When things are constantly evolving, how can you go towards the path of finding inspiration in change? In this Evolution episode, hosts Jewels Arnes and Yvonne Zook talk about finding inspiration in change and embracing this new process your body is going through. Yvonne also talks about being comfortable in her evolution and how you can also do the same thing. Join Jewels and Yvonne in today’s episode to discover how you can take positive inspiration in change. 

Blessing Soul family, this is Jewels and this is Evolution: A Pathway to Infinite Possibilities. I have my co-host today, Yvonne, say hello, Yvonne.

Hi everyone

Yvonne is a DECU teacher and a DECU practitioner. She has been on this Evolution journey with me for, gosh, a couple of years now. If you want to learn more about her, definitely check out Yvonne on the DECU show, Reprogramming Your Cells, Reprogramming your Life. Today we’re going to talk about change and how we can use change as a pathway to evolution. So many times when things start to happen in our lives and that change pattern comes in, our body goes into that chemical response, or the resistance to change, and how we can actually use that as a pathway to reprogram the body to exist in more of that abstract frequency and be comfortable with it.

Activate Your Superpowers

Yeah, and really it’s been a fun experience to watch me. Of course, having these classes and that support and having the tools to be able to guide me through the change, has been super helpful. I think it’s just honoring exactly where I am and not judging myself for feeling a certain way. If I feel myself being in resistance or being in fear, just really honoring those emotions and using the tools that I’ve learned with taking all your classes and stepping into the teacher role, to utilize those and to help continue my path, continue to evolve and to learn. Sometimes I’ll feel myself getting, like this tug in the pull, where I get pulled back into that ego because I am in this three-dimensional reality a lot. I’m working my job, and seeing all these different personalities and people really being in that illusion, and believing the illusion, and then me seeing that, oh, wow, I don’t really believe a lot of this stuff.

That’s been really a huge growing experience for me, I would say, this past year because, in the beginning, I wanted to be right. I wanted to argue or push my beliefs onto people, and then stepping into this space of, wait for a second, this isn’t about them, this is about me, and what am I feeling? Really taking responsibility for my own emotions, for my own beliefs, for my own fears, and being able to go into that to help me move into this space of the unknown and the excitement of where I’m at now and what’s to come.

It’s like jumping from these different realities, because I’ll be at my job, and I love what I do, I love my work. Then I’ll sit in your New Earth Pathways class and it’s like I’m in two different worlds. It’s funny to watch myself go back and forth and just observe myself. Sometimes even getting. I had an experience where I got pulled into the drama and my ego just wanted to play there. Even watching myself going, why are you doing this? Why are you talking about this? Because it’s kind of fun, but then moving away from it and saying, okay, I don’t want to save it. It’s been fun to watch myself move into that change.

I think that’s a huge part of it. When you can actually be the observer of the different realities that you’re in when you’re in them. So many times I feel like we can look back on things and go, oh yeah, that was it. To be able to actually be in the experience and being the observer within the experience is such a powerful thing. I think that we can really use that when we start to go into resistance to change.

So I want to talk more about finding inspiration in change. Let’s go ahead and go to our quick break, but before we do, if you want to come and play with us, we have so many different avenues, we have the classes, we have sessions, we have products, we have everything high vibe, just everything to assess to you on your pathway to those infinite possibilities, so just go to Activate Evolution and you can listen to shows like this on the podcast, and just explore different ways to move into your evolution journey. We’ll be right back.

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