EVO – Clearing Entities

Do you agree to a reality where entities exist? We have the power to create our own reality. In this episode of Evolution, host Jewels Arnes talks about the struggles of people from the entities or souls attached to their auras, manipulating thoughts. Jewels believe that when we agree to a reality of entities or negative vibrational patterns, we agree to the very truth we are here to change. She further emphasizes that we can use the awareness of when we experience these realities to create the New Earth. Join Jewels in today’s episode as she walks you through the negativities of life and how to step outside of being a victim of our reality. The last thing, so family, this is Jewels and this is Evolution, A Pathway to Infinite Possibilities. And yesterday I was actually thinking about what I wanted to bring to the [...]

2021-07-15T18:00:19-07:00July 18th, 2021|

DEC – Discovering Your True Self with DECU

Would you like to know how you can go about discovering your true self with DECU? On this episode of DECU host Kathy Read is joined by co-host Yvonne Zook where they are discussing Discovering your True Self with DECU. DECU is an energetic process that reads toxic programs of the cells and allows you to reprogram your cells to high-frequency realities.  DECU also helps you to discover your true self. Listen in to today’s episode as Kathy and Yvonne explore discovering your true self with DECU.    To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-07-14T10:26:49-07:00July 15th, 2021|

EGB – Awaken Your Cells

How do you awaken your cells? In today’s episode of the Eternal Gold Beauty show, host Jewels Arnes is joined by co-host Jennifer Consilio as they talk about the practices for cell awakening. Every part of your body has its consciousness, so it will be interesting to know how awakening the consciousness of your cells is done. Jewels and Jen also talk about finding your truth and authenticity and how it connects with the skincare routine that you do. Join Jewels and Jen in today’s episode to discover how you can awaken your cells and find your true self.   To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-29T17:03:30-07:00July 6th, 2021|

EVO – EvoStar Quantum Healing

What is quantum healing and how is it achieved through the EvoStar? In this episode of Evolution, host Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Ellen as they talk about quantum healing. Ellen speaks of her experience of healing through using EvoStar quantum technology. Ellen also talks about how we can move into the frequency pattern where healing can occur by raising the frequency of the body. Join Jewels and Ellen in today’s episode to know more about the EvoStar Quantum Healing. Blessings, Soul Family, this is Jewels, and this is Evolution: A Pathway to Infinite Possibilities. If you would like to listen to this podcast or more go to activateevolution.com. I am so excited about our guest today. I have Ellen, and Ellen has been playing in just our field of resonance, kind of taking the journey through OM Codes. I always had just a soft [...]

2021-06-29T17:38:01-07:00July 4th, 2021|

DEC – Control, Separation and How Community Can Help to Bridge the Divide

How do you deal with control and separation? How can the community help bridge this divide? In this episode of DECU, host Kathy Read and Denise Kilonsky answer these questions and more. Kathy and Denise discuss how humanity is going through a massive upgrade and how important it is to know that you are not alone. Join Kathy and Denise in today’s episode to learn more about control, separation, and how you can help bridge the divide as a member of the community.  To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-22T18:13:25-07:00July 1st, 2021|

EGB – Why Do We Want to Use Scalar Energy Skincare?

Why should we use scalar energy in our skincare? How can we use it to amplify our health and embrace the frequency of our life? In this episode of Eternal Gold Beauty, host Jewels Arnes is joined by co-host Jennifer as they talk about the use of living skincare to advance all areas of our life. Jewels also explain that the energy we place in our skin eventually absorbs and vibrates into a higher frequency. Join Jewels and Jennifer in today’s episode to discover why skincare is the perfect delivery for scalar energy.    To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-10-07T10:15:34-07:00June 22nd, 2021|

CCS – Arcturian Healing

What is Arcturian Healing and how do we practice it in our lives? We answer this and more in this episode of Cosmic Consciousness as host Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Gene Ang. Gene and Jewels talk about how we are opening up to new realities that are changing the things that we used to call “normal”. Gene also opens up his journey from science to the healer and how he has connected to the Arcturians to explore his inner world. Join Jewels and Gene in today’s episode to learn more about Arcturian Healing.   Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels, with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I'm super excited about our guest today. We have Gene Ang. Gene is very much into the Arcturians, but instead of reading his bio, I'm just going to say, first of all, welcome, Gene. [...]

2021-06-08T17:02:41-07:00June 19th, 2021|

DEC – DECU: Reprogram Your Cells

Are you looking at readjusting your focus and reprogramming your life? If your answer is yes, then this show is the one for you. In this debut episode of DECU: Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram Your Life, Jewels Arnes introduces the show and explains why it is something you should look forward to. Jewels also tell us why we should use DECU in reprogramming ourselves and changing the reality of our lives. Join Jewels in this debut episode to learn more about DECU Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram Your Life. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-08T18:57:14-07:00June 17th, 2021|

CCS – God I Could Use Some Help Here

Have you ever been placed in a tough situation where you just said, “God, I could use some help here”? If your answer is yes, then this episode of Cosmic Consciousness is the one for you? Host Jewels Arnes and guest Devi Adea talk about how our lives become magical when we put the Divine first in our lives. Devi also emphasizes how we always have a choice, living with the Divine or living in our programming. This choice becomes the most powerful pivotal moment creating miracles. Join Jewels and Devi in this high vibe conversation if you are looking to live life in flow with the universe.  Blessings soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. To listen to more podcasts like this, visit the Evolution Channel or go to activateevolution.com. I am so excited to have [...]

2021-06-08T17:57:08-07:00June 12th, 2021|

EGB – Why do We Want to Heal the Skin Verse Treat the Skin?

Why do we want to heal the skin versus treat the skin? We answer this question and more on today’s episode of Eternal Gold Beauty, as host Jewels Arnes is joined by co-host Jennifer. Skin is the largest organ of the body. One of the main functions of the skin is protection. It protects the body from external factors such as bacteria, chemicals, and temperature. Join Jewels and Jennifer in today’s episode as they discuss why we want to heal the skin verse treating the skin. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-10-07T10:15:49-07:00June 8th, 2021|

CCS – Restructure Your Body

How can you restructure your body and build a better life for yourself? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Deanna Hansen as they talk about her journey as an athletic therapist who was dealing with addiction, and how she got past that dark phase of her life. Deanna also talks about Block Therapy, a bodywork practice that is medication, exercise, and therapy all in one. Join Jewels and Deanna in today’s episode to know more about restructuring your body through Block Therapy and how it can help improve your life. Blessings Soul Family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And for more shows like this or to start your evolution journey, go to activateevolution.com. I am super excited about our guest today. I have Deanna Hansen, and she has developed a [...]

2021-05-25T17:17:23-07:00June 5th, 2021|

CCS – 2x Grammy Winner! The Consciousness of Music

Are you ready to hear amazing insights from a 2x Grammy winner on the consciousness of music? On this episode of Cosmic Consciousness host, Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Peter Kater where they discuss The Consciousness of Music. Peter is a 2x Grammy Winning, Multi-Platinum selling Pianist, and Composer. Peter has received many awards and accolades for his rich and diverse music. From solo piano and contemporary jazz ensembles to full orchestral works, his cross-genre music is heard all over the world from the Olympics to Carnegie Hall.   Listen in to learn more about his wisdom on the consciousness of music. Blessings to the family. This is Jewels Arnes, host of Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And I am so excited to have this guest back, Peter Kater. Peter Kater is a two-time Grammy Award winner, and he is [...]

2021-05-18T18:50:57-07:00May 29th, 2021|

EGB – How To Best Use Your Eye Cream

With all of the beauty gurus all over the internet telling you how to best use your eye cream, which one is the right thing to do? In this episode of the Eternal Gold Beauty show, host Jewels Arnes is joined by co-host Louise Taphouse as they talk about the benefits of using eye cream and how it helps lessen wrinkles and dark circles. Jewels and Louise discuss why we should use eye cream and how we should be using it. Join Jewels and Louise in today’s episode and learn how to best use your eye cream. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-21T09:27:58-07:00May 25th, 2021|

TFC – The Frequency of Creativity

What is the frequency of creativity and how do we explore the energy of art? In this debut episode of The Frequency of Creativity, host Melinda Harr Curley is joined by guest Jewels Arnes as they explore what will be discussed in conversations of this exciting new podcast. Melinda explains how she is fascinated by energy expressed in form and how different artists and different genres of art capture energy and imbue it in their artwork. Melinda and Jewels also examine Jackson Pollock's drip paintings as an example of how organic patterns appearing in nature can be energetically transformed into the physical form of a painting. Join Melinda and Jewels in this debut episode to know more about this exciting new podcast.  You Are An Illusion of yourself of the linear line you may perceive yourself to be limited and lacking that is not [...]

2021-05-18T17:24:13-07:00May 19th, 2021|

EGB – Why do we get Wrinkles?

Why do we get wrinkles? Is there something we can do to avoid them? We answer these questions and more in today’s episode of the Eternal Gold Beauty show as host Jewels Arnes is joined by co-host Jennifer. As wrinkles are a natural part of aging, it is more prominent to people with light skin and those who are often exposed to the sun. Jewels and Jennifer talk about the reasons behind wrinkles and what we can do to reverse the aging cycle. Join Jewels and Jennifer in today’s episode as they discuss why we get wrinkles and the ways to eliminate them.   To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-21T09:24:30-07:00May 11th, 2021|

CCS – Cosmic Inquiry

What is cosmic inquiry and how do we do it? We answer these questions and more in this episode of Cosmic Consciousness as host Jewels Arnes talks with best-selling author and publisher Ayn Cates Sullivan. Ayn shares her life as she talks about the spiritual quest that she went on years ago to understand the totality of who she is. This was where everything started, including Ayn’s love for cosmic inquiry, storytelling, and podcasting. Join Jewels and Ayn in today’s episode to know more about cosmic inquiry.  Blessing, Soul Family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, and I am super excited about our guest today. I have Ayn Cates Sullivan, and she is a best-selling author and publisher. You know, I call her a 5D publisher, and today we are going to talk about cosmic inquiry. But before we do, Ayn, why don't you just tell [...]

2021-05-04T17:54:04-07:00May 8th, 2021|

EVO – How to Move Past the Pain Pattern

Do you know how to move past the pain pattern? In this episode of Evolution: A Pathway to Infinite Possibilities, host Jewels Arnes is joined by co-host Denise Kilonsky as they talk about the ways to evolve past the pain pattern. Jewels and Denise also share their thoughts about the difficulty of shifting reality when we are in pain as our reality is created by what we focus on. Join Jewels and Denise in today’s episode and discover how you can move past the pain pattern. Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels, and this is Evolution: A Pathway to Infinite Possibilities. And my co-host today is Denise. Welcome, Denise. Hi, Jewels. Thanks for having me. Absolutely. So if you all want to learn more about Denise, go to the Superpower Expert Network, and she has an episode under Cosmic Consciousness, and you can learn all about [...]

2021-05-10T18:01:55-07:00May 2nd, 2021|

EGB – The Alchemy of Eternal Gold Beauty

What is the alchemy of eternal gold beauty? In this debut episode of the Eternal Gold Beauty show, host Jewels Arnes briefly talks about how this show came to be and what it aims to give to the viewers. The Eternal Gold Beauty show awakens your skin with conscious skincare, as you transform to the new you. Turn back the clock of aging with one of the best skincare lines in the world. Join Jewels in today’s episode and discover how you can enhance the skin you are in. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-05-10T18:03:41-07:00April 27th, 2021|

EVO – Evolution

How can evolution deliver a sequence of divine inspiration that evolves and elevates the reality that we know today? In this first episode of The Evolution show, host Jewels Arnes is joined by Super Power Experts Executive Director, Tonya Dawn Recla, as they talk about evolution being a path to infinite possibilities. Jewels and Tonya highlight the concept of taking the moment that we have now as it is, seeing through the illusion of what that is, and then creating something beyond that. Tune into this episode and enter the gateway to discover what possibilities await you.  Namaste, soul family. This is Jewels, and this is Evolution: A Path to Infinite Possibilities. And today, we are just going to play in the frequency of what's being created with this new Evolution channel. And I have Tonya here today, and we're just going to create a really [...]

2021-05-10T17:51:49-07:00April 18th, 2021|

CCS – Can You Say YES to the Divine?

Can you say yes to the Divine? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Shelli Varela as they talk about learning to hear the Divine guiding you in life. Shelli talks about her story, when she began to tap into the Divine daily and how she got a phone call 1,162 days later, welcoming her aboard as her city's first female firefighter. Shelli also shares that this happened after she decided to tune out all of the other noise and transformed her body from that 108 pound manicurist she used to be. Join Jewels and Shelli in today’s episode to learn more about saying yes to the Divine. Blessing, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding The New Human For The New Earth. I am so excited about our guests today. Shelli Varela. Shelli is a firefighter and [...]

2021-04-29T12:07:58-07:00April 17th, 2021|

CCS – What is 2021 Bringing Us?

What is 2021 bringing us? We answer this question and more in this episode of Cosmic Consciousness as host Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Sibyl Star. Sibyl talks about working on the elevation of human consciousness and achieving it through the help of astrology. Sibyl explains that astrology is now coming in really strongly to help us understand ourselves and our world in the way that astrology also helped her understand her world when she was 12. Join Jewels and Sibyl in today’s episode and discover what 2021 has in store for all of us. Blessing, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I'm so delighted to have Sibyl Star with us today, and I love Sibyl and her frequency. We just connected just a little while ago, and I can already tell that she is [...]

2021-04-29T12:08:03-07:00April 10th, 2021|

CCS – Are You a Starseed Looking for Answers?

Are you a Starseed looking for answers? If yes, then this episode of Cosmic Consciousness is for you. Host Jewels Arnes talks with galactic rainbow light specialist and certified DQ practitioner Kathy Read about starseeds and what they generally are. As an adventurer in self-discovery, Kathy finds her passion in using tools to guide others on their journey. Kathy also shares her dedication to supporting the star seeds that are just in their awakening or are feeling alone and just need to find their community. Join Jewels and Kathy in today’s episode if you are also a Starseed looking for answers. Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, and I am so excited about our guest today. She's a dear friend of mine, a Starseed connection. I have Kathy Read with me. Kathy is a galactic rainbow light specialist, a certified DQ practitioner, a [...]

2021-04-29T12:08:08-07:00April 3rd, 2021|

CCS – What Paradigm are You Living In?

What paradigm are you living in? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes talks about the two paradigms of today. There is the paradigm of the collective, and there is the paradigm of the new earth or the expansion reality. There is the experience of being in between, but Jewels explains that as we shifted into 2021 that in-between no longer exists. Therefore, we find ourselves no longer exist in that in-between space. Tune into this episode to know more about the paradigm that you are living in. Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. Today, I wanted to do a quick show on the two paradigms that are existing right now. It used to be that in our past, you could say that there was the [...]

2021-03-01T17:13:06-07:00March 27th, 2021|

CCS – How to Transmute COVID-19

Is it possible to transmute COVID-19? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes and guest Dr. Charan Surdhar attempt to answer this question. Dr. Charan shares her observation during the AIDS epidemic and how she saw the faces of people full of fear. This was when she realized that the cure for any epidemic is both science and spirituality. Dr. Charan always knew that it was not one or the other, it was both. Join Jewels and Dr. Charan in today’s episode to discover how we can transmute COVID-19. Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I am so excited to introduce to you, Charan Surdhar. She and I have been working together and we are fully moving into developing a quantum bio-coded tool to introduce to the world when it is ready.  Until [...]

2021-02-24T18:38:40-07:00March 20th, 2021|

CCS – The COVID-19 Vaccine Unraveled

How do we unravel the truths behind the COVID-19 vaccine? What does it do to our bodies? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes and guest Charan Surdhar talk about the COVID-19 vaccine and all the controversy involved in it. Charan explains the science involved with the vaccine and how we get our immunity depending on the immune response given by our white blood cells. Charan also talks about taking the consciousness of knowing the vaccine and using it to amplify our personal ascension. Join Jewels and Charan in today’s episode to know more about the COVID-19 vaccine. Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth, and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. Welcome, Charan Surdhar. Hi, Jewels. So good to be here and excited to talk about the COVID-19 vaccine Oh my goodness. We [...]

2021-03-17T15:01:16-07:00March 13th, 2021|

CCS – Creative Flow Equals Two Grammies

How do artists use their creative flow to create something that’s worthy of winning not just one, but two Grammy awards? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, Jewels Arnes is joined by two-time Grammy-winning, multi-platinum seller, pianist, and composer Peter Kater to talk about his process when creating his music. Peter shares that the best way to succeed in what you do is to say yes to your creative process, to your creative instincts, and not second guess yourself. Join Jewels and Peter in today’s episode to discover how following your creative flow and intuition will lead you to your desired path. Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I am thrilled about our guest today. Peter Kater is a two-time Grammy-winning, multi-platinum seller, pianist, composer. He is just the coolest guy, and we were just [...]

2021-02-10T17:54:55-07:00March 6th, 2021|

CCS – Does the Future, Past and Now Really Exist?

Does the future, past, and now really exist? Host Jewels Arnes answers this question in this episode of Cosmic Consciousness. As we are programmed to exist in linear time, Jewels emphasizes that we are now moving into the existence of spherical time, where our consciousness will begin to shift to match that state of reality. Jewels also explain what we experience once we enter this reality and how we can use the concept of the past and the future in the now. Join Jewels in today’s episode to create the realities that you desire. Namaste. So, family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth, and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. And today, I wanted to talk a little bit about how we create realities in what I call spherical time. [...]

2021-02-12T10:32:27-07:00February 27th, 2021|

CCS – How to Move Past Shame & Guilt

How do we move past shame and guilt? This episode of Cosmic Consciousness is dedicated to answering this question as host Jewels Arnes is joined by shame and guilt educator Lois Hollis. Lois shifts opinions of this forbidden subject with her passion for showing the way to eliminate suffering and the shame of guilt by self-love. Lois believes that it is important to know about shame and guilt especially as a spiritual leader and spiritual people who are the most susceptible to shame and guilt. Join Jewels and Lois in today’s episode to learn how to move past shame and guilt. Blessings. So, family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I'm so excited about our guest today. She is such a sweetie. So we have Lois Hollis. She's an RN, a BSN, and a Reverend. She shifts up [...]

2022-06-15T13:57:05-07:00February 20th, 2021|

CCS – The Divine is the CEO of Our Lives

How do we stay in the divine flow? How can we use our trust in the divine to create magic in our lives? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes talks about the divine being the CEO of her life and how we can use this way of stepping into our lives to create magic. Jewels believe that when we become the change, we can use the creation of the divine, being the CEO of our lives, to move a frequency pattern and create our desired outcome. Join Jewels in today’s episode to discover how you can also make the divine as the CEO of your life. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. And today I'm going to talk about how to stay in divine flow, and how we can use trust in the divine to create [...]

2021-02-08T10:05:13-07:00February 13th, 2021|

CCS – Is Physical Pain an Emotion?

Is physical pain an emotion? Host Jewels Arnes and guest Dr. Debra Muth answer this question in this episode of Cosmic Consciousness. As a doctor and a priestess, Dr. Muth is on a mission of teaching women how they can use their feminine energy to build the life and business they desire. Dr. Muth talks about how things that we feel emotionally and things that we do not deal with emotionally will end up presenting themselves in a physical nature. Join Jewels and Dr. Muth in today’s episode as they talk about physical pain as an emotion that allows us to listen to our bodies. Blessing. So, family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And I am so excited about our guest today, Dr. Debra Muth. Dr. Deb is a Doctor, Priestess, along with your host of the [...]

2021-01-11T19:14:06-07:00February 6th, 2021|

CCS – Holistic Ways to Manage Stress

What are some holistic ways to manage your stress? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes is joined by guest Denise Kilonsky as they talk about  the holistic approaches to health. Denise shares her experience of being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and how she opted to take the holistic healing path over the other alternatives. Denise hopes to educate people about what that path looks like and how it can improve their health and vitality. Join Jewels and Denise in today’s episode to learn simple techniques you can do to reset and manage stress. Blessing. So family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And today our guest is Denise Kilonsky. She has been a Healer for over 22 years, and I'm actually just going to bring it over to her. We're going to be talking about holistic [...]

2021-01-18T15:41:11-07:00January 23rd, 2021|

CCS – What are the 5 Stages of Consciousness

What are the five stages of consciousness? How does knowing each stage benefit you? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes talks about these stages and how we can tune in to each one as we experience things in life. Jewels explains how this gives us freedom of choice, awareness, and higher perspectives, while creating a practice of mastering these higher levels of consciousness. Join Jewels in today’s episode to identify what level of consciousness you are in and decide in which level you want to move into. Blessing, soul family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And this is the Reprogramming Reality series. Today, I am going to talk a little bit about the five stages of awakening, or the five levels of consciousness. So to start with, I'm just going to go ahead and [...]

2020-12-15T14:15:01-07:00January 16th, 2021|

CCS – Moving Beyond the Identity of Self

How do you start moving beyond the identity of self? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, co-hosts Jewels and Erika discuss the seventh element “I do not exist”, and look at the purpose of our existence as a whole. Jewels and Erika ask the questions, “Do I need to exist?” and “What part of me needs to exist?”. Listen in to today’s episode to find out how you can grow beyond the limitations you put on yourself. Blessing soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. Erika and I are going to talk today about moving beyond the identity of self. Even when you say that people, you're just like, “What?” And so what's lovely is having what it means to not [...]

2021-11-22T11:41:39-07:00January 9th, 2021|

CCS – The Truth is Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

What is the truth beyond your wildest dreams? How can it consistently shift as you continue to move through the illusion of who you think you are and the illusion of the reality you think you are living in? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewels Arnes and Erika Barth share their thoughts about the reality that we think we cannot break free from. Jewels and Erika discuss how we always have the freedom to choose whatever we want and start to move past what the mind can comprehend. Join Jewels and Erika in today’s episode and experience a reality that is beyond your wildest dreams. Namaste, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth, and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. And my co-host here, Erika. Blessings, [...]

2020-12-07T17:23:24-07:00January 2nd, 2021|

CCS – How to Overcome Fear?

How can we overcome fear? How do we shift and transform the fear that we have? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes is joined by Jim Case who has been impacting spiritual growth communities for decades. Jim talks about moving up the spiral to reach beyond fear and connect to desires through choice. He also shares how learning to shift state can help you achieve higher frequency vibration. This vibration then resonates outside of fear, and then fear itself becomes an object in the field of your awareness. Join Jewels and Jim in today’s episode and learn about the power of overcoming your fear. Blessings, soul family. It's Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth, and I am just thrilled to have Jim Case with us today. Jim has been impacting spiritual growth communities for decades. He was [...]

2020-11-18T17:11:34-07:00December 26th, 2020|

CCS – Overcome Being A Victim of Life

How does one overcome being a victim of life? In today’s episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes and co-host Erika Barth discuss how we’re in a time where people want to place blame outside of themselves. Jewels and Erika also talk about the power of connecting to your inner truth knowing it is your Divine support and guidance in life. Join Jewels and Erika in this episode to learn about absorbing the third and fourth elements to overcome being a victim of your life. Namaste, soul family. It's Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. I have my co-host here East Sun, Erika. Blessings, everybody. We're going to dive in deep and talk about how to not be a victim of your life. I'm [...]

2020-12-07T15:49:25-07:00December 19th, 2020|

CCS – Why Mainstream Medicine Fails so Many People

Have you ever wondered why mainstream medicine fails a lot of people? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes and guest Elizabeth Hughes talk about why mainstream medicine fails. Elizabeth explains how you can learn about your beliefs in healing and also describes how healthy beliefs can support healing from an incurable disease. Join Jewels and Elizabeth in this episode to learn more and practice this for yourself. Namaste, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I am so excited about our guest today, Elizabeth Hughes. Elizabeth received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University and her medical degree from the University of Virginia. She did Advanced Medical training at the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University. After completing your residency, she joined the Stanford faculty where she taught for eight years. She also practiced at [...]

2020-11-16T17:17:55-07:00December 12th, 2020|

CCS – I AM Not My Mind

Being able to affirm with the statement “I am not my mind” takes a lot of courage. How does a person get to be the master of controlling their thoughts? When do you shut these thoughts off and how do you separate from it? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewel Arnes and Erika Barth talk about exploring what it means to tune into higher frequencies to shift your reality. Listen in to this episode and discover how much power there is in seeing that we are not our thoughts. Blessing. So family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. And today we are going to go into the second element, which is, I Am Not My Thoughts. And I love that [...]

2020-11-30T17:26:04-07:00December 5th, 2020|

CCS – Why Manifesting Will Never Be the Same

Have you ever wondered why manifesting will never be the same? How can someone manifest in a spherical time where there is no future and past? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewel Arnes discusses absorbing consciousness within spherical time. It is a pathway to unity and there is no other time but now to awaken humanity so we can exist with love and oneness. Tune in to today’s episode to see how we can use spherical time to learn a new way of seeing manifestation. Namaste Soul Family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. I wanted to hop on, I just had this calling to broadcast this download that I've been getting over the last few months and every time I think I'm about to understand [...]

2020-11-09T10:03:03-07:00November 28th, 2020|

CCS – You are Not Your Mind

Do you ever get caught up in your own thoughts, and believe that they define you? On today’s episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewels Arnes and Erika Barth discuss the first element of the seven elements of consciousness, which is you are not your mind and you can reprogram your life. Your mind is a machine just like a computer and you can erase programs that no longer serve you while creating ones that bring you into a magical life! Tune in to today’s episode to reprogram your mind to believe you are not your mind. Blessings Soul family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, and this is the reprogramming reality series. I have my co-host with me, Erika. Blessings everybody. I am so excited. So we are going to be doing a seven part series on [...]

2020-11-02T10:59:56-07:00November 21st, 2020|
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