How can you live a meaningful life?How do you balance living for today, planning for the future, and learning from the past? How do you become your highest and best self? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, Amorahki chats with Jeff Rasley about his latest book, 72 Wisdoms, a guidebook that covers 72 concerns all thinking people care about that is designed to enhance your spiritual, psychological, and philosophical health. Jeff is a lawyer, author, professor, activist, and president of the Basa Village Foundation as well as the Sci and Tech Foundation of Indiana. Each of the 72 wisdoms are quotes which introduce particular topics of concern that are relevant to each stage of life: giving birth to a baby, falling in love, and parenting, as well as grieving the loss of loved ones, and preparing for your own death. Prepare to be inspired as Jeff shares profound stories, personal experiences, humorous observations and probing questions that will deepen your understanding of how to live a meaningful life today!