Can we claim that self love is the most powerful tool in the quest for higher vibrational living? Of course we can! And Tonya Dawn Recla, host of Disrupt Reality, makes that claim and so much more on this episode about the power of self love. As we quest more and more deeply into the true essence of who we are, we find an intense knowingness and resonance with the frequency of love. But in order to truly harness this power, we must learn total and complete self love. Listen to this passionate and powerful episode to be reminded of that internal light shining from within.

Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today we’re talking about how to build a reality based in self-love. Last week I spoke with Dr. Tony Ortega, and we talked about the nuts and bolts of transformation and got really kind of in the grind there about, what are the steps, what are the things that have to occur in order for real change to happen? And it hinted around this idea of do we get to feel this self-love, this freedom, this desire we hold for total self-acceptance that kind of washes over us and then informs how we view our relationships with others and perhaps how we think they might perceive of us. And I liked that conversation. So if you’re kind of one of those practical, get your hands dirty, kind of figure out how to do that, that’s a great conversation for you to go back and listen to.

Activate Your Superpowers

And we have to add in this component of if we don’t kind of infuse love to include self-love into this entire equation, we’re really missing out. And so we’re going to dive into that concept today. There’s this kind of knowingness that we all resonate with about when we feel like we’re in our true essence and when we don’t, but what dictates when we do that, how we do that, if we do that? And so we’ll dive into that more deeply.

But before I do, I think it’s good to do a little bit of a self-assessment and just check in with yourself. Like how totally and madly in love with yourself are you? Or is it, “Well, sure I love myself, but…” Yeah, we can always improve and… So really just sit in that a moment and be honest with yourself. There’s no right or wrong answer, but it’s good to kind of look at… You can use one of the techniques that we teach over at Super Power Experts, which is kind of breaking it into your pieces and parts and kind of see which aspects of you, which personas within you, which kind of arc types if you will that you’re holding are totally in love with yourself and which ones aren’t and why. Why are certain ones perhaps jaded or scarred or holding onto something? And start to hold that observer perspective because we can’t really go into a dialogue about how to build your reality based in self-love if we’re not being honest about do we really love ourselves. And I think the immediate reactive response that most of us have is like, “Well, of course.”

But then if we sit back and kind of be in that pause for a minute, we can start to see evidence of the fact that perhaps we don’t. Maybe it was a glance in the mirror in a judgment about a body part that you find particularly troublesome for yourself or less than perfect, or perhaps it was a thought about an ability or an aptitude or falling or feeling short of some bar that you had set that maybe you don’t even give voice to what the bar is, but the sense is that you missed the mark. Maybe it was a harsh word from somebody else and we didn’t kind of stand in our space and protect ourselves, love ourselves in the midst of that because we felt the truth in what that person was saying. It doesn’t really matter what form it takes. Some of us physically abuse ourselves.

What we can start to unpack is how is it that we can carry such contradictions inside of ourselves? Of course I love myself and, yet, or but, or whatever that might be. So sit with that for a minute and just maybe you can only go so deep right now. Maybe you’re being called to go deeper than you’ve gone before with yourself, but when it’s just you and no one else knows what’s real, what’s really true under there. And when you’re willing to take a look at it, it means you can start to heal that. You can start to pull that forward. 

We can only see that which we’re ready to integrate. And if you’re seeing it, then it’s okay. You’re ready to integrate it. And if you’re not seeing it, that’s okay too. Perhaps you have integrated it, or perhaps it’s just wasn’t one of your lessons this lifetime, or perhaps it’s just not quite time right now. And all of that’s okay. There’s still ample to learn from in this, regardless of which phase of depth you’re in within yourself.

So we’re going to take a quick break before we dive into really flushing out how we alter our reality based in self-love. But before we do, if this work appeals to you, please go and check out our site and click on the programs tab. We’re happy to invite you into a dialogue around that or explore other shows. The easiest way to do that is to download the app. It’s And you can stream your favorite shows there or the entire network and kind of walk around in our ecosystem and get a sense of what we’re about in the world.

We’re going to take a break today. We’re talking about how to build a reality based in self-love. Do the little self-assessment that I was talking to you about before, and we will be right back.


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