SPU – Intelligence Transference and Information Entanglement with Justin Recla
Intelligence transference and information entanglement as Super Powers. Justin Recla, business operations extraordinaire, talks about his experience being married to an enlightened and empowered woman. He discusses the challenges of living in agreement to operate in total transparency and how he applies that concept to both relationships and business. Hello everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert. This is a very extra, extra special show I have with my hunk-a-hunk-a-burning love, my husband Justin Recla. Hi, baby. So Justin is…he's amazing obviously. But in addition, well I shouldn’t say amazing “but”, I should say rather AND in addition to being amazing he happens to be the Director of Operations for Super Power Experts. And I thought it was high time that we brought him on the show. He’s been working in the background making sure things are possible and systemizing all of my [...]