The Science of Superpowers, SOS. Dr. Pearlette Ramos Captivates and Compels Us through Stories, Master Your Personal Power #SOS #MasterYourPersonalPower #superpowers #Superpowerexperts #SuperPowerNetwork

Dr. Pearlette Ramos Captivates and Compels Us through Stories

As part of the Women’s History Month celebration, Dr. Pearlette Ramos joins The Science of Superpowers to talk about the captivating and compelling power of stories. Pearlette and host Tonya Dawn Recla explore the treasure found in the stories we tell. She shares her very personal and inspiring story of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and creating a social impact film from the experience. Pearlette’s captivating documentary, Three (Extra) Ordinary Women, compels all of us to dig deeper within ourselves and climb whatever mountain lies in front of us. From that height, we can shine forth our own knowingness and sense of self. Don’t miss this exceptional conversation about climbing your own personal Kilimanjaro and having the courage to tell the story.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello everyone and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I am so delighted to share with you today, Dr. Pearlette Ramos. How are you?

Dr. Pearlette Ramos:

I’m well how are you today?

Tonya Dawn Recla:

I’m fabulous. I’m so glad you’re joining us folks you are in for such a treat. We’re gonna get into the tamper letters just amazing. So we’re talking all about how Dr. Pearlette Ramos captivates and compels us through stories. And of course, this is part of our Women’s History feature. 

The Superpower Network celebrates Women’s History Month and is proud to align with the 2023 theme of honoring the women who tell our stories. As more women endeavor to find their voices and share their experiences. We open pathways for others to follow. We love you and love each other. That’s this big conversation this month is about women who tell our stories. And as soon as I knew that theme I knew the woman to talk to as it relates to compelling through storytelling. Right, you heard last week how we create our worlds through storytelling, right? And we talked a little bit about how important it is that we pay attention to what types of stories we’re telling and what we’re telling in our stories, right? So we’re gonna dive into that. Today. When we hear all about Dr. Pearlette and her amazing journey round. I’m not just going to tea there for a minute here because we first want to hear her letter, what are your superpowers? And how are you using them for good?

Activate Your Superpowers

Dr. Pearlette Ramos:

I love that question. And I’m excited to be here on the first day of the month for the acknowledgment of women throughout history who have really claimed their power to make a difference in the world. And I would say I am tenaciously creative. I know that’s two words. But I am tenacious and I am creative.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

No doubt about that. This is I have had the extreme honor of knowing this one we met at a YWCA event here in Phoenix. So shout out to the local YWCA, a phenomenal organization, doing great things Dr. Pearlette was honored in their Tribute Event the for the moves and the ripples and the waves that she makes in society in terms of change, and just getting people to see, we can do better, right? Like, that’s the I always see her letter like out in front, like do like we can do better, right? We will do better, we are going to do better. This is how we can do better. I’m doing better, you can do better with me. Right? I think that’s kind of how she shows up in my reality for me, and she inspires me to do that as well. 

Absolutely, you are creative. And one of the most creative things I’ve seen in a long time is your creative project around your journey with Mount Kilimanjaro, would you love to share I would love to hear you share your words with our audience. This beautiful journey into creating this documentary that depicts not just you know, the depths of who we can be in our right but the ramifications of what has happened in society, some of the things that have occurred, how we can make a change, I mean, really significant, as you wanna talk about a mountain, a mountain was in deep, deep, deep, deep, deep roots there

 And you’re taking on this whole social change social justice, social awareness. I don’t think there’s not even a board big enough, I think for it to encapsulate what you’re doing here with this beautiful documentary of three extraordinary women, would you share some of that story with us?

Dr. Pearlette Ramos:

Isn’t extraordinary. We’re all ordinary women. But we’re extraordinary in our ordinariness. And so my desire with the film is to combine stories that touch us that engage us that inspire us. And I think our own individual stories are oftentimes inspiring, although we may not see our stories that way. And I know I didn’t hit first, it was really sisters pouring into me saying, Wow, it’s so inspiring. How did you do that? Well, I was like, Really, I’m just being myself. And I think that’s part of what’s so compelling about three extraordinary women. And so essentially, the film tells the story of three women who experienced trauma in their childhood. And each of the women found the wisdom and the experiences that they had. And she made it mean something about not herself negatively, if she actually made it made something empowering about herself, and about what she wanted to do in the world. 

And so it’s as much about being raised and reared in oppressive and violent environments as it is about claiming your personal power, and how to use that power to make a difference in the world. And each of us tells the story as we’re climbing Kilimanjaro with this idea that there’s a personal Kilimanjaro or challenge that we’re all seeking to overcome. You know, whether it be a divorce or financial challenges or raising children or trying to have it all or you know, some people suffer from mental health challenges or, frankly, it’s it’s traumatic just living in the world because of all of the issues that we face collectively. And that’s the collective Kilimanjaro, like, how can we end inequity and structural racism and the bias that women face every day? And so the person is centered on self-advocacy and self-determination. And it’s attended to address this collaborative social advocacy like you mentioned.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

And it’s beautiful. Folks, we’re going to talk more about the film when we come back from this break, per letter before we go to break, where can people go to find out more about you and your beautiful work? Where do you want to send them?

Dr. Pearlette Ramos:

Very simply, the website address is 

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful, we’ll have links there on the episode page over And, folks, if you want to know how to empower yourself, or how to strengthen yourself energetically and vibrationally all those love levels. We talk about the mental, emotional, physical, and vibrational connection to yourself and the world around you and others, make sure you get over to And check out the work that we do over there. It’s a great way to strengthen your walk as you walk into and look at and face and explore your own personal Kilimanjaro, which we’ll get into here following the break. We’re talking today about The Science of Superpowers with Dr. Pearlette Ramos all about how she captivates and compels us through stories. We will be right back after the break.

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