Women Who Tell Our Stories – Women’s History Month 2023

Join us as we celebrate Women’s History Month at the Superpower Network. In this episode of the Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares the power storytelling has in shaping our realities and influencing our experiences. Tonya guides us to a better awareness of how journeying through our own stories lights a pathway for others to better understand theirs. Through Creative Energy Field Activation (CEFA) we learn how to explore layers inside ourselves so we can upgrade the stories we want to tell. Don’t miss this fabulous episode that illuminates the power of intentionally creating the stories we tell and, together with a grateful nation, celebrates the Women Who Tell Our Stories.

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. So glad you’re joining us, especially for this episode as we kick off our celebration of Women’s History Month. That’s right. The Superpower Network celebrates Women’s History Month and is proud to align with the 2023 theme of honoring the women who tell our stories.

As more women endeavor to find their voices and share their experiences, we open pathways for others to follow. We love you and love each other. We are so excited about this month and sharing these stories, particularly what a phenomenal theme for us, right? We’ve been podcasting for more than a minute back in 2016. And we have many, many, many, many episodes, where women have been sharing their stories and various stories, different stories, diverse stories, and the rich tapestry that’s created here. The Superpower Network is tremendous, right? We can dive into all of the various layers and feel them and see just what happens when we’re willing to open up our perspectives. Right? As CEFA teaches us to expand our minds, soften our hearts a little bit, and receive people who are different, right see the world differently, who appear different, right, who walk the world differently, who maybe think differently than we do, they might feel things differently than we do, right?

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This is the incredible richness of our own personal experiences that come when we open up to that of others. And that’s an art. We’re learning that art and one of the easiest ways to step into that space is to listen to the stories. Others tell really listen with that expanded mind with that open heart, that softened heart, as we hear, right, and let the richness of the stories and the experiences unfold. And so this month, we’re going to talk all about the importance of telling our stories, and finding our voices, right? What does it look like? What’s responsibility look like when we’re telling stories, right? What sort of worlds are recreating, as we tell these stories, and so you can kind of were teasing a little bit about some of the topics we’re going to be looking into. And it’s all around this idea of what happened when every woman endeavors to know herself and share that with the world. Right? That’s a beautiful vision. 

So that’s one that we’re feeding into here, The Superpower Network, that we continue to fuel over Super Power Experts in our body of work with a CEFA modality changing the way we all live, right? If you want to do some of these advanced courses, some of the accelerated paths in life, the superpower that existed, right, you got to be willing to kind of expand your mind and think about things differently. And so when we look at how we tell stories we can vision forward into the power that they hold, to create the world that we’re actually stepping into, right? We love to talk about the world that we’ve experienced and have come from, but what about the stories that we’re crafting about the world that we want to live in?

Right programming, this is how we learn. This is how we vision this is how we dream and share with each other like, hey, what if, and I know many, many, many of us are having conversations around, maybe we can envision a different world right? Perhaps we can envision one where we’re consideration and professionalism and courtesy and, and space and patience and Grace are, are forward, right are present so that we can listen. So we can have some conversations so we can receive in ways that say, ” Okay, I think I’m ready to see this reality I’ve created for myself from a different perspective. And that takes incredible courage. We do that through our storytelling, we gain our courage through our storytelling by finding ourselves and stories and other characters. I mean, here’s one of the little tricks that we use those Super Power Experts if you want the accelerated path of development, imagine that you’re all the characters always right don’t let yourself off the hook, and only identify what the hero identifies with the villain, right and dig in and identify with all of the aspects that are being presented. Because finding that within your personality within your, your way of being within your psyche, if you will, creates a richness of your own experience that you get to play with as you work with these creative concepts. And so opening ourselves up to find ourselves in each other and then the characters we create in our stories allow us to have this rich experience of life in multiple dimensions, right multiple layers all at the same time. No need to be bored, you can think creatively.

So we’re gonna take a quick break here. Before we do get over to superpowerexperts.com. If you want to know more about what I’m talking about, how do you walk in the world in a multi-dimensional existence, right? What do you mean by superpowers like real superpowers as I can fly? Because sometimes you feel like you are right when you’re able to ride the frequency rate waves and sort of move in and out of different versions of your own reality and interact with different types of people who are speaking from different places, right? Material virtual vibrational, right? There are many, many, many planes that we exist in. And so having the ability to move amongst all of those becomes very powerful. And again, we do that through our storytelling. 

So get over to superpowerexperts.com. Check all of that out. We’re going to be right back, you’re talking more about the women who tell our stories as we celebrate Women’s History Month here at Superpower Network. Stay with us. We’ll be right back.

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