Do you agree to a reality where entities exist? We have the power to create our own reality. In this episode of Evolution, host Jewels Arnes talks about the struggles of people from the entities or souls attached to their auras, manipulating thoughts. Jewels believe that when we agree to a reality of entities or negative vibrational patterns, we agree to the very truth we are here to change. She further emphasizes that we can use the awareness of when we experience these realities to create the New Earth. Join Jewels in today’s episode as she walks you through the negativities of life and how to step outside of being a victim of our reality.

The last thing, so family, this is Jewels and this is Evolution, A Pathway to Infinite Possibilities. And yesterday I was actually thinking about what I wanted to bring to the community today. And this was such a random thing that came in, but as I’ve been sitting with it, it feels so right to bring it into a conversation. I hear a lot of people that struggle with what we call entities or souls that attach to their auras and start to manipulate thoughts, and those sorts of things. And I have to be super honest, I’ve never resonated with that, and it came to me yesterday that it is time to have this conversation because in this new paradigm that we are existing in we cannot invite that sort of victim mentality into our reality. And if we are truly here to be the creators of the New Earth and be the creators of the beauty of the divine, as it flows through us, then there is no room for that split level of consciousness. And I’m not saying that it doesn’t exist, but I am saying it only exists in the reality where we choose it to exist. And that is our topic for today: Clearing entities.

Activate Your Superpowers

I’m going to say that again, because there are so many different levels of truth, and depending on what frequency we’re existing in, or what level of consciousness we’re experiencing is going to create different levels of truth, because the truth is, there is a level of consciousness where entities exist. But the question that I want to put out there is what is the reality that you want to agree to? Is that the reality that you want to self-identify in? And if it’s not, we just need to pay attention when we are going there. And then what do we do with that? So if it’s a reality that we’ve already agreed to, we have some reprogramming to do around clearing those thought patterns and really looking at how it is serving us, or not serving us.

What I find is people that who want to go to the entities are people that struggle with releasing their own negative thought patterns and need something to blame in order to have their experience. When the truth is at a level of consciousness, when we move into those negative thought patterns, if we can take responsibility for those thought patterns and move into shifting those thought patterns within us, that reality no longer exists. And I am seeing the power of reprogramming more and more in my own life to start clearing entities. And I definitely want to talk more about this. We’re going to go ahead and go to break so that we can come back and really dive in deeply. And I hope this is intriguing you enough that you’ll want to keep listening because it is a conversation that needs to be had. And it’s a conversation that I’m hoping will bring us to another level where we can really step outside of being the victim of our own reality, and start creating the reality that we’re here to create.

If you want to learn more about clearing entities and evolution, go to and you can listen to all our amazing shows there. You can sign up to be a member of our beautiful communities, and you can also go to and join our private Facebook group. We’ll be right back.

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