHANGING THE WORLD. WHAT DO THEY THINK? 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 The Super Power Experts Model 1. Listen Attune yourself to a higher frequency by listening to all of our podcast shows for free. Listen Now 2. Train Dive in to the courses, connect with a guide and unlock your Superpowers! Get Started 3. Evolve Discover your purpose and take your SuperPowers out to the world! Unlock Your Superpowers Latest Episodes 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