There’s nothing quite so exquisite as falling in flow and allowing divine essence to guide you through life’s machinations. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the next IM Series, Falling in Flow. That series walks through the steps necessary to step into flow and remain there, regardless of what the projection casts in front of you. Don’t miss this fascinating episode about an IM Series that will rock your world and take you to places you can’t even fathom. Listen now.

Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Experts, and I am so excited to talk today about our next IM Series, Falling in Flow. This is so near and dear to my heart. This is it, folks, that’s the ultimate, the holy grail, the prize, right, is what is at the end of all of this? We talk about these issues, and we talk about these pain points, and we talk about the processes to manage them, and we talk about how you can stay in this state of love, and flow, and all this stuff throughout the day.

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Usually, if you stop and ask people, “Why are you doing this? What is it that you want? What’s at the end of this? What’s the point? What’s the dangle?” a lot of people fall just into, like, “Oh, I just want to be happier. I just want to be content.” It’s so fascinating to me because this is a hell of a lot of work to go through if you’re not really clear on the big kahuna at the end.

Like, what’s that wave? What’s the thing that you’re going for, right, and a lot of people, if they really sit down, and settle in, and kind of tap in, they can give some voice to it. Like, “It’s this,” or, “I have this sense,” or “I want to be of service,” or, “I want to help people. I want to do this thing.” But to tap into that sense of, what will that be like? What does your existence need to look like? What is either the step or the natural byproduct, and/or both, of what it is you’re in pursuit of? 

Without that, folks, some of these steps get really challenging, and it’s easy to get off-track if you don’t have some sort of a guiding light there. So we look at this in the Falling in Flow series, and we kind of dissect and say, “Okay, first of all, why? Why bother? What’s the point? What does it mean?” And then we look at, okay, so if it’s that great, because trust me, it’s great, then how do I do it? How do I get there? And is there really this space of, I could just be in this all the time? 

Most of us carry serious doubts about the fact that we can override the human condition long enough to, or solidly enough to stay in a state of flow, in the embrace and harmony with the divine in all ways. I recommend that you use this episode in this series that we have coming up to really look at that inside of yourself, because if you haven’t hit up against points along your journey yet that really make you question the commitment that you’ve made, then you will. Without something that is so miraculous that you really can’t accomplish it anyway else, it’s going to be challenging to persevere through those places, and so we’ll take a look at that in the series. 

We’re going to take a break right now. If you are not currently watching the series, engaging in them, really, really receiving that information that’s coming through, I highly recommend you do that. It’s chock-full of significant guides. Most of them, you could probably watch 100 times over and still catch new things about it, because that’s exactly how spirit works. 

But if you’re ready and you want to get those into your inbox, make sure you go to our messages on the site,, and put your email in there, and we’ll make sure we get those into your inbox. I think it’s really important to have those foundations, have those things to go back to, those resources and those tools. It reminds us that there’s support, it reminds us that we’re not alone, and it reminds us that it’s possible, and that’s important to kind of gather around you, especially as you’re looking at perhaps making a fuller commitment into moving into that harmony on a full-time basis.

Regardless, stay with us. We’re going to dive into this a little bit more so you know what to expect from that series, and so many more wonderful things when we come back from the break. Stay with us, folks, we’ll be right back.

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