HFH – Releasing Self Worth by Cultivating Your Inner Shine

Certified yoga and meditation teacher and a lifelong student of this practice, Sindy Warren   joins AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show to share all her experience releasing self worth by cultivating your inner shine, as she explained it in her book: Radi8, Using the Practice to Cultivate Your Inner Shine. She began learning yoga in 2003, at a time in her life when she was dealing with some challenging transitions. The mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of this practice kept her coming back, again and again. Her yoga practice helped her develop the skills to navigate life challenges with more grace and acceptance. Sindy, a lawyer by trade, but yoga teacher by passion, wants to make the entire system of yoga accessible to individuals looking for a more satisfying and rewarding way to live. Listen in as she shares with AngelaMaría how yoga is a way to connect [...]

2018-12-03T23:40:34-07:00December 4th, 2018|

HFH – Spirit Connection: Body and Mind

Michelle Huczek, healer and coach, joins AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show to share her insight about how incorporating spirit connection within the body and mind led her to successful stories in the lives of her clients. Michelle’s style of healing is her own unique combination of traditional talk therapy and Reiki. She received her Master’s Degree in Community Counseling in 2008 from Eastern Illinois University, is currently a Level II Practitioner of Reiki in Usui & Sa Sekhem Sahu, and is eagerly awaiting her certifications for Master Teacher training so she can teach and attune others! Michelle’s philosophy of healing and pain, is centered around the body mind spirit connection, and she believes EVERYONE is intuitive or psychic. Listen in as Michele and AngelaMaría talk about how to help clients uncover the message and lessons that lie beneath any pain, disease, and injury they’re currently experiencing. [...]

2018-11-15T21:07:32-07:00November 20th, 2018|

Your Ego Wants to Kill You: Gary Renard Tackles the Myth of Consciousness

Your Ego Wants to Kill You: Gary Renard Tackles the Myth of Consciousness Consciousness as a new age evolutionary concept and the quest for higher degrees of it, takes reality and turns it on its head. It holds a pivotal spot in current dialogues about spiritual growth, new thought, self help, and personal development. And it appears to be a worthwhile goal. In fact, that’s exactly how we designed it. That’s right, I just made the bold claim that we designed it. Well, truthfully, I didn’t make that claim. Many others made it before me, and most recently, so did Gary Renard...again. As a world-renowned teacher of A Course in Miracles, Gary and his wife, Cindy Lora-Renard, continue to push the envelope and challenge concepts that rock the very foundation of our realities. Jesus, Buddha and Gary Renard In his latest book, The [...]

2023-03-22T09:58:45-07:00December 9th, 2017|

Reawakening Man: Spiritual Enlightenment and the Dawn of Super Powers

Reawakening Man: Spiritual Enlightenment and the Dawn of Super Powers Our world is changing and more people are experiencing some level of spiritual enlightenment. You see it in the news, but it’s quickly dismissed as crazy. And, if you're like most you know there’s a change a-foot and the world is quickly becoming something new. And when you really pay attention and stay in awareness of it, you can feel it. The change I’m talking about has nothing to do with all of the redundant conversations of gun control or politics either. No, the change I am speaking of is deeply rooted in self-dominion, individual growth and the evolution of our species. Reawakening Man Do you ever feel like you're caught in a re-play loop? Like you're being fed the ideas you are supposed to think? Being told what opinions you are supposed to have? [...]

2021-05-28T01:09:00-07:00October 10th, 2017|

SPU – What are the Akashic Records?

AngelaMaría is a powerhouse Latina with much to offer to this world. She chats with Tonya Dawn Recla about learning more about the self through the use of the Akashic Records. She explains how there’s so much to learn about our souls and divine powers through intuitive listening. Tune in as she dives into the conversation on how these lessons can better shape you and everything around you. Hello everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert; and I am tickled pink to have with me today one of my very favorite people. She also happens to be a powerhouse Latina and we've just been having a ton of fun exploring all sorts of concepts and ways of moving through the world, and the work that we both do and how we intersect, and I'm really really really excited to share her with you [...]

2018-02-26T21:41:25-07:00September 19th, 2017|

Using Super Powers to Awaken Mass Consciousness

Using Super Powers to Awaken Mass Consciousness There’s a movement of people using Super Powers to awaken mass consciousness. It started as a conversation, a tongue-in-cheek, what-if, matrix-esque, utopian-driving type of conversation. Those involved knew it was ridiculous, a momentary glimpse into a dreamt up world that could only exist in imagined realms. Or was it… Super Humans Once you say something often enough and get others to say it with you, it starts to sink into the psyche in creative ways. (I get it, this is dangerously close to the drinking-the-Kool-Aid conversation, but let’s table cult conversations temporarily.) Energetic natural laws require “evidence” and “proof” to appear magically in support of the completely made up concept. That’s how it works, right? Because all logic tells us that Super Powers, super human abilities, and X-Men-type mutations belong in comic books and movie theaters. They’re fun [...]

2023-05-13T16:48:09-07:00September 10th, 2017|

Do You Suffer From Premature Collaboration?

Do You Suffer from Premature Collaboration? (It's more common than you think) Collaboration is the hot topic in business these days. Entrepreneurship is full of folks throwing that word around like it’s the next secret to success. And they’re right. Many of us got the message loud and clear that our big visions and missions for world change require us cracking the code on how to work together. From books like Tribes and Tribal Leadership to organizations like Super Power Experts and CEO Space International, team leaders and pioneers have any number of resources to choose from in their quest to master collaboration. But not all perspectives on collaboration are created equal and not all situations are ready for collaboration. That’s right. Collaboration cannot be the first step toward achieving a goal…any goal. In every successful collaboration, three key elements exist. And these elements MUST be present in order for any collaboration to succeed. Of [...]

2023-05-13T16:44:01-07:00June 16th, 2017|

Trust: Just Jump!

Trust: Just Jump! Trust. I was walking on a log from one shore to another. I moved with certainty, one foot in front of the other. I moved calmly and with rhythm. Suddenly, for some reason I cannot explain, I looked at the steep cliff. I could hardly see the water running down there. I did not want to think what would be me, if I fell. I woke up overemotional. Never before had I felt so much fear, it was like I was mocking death! Me, who had never risked doing anything that would put myself in danger. But, there it was...awakening from that dream was easy, but getting rid of that feeling of death, emptiness and danger was not so easy. This feeling accompanied me for days. I could not find the meaning of that dream. Was it a warning or an invitation [...]

2021-06-15T22:47:26-07:00June 7th, 2017|

Confiar: Solo salta!

Confiar: Solo salta! Confiar. Caminaba sobre un tronco de una orilla a otra. Me desplazaba con seguridad, un pie frente al otro se movía con calma y cadencia. De pronto, por alguna razón que no logro explicar, miro al precipicio, difícilmente podía ver al agua correr allá abajo. No quería pensar que sería de mi si caía. Me desperté super agitada. Nunca antes había sentido tanto miedo, era como estar tentando a la muerte, yo, que nunca me había arriesgado a hacer nada que me pusiera en peligro. Pero ahí estaba…despertar de ese sueño fue fácil, pero deshacerme de esa sensación de muerte, vacío y peligro no. Me acompañó por días. No lograba encontrar el significado de ese sueño, era acaso una advertencia o una invitación a tomar riesgos. Ahora lo sé, y me alegra que en ese momento no lo pudiera descifrar, pues no [...]

2021-06-15T22:47:35-07:00June 7th, 2017|

Reconexión con la Verdad

Reconexión con la Verdad Brujas y Más De niña siempre pensaba que rico sería poder ver y oír más allá de lo “normal”. Que rico sería tener super poderes. Por alguna razón, que hoy ya reconozco, yo sentía que tenía algo que otros no, que era como una bruja que sólo necesitaba hacer un pase mágico y hacía que las cosas pasarán. Amaba ver la mujer maravilla y hechizada. Era algo mágico lo que sentía al ver como lograban lo que querían; sólo lo deseaban, actuaban y lo obtenían. Pues bien, al crecer, esos poderes no parecían pertenecer a ningún terrestre, como me decía mi mamá. Eso sólo pasa en las películas. Cada vez que pasaba por momentos difíciles el deseo de conectar esos poderes era mayor; hasta un día que empecé a trabajar con el poder de la mente. Yo diría que ahí fue [...]

2021-06-15T22:47:43-07:00May 11th, 2017|

Reconnecting with Truth

Reconnecting with Truth Witches and More As a child, I always thought how cool it would be to see and hear beyond the "normal". How awesome it would be to have superpowers. For some reason, which I recognize today, I felt I had something that others did not, that I was like a witch who just needed to make a magical spell and would make things happen. I loved watching Wonder Woman and Bewitched. It was a magical feeling to witness how they could achieve anything they wanted; they only needed to want it, act out the desire, and they got it. Well, as I grew up, “Those powers did not seem to belong to any terrestrial being,” as my mother told me. That only happens in movies. Whenever I went through difficult times, the desire to connect to those powers was greater; until one [...]

2021-06-15T22:47:50-07:00May 10th, 2017|

Spiritual Competition Is the One True Path

Spiritual Competition Is the One True Path Spiritual competition is alive and well in the spiritual growth communities…as it should be. There truly is no better way to achieve Ultra Spiritual status than to lord that status over others and create scales of measurement so abstract no one else can comprehend them, let alone rank using them. And what’s the point in doing any sort of spiritual journeying if not to be better than everyone else? Spiritual Competition And what’s the point in doing any sort of spiritual journeying if not to be better than everyone else? The absolute brilliance behind JP Sears and his alter “Ultra Spiritual” persona is the constant contradiction. His diatribes and circular verbosity dance around each other in a mental masturbatory version of Twister, just slippery enough that you can’t grab him, label him, and put him in [...]

2021-05-28T01:18:15-07:00February 19th, 2017|

Authentic Rocks: We Can See You So Stop Hiding!

Authentic Rocks: We Can See You So Stop Hiding! Being Authentic is a Super Power. The hole has officially been punched in the matrix. The veil has been ripped off and it ain't coming back on. And yet everyone is still so disconnected. Why? I was sitting in a coffee shop with a friend today and everyone but us was buried in a laptop. I'm not kidding - everyone. He and I were remarking on this fact and I was pointing out this simple truth: we are so able to see one another now and it makes us uncomfortable. Why does it make us so uncomfortable? Because the people that we are seeing so clearly are trying so hard not to be seen. It's like staring at someone who is naked while they're trying to cover up their private parts. It's uncomfortable. So how do [...]

2021-05-28T01:38:34-07:00January 3rd, 2017|

Forgiveness: Meaning Across Dimensions

Forgiveness: Meaning Across Dimensions Forgiveness seems to be the spiritual, metaphysical word du jour. It's an interesting concept and takes on many different meanings depending on where you sit in your journey. At the most basic level, let's look at a common definition: Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Most circles I interact with consider conversations about victims and offenders to be faux pas. However, even without calling it out, I'm not sure there's a way to remove these pieces altogether.  In spiritual conversations, on the surface forgiveness feels like an empowered, peaceful concept. And as a tool to guide you through certain aspects of the journey, it's a valuable reminder not to hold [...]

2021-05-28T01:18:54-07:00November 20th, 2016|

The Dark Underbelly of Real Super Powers

The Dark Underbelly of Real Super Powers Let's talk about the dark underbelly of truly unlocking real Super Powers. It's easy to look at people who wield their power effortlessly and say, "It must be easy." It is. It is the easiest, most natural state of our existence to stand in full autonomy and move the world with every breath. It is the easiest, most natural state of our existence to manage our vibration and manifest from our highest. It feels like coming home to step into that sovereign space. BUT... The path between where most people stand and the effortless space of Real Super Powers is like nothing you can fathom. This goes beyond fluffy conversations about personal development or spiritual growth. It goes beyond meditating, reading cards, asking for guidance, and searching in every flower, animal, person, event for meaning to help you understand [...]

2021-05-28T01:19:12-07:00September 13th, 2016|

Intuition Tops the List of Most Powerful Super Powers

Intuition Tops the List of Most Powerful Super Powers Most powerful Super Powers get overlooked as boring or mundane. However, THE most powerful Super Power is not only essential, it’s life-changing, life-saving, and, definitely, life-enhancing. Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Without discovering and using your intuition, you cannot effectively and accurately hone your other Super Powers. Intuition requires high degrees of trust in your ability to “know” truth for yourself. For some, the journey into discovering their intuition starts as a frustrating game. It seems intuition whispers and whispers and whispers and then Whack! it knocks you upside the head.The process to honing your intuition is to listen when you hear the whispers. “BUT,” you’re asking, “how do I hear the whispers?” Or, better yet, “How do I know if it’s really my intuition or if it’s my fear piping in?” Ah…yes…therein [...]

2021-05-28T01:19:38-07:00September 8th, 2016|

On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero’s Journey

On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero's Journey “You create superheroes to take care of problems that can't really be solved another way,” Robert Rodriguez What do you do when an entire population waits for the next leader? What do you do when the next phase of existence requires something more than the masters who’ve come before? What do you do when heroes simply aren’t enough? You super-size them! It’s no shock to anyone that times are changing. Even those who have no knowledge of or interest in pursuing consciousness or personal growth can feel it. Something is a-brewing and it feels foreboding. The internal fortitude required to continually walk closer to the storm rather than shy away far exceeds what most people can handle. Even those who’ve done a fair amount of journeying realize they are ill-equipped to deal with everything starting [...]

2023-05-13T16:36:06-07:00September 1st, 2016|

Separateness, Super Powers, and Human Consciousness

Separateness, Super Powers, and Human Consciousness As more and more people pursue the concept of operating at higher degrees of human consciousness, we see the inevitable push back from aspects of society and from within ourselves. The biggest culprit of this is the illusion of separateness. After operating a completely collaborative, high-vibrational membership model for the past seven months, I’ve noticed some telltale signs that someone isn’t ready to move into all that’s possible for them. We attract people who want to develop and hone their Super Powers in a quest to operate at higher levels of vibration and, ultimately, change the world. Those are our peeps – the ones who KNOW they’re here to do something bigger, better, unique. They find us when everything else they’ve tried didn’t work. They’ve watched The Secret, took the red pill, studied the Law of Attraction, and practiced [...]

2021-06-15T22:35:04-07:00August 4th, 2016|

Self Improvement Through Integrating Emotions

Self Improvement Through Integrating Emotions Self improvement through integrating emotions is the second step in preparing to develop your Super Powers. (Read: Personal Growth Step One - Manage Your Mind) After learning how to manage your mind, the next "child" piece of yourself to master is your emotional system. Emotional energy is very different from mental energy and the emotional system requires a delicate touch. Most of us in the Western world are much more comfortable dealing with thoughts than emotions so we tend to turn emotional energy into thoughts, ignore it altogether, or Reiki it out of us. None of these techniques honors the very important role your emotional system plays in your survival and evolution. This is one of the biggest hindrances to people's self improvement. As with the mind, the emotional system is designed to keep you alive. When you get a twinge of [...]

2021-05-28T01:20:08-07:00May 14th, 2016|

Personal Coaching Step One – Manage Your Mind

Personal Coaching Step One – Manage Your Mind The first step in personal coaching is to manage your mind. Your mind is a magnificent, wonderful, reliable, functional, purposeful, dependable, piece of you. It is NOT you. It is a tool — a database of perceptions, thoughts, fears, programs, memories, etc. designed to keep you alive. And it isn’t real interested in fast, massive, evolutionary changes. But here’s the catch, your mind constantly sends you information to navigate this dangerous, treacherous, worrisome world we live in. It believes you need all of this information in order to survive. And it isn’t completely wrong. However it only knows one part of the story…the past part. Your mind is only helpful when it comes to recalling information about where you’ve been, the world you’re already familiar with, the place most of us strive to move beyond. The mind cannot [...]

2021-06-15T22:40:20-07:00June 18th, 2015|

Women in Empowerment and the Men Who Love Them

Women in Empowerment and the Men Who Love Them Women in empowerment and the men who love them have chosen to embark on an amazing journey together. Along the way, obstacles arise and challenges emerge. I recently had a conversation with a friend that highlighted some of the ups and downs in this journey. Here’s an open letter to all who relate: Brother – Your woman is responding to your energy. You think you’re protecting your relationship by not discussing her “issues” but in fact you are sabotaging it. Your fear of not wanting to talk to your woman because you’re afraid you’ll meet her ego (and her fury) is what is actually causing the problem. She feels that from you and is responding to it accordingly. The more and more you go inside and not discuss these things with her the [...]

2021-06-15T22:39:11-07:00July 14th, 2014|

For the Men Who are Waking Up

For the Men Who are Waking Up Brother – You are on a path of growth. Often times we have to leave behind old friendships, old patterns of communication and old standards in order for us to grow. Often times that path can be lonely. In a way it has to be, because the path of personal growth IS a solo journey, no one can do it for you. Along the path you will meet others who emulate and mirror back your own Personal POWER. […]

2021-06-15T22:39:06-07:00July 13th, 2014|

The Conscious Experience – Unplugged

The Conscious Experience – Unplugged The conscious experience is what some of us chase where we’re called to create our existence. This is a common conversation amongst new age, metaphysical, spiritual folks, but when you reach the point of complete freedom to create, it takes on a whole new depth. Those of us driven to serve in a selfless way toward creating higher levels of consciousness tend to seek signs, drift in the flow, and basically defer to Spirit for our general life plan. I think this is a necessary step for some. It takes us to a place of complete faith and utter surrender. But what happens next? Some of us agree to take our knowing of Truth to a higher level. And this is where true creating occurs. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:54-07:00May 20th, 2014|

True Transformation to Personal Power

True Transformation to Personal Power As I sit and compare these images, I marvel at the concept of True Transformation in a quest for Personal POWER. The process is so much bigger than dying my hair red and going from a size 22 to a size 8. Those are just the outer reflections of a deep, intrinsic transformation. I married my POWER partner five years ago. I knew then that hidden deep within the person I’d become was the person I intended to be. I knew he saw her and I knew I needed his support to truly become her. Despite the fact that I was an accomplished, successful, educated, confident, aware woman, the wounds I carried ran so deep that I kept hitting walls trying to heal them. I see this in my clients also. There are levels of ourselves that [...]

2021-05-28T01:21:53-07:00March 16th, 2014|

Transformation Step 4 – Mastering Physical Energy

Transformation Step 4 – Mastering Physical Energy A few months ago I swore that mastering the emotional body was THE most important step in The 5 Steps of Transformation. Silly me. I suppose I should be used to this journey by now and recognize that each step of the way there are phases to come I can only vaguely anticipate. And even though I “get” that the 5 Steps continue throughout our lives as we grow and change, when I was knee deep in Step 3 I assumed the others would be a breeze. In fact, this is a direct quote from my original post: Once the emotional body is mastered in Step 3, the rest is smooth sailing. This [the fourth] step requires processing change through the cellular memory of the physical body. Usually once the spirit, mind and emotional body are on track, [...]

2021-06-15T22:38:56-07:00February 28th, 2014|

The Symbolism of Personal Power

The Symbolism of Personal Power The tunnels of light pass by me, through me, as I drift further and further into the abyss. Once a frightening and foreshadowing passage, the familiarity now wraps me in a comfortable knowingness, a feeling of coming home. I allow the process to unfold (can we ever really rush it?) and journey to exactly the right place. I pass through countless realms and silently observe nameless creatures long forgotten or shrouded now in mythology. This time I land in a space of infiniteness. The darkness consumes me until a ball of light moves into focus and shapes itself into a planet-like sphere. It emanates bright yellow-orange. As I witness, bright red clouds drift around it swirling on all sides. The clouds take form and become hands shaping the planet in a swirling, undulating embrace. The voice [...]

2021-06-15T22:39:01-07:00February 1st, 2014|

Developing Personal Power in a Crowd

Developing Personal Power in a Crowd How do you develop your personal POWER in the midst of people who want to make you exactly like them? I spent the last few days at our home-away-from-home (ironic since we travel full time and don’t have a home…but work with me here). We belong to an entrepreneur group that is more family than business at this point. We trust that community to help us raise our daughter and we develop relationships that serve to catalyze our personal and professional growth. We’re known as the “due diligence” people and we consult and advise companies regarding their due diligence and risk assessment needs. Over the last year, as we continue to show up in integrity and service, people seek me out to help them with their more personal needs. They come to me and confess that [...]

2021-05-28T01:22:02-07:00January 15th, 2014|

How to Master Emotions – Step 3 in Transformation

How to Master Emotions – Step 3 in Transformation This is the follow-up article to The Importance of Mastering Emotions in Transformation post. As I promised, this one outlines the actual process for moving through this step. I want to preface this by saying that this process works for most triggers. It takes a bit of practice in order for the impact to take hold but after a couple times it really becomes second nature. There are some emotional triggers that run so deep this process won’t work. But for your run-of-the-mill triggers of frustration, anger, control, annoyance, jealousy, etc. it should do the trick. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:50-07:00August 8th, 2013|

Why Personal Force is NOT Personal Power

Why Personal Force is NOT Personal Power An Arizona Cardinals cheerleader recently made the news because she allegedly chose to invoke force instead of personal POWER. Part of the reason people shy away from conversations about POWER is the misconception that POWER and force are the same thing. This recent incident in Arizona is a fantastic example of what happens when people choose force (i.e. manipulation, physical abuse, etc.) over POWER. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:47-07:00August 5th, 2013|

The Importance of Mastering Emotions in Transformation

The Importance of Mastering Emotions in Transformation By far the biggest obstacle thwarting transformation for folks is the third step of the Transformation Process, Mastering Emotions. By far. And this is THE persnickety piece keeping people from achieving personal POWER. For whatever reason, we completely grasp the first two steps of Spirit and Mind. We understand on some level the law of attraction and that thoughts become things. But then we like to skip over step three entirely and move right into Body, cellular memory and energy work. It’s as though we’re fine talking about what our spirits envision and what our minds think. And we’re even fine admitting that we might have residual energy stored somewhere (especially since energy practitioners can take care of that for us). But for some reason, we do NOT like dealing with our emotions. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:42-07:00August 2nd, 2013|

The 5 Steps of Transformation: A Personal Power Perspective

The 5 Steps of Transformation: A Personal Power Perspective The path to personal power necessarily requires transformation. In order to Stand in Your Power you must be able to move away from where you don't. Those in personal development circles debate the intricacies of true transformation. And few know better the multidimensionality of human behavior than a former counterintelligence agent with degrees in intercultural communication and critical theory. But here it is, the absolute secret of transformation. Ready for it?? The secret is... It doesn't matter. Really it doesn't. People transform constantly, despite our quest to define it, describe it, control it, guide it, and explain it. People transform because they want to. They perceive the altered state to be better for them or necessary for them and so they persevere through the change process. It's that simple. But I'm going to share my knowledge about it anyway. Why? [...]

2021-06-15T22:38:19-07:00July 24th, 2013|

The Ego Wrangler Rides Again: Personal Power Meets Ego

The Ego Wrangler Rides Again: Personal Power Meets Ego Where there’s a soul in trouble, she’ll be there. Where there’s personal power to be gained, she’ll be there. Where there’s a willing spirit in Ego’s clutches, she’ll be there. Where there’s work to be done for the world, the Ego Wrangler will save the day. (First fantasy allegories and now western spoofs…what’s this blog coming to?? Does the quest for personal power know no bounds?) I rode toward the sunset on my trusty steed, power, ready for the day to be over. Though, of course, the Ego Wrangler ‘s job is never truly done. Whether in dreaming or waking the Wrangler battles Ego’s stranglehold and destroys Ego’s grip on the willing. Ego never rests, so neither do I. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:28-07:00July 23rd, 2013|

The Allegory of the Snake: Personal Power through Change

The Allegory of the Snake: Personal Power through Change One of the most important aspects of personal POWER development is the concept of change. Few symbols embody death and rebirth as powerfully as the snake. I walked through the cave wondering what awaited me. I saw the eyes shining in the crevices. Bright red-orange eyes glowing from the darkness. So many of them. Hundreds or more. And yet, I felt no fear. I continued to walk deeper into the cave knowing the symbolism, sensing it. I’d been here before in a different time, a different place, but the sense of déjà vu consumed me. Even within the vision I knew the depths of my subconscious and the journey into them. They called to me like home. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:36-07:00July 22nd, 2013|

Personal Power and Youth: They Get It

Personal Power and Youth: They Get It Since the topics of race, gender and relationship rights-and-wrongs seem to be hot right now, why not continue? The oh-so-popular-and-wholesome cereal, Cheerios, recently pulled all comments from a commercial on YouTube because the slander got so ridiculous. The issue? A biracial couple with the audacity to procreate. Never mind that the girl in the commercial is adorable and her only concern is her father’s health. And never mind that it’s really only a cereal commercial that actually highlights empathy as a positive childhood trait. It was simply too much for the masses to deal with a blatantly mixed-racial couple. […]

2021-06-15T22:37:35-07:00July 18th, 2013|

A Little Note About Personal Power

A Little Note About Personal Power Personal POWER is true, intrinsic strength. It has nothing to do with inserting your will over others or stepping on people to get what you want. It has everything to do with establishing a foundation of inner knowing and truth for yourself. This foundation is the only possible launch point of great service. In order to truly help others or promote social change from a place of service one must first traverse the waters of personal development. - TDR

2021-06-15T22:37:28-07:00July 17th, 2013|

Confessions of a Bully – Part 2

Confessions of a Bully – Part 2 In the last post on bullying I mentioned the power of our language patterns in encouraging bullying behavior. We use sarcasm, passive aggressive, veiled threats, discipline and totally socially-acceptable conversation patterns to such goodness from each other because it provides temporary soothing to the gaping wound of our own disempowerment. And we wonder why our kids “bully.” (Link to post) This connection between “socially-acceptable conversation patterns” and bullying continues to emerge around me. As I looked deeper into the roots of personal POWER I was led to the concepts of bullying and the persistence of violent behavior. And I found there’s an undeniable thread between how we view other people and our ability to manipulate them to get what we want. […]

2021-06-15T22:37:22-07:00July 16th, 2013|

Confessions of a Bully

Confessions of a Bully When people don’t like themselves very much, they have to make up for it.  The classic bully was actually a victim first. Tom Hiddleston Hello, my name is Tonya Dawn…and I’m a bully. Well, I like to think I used to be, but sometimes the knowledge of how to manipulate people runs so deep that I find myself invoking those skills without realizing it. Maybe it’s like any other addiction and the best you can hope for is to actively and consciously choose not to indulge. Regardless, with the current state of the world and conversations popping up about tactics and techniques people use to bend, mold and break others to their will, I figured I might as well come clean. For whatever reason, the concept of bullying continues to emerge in my conversations. I talk to a lot [...]

2021-05-28T01:22:12-07:00July 15th, 2013|

Due Diligence and Personal Power

Due Diligence and Personal Power Between our due diligence work and our awareness mentoring, we get a lot of questions about whether or not people truly can avoid disasters. The latest incidents seem to involve scared and disgruntled people seeking revenge. Of course, nationally the news about Christopher Dorner had folks asking if he gave any indication of homicidal tendencies before lashing out (CNN article). And on a smaller scale from the Phoenix area we received calls from small businesses afraid they might suffer from the next Harmon-type incident (Yahoo! News article).  […]

2021-05-28T01:22:17-07:00July 14th, 2013|

The Personal Power of Pink

The Personal Power of Pink As 2013 picks up steam, life appears to be getting back to the “new normal.” Everyone seemed a bit hesitant to jump right in to business-as-usual following the 2012 ups-and-downs. But the energy feels different now. The energy feels…well, it feels a bit…expectant. Not like the held-breath expectation of months prior, but the steady, confident, pulsing flow of creating. The world is ripe for new ideas and collaborative movements. People want to connect and believe and do stuff that matters. My clients struggle with different things, but they all circle around the same thing…people want purpose. They want to have a purpose, connect with purpose and act on purpose. The single biggest epidemic of our times is people don’t know how to be…on purpose. This is the POWER of Pink™. […]

2021-06-15T22:37:12-07:00July 12th, 2013|

The Personal Power of No

The Personal Power of No (Excerpted from W.A.R. – Watch, Assess, React: The Ultimate Guide to Personal POWER and Safety) I was shocked when I finally grasped the personal POWER of saying no. We hear it all the time, but it seems that the full impact of this tiny little word has been lost on some of us. By simply going though the motions of saying no, with conviction, you send a message to your brain and you body that the situation you’re in isn’t conducive to your well-being and it sets wheels in motion to counter it. Essentially, saying no gives your body and brain permission to fight back. Just the act of saying the word centers your mind and calls upon your resolve. […]

2021-06-15T22:37:18-07:00July 9th, 2013|
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