In the beginning there was…well, none of us are real sure what there was, but we know what we see now. In fact, on some level we have an awareness that not only did something get created, but we may have had a hand in it…somehow. But that’s where we get stuck. This episode of Disrupt Reality introduces the Super Power Experts IM Series, In the Beginning. Through the telling about a miraculous creation of a single podcast show that became the #1 podcast network for personal development and spiritual growth, amassing over 1.5 million downloads monthly across the globe. To the creation of a divinely guided, totally collaborative coaching program confidently guiding people into their full walk with the Divine. This superpowered story teaches all of us that the power of belief fuels everything, big “F” Faith fills everything and Creator informs everything. And we get to play within it all in a way most can’t fathom, only some can sense and very few willingly walk toward. If you feel Spirit’s gentle nudging or hear God’s whisper or experience Source’s full expansive embrace, even for a brief moment, watch this series to find out what happens when you step boldly on the path that leads us all the way back to The Beginning.

Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Experts and on this episode of Disrupt Reality we’re going to talk today about the IM series that we’re running called In The Beginning. Super excited about this series. It looks at this concept of manifestation in a way that is just a little bit like let’s say nudging it a tad higher in perspective from how we typically view it. I know that many of you have had experiences in the manifestation department at various levels of your own development. This looks at the idea of creation in us as creators and what gets in the way of that component and how we move into this real co-creative element with the divine to make sure that that doesn’t happen.

Activate Your Superpowers

First we’re going to talk today about the IM series itself and how those came to be. We discussed this a little bit in the material, but this concept came from the awareness that more and more and more of you are asking for deeper information.

We’ve run the podcast for so long now and so many of you are listening, absolutely unbelievable listenership, but I think the current last I checked was at 1.65 million downloads in a month. Unheard of numbers globally, so we hear you, we know you all are starving for this information and you want more of it. Clearly spirits stepped in during the recent pandemic to say, “Hey, this is time now, do this now.” Proving that podcasting, if done well, is pandemic proof.

Doing your work in the world in co-creation with the divine is not just necessary but it is exponentially beneficial to everyone involved.

Those lessons have to be shared, and so in the beginning really dives into how we took a single podcast show to the number one podcast network for spiritual development and personal growth, and what that means for the implications of real world changing, dare I say reality disrupting action.

Guided action in alignment with the divine. This series looks at how do we know, and there’s three parts to this series and we’re going to walk through the first three steps in the Five Steps of Manifestation and you’ll be able to get deeper into that material if that’s something that fascinates you and you feel really drawn into that body of work.

We’re going to take a quick break now, but before we do you’re not going to want to miss these messages. The messages each week are free, that is our commitment to you, just like the podcast. Free, ad free, of course we’re going to tell you what’s going on in our ecosystem and some of the solutions that we have available for folks, but our commitment to you is high quality material, high vibrational material in a way that feels good. We lead with our hearts and souls here folks and I know you can feel that. Don’t miss these.

Go to and give us your email and that way you make sure it gets to your inbox each week. If you’re not seeing those messages, I know some of you have signed up and you’re not seeing them, please check the trash, look for those messages. You’re not going to want to miss out on those.

Again go to, you can click on messages in the toolbar, and put your name and email in there. If you’ve missed a portion of the series you can go there also to check it out. We’re excited to have you on this journey with us and stay tuned, when we come back from the break we’re going to dive in even further into this concept of in the beginning and manifestation. You’re not going to want to miss it.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.