What are the five stages of consciousness? How does knowing each stage benefit you? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes talks about these stages and how we can tune in to each one as we experience things in life. Jewels explains how this gives us freedom of choice, awareness, and higher perspectives, while creating a practice of mastering these higher levels of consciousness. Join Jewels in today’s episode to identify what level of consciousness you are in and decide in which level you want to move into.

Blessing, soul family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And this is the Reprogramming Reality series. Today, I am going to talk a little bit about the five stages of awakening, or the five levels of consciousness. So to start with, I’m just going to go ahead and name what the five levels are. And then, knowing that we are going to move into how we can reflect in each stage to create new realities or higher perspectives.

So the first level of consciousness or awakening is being unconscious. And I’m sure there’s a lot of you listening that can remember the day they woke up. Well, we have the big awakening on many levels, and then a lot of us just have awakenings to different subconscious realities over and over and over again. So we can use this level of consciousness to advance to very, very high states of consciousness, if we choose.

The second level is the awakening. It’s when we have awoken to something that we were not aware of before. And a lot of you, of course, have the big awakening and, but are having multiple awakenings within that big awakening. So we use this level of consciousness to move outside collective consciousness or our subconscious reality that we’re not aware of.

The third level of consciousness is creating. This is the level of creating when we have awoken and then we try to create a new reality from our choices. This is what I call trying to make it happen. And it is a very powerful stage of awakening because it will also bring up all of the things that are in the way of us matching the frequency from which we are trying to create. So if we’re trying to manifest, let’s say $10,000, and we are at the frequency of manifesting $2,000, we have to clear out all the frequencies in between those in order to match the frequency of $10,000. This is when we start to really see how our subconscious thoughts, or our programming, our agreements, are keeping us stuck in order to create the reality that we want.

The fourth level of consciousness of awakening is co-creation. This is when we realize, you know what? It’s not about what I want. It’s not about me trying to make something happen. It’s about being in divine guidance. I listen and I do. I listen and I do. And it’s this really beautiful dance with the universe or the divine where we just stay open. And when we’re told to do something, we go to it. And then we have to stay in trust in order to fully follow that guidance through. And we’ll talk a little bit more about that here in just a little bit.

Then the fifth level of consciousness, and this is the one that we don’t hear about very often, and that is being in creator consciousness. Where you are no longer listening for guidance, you are so in tuned with the universal flow that you are just creating. Very, very powerful, and it is a practice. And we’ll talk more about that as well.

So as we start to go through our experiences of life, we can kind of tune in what level of consciousness am I having this experience from? This gives us choice, awareness, higher perspectives, and it also creates a practice of being able to master these higher levels of consciousness. It’s actually so much fun, and I’m really excited to go into it a little bit deeper. But before we do that, we’ll go ahead and take our quick break so that we can just really dive and relax into the frequencies of this really unique and divine conversation.

And if you are interested in joining our community, just go to eternalfrequency.co and join our free private Facebook group. We do lots of free readings and teachings, really high level community work. We have a beautiful soul family, and we invite you to become a part of that. We’ll be right back.

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