How do we move past shame and guilt? This episode of Cosmic Consciousness is dedicated to answering this question as host Jewels Arnes is joined by shame and guilt educator Lois Hollis. Lois shifts opinions of this forbidden subject with her passion for showing the way to eliminate suffering and the shame of guilt by self-love. Lois believes that it is important to know about shame and guilt especially as a spiritual leader and spiritual people who are the most susceptible to shame and guilt. Join Jewels and Lois in today’s episode to learn how to move past shame and guilt.

Blessings. So, family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I’m so excited about our guest today. She is such a sweetie. So we have Lois Hollis. She’s an RN, a BSN, and a Reverend. She shifts up opinions of one of the most forbidden subjects, shame, and guilt. Her passion is to show the way to self-love by eliminating suffering and the shame of guilt. Welcome to the show, Lois. I’m so excited. And so you are a shame, guilt educator. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about how that came about and what that is?

I know, and that’s the question. I didn’t know there were certain people like you that existed, and I didn’t know that either. And it wasn’t until 10 years, maybe 15 years ago, that I decided to make shame guilt. I say shame, guilt instead of shame and guilt, not explain why later. Topic, as its own study because it’s that important. And it’s important to us as spiritual leaders and spiritual people along the path. For we are the most susceptible to shame, guilt, energy, then other people who are not on the spiritual path. So I am so grateful Jewels that this information seeped through and you have the people on your podcast and others on the spiritual path, an easier way to climb higher on the frequency ladder.

That’s so beautiful, and I love how you touched into that. A lot of people on a spiritual path are more in tune with those frequencies and shame and guilt are on the lowest.

Frequency. Yes, yes. I was going to bring that in, but you guys are just smart. So I don’t have to talk about that. I can talk about what it is from a different approach that you have not heard before.

I have heard that.

As you know, I started writing after many spiritual experiences and that’s what God was telling me. And I was just taking dictation from God, which turned out to be a thousand pages. But anyway, that’s how I received my information in my own healing. I had a near-death experience when I was a child, seven or eight, not sure, but however, I did not know that until my 40s. I had a very abusive childhood, that’s why you had a near-death. My neck was broken in many places and I was smothered, et cetera. So I went to heaven and God told me to come back because I had a mission to do. And I know now, but I did not know then that I came with three beings.

And they’re the ones that have always been with me. And I didn’t really know that until I started giving education about shame and guilt and how it affects our inner personalities, not you Jewels, but the anger part and the little kid inside of you, the inner critic, et cetera. And I’m talking as I see them because I have that gift of sight and I can see the inner personality parts only when I’m doing sessions and other visual experiences. And I was giving a lecture and people were raising their hands. They’re saying, “Lois, what are you talking about?” I said, “When you see this and you see that and all that,” and they’re like, “Lois, wait a minute. We don’t understand what you’re saying.” So at age 40, I realized that people don’t see what I see. And therefore I made a DVD of what I see, of inner personality parts, talking to each other and talking with me.

Optimize Your Life!

Aw, I love that.

That started the film course, film making thing. But that was eight years ago. And now January, I received funds to make another movie on the exposition of shame and guilt, how we see it, how I see it, and how it interacts with us.

I want to go into this a little bit deeper, definitely super interesting. So before we do, we’re going to go on a break here. Where would people find you, Lois, if they want to know more about you and work with you?

The best way would be my website, There, I have an ebook free and it’s called Five Hundred Questions, One Answer. Now I give 500 situations of how shame-guilt behavior affects us because I have learned, and also myself, didn’t know really what is a shame- guilt behavior. I know the feeling, but I don’t know what behavior causes that. So I’ve given 500 examples. Now, you’re not going to get 500 at once because I don’t want to overload anybody. I have 25 parts coming in 20 segments. So there will be like two months of it.

Oh, beautiful. Lovely. Well, we can talk more about that too. And we’ll put that link to get a hold of Lois in the script below as well. So we’ll be right back.

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