How do we unravel the truths behind the COVID-19 vaccine? What does it do to our bodies? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes and guest Charan Surdhar talk about the COVID-19 vaccine and all the controversy involved in it. Charan explains the science involved with the vaccine and how we get our immunity depending on the immune response given by our white blood cells. Charan also talks about taking the consciousness of knowing the vaccine and using it to amplify our personal ascension. Join Jewels and Charan in today’s episode to know more about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth, and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. Welcome, Charan Surdhar.

Hi, Jewels. So good to be here and excited to talk about the COVID-19 vaccine

Oh my goodness. We were just talking before we got on the recording, kind of what we were going to talk about today. And you’re just tuning into the frequency pattern of what’s going on in the world. And we’ve really zoned into the frequency of the vaccine and all of the controversy and what people are saying, the two sides, all of that.

So we wanted to just do a podcast and just bring this all to a place of neutrality and bring us back into the place where we get to actually create choice and what reality we want to move into. And how we can actually use not only the experience of the vaccine but the experience of all the controversy around the vaccine to actually amplify our personal ascension.

I’d love for you to just go into a little bit of the science behind the vaccine, and then we’ll move into just letting the divine flow through.

Absolutely. So, the science of it really is that the actual part of the vaccine is made up of messenger RNA. And in short, it’s called mRNA. And this messenger RNA is something that encodes protein. So it’s a sort of a template from which protein is created. When we produce it in our own bodies, it actually comes from our DNA. So the DNA is, if you think of it like a blueprint and the messenger RNA is like a messenger really that comes off the DNA. And it migrates outside of the nucleus to the rest of the cell, into the ribosomes where the protein is then made.

So with the vaccine, if we’re just talking literally just science, then the messenger RNA that’s encoding the spike protein of the COVID virus, 19 viruses, that is being encoded by the messenger RNA. When it comes into the cell, it goes into the ribosomes, and then it creates the spike protein. And that goes out and that’s where your white blood cells know what the immune response should be and then they get used to that. And that’s where your immunity comes from.

That’s the science behind it. And the important thing to recognize here, because a lot of people are saying and everybody has total freedom to say whatever they want to say, however, they want to think, but I’m just mentioning the science here. That there is no way that the messenger RNA can go inside the nucleus where the DNA is and reintegrate itself into the DNA. It just cannot happen.

So for anyone that’s actually fearing that, on a scientific level that’s not even happening. Because the messenger RNA has a very short lifespan and once it’s dealt with in the ribosomes it’s gone.

What I love about everything that you’ve just said is, “Yes, this is the science.” But then you also started out with a whole level of consciousness that is connected to this experience. So taking that, knowing that what everyone is thinking are just different reflections of the frequency of what their experience is from that level of truth. So, for them it’s true. But the great thing about truth is that it will shift to a different truth as we raise in frequency.

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We can actually use this experience to create different truths and higher frequencies and create different realities. So, as much as everything that you just said is absolutely true, let’s take the consciousness of what you just said and use that to amplify our personal ascension.

There’s so much to this that is just so exciting to me, but the thing that I want to just bring forth right now is that this isn’t about whether or not you should take the vaccine. This isn’t about whether or not you agree with all of the things that are being quote-unquote “said” out there. This is about creating your own personal freedom and the choice of what you want to create as your personal truth, and then creating your reality in that. And the more of us that can do that, the more we will start to ascend to the new earth reality that we all are talking about.

Oh, I agree with that. And you know, I think it’s important to bring in that there are parallel realities going on all the time. And we have to understand that in this reality if there is this particular belief system, then that’s how things are going to play out. We always have a choice as to which reality we’re going to step into and that’s where the power is. Go ahead.

Oh, I was just going to say, I think within that those belief systems are actually creating the environment within our own bodies. So if we have a belief system that the vaccine is going to damage our DNA or create a place of control within our own environment, our quote-unquote “body”, then that belief system will have life within our bodies. And it’s not about fearing whether or not that belief system is going to destroy our very environment. It’s about choosing whether or not that’s something we want to believe and start working with the consciousness of that belief system itself, shifting it into the reality of what we do want to believe.

Exactly. And science shows that. We’ve got the placebo effect, we’ve got the nocebo effect. If you think something’s going to harm you, it will. And so we have to understand that, going back to what you were saying about the consciousness aspect, is that if these beliefs are energies that are floating around our cells then we’re coming from the outside in and not from the inside out. And what we have to recognize is that we have a choice to come from the inside out. This means, if you’re talking on a cellular level, then that is going beyond the DNA to the place where all possibilities exist, the quantum field exists. And when we enter that space and then our DNA expresses itself, it’s a whole new world.

It’s an infinite possibility. I want to talk more about that, but before we do, let’s just go for a quick break. We’d just like to invite you all into joining the community at, where you can experience lots of different teachings and just become part of the movement itself. We’ll be right back.

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