What is the truth beyond your wildest dreams? How can it consistently shift as you continue to move through the illusion of who you think you are and the illusion of the reality you think you are living in? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewels Arnes and Erika Barth share their thoughts about the reality that we think we cannot break free from. Jewels and Erika discuss how we always have the freedom to choose whatever we want and start to move past what the mind can comprehend. Join Jewels and Erika in today’s episode and experience a reality that is beyond your wildest dreams.

Namaste, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth, and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. And my co-host here, Erika.

Blessings, everybody.

We’re so excited about today’s episode. So, we are talking about how the truth is beyond your wildest dreams and how our truth will consistently shift as we continue to move through the illusion of who we think we are and the illusion of the reality we think we’re living in.

And that’s just it. Because it’s the illusion that keeps us stuck. And it’s the reality that we think we can’t break free, where we always had the freedom of choice. And when we step into creation and we start to move past what the mind can comprehend, miracles, magic, and amazing things happen. And your reality truly shifts beyond what the mind can comprehend, which is why we say it’s beyond your wildest dreams.

And I think the other part of that is that if we are constantly moving in to beyond our wildest dreams, we’re never going to stay in any one reality or illusion of that reality for very long, because if we’re constantly moving into what is next, it only makes sense that the illusion of what we are in at the moment will crumble. And if we are holding onto what we think is our truth for too long of a period of time, we’re going to start to create a program or an energy pattern around that truth. And that is exactly what we don’t want to happen. We always want to only stay into that level of truth for a long enough period of time that we see it, we know it and then we also know that we’re going to move past it. And it’s in that and moving past it that we don’t create a reality around an illusion, because if we stay in a truth for too long, that’s what we’re doing.

And that’s actually creating story and brain loops. When people say, “Oh, I’m stuck.” or “I’m not here and it doesn’t work.” it’s because you created a story around the illusion that no longer serves and works, because we’re constantly energetic. We’re energy and we fluctuate in vibration. And as we evolve and we elevate and our frequency rises, the illusion that we had in that moment or our old truth no longer serves us. So, it does nothing but forces you to create your next set to say yes, next and more and to see what that plays out as, because as you create it, you are in that moment of organic growth.

It’s such a beautiful place of learning and practicing the surrender to the divine, because there is nothing real. You’re not real. I’m not real. Our reality isn’t real. And we can pull different truths even in an illusion and create a reality around that knowing that it’s only going to be there for a little bit of time and that we’re going to move past that, because as we continue to evolve in frequency, just like you said, we’re just frequency that fluctuates in vibration. And as we continue to practice either the seven elements or advancing our consciousness, we’re going to have different levels of truth through that.

And so if we’re able to exist in the illusion knowing we’re in the illusion and then playing with the different frequencies or truths within that illusion, knowing that that isn’t even true, we are consistently going to be on an, I don’t want to say an upward spiral, but what you could say is that our frequency is going to continue to rise, and we’re not going to get stuck in any truth. Like you said, create a story, a loop around that and just continually move into the next.

And it keeps you organically in the now. We talk often about how we don’t get to know where we’re going. We just get to experience the life of now and the moment of now. And as we evolve, we’re creating in the now, which is exciting.

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And so we ask you to create from a space of not getting attached to outcome, because you don’t know the outcome, but yet when you trust your inner divine, and when you’re being guided and following your breadcrumbs, you’re creating the magic to have more to step into which creates the newest identity, which is why it’s beyond your wildest dreams is because you’re not getting to know where you’re going. You’re getting to create as you go.

It’s so beautiful. And if our truth is constantly changing, our wildest dreams have the opportunity to move past what we could ever think is possible. And that really is creating with the divine mind. So, we’re going to take a quick break and we’d like to invite you all into our free Facebook group, where we do free DECU readings. We do OMcodes. We do really high-level teachings. It’s all free and you’ll just go to eternalfrequency.com and we’re looking forward to seeing you in there. We’ll be right back.

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