SPU – Falling in Flow

There’s nothing quite so exquisite as falling in flow and allowing divine essence to guide you through life’s machinations. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the next IM Series, Falling in Flow. That series walks through the steps necessary to step into flow and remain there, regardless of what the projection casts in front of you. Don’t miss this fascinating episode about an IM Series that will rock your world and take you to places you can’t even fathom. Listen now. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Experts, and I am so excited to talk today about our next IM Series, Falling in Flow. This is so near and dear to my heart. This is it, folks, that's the ultimate, the holy grail, the prize, right, is what is at the end of all of this? We [...]

2020-09-15T16:50:44-07:00October 2nd, 2020|

SPU – Build a Reality Based in Self Love

Can we claim that self love is the most powerful tool in the quest for higher vibrational living? Of course we can! And Tonya Dawn Recla, host of Disrupt Reality, makes that claim and so much more on this episode about the power of self love. As we quest more and more deeply into the true essence of who we are, we find an intense knowingness and resonance with the frequency of love. But in order to truly harness this power, we must learn total and complete self love. Listen to this passionate and powerful episode to be reminded of that internal light shining from within. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today we're talking about how to build a reality based in self-love. Last week I spoke with Dr. Tony Ortega, and we talked about the nuts and bolts [...]

2020-04-28T12:19:15-07:00May 15th, 2020|

SPU – The Nuts and Bolts of Transformational Growth

While transformation sounds pretty and conjures images of butterflies, the reality is it yanks, pulls, and stretches us into new uncomfortableness so we can continue the progressive walk toward a new comfortableness. And on and on it goes. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Dr. Tony Ortega, author of #AreYouHereYet: How to STFU and Show Up For Yourself. Tune in and listen to Tonya and Tony deconstruct the abdicating tactics within the self help industry and how to embody your own self-dominion and relationship with God. Don’t miss this powerful episode.  Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I am pretty ecstatic today about this conversation. I think you're going to be excited about it. Actually, I know you're going to be excited. More importantly, you're going to get a lot of, excuse me, a [...]

2020-04-28T12:05:48-07:00May 8th, 2020|

ISP – Preparing for Success

Women are driving change in the business world. But when women support women in business, they are preparing for success and greater things can happen. In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla talks about how to plan for success with Lynda Sunshine West. As a Mastermind/Accountability Coach, Lynda helps professional women go from hesitant to confident so they can have the life of freedom they truly want. Listen in to learn how you can be more confident and not feel judged through the help of the power of Mastermind groups and support to prepare yourself for success. Hey everybody, this is Justin Recla, host of Incorporating SuperPowers, and today we're talking to one of my favorite people, somebody that I've known for quite some time. Lynda Sunshine West has been in ... We've been [...]

2022-04-11T18:52:17-07:00May 7th, 2020|

SPU- Normalizing Superpowers

What will the world look like once we’re done normalizing superpowers? On last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Kristine Fredheim about the importance of normalizing spirituality. In this episode Tonya takes that conversation into a different multiverse and ponders the idea of a world where superpowers seem normal. Listen now to find out how to know if you’re a mind reader or how to improve your psychic ability.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And this week we're talking about normalizing superpowers. On last week's episode I talked with Kristine Fredheim about normalizing spirituality and if that's kind of your schtick and you know that you're here to spread that message about us being spiritual beings and living a spiritual existence in this human world, then make sure you check that out.  [...]

2020-04-14T08:55:31-07:00May 1st, 2020|

SPK – How to Awaken your Dreams

Don’t just accept life as it is, awaken your dreams! Be a dreamer and dare to pursue what lights you up. In this episode of Super Power Kids, host Neva Lee Recla is joined by Keira Poulsen. Keira is a speaker, an author, and an intuitive energetic healer. She walked her own paths of healing from trauma, after facing deep levels of pain and depression. Listen in now as Neva and Keira talk about how you can eventually get out of the dark and find more light and the greatness within yourself as you awaken your dreams and greatness. Hey everyone. It's your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and I'm so excited for today's interview. We are talking about how to awaken your dreams. Awakening your dreams is so important because you're able to learn so much and you're able to teach [...]

2022-05-23T16:48:00-07:00April 25th, 2020|

SPU – Normalizing Spirituality

Mass adoption of high vibrational living requires normalizing spirituality into consciousness. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Kristine Fredheim about the importance of being open about our relationship with the Divine and guiding others in this pursuit. Kristine is the beautiful being behind the Soul Cards tarot deck. Listen in to find out how to dive more deeply into relationship with Spirit and create a life guided by the Divine.   Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Experts. I always say "excited", so I was looking for another word today. But I'm excited about this conversation. One of the things that we really live for here at Super Power Experts and at the SuperPower Up! Network is this idea of making it, it’s okay, right? It's okay to be yourself. It's okay to expand out. It’s okay to venture [...]

2021-11-22T12:02:14-07:00April 24th, 2020|

ISP – F@#K the Gurus

Do you believe in gurus? People believe that the gurus can make things better and easier. Whether it’s for technology, spiritual, financial or business, there is someone that people look up to. But do you really need them in your life? In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla is joined by Ruke. Ruke is a creative entrepreneur and artist who transforms visions into reality. Not only did he started his first company decades ago and grew it into a full service studio all by himself, he is also an inventor who received a Patent for “A System and Method for Providing a Multi-Players game Experience” in a physical space, bringing video games to life. Tune in to learn more on how you can invent a method for bringing visions into reality without the help of gurus. [...]

2022-04-11T18:53:33-07:00April 23rd, 2020|

CCS – 5G

There is a lot of misunderstanding and fear surrounding the concept of 5G, but what are the potential benefits? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes is joined by Don Paris to discuss the intricacies of 5G. Don is a published author, speaker, video producer, and musician. His best selling book, Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions, has been published internationally in different languages, and he is known as the guru of the SE-5, the world’s most respected subtle energy, scalar instrument. Listen in as Jewels and Don talk about the effects of 5G on your health and how adding scalar energy into your lives is the solution to creating a vibrant body and helps expand health to higher levels. Welcome soul family to the Cosmic Consciousness Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I am your host Jewels Arnes and I am [...]

2020-07-13T16:17:43-07:00April 18th, 2020|

SPU – Expanding Motherhood

Motherhood is one of the most crucial relationship constructs we carry as a collective. Wrapped up in the concept is all kinds of emotions, fears, hopes, dreams, sorrows, and joys. In this IM Series, Expanding Motherhood, we explore three major energetic archetypes associated with motherhood. Whether you are a mother, plan to be a mother or were birthed by a mother, you’re impacted by the stories and examples we share collectively about the role of mom. We invite you to join us in an elevated perspective of “mother” and lean into the sheer joy of experiencing an unabashed affair with the deep comfort and creation made possible through its expression.  Motherhood is the complex arrangement of various roles, responsibilities, commitments, and privileges afforded to the brave souls who choose to raise the offspring. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power [...]

2021-11-29T14:29:24-07:00April 17th, 2020|

SPU – Effective Transparency in Practical Steps

Transparency is all the rage, but how do we know effective transparency from TMI? In the last two episodes for Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Wendy Perrotti about the battle between privacy and transparency. In this episode Tonya takes those conversations and applies a practical lens to start us on the path to presenting ourselves transparently, but in an effective manner. Listen now to this final episode in the series that unveiled the depth to which this battle extends and the importance of traversing its intricacies for yourself.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today's show's all about effective transparency and practical steps. This is the culmination show from the last couple, which was a series of shows I did with Wendy Perrotti, the host of our show, A Glimpse Inside, about the battle between privacy and transparency.  [...]

2020-04-01T19:48:15-07:00April 17th, 2020|

ISP – The 12 Business Commandments to Get Fucking Real

As an entrepreneur, do you follow business commandments? When it comes to having a business, starting one is the easier part. However, the challenge begins as you grow it. But you can follow these commandments to help you, and your business, survive and prosper. In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla is joined by Lisa Cherney. Lisa has twelve commandments that cover how to get real. She is the host of the ground-breaking confession-based Get F*ing Real show for successful soulful entrepreneurs and founder of the GFR Squad. Join them now as Justin and Lisa talk about how speaking your truth creates freedom and will attract those who you are meant to connect with to you. Hey everybody, this is Justin Recla, your host, and today, well today we're going to do something a [...]

2022-04-11T18:58:45-07:00April 16th, 2020|

SPU – In the Beginning

In the beginning there was…well, none of us are real sure what there was, but we know what we see now. In fact, on some level we have an awareness that not only did something get created, but we may have had a hand in it…somehow. But that’s where we get stuck. This episode of Disrupt Reality introduces the Super Power Experts IM Series, In the Beginning. Through the telling about a miraculous creation of a single podcast show that became the #1 podcast network for personal development and spiritual growth, amassing over 1.5 million downloads monthly across the globe. To the creation of a divinely guided, totally collaborative coaching program confidently guiding people into their full walk with the Divine. This superpowered story teaches all of us that the power of belief fuels everything, big “F” Faith fills everything and Creator informs everything. And we get to play [...]

2020-04-14T12:22:07-07:00April 14th, 2020|

SPU – The Battle Between Privacy and Transparency – Part 2

How much is too much transparency? In this week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla brings back Wendy Perrotti to finish out their two-part series on the battle between privacy and transparency. Last week they dove into the multidimensionality of privacy and today they explore the wild, wild west of the transparency conversation. They tackle difficult concepts like: when does sharing your story on social media equate to vomiting your fear on everyone else? Touchy subject, but worth the exploration. Don’t miss this conversation about a topic that stands to make or break our collective collaborative experience. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, Your Super Power Expert. And we are back today talking with just this beautiful woman, so near and dear to my heart. We're talking today with Wendy Perrotti again about The Battle between Privacy and Transparency. So last week we [...]

2020-04-01T19:23:20-07:00April 10th, 2020|

WOA – Holistic Liberation

If you’re suffering from illness, stress or problems and can’t find the right approach for a better life, holistic liberation can help. As many people struggle to find balance and true peace in their lives, this process is the path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by Dr. Gabriel Cousens, a worldwide known holistic physician, psychiatrist, therapist, shaman, spiritual teacher, and leading expert in live, plant-sourced nutrition. He is the author of twelve internationally acclaimed books including Conscious Parenting and Spiritual Nutrition. Listen in as Ayn and Gabriel talk about the path of holistic liberation and how you can enjoy sacred relationships while moving beyond the pain and suffering. Greetings! Hello. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts. You're listening to Wisdom of the Ages, where we can invite the sacred into modern day reality. You can [...]

2020-04-08T06:53:53-07:00April 8th, 2020|

SPU – The Battle Between Privacy and Transparency – Part 1

In the social media and superpower era, the conversation between privacy and transparency is ignited and feels threatening to so many. In Part 1 of the Disrupt Reality series about the battle between privacy and transparency, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with the host of A Glimpse Inside, Wendy Perrotti. They discuss the multidimensionality of the privacy dilemma and how that impacts the way we interact and connect with others. Don’t miss this deep dive into realms previously unchartered as they disentangle the collective fear that threatens to tear us apart. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm so excited to share with you today a woman who is absolutely near and dear to my heart. I adore her, and I'm so enjoying collaborating with her, and working with her. She is the amazing host of our A Glimpse Inside [...]

2020-04-01T18:47:54-07:00April 3rd, 2020|

SPU – Identifying Superpowers

What happens when we start seeing superpowers in real life? This concept of symbolically using superpower terminology is fine, but what if we really mean actual superpowers? In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Vish Chatterji about using yoga to tap into your superpowers. This week she dives into both the complexity of identifying and understanding real superpowers, but also the hazard of using superpowers for self-identification. Dive into the rabbit hole with Tonya to suss out the intricacies of human potential and the depth to which we’ll go to harness it. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and today we're talking about identifying superpowers. On last week's episode we had Vish Chatterji on the show talking about how to harness yoga, or use yoga to harness your superpowers. The conversation was super fascinating around [...]

2020-03-17T12:21:14-07:00March 27th, 2020|

SPU – Using Yoga to Harness Your Superpowers

Yoga offers us a blueprint for channeling energy to harness your superpowers. But why do so many of us resist the deep wisdom journey available through its practice? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Vish Chatterji, author of The Business Casual Yogi, about the vast dimensionality of the Yogic and Vedic traditions. Listen in now to hear how you can use this vast, ancient knowledge to increase your happiness and impact.  Hello everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert and I'm excited for today's conversation folks. We are talking today about using yoga to harness your superpowers. Now make no mistake about it we're not talking about getting your mat out, going to the gym, doing your stretches. For sure if that's how you practice yoga then that's how you practice yoga and that's your experience of [...]

2020-03-04T19:01:53-07:00March 20th, 2020|

SPU – The Body as an Energy Conduit

The greatest energy conduit we have is our body, but none of us really know how to use it. While it functions pretty well on its own, do we really know what else it’s capable of? In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Ilana Bissonnette about bending and shaping reality. In today’s episode, she explores the idea that our bodies can be used as a conduit for energy. If we listen to our bodies, or if we listen to Spirit as it moves through our bodies, we can manage energy differently. We can use our bodies as a mechanism for harnessing universal energy and manipulating the world around us. Listen now to find out how you can work with your body in new and exciting ways.   Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today's episode is [...]

2020-03-21T23:41:15-07:00March 13th, 2020|

SPU – Bending and Shaping Reality

What role do our bodies play in shaping reality? On this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with backbend extraordinaire Ilana Bissonnette about using backbending to harness universal energy. Ilana created the Ilana Backbending Method and claims that if you change your posture you can change your life. But this goes well beyond traditional stretching and yoga practices. Ilana challenges all of us to unfold our ultimate selves through bending the body in ways previously thought impossible. Listen in to this fascinating conversation about how to shape reality by moving your body. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm excited today. You know me, I'm always excited. Well actually, let me backup. I thought, at one point in time, I had the coolest job in the world when I was running around chasing spies and doing all [...]

2020-03-21T23:22:59-07:00March 6th, 2020|

SPU – The Vibration of Language

The vibration of language emanates from our thoughts and voices, but we rarely think about the impact. In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla talked with AngelaMaría about how language shapes our reality. In this episode, Tonya expands on the concept of the power of words and how to harness congruency to craft your reality. Listen in to learn some next-level techniques for communicating clearly as a creator and influencer within your world.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today's episode is all about the vibration of language. Last week we talked with AngelaMaría about reality and it was all about how reality is shaped by our language, by our vernacular, by our intonations, all of that good stuff. And so we're going to dive in much more deeply today. Because one of the things we teased [...]

2020-03-02T16:39:38-07:00February 28th, 2020|

SPU – Reality en Realidad

Language shapes our reality and forms our world. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla chats with AngelaMaría, host of the High Frequency Healing show, about her amazing crossover concept for the Spanish-speaking market. In alignment with their mission of pushing the bounds of perspective, Super Power Experts strives to bridge worlds through creative broadcasting, programs and outreach. Listen to this fascinating conversation about some of the amazing and creative ways AngelaMaría is helping to usher in an inclusive and exciting new paradigm within the SuperPower Up Team. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I am so excited today. I love my show, I love my guests, but it always such a treat when we can have someone from our Super Power Experts team on to talk about the work that we're doing and how we're doing it. [...]

2020-03-02T16:40:34-07:00February 21st, 2020|

SPU – Shifting the Parenting Paradigm

As we pursue higher intellect, greater capacity to experience life and evolved existence, the parenting paradigm must also adapt. In last week’s episode, Tonya talked with Amber Trueblood about stretching motherhood and she continues that conversation today. Listen in as Tonya explores how to create an expanded perspective of parenting that can accommodate our ever-transforming concepts of reality. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today we're talking about Shifting the Parenting Paradigm. Last week I spoke with Amber Trueblood about stretching motherhood and her book, Stretch Marks. All about mothering in your own way and having the courage to step into that space with you, and your partner, and your children. How you're going to do mothering? What that means for you, what that looks like for your family. I wanted to expand on that conversation today and talk about the [...]

2020-06-29T11:38:06-07:00February 14th, 2020|

MYS – An Emerging New Human Story – Gregg Braden

We all want to be our best, but is it possible to become a better person? In this episode of Mystical Science, host Karen Elkins is joined by Gregg Braden to talk about the new human story. Gregg is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, researcher, educator, lecturer and internationally renowned as a pioneer bridging modern science, spirituality, and human potential. He is among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 6th consecutive year, and he is a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award. Listen in as Karen and Gregg talks about how you can devote your talents to expand your vision of human purpose and make your own New Human Story that will inspire others. Hello everybody. This is Karen Elkins, the show is Mystical Science, and today our guest is Gregg Braden.  We're talking about emerging [...]

2020-01-31T05:29:37-07:00February 10th, 2020|

ISP – Pitch Perfect

Have you found your pitch perfect message? Or do you find yourself still trying to find your footing when on stage? Miluna Fausch trains conscientious C-level executives in voice & stage presence so they can communicate as the leaders they aspire to be. Listen in as Miluna and host Justin Recla discuss how you can step up your stage performance to better connect with your audience. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. I am your host and today's show was all about Pitch Perfect. It's all about the language you use and the importance of that.  Our guest today is Miluna Fausch. The name of her business is Perfect Pitch and she is just magic in the space of business and combining, what I love about having her here is that she combines the concepts of spirituality [...]

2022-06-06T10:32:41-07:00February 6th, 2020|

SPU – The Frequency of Hope Part 2

In Part I of The Frequency of Hope, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked about the importance of deconstructing the frequency of fear. In Part II, she expands on this concept by guiding us in how to transition our lives to operate in the frequency of hope. While this sounds like a wonderful, harmonious existence, it isn’t always easy for people to believe in. The very concept of hope gets meshed with faith, belief, dreaming, religion, spirituality, and so much more. Are we able to transcend the paralyzing fear of looking foolish or being wrong in order to realize the full potential of living free from dense restriction of lower frequencies? That becomes the question each of us must face in order to boldly and courageously create in the frequency of hope. Listen now as Tonya wraps up this two-part series and teaches us how to remove ourselves from the [...]

2020-01-26T09:01:04-07:00January 31st, 2020|

WOA – Super Angel

Do you believe in angels? People believe that each and every person on earth has an assigned guardian angel — whether with wings or in human form. They consider these angels to protect, console, and communicate with them. In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by Joanna Garzilli. Joanna is a professional tarot card reader and psychic life coach. For over 20 years, she has done personal readings for people from all walks of life. She has helped and provided spiritual success coaching for entrepreneurs and celebrity influencers and is the author behind the Big Miracles: The 11 Spiritual Rules for Ultimate Success. Listen in to learn more about how angels can help transform and create miracles in your life right now. Hello everyone and welcome to the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show where we leave the sacred [...]

2020-01-26T08:09:02-07:00January 29th, 2020|

MYS – Mystical Science

In this debut episode of the Mystical Science show, host Karen Elkins joins the SuperPower Up Network. In this conversation, she chats with Tonya Dawn Recla, Executive Director of Super Power Experts, about the importance of uncovering the mechanisms by which nature works through science. Through this show, Karen introduces to us the practice of religious ecstasies together with ethics, rites, and ideologies. Listen in, subscribe to the show and get ready for a wonderful, wild journey of science and mysticism. Welcome. This is a new show on the SuperPower Up!, Mystical Science. I'm your host, Karen Elkins, and we're here to explore science to sage.  For 10 years I've done extensive research in the convergence of science, consciousness and world philosophies. This new show, Mystical Science, will engage the world leaders, innovative thinkers, discussing their insights, their innovation, and their inspiration. [...]

2022-06-06T10:41:45-07:00January 27th, 2020|

SPU – The Frequency of Hope Part 1

What happens when we choose to live in a frequency of hope and refuse to feed fear? In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Elizabeth April about how to Quantum Leap into What’s Possible. They touched on the idea of hope and faith as key components of that leap. In this first part of The Frequency of Hope, Tonya expands on the importance of being really solid in deconstructing any programs that originally developed from a frequency of fear instead of creating programs rooted in an expansive walk with the Divine. Listen in to hear powerful insights and tactics you can implement in your life to start creating from a frequency of hope. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today, we're talking about the Frequency of Hope.  Last week's episode with Elizabeth April, we dove [...]

2020-01-22T17:50:34-07:00January 24th, 2020|

ISP – Creating Consciousness

Mariyln Macha has mastered the art of creating consciousness with her clients so they can create the life they want. From owning her own financial advisor firm, to working with kids, Marilyn is a prime example of what it means to show up authentically. Listen in as Marilyn joins Justin Recla and they explore the mindset needed to succeed in business today. This is Incorporating SuperPowers, and I am your host, Justin Recla.  Today, I am super, super excited to be talking with and speaking to one of my favorite people on the planet. She is absolutely magic.  Before we get started, a little bit of background here. Marilyn and I met at a business conference called CEO Space. Oh my goodness, I don't know, three, four, five years ago, however long it was, and just [...]

2022-06-06T10:40:57-07:00January 23rd, 2020|

SPU – How to Quantum Leap into What’s Possible

Can we take the superpower to quantum leap out of movies and into our lives? Join this fantastic conversation about what it takes to move beyond a third dimensional reality and actualize truly magical abilities to alter your current reality. Host Tonya Dawn Recla chats with Elizabeth April about how to view the infinite realities available and make a choice to leap into one that lights up your spirit, contributes to collective expansion and harnesses universal knowingness regarding what’s possible. If you’re looking for next-level developmental techniques, don’t miss this how-to conversation between two fascinating women who walk their talks. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm really, really, really delighted today to have with me just this beautiful, amazing woman who walks the world with such light. It's kind of a unique situation in the sense that, as you [...]

2021-05-28T01:31:21-07:00January 17th, 2020|

WOA – Wisdom of the Ages

In this debut episode of the Wisdom of the Ages show, host Ayn Cates Sullivan joins the SuperPower Up Network. In this conversation, she chats with Tonya Dawn Recla, Executive Director of Super Power Experts, about the importance of bringing forward the experiences and deep knowledge of the past into the modern world. Through this show, Ayn introduces us to an amazing breadth of mythology, folklore and cultural wisdom all entwined with universal wisdom. Listen in, subscribe to the show and get ready for a wonderful, wild journey into worlds long forgotten as we build worlds yet to come. Are you ready to lean back into the wings of wisdom and be carried by a higher source? Then tune in with me and get ready for a wild and magical ride. Throughout the ages, wisdom has been [...]

2022-06-06T10:39:29-07:00January 15th, 2020|

SPU – What is Fear?

What is fear? Is it an emotion or feeling, an idea, a biological response to our environment or just a program? This conversation picks up where last week’s episode, Choose Your Reality with Gary Douglas from Access Consciousness, left off. Whether fear is a created construct or not, the undeniable truth is that the majority of humanity accepts it as real, therefore it has an impact on how we perceive of our reality. In order to alter what you see in the projection, you must be willing to look at all of the unknown or subconscious mechanisms that create on your behalf without your awareness. Listen to this episode to find out how to start disentangling yourself from fear and move into creating a reality founded in a higher frequency. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and today, we're chatting about [...]

2020-01-08T13:09:38-07:00January 10th, 2020|

SPU – Choose Your Reality

Today’s transformational conversations accept that our perception impacts reality, but is it really possible to choose your reality? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Gary Douglas comes back to the show to chat with Tonya Dawn Recla about the power we wield beyond managing our reactions to what we perceive. Listen in to this fascinating conversation that explores how to revamp limiting vernacular, programs, and behaviors. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm so excited to have back on the show today Gary Douglas from Access Consciousness, the founder, the brilliant mind behind it all. Well, mind, brilliant being that allowed this thing to be birthed into the world that's had such a profound impact globally.  We talked years ago, brought him on the show talking about the intersection between superpowers and access consciousness. So I'm not going to get too [...]

2019-12-30T06:48:53-07:00January 3rd, 2020|

HFH – How To Channel Energy To Heal

Everything around you circulates life energy. The flow of energy connects everything that exists and it supports life and helps you heal. How To Channel Energy To Heal, is the topic that AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show discusses today with Renae Mussachio. Multi-dimensional energy therapist and EFT Practitioner, Renae is an internationally known and respected energy therapist who is able to channel source, a person’s higher self, and work with multi-dimensional healers to assist busy women resolve their issues and easily release old patterns that hold them back from their greatness. Renae’s journey of life began with a childhood of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse that ended when she was reunited with her birth mother at the age of twelve. Through her own journey of healing, she has awakened to her genius while learning a multitude of tools. Listen in as she shares with AngelaMaría some actions [...]

2019-12-29T23:08:51-07:00January 1st, 2020|

SPU – Be You. The World will Adjust

The encouragement to Be You is rampant in personal development circles, but what does it really mean? Last week Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Amazing Robyn about Expanding Beyond Normal and that episode sparked levels of awareness around the relationship between being you and changing the world. Of course we accept that in order to change the world, we have to change on some level, but how many of us are truly willing to change ourselves at the depth of our beingness? Listen to this episode of Disrupt Reality to get solid tips on how to start seeing yourself differently so the world can start to appear to be different.  Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today we're talking about Be You. The World Will Adjust. It's coming off of last week's episode with Amazing Robyn where we talked about Expanding [...]

2019-12-19T12:40:56-07:00December 27th, 2019|

SPU – Expanding Beyond Normal

These days, the concept of normal is readily challenged, but how do we know what lies beyond normal? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla chats with Amazing Robyn about pursuing expansion, living outside of the box, and challenging the status quo. Robyn is a spiritualist who started her journey as a gospel teacher and this conversation is anything but ordinary. Listen in as these rebellious ladies talk about their experiences busting through the paradigm and creating on the other side. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm excited. You know, I'm always excited. I don't really talk with people I'm not excited to talk to you. That's the luxury of being free to do your own thing and being the boss of your own show. Today is no exception, folks. We have, well, I'm going to say [...]

2019-12-11T15:09:42-07:00December 20th, 2019|

SPS – How to Have Self Belief In Your Passion

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul Brady Novotny talks to Jennifer Urezzio, about having self belief in your passion. This marvel of song and how the human mind works, talks to how having a passion can change your whole life. Listen now to how believing in yourself and your passion leads to a life of freedom, fun and success. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert, Founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I'm here with Brady Novotny, and we're talking about how to have self-relief in your conscience.  Welcome, Brady. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited that you're here. I'm out on my porch, everyone, because it's been raining for what it seems like 100 days on the East Coast here. Oh, yeah. That's [...]

2019-12-10T23:41:06-07:00December 15th, 2019|

SPU – Diving into Creation: The InsideOut book experience

As we ponder the vastness and complexity of creation, we come face-to-face with our own cosmic consciousness. Whether we glimpse creation through a scientific, spiritual, mathematical or practical lens, we start to see patterns emerge. To illustrate this, Karen Elkins, host of the Mystical Science show on the SuperPower Up! Network, takes us on a decadent sensory experience in her book, InsideOut: Revealing the Mysteries of Creation and the Wisdom to Live Your Life Consciously Connected. Sharing the depth of experience and insight from brilliant minds such as Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Krishna Madappa, and many others, Karen weaves together the undeniable complexities of creation in an artistic and consumable way. Listen in as she shares with host Tonya Dawn Recla her amazing story of faith, guidance, courage and trust as she allowed Spirit to create this delightful book through her for all the world to experience.   [...]

2019-12-10T23:26:50-07:00December 13th, 2019|

SLSP – How Gender Influences Self Image

Have you ever thought about where your self image comes from? In this fascinating conversation, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei interviews first-time filmmakers and long time entrepreneurs Katherine and Nick North about Nick’s transition from female to male and the impact it has had on their lives. Funny and moving, this powerhouse couple helps to shed light on common misconceptions about the transgender community and give us a glimpse into the inner world of someone who has gone through gender reassignment surgery. You don’t want to miss this impactful conversation - tune in to hear about how gender powerfully and unconsciously shapes the way we experience the world. Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love & SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei and today, I am really thrilled to be joined by Katherine and Nick North.  We [...]

2022-05-30T18:43:28-07:00December 11th, 2019|
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