What is soul medicine and how is it different from the other types of medicine? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría is back for some healing conversation with author, spiritual teacher, physician of the soul, and one of the main live-food and vegan medical experts in the world, Gabriel Cousens. Gabriel graces the show and discusses the importance of soul medicine and how he connects with the soul of the person he is working with. Gabriel also shares that through that link, they can reconnect with their soul and love themselves enough to want to heal themselves. Join AngelaMaría and Gabriel in today’s insightful episode to learn more about soul medicine. 

Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the Super Power Network hosts and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing Show: Awaken Superpowers through Higher Dimension Healing. The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is the actions you take here and now to heal your life. Let’s take a deep breath to be here and now. I invite you to enjoy this time together. So here we go. Let’s welcome Rabbi Gabriel Cousens to my show. Today we will be talking about soul medicine. Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D (Doctor of Divinity), Diplomate of American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, Diplomate Ayurveda, mystic visionary, physician of the soul, and founder of the Holistic Liberation Way and the Tree of Life Foundation, is a leading author, spiritual teacher, expert in raw and living foods and vegan nutrition.

Activate Your Superpowers

He is a researcher on naturally healing diabetes, depression, and manic depression. Gabriel functions as a Rabbi, holistic physician, as one of the main live-food and vegan medical experts in the world, and according to the New York Times, “the fasting guru and detoxification expert.” Dr. Cousens is the author of 13 books starting with his classic book Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet, published in 1986. He’s also a Psychiatric, Family Therapist, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Homeopath, Acupuncturist, medical researcher, and Ecological Leader. Gabriel is an internationally celebrated Spiritual Teacher, bridging cultures and ethnic groups. He’s an Essene Rabbi and founder of the Essene Order of Light. Wow! Let me tell you, there was way more in his bio, but then I wouldn’t have time to ask questions. So please join me in welcoming Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, with me today.

Okay. AngelaMaria, I’m happy to be with you.

Gabriel. Let’s just start asking you, what’s your healing superpower?

My healing superpower is to make that soul connection with the person I’m working with and through that linkage of that soul, energy helping people to reconnect with their soul. Once a person reconnects with their soul they’re able to love themselves enough to want to heal themselves.

Oh Gabriel I love what you just said. I mean everything is awesome but the piece about when you reconnect to your soul you fall in love with yourself, that’s guiding you and helping you to heal yourself. Wow. Thank you for putting your superpower in such beautiful words. I think that is really, really powerful. I would like everybody to be able to connect to the soul.

We’re going to talk more about it. First, would you please take us back to your early years and name one memorable life lesson that is useful for you today.

When I was in my first year, I had TB. Now that’s in 1943, they didn’t have a cure for TB, Tuberculosis. So I was faced with death. The love of my parents, kept me at home rather than sent me to a sanatorium and their love pulled me through. That shifted my whole life towards the question of what is this mystery of death, who dies? Then for 33 years, I couldn’t get the answer. So my focus was on understanding the mystery of death.

Then I received the awakening of the spiritual energy, also known as the Kundalini or in the Torah and Western Religions the Holy Spirit. I wanted for nothing when I came down, a little God whisper said that “you should learn to eat and live in a way that supports the spiritual energy.” That was a major shift because I got the answer is the soul and the soul never dies, it’s immortal. Now that you have completed that part and now giving back to the world, how to live and eat in a way to support the spiritual energy. So that was age 33, which was a major transition point.

Gabriel, I’m just thinking what an experience for a one-year-old, and then I honor your soul, I honor you’re being for being able to open up to receive all of these messages because in my experience with this podcast, but also in my experience as a soul therapist, I know that we are always receiving messages, that we are always surrounded by wisdom, but we are not always ready to listen. We are not always ready to understand, to translate.

Exactly. Exactly.

I honor you for that. Thank you. Thank you because thanks to that now we can know about all of these topics that we’re going to keep on exploring together. So we are going to take a break, but before we do, Gabriel, where can people go to find out more about you? Website, emails, Instagram?

Simply go to DrCousens.com and that takes you into all the different places where I can be reached.

DrCousens.com. We’ve been talking with Rabbi Gabriel Cousens about soul medicine. When we come back from this short break, we’re going to talk more about his healing superpowers. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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