Creating True Abundance

How can you begin creating true abundance? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell welcomes guest Daniel Mangena to the show. Is it possible to manifest true abundance? This episode will talk about understanding your own money DNA in the process of creating your own financial abundance, using your love language in alignment with your goals, how to achieve your goals and the importance of breaking down barriers and boxes in your life to reach your full potential. Tune in now to learn more about creating true abundance!

Kristin Maxwell:

Hello, everyone. Welcome. I am Kristen Maxwell and this is Your SuperPowered Mind. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your life. Today, I am truly excited to be talking to Daniel Mangena about the process of Creating True Abundance. And Daniel Mangena is a podcast host, a best-selling author and an international speaker, and an entrepreneur who has built his career around sharing some tools that he discovered when his life was in such a difficult place that he was considering suicide. He has created a life that many people obviously look up to. He’s been featured by Oprah, featured and Forbes, and entrepreneur, and he continues to guide people in their process of creating true ultimate abundance. And I am truly excited to be speaking with him because I am always curious about what does it take when your life looks so bleak to turn it all around and find meaning, abundance and love, and belonging? And he seems to have some ideas about how to do that. So welcome, Daniel.

Daniel Mangena:

Thank you for having me. Really happy to be here and to dive in.

Activate Your Superpowers

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes, and that’s what I love to do. So my first question is always what superpower did you uncover in the process of mastering your mind?

Daniel Mangena:

As I continue the process of seeking to master my mind, what are the superpowers? I would say that’s become most evident to me actually emerged from my diagnosis of Asperger’s that happened when I was 27 years old. And that’s if there’s anything systemized I can literally learn it in a heartbeat. If you give me anything that’s got a step-by-step process, I’ll be able to master it. Anything, it doesn’t matter what it is. But if something doesn’t have a step-by-step process that I can get my head wrapped around, then I can sometimes no matter how simple it is actually going to be completely and utterly overwhelmed and anxious. It’s really funny to see it actually hope your voice went away. Hello. Oh, hello. Hi. Yes, I said really funny to see an accent was where I stopped.

Kristin Maxwell:

Okay, great. With an accent Okay, sorry. My cut out and save time. Hello, everybody. Welcome to our, to our discovering ourselves through technology. I love that you said that. Because one of the things I’m very much about processing myself. And I wrote down I always do preparation, you know, reading people read about what they’ve done. And I wrote down for you, which I’ve never ever done before it is what needs to change and people before they can transform, which is such a process question. And for some reason, I really like what is it that allows people to transform because if you’re in the process, and your end of the transformation, what do people need to do? Where do they start?

Daniel Mangena:

As cheesy and maybe absurdly obvious as it may sound, the first thing you need to do is actually identify what you’re transforming into. Because lots of us are caught up on what we’re transforming away from, or running towards a transformation outcome. That’s not even self-directed. It’s culturally directed. It’s fear directed. It’s programmed and directed. It’s keeping up with the Joneses directed or beating the Joneses directed. So stopping and really diving into the heart and seeing what sits in there as where the desire is for where we want to go. That’s what I would advocate as a very first step.

Kristin Maxwell:

In what do you see, I mean, you sort of said, things that get in the way of doing that I’m like, I’m going by things that are sort of dictated by society or expectations. But do you find that people have a hard time sometimes figuring out what it is that they really want?

Daniel Mangena:

Yeah, because it’s not something we’ve ever really trained to do. We’ve spent our life doing what other people told us to do, or doing what we thought we were supposed to be doing. I mean, when I first started working with people, one on one back in 2017, or in 2018, one of two, I was working with a lot of people going through a midlife crisis. I didn’t look for people going through a midlife crisis. What ended up happening was helping people that were working with a clean slate of some sort What I was finding time and time again, was that people were going through a period in their life, where the identity that they had been chasing after hit the brick wall of really recognizing the illusionary and transitory nature of what they’ve been chasing after. So people spent, you know, 1015 20, sometimes 30 years, getting the white picket fence, the 2.4 kids, the exact model of the SUV, plus the other one, the holiday home, the job, the career, and then realize, hang on a minute, this isn’t even what I want, I need off of this roller coaster. And there was a dramatic jump that people were making, they ended up drinking and alcohol ended up with extramarital affairs, it ended up with blowing up a family, or going and getting a motorcycle. And when people had the framework and the structure, to pause, to reconnect with who they were before, these ideas took hold and built this momentum. And to start to create a true blueprint of what they desire is what I call the ideal life blueprint. There’s the magic that happens there. But for so many, it’s just been playing out the program playing out the stories playing out the cultural expectations, and Id ID identity versus their own choice about what they want to experience.

Kristin Maxwell:

That’s great. I really want to deep dive a bit more deeply into this and sort of pull it apart because I always like to say, you know, what does this mean for the people who are listening and all of that, but before we do, we’re going to take a quick break. Where can people learn about you and your work?

Daniel Mangena: that’s where everything is a

Kristin Maxwell:

Great. Thank you, everybody. Hang on. We will be right back and I want to go more deeply into a conversation with Daniel about creating true abundance. Hang on.

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