SPM – What is Self Respect?

Have you ever asked, what is self respect? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco is joined by Milana Leshinsky, an online business coach, mom of two and founder of Simplicity Circle. Their discussion is all about living your life in alignment by noticing yourself, being curious about your mission and values and living in alignment with them. Milana shares her story of juggling life as a momma, working in a corporate job, then leaving that job to build a business from home. She then grew a significant business only to realize that she felt burnt out and overwhelmed. Listen in as she shares her wisdom and how she shifted her life to live in alignment with her values by respecting herself and her life mission. She now has a business that allows her to live the life she loves through simplicity. And she loves a variety in [...]

2020-10-12T18:19:27-07:00March 3rd, 2020|

YSPM – What Does It Take to be Successful in Life?

Do you have to be superhuman to be successful in all areas of life? In this episode, YSPM host Kristin Maxwell is joined by Jen Du Plessis to explore the secrets of success. With multiple successful careers, numerous hobbies and interests, and strong family connections, Jen is living life to the fullest. Join in as Kristin and Jen delve into the power of being present, as well as the need to identify and create lives that revolve around your core values. Hi everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, we are talking to Jen Du Plessis about what does it take to be successful in life. I personally am really excited to talk to Jen because [...]

2020-03-02T18:08:10-07:00March 2nd, 2020|

SPS – What Does it Mean to be Empathic?

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Isabel Hundt and Jennifer Urezzio determine what it means to be empathic. Isabel shares a profound vision of what being an empath means and how you can move forward in that journey with grace. Listen now to hear how you can utilize being sensitive and empathic to support your journey to wholeness and completeness. Hello everyone and welcome. This is Jennifer Urezzio and I'm a Super Power Expert, and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. And today I'm with Isabel Hundt, who I adore, and the topic is: what does it mean to be empathic? Welcome Isabel! Thank you so much for having me, as always. Yay! I always like to get everyone really understanding [...]

2020-04-08T17:56:27-07:00March 1st, 2020|

SPK – Make your Business Fun

If there’s a way to make your business fun and enjoyable, do you want to know? In this episode, Super Power Kids host Neva Lee Recla and the host of Camera Confidence Live, Molly Mahoney, explore how you get to do new things every single day and you get to have fun while doing it as an entrepreneur. Listen now to unlock the ways on how to have fun while doing business. Hi everyone. It's your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and I'm very excited for today's interview. We are talking about how to make your business fun. Now I think this is really important because making your business fun and doing what you love, especially as an entrepreneur, is really important because you get to do new things every single day and you get to have fun while doing it. So, [...]

2022-05-23T16:50:34-07:00February 29th, 2020|

SPU – The Vibration of Language

The vibration of language emanates from our thoughts and voices, but we rarely think about the impact. In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla talked with AngelaMaría about how language shapes our reality. In this episode, Tonya expands on the concept of the power of words and how to harness congruency to craft your reality. Listen in to learn some next-level techniques for communicating clearly as a creator and influencer within your world.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today's episode is all about the vibration of language. Last week we talked with AngelaMaría about reality and it was all about how reality is shaped by our language, by our vernacular, by our intonations, all of that good stuff. And so we're going to dive in much more deeply today. Because one of the things we teased [...]

2020-03-02T16:39:38-07:00February 28th, 2020|

AGI – The Link Between Self Love and Relationships

We all come up short when it comes to self love and relationships. In this episode of A Glimpse Inside’s Relationship Rescue series, host Wendy Perrotti coaches Megan around the many ways that negative self-talk and self protective behaviors interfere with happiness, confidence and the quality of our relationships.  Tune in to learn how some simple shifts in how you think about yourself can have an enormous impact on your relationships with others. Welcome to A Glimpse Inside. I'm Wendy Perrotti and you are listening to episode three of our four part Relationship Rescue series.  In episode two, we met Megan who's working on creating deeper connections in her life. Ultimately, she wants a loving relationship. In this second coaching episode, we'll see what Megan's been up to for the past two weeks and we'll help her use that to push the pebble forward.  [...]

2020-02-13T18:32:00-07:00February 27th, 2020|

WOA – Wisdom of Diversity

How do we embrace diversity? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages host Ayn Cates Sullivan talks with Peggy O'Neill, an inspirational speaker, corporate trainer, and author.  Peggy shares her story of overcoming the challenges of being a little person, to inspire others to open their minds and hearts to differences. Listen in as Peggy shares her wisdom of diversity that will switch our mindset so we can more easily embrace and even celebrate differences. Hello everyone and welcome to the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show. I have a very special treat for you today in which we will discuss how the wisdom behind diversity lives with us today. This is going to be with my good friend, Peggy O'Neill. Let me tell you why you're going to be excited about this episode and why Peggy is awesome. First, I'd like to begin with [...]

2020-03-02T16:40:08-07:00February 26th, 2020|

HFH- Mommas Healing Through Spiritual Growth

Mommas Healing Through Spiritual Growth, is the theme that brings Laura Greco to join HFH host AngelaMarίa. Laura is the founder of Art of Soulful Parenting and a certified Soul Language Practitioner. Laura’s focus is on creating a space for a more consciously connected family unit.  Her passion for creating harmony and unity in families stems from her own experience of breaking free of old patterns as she raised her own 4 daughters into young womanhood. She knows that raising conscious children is both a real responsibility and a deeply fulfilling gift. In her work and as a student in life herself, she believes that “when a mom is happy, so is her whole family.” Therefore, Laura’s work focuses on guiding Mommas to live their own soulful mission in unity of heart as a fully engaged and consciously connected and spiritually aware woman. Listen in to hear how Laura [...]

2020-02-27T18:01:32-07:00February 25th, 2020|

MYS – Soul Story for Deep Awakening and Lucid Living

Have you ever wanted to hear a soul story of awakening that leads to lucid living? Tim Freke is a pioneering philosopher whose bestselling books, inspirational talks, and life-changing events have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. He joins host Karen Elkins in this episode of Mystical Science to  discuss the concepts of time, illusions and spiritual emergence. Science shouldn't stop at biology and religion could speak to the evolution of the psyche. Listen in so you can experience awakening that could change your life for good. Hi everybody. This is Karen Elkins. This is Mystical Science. I'm your host today, and I'm always your host. Our guest is Tim Freke, and the show topic is going to be a soul story for deep awakening and lucid living. Tim has for 40 years intensively explored philosophy in the practice of [...]

2020-02-11T18:09:24-07:00February 24th, 2020|

SPS – Unlimited Power of Happy

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Elana Davidson and Jennifer Urezzio discuss how to experience unlimited power of happy. Elana, talks about how happiness is within and how you can access it. This author wants everyone to experience their happiness on such a deep level that she offers her book on the subject free. Listen now to hear how you too can access your happiness immediately. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. And today we're with Elana Davidson, and we're talking about the unlimited power of happy. Hello. Welcome. Thank you. Hi. I'm so excited about you, because I like happiness, and I believe that it's unlimited. So I'm excited [...]

2020-02-13T18:07:30-07:00February 23rd, 2020|

SPU – Reality en Realidad

Language shapes our reality and forms our world. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla chats with AngelaMaría, host of the High Frequency Healing show, about her amazing crossover concept for the Spanish-speaking market. In alignment with their mission of pushing the bounds of perspective, Super Power Experts strives to bridge worlds through creative broadcasting, programs and outreach. Listen to this fascinating conversation about some of the amazing and creative ways AngelaMaría is helping to usher in an inclusive and exciting new paradigm within the SuperPower Up Team. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I am so excited today. I love my show, I love my guests, but it always such a treat when we can have someone from our Super Power Experts team on to talk about the work that we're doing and how we're doing it. [...]

2020-03-02T16:40:34-07:00February 21st, 2020|

ISP – Reawaken to Wealth

Everything is possible, as long as you believe. After achieving success, what is the next step to take? That is to reawaken to wealth and to utilize your superpower to awaken to this belief. In the latest episode of ISP, host Justin Recla welcomes Emerald GreenForest. Emerald is an internationally known speaker, transformation artist, Be The Change “Movement To Watch” Award Winner and one of America’s Premier Experts. Listen in as she and Justin talk about how redefining wealth can have an impact on the world. Hi everybody. This is Justin Recla, host of Incorporating SuperPowers. And I am super excited today, because our guest today is the host of another podcast show as well. She's rock and roll in the world. I've been on her show a couple of times. I'm super excited to introduce [...]

2022-04-11T19:03:01-07:00February 20th, 2020|

SLSP – Exploring Sexual Archetypes

Did you know that working with archetypes can help you become a more whole and complete version of yourself? What about sexual archetypes? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and renowned sex educator Amy Jo Goddard explore in detail the numerous sexual archetypes that Amy Jo uses in her transformative work with women. You will hear first-hand accounts of the transformative power of working with sexual archetypes, as well as learn about the shadow and positive aspects of each one. Those looking for a fun and fantastic way to break through sexual limitation into a healthy and whole form of expression and exploration - look no further! This episode is for you.  Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei. I am delighted to have with us, once [...]

2022-05-30T18:37:44-07:00February 19th, 2020|

SPM – How to Gain Confidence in the Midst of Overwhelm

Have you been suffering from experiencing overwhelm? Do you want to learn how to gain confidence in the midst of overwhelm? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco and her guest, Trisha Terns, a mindset coach, go into a discussion that explores this very topic. Trisha is also building a business where she assists business builders and aspiring entrepreneurs to stop living by the seat of their pants, reclaim their calendars, and align their life’s dreams so they can start living the lifestyle their business was meant to create. Listen in to learn some very simple secrets that you can apply right away to begin your journey from overwhelm to confidence. If you are finding that your energy is dropping along with your patience, if you are not sleeping so well, and this is affecting you and your ability to parent as you want to, you will learn [...]

2020-10-12T18:19:39-07:00February 18th, 2020|

YSPM – Using Technology to Accelerate Personal Development

Is it possible to accelerate the personal development process? In this episode,YSPM host Kristin Maxwell is joined by Carl Hunter, the developer of the MindFlavors technology, a brain entrainment system that rewires the brain. Carl explains how limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind block us from taking the actions we know (and want!) to be taking and how, when we reprogram those beliefs, there are no limits to what we can achieve. Listen in as Carl walks you through a process for manually reprogramming the subconscious, then explains how MindFlavors speeds that process up exponentially. Hi everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host Kristin Maxwell. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today we are going to be talking to Carl Hunter about how to accelerate [...]

2020-02-06T17:56:26-07:00February 17th, 2020|

SPS – How To Have Confidence In Your Vision

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Oge Okosieme and Jennifer Urezzio discuss how to have confidence in your vision. Oge talks about how your vision is a calling from the Soul and the first step is accepting that vision. She also discusses how knowing you are powerful can support your vision moving from intangible to tangible. Listen now to accept your power and be confident in your vision and that will lead to you experiencing your dreams.   Welcome everyone! This is Jennifer Urezzio and I'm a Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. And, today I'm with Oge Okosieme. Which I'm sorry, I think I just butchered her beautiful last name. We are going to be talking about how to have confidence in your vision. Welcome, Oge! Hey! Thank you so much Jennifer for having me. [...]

2020-02-06T17:20:47-07:00February 16th, 2020|

SPK – Overcoming Challenges in Business

How do we overcome challenges in business and obstacles as an entrepreneur? In this episode of Super Power Kids, host Neva Lee Recla talks with Justin Womack about how to overcome a big challenge and apply it to business. Justin is a digital marketing specialist, copywriter, speaker, and the co-host of the podcast “Marketing Geeks.” His journey from working behind-the-scenes to running his own business fast-tracked after a near-fatal accident where his car rolled upside down, underwater, and he spent two months in the ICU. Listen now to overcome your challenges with Justin’s great advice on how to face challenges in life. Hi everyone. It's your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. And on today's interview, we are talking about overcoming challenges in business.  Now in business, you may experience some challenges from starting it up or to even figuring out what you're [...]

2022-05-23T18:56:08-07:00February 15th, 2020|

SPU – Shifting the Parenting Paradigm

As we pursue higher intellect, greater capacity to experience life and evolved existence, the parenting paradigm must also adapt. In last week’s episode, Tonya talked with Amber Trueblood about stretching motherhood and she continues that conversation today. Listen in as Tonya explores how to create an expanded perspective of parenting that can accommodate our ever-transforming concepts of reality. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today we're talking about Shifting the Parenting Paradigm. Last week I spoke with Amber Trueblood about stretching motherhood and her book, Stretch Marks. All about mothering in your own way and having the courage to step into that space with you, and your partner, and your children. How you're going to do mothering? What that means for you, what that looks like for your family. I wanted to expand on that conversation today and talk about the [...]

2020-06-29T11:38:06-07:00February 14th, 2020|

AGI – I Want a Loving Relationship

Do you often find yourself saying “I want a loving relationship?” What does a loving relationship mean to you? Megan is one of millions of people who really want a loving relationship but have struggled for years to find one. In this episode of A Glimpse Inside’s Relationship Rescue series, host Wendy Perrotti coaches Megan to alter the approach she takes by using patterns that are already working in other areas of her life. If you’re struggling to find or deepen a relationship, tune in to get some concrete things you can do to start making that shift in your life too. Welcome to A Glimpse Inside. I'm Wendy Perrotti. You're listening to episode two of our four-part series relationship rescue. If you've missed Relationship Advice From the Trenches with Paula Jean Burns in Episode One, check it out. We dug into the everyday rough spots [...]

2020-02-03T12:14:04-07:00February 13th, 2020|

WOA – Symbols of the Goddess: Trees, Runes & Sacred Geometry

No matter what kind of belief or faith you have, ancient gods and goddesses exist in history and culture. In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by Iva Kenaz. Iva is an author from Prague, Bohemia who wrote several books significantly influenced by spirituality and metaphysics such as The Witch Within, The Goddess Within, The Merkaba Mystery, Alchemist Awakening: An Alchemical Journey Through the Zodiac, and Sacred Geometry and Magical Symbols. Not only does she study Screenwriting at the Prague Film Academy and hold an MA in Creative Writing, she is also an avid researcher of ancient knowledge and a practitioner of tarot, runes, and astrology. Listen in to learn more about the symbols of the goddess and how you can find them in the things around you. Hello, this is Ayn Cates Sullivan, one of the SuperPower Up [...]

2020-02-06T19:14:35-07:00February 12th, 2020|

HFH – Creation Through Intuitive Thinking

Intuitive thinking is the kind of thinking that aids us in understanding the reality in the moment, without any analysis or logic. There is no language involved as it is entirely about sensations and signs. In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría is joined by Minette Riordan to discuss about how you can create and understand reality through intuitive thinking. Dr. Minette Riordan is a modern day Renaissance woman: artist, writer, award-winning entrepreneur and advocate for creativity as essential to the well-being of all people and our planet. She has built several successful businesses, worked with thousands of business owners and published 3 books including her best seller The Artful Marketer. Listen in to learn how you can work in your highest and best creative genius and how you can solve all the world’s problems through the simple and effective transformational process called intuitive thinking.  [...]

2020-02-03T12:08:28-07:00February 11th, 2020|

MYS – An Emerging New Human Story – Gregg Braden

We all want to be our best, but is it possible to become a better person? In this episode of Mystical Science, host Karen Elkins is joined by Gregg Braden to talk about the new human story. Gregg is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, researcher, educator, lecturer and internationally renowned as a pioneer bridging modern science, spirituality, and human potential. He is among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 6th consecutive year, and he is a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award. Listen in as Karen and Gregg talks about how you can devote your talents to expand your vision of human purpose and make your own New Human Story that will inspire others. Hello everybody. This is Karen Elkins, the show is Mystical Science, and today our guest is Gregg Braden.  We're talking about emerging [...]

2020-01-31T05:29:37-07:00February 10th, 2020|

SPS – Building Self Esteem Through Self Awareness

Cultivating and building self esteem can be surprisingly difficult. Low self-esteem can leave you feeling down. In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Laina Orlando and Jennifer Urezzio discuss how building self esteem through self awareness can be easy. Laina believes that when you are self aware by listening to your soul, you allow the best part of yourself to be expressed. Listen now to start building your confidence, self esteem and awareness with Laina’s easy and profound tools. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I'm a Super Power Expert and founder of the Soul Language.  We're talking with Laina Orlando today and we're talking about building self esteem through self-awareness. Welcome, Laina. Well, thank you so much for [...]

2020-01-27T07:50:47-07:00February 9th, 2020|

ISP – Pitch Perfect

Have you found your pitch perfect message? Or do you find yourself still trying to find your footing when on stage? Miluna Fausch trains conscientious C-level executives in voice & stage presence so they can communicate as the leaders they aspire to be. Listen in as Miluna and host Justin Recla discuss how you can step up your stage performance to better connect with your audience. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. I am your host and today's show was all about Pitch Perfect. It's all about the language you use and the importance of that.  Our guest today is Miluna Fausch. The name of her business is Perfect Pitch and she is just magic in the space of business and combining, what I love about having her here is that she combines the concepts of spirituality [...]

2022-06-06T10:32:41-07:00February 6th, 2020|

SLSP – Re-Igniting the Spark in the Bedroom

Why do we need to re-ignite the spark in the bedroom in a romantic relationship? And how do we start with it? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and licensed psychotherapist Vanessa Marin answer these questions and more. Vanessa specializes in sex therapy and she can help you stop feeling embarrassed about sex and start having way more fun in the bedroom. If you’ve had trouble with re-igniting the spark in the bedroom, you’ll want to tune in to this episode. Listen in as Vanessa and Tatiana help you transform your sex life from ordinary to extraordinary and have a healthier and happier relationship. Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei. and today I have a very special guest with me, Miss Vanessa Marin. We are going [...]

2022-05-30T18:40:44-07:00February 5th, 2020|

SPM – Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

Empowering women entrepreneurs is an avenue for many mommas who are noticing the overwhelming feeling of losing themselves to their parenting, job and life in general. SuperPower Mommas host Laura Greco is joined by Natalie Perkins, the founder and owner of Bella Ballerinas. Natalie’s superpower of empowering others to see their potential, has served her very well and listening to her will lift you too. You will not want to miss this very warm and interesting discussion. Listen in as you gain more perspective and release judgement in your parenting and feel good about yourself. Hello everyone. I'm Laura Greco, your host, and you are listening to SuperPower Mommas and welcome.  Today we have a wonderful guest, her name is Natalie Perkins and we are speaking on the topic of Empowering Women Entrepreneurs. I have to say that after reviewing, I don't know now Natalie personally, [...]

2020-10-12T18:26:30-07:00February 4th, 2020|

YSPM – Living In Happiness

Is it possible to find happiness, no matter what is going on in your life? In this episode, Amy Huentelman, an inspirational speaker and mind/body coach, joins YSPM host Kristin Maxwell to share her belief that happiness is a choice that everyone can make by show to everyone who they really are. Listen in as Amy walks us through a process for getting out of our heads and tapping into the inner wisdom and energy that create lasting peace and happiness. Hi, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host, Kristin Maxwell. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation, and give you the tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life.  Today, we are going to be talking to Amy Huentelman about living and happiness.  Amy is a visionary and inspirational speaker, and a mind body coach. Through [...]

2020-01-27T07:03:45-07:00February 3rd, 2020|

SPS – Magic Happens

People are always trying to find the perfect product that could work wonders and magic into the body, whether it is for their body, health or any other goals. In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Linda Lang and Jennifer Urezzio discuss how magic happens to the body. Linda is an emotional alchemist, a spiritual guide and healer. She writes for The Magic Happens and has a podcast called Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. Linda describes how to pay attention to the magic of your body to guide you to experiencing more of the wonder in your life. Listen now to hear how to move from programming to being connected to the magic all around you. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul.  Today, I'm with Linda Lang and [...]

2020-01-26T09:26:49-07:00February 2nd, 2020|

SPK – How to Make Dreams into Reality

If there’s a way to make dreams into reality, would you want to know? Debbi Dachinger joins host Neva Lee Recla as they share secrets for how to do just that. Debbi is a media personality and media visibility expert. She helps people turn their dreams into reality and impact the world. Listen in to find out how you can take steps now that will turn your dreams into reality.  Hi everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. and I'm very excited for today's interview. We are talking about How to Turn Dreams into Reality. That sounds so cool, right? And I realized that especially when we're kids, that anything is possible, and there's no end to your dreams and you can just keep on having fun. But sometimes, when we're adults, it's not really the same.  But there are [...]

2022-05-23T18:56:36-07:00February 1st, 2020|

SPU – The Frequency of Hope Part 2

In Part I of The Frequency of Hope, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked about the importance of deconstructing the frequency of fear. In Part II, she expands on this concept by guiding us in how to transition our lives to operate in the frequency of hope. While this sounds like a wonderful, harmonious existence, it isn’t always easy for people to believe in. The very concept of hope gets meshed with faith, belief, dreaming, religion, spirituality, and so much more. Are we able to transcend the paralyzing fear of looking foolish or being wrong in order to realize the full potential of living free from dense restriction of lower frequencies? That becomes the question each of us must face in order to boldly and courageously create in the frequency of hope. Listen now as Tonya wraps up this two-part series and teaches us how to remove ourselves from the [...]

2020-01-26T09:01:04-07:00January 31st, 2020|

WOA – Super Angel

Do you believe in angels? People believe that each and every person on earth has an assigned guardian angel — whether with wings or in human form. They consider these angels to protect, console, and communicate with them. In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by Joanna Garzilli. Joanna is a professional tarot card reader and psychic life coach. For over 20 years, she has done personal readings for people from all walks of life. She has helped and provided spiritual success coaching for entrepreneurs and celebrity influencers and is the author behind the Big Miracles: The 11 Spiritual Rules for Ultimate Success. Listen in to learn more about how angels can help transform and create miracles in your life right now. Hello everyone and welcome to the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show where we leave the sacred [...]

2020-01-26T08:09:02-07:00January 29th, 2020|

HFH – The Soul is a Magic Energy to Create

The founder of Soul Language, Jenifer Urezzio, joins AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show to share her creative process throughout Soul Language, a paradigm that puts tangibility to a soul so a conscious connection and magic energy can be established to enable crystal clear decisions for success. Jennifer is also a master intuitive and the author of two best-selling books. Currently, she has trained over 20 practitioners worldwide in Soul Language. In just one session, clients report that new possibilities open up for them which allows them to express their creativity, stardom, and greatness in whole new ways to the world. Listen in as Jennifer shares with AngelaMaría how she guides highly creative individuals with resolving blocks in their creative process so that new opportunities can be received and created. Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts and you're listening to theHigh [...]

2020-01-26T06:02:36-07:00January 28th, 2020|

MYS – Mystical Science

In this debut episode of the Mystical Science show, host Karen Elkins joins the SuperPower Up Network. In this conversation, she chats with Tonya Dawn Recla, Executive Director of Super Power Experts, about the importance of uncovering the mechanisms by which nature works through science. Through this show, Karen introduces to us the practice of religious ecstasies together with ethics, rites, and ideologies. Listen in, subscribe to the show and get ready for a wonderful, wild journey of science and mysticism. Welcome. This is a new show on the SuperPower Up!, Mystical Science. I'm your host, Karen Elkins, and we're here to explore science to sage.  For 10 years I've done extensive research in the convergence of science, consciousness and world philosophies. This new show, Mystical Science, will engage the world leaders, innovative thinkers, discussing their insights, their innovation, and their inspiration. [...]

2022-06-06T10:41:45-07:00January 27th, 2020|

SPS – The Soul and Story Telling

Did you know that story telling is a powerful tool that can drive other people to succeed in life? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Devorah Spilman and Jennifer Urezzio discuss the power of the soul and storytelling. Devorah Spilman has been a master storyteller for over 30 years. She has helped people all over the world follow their calling, write books, and build businesses based on the deep work that accesses their inner story. She takes listeners through a simple and profound exercise that provides a metaphor for who they are in the world.  Listen now to hear Jennifer’s metaphor and connect with your own soul and begin to tell your own story of power. Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Urezzio. I'm a Super Power Expert and founder of the Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul.  Today, I'm with Devorah [...]

2020-01-20T15:59:34-07:00January 26th, 2020|

SPU – The Frequency of Hope Part 1

What happens when we choose to live in a frequency of hope and refuse to feed fear? In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Elizabeth April about how to Quantum Leap into What’s Possible. They touched on the idea of hope and faith as key components of that leap. In this first part of The Frequency of Hope, Tonya expands on the importance of being really solid in deconstructing any programs that originally developed from a frequency of fear instead of creating programs rooted in an expansive walk with the Divine. Listen in to hear powerful insights and tactics you can implement in your life to start creating from a frequency of hope. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today, we're talking about the Frequency of Hope.  Last week's episode with Elizabeth April, we dove [...]

2020-01-22T17:50:34-07:00January 24th, 2020|

ISP – Creating Consciousness

Mariyln Macha has mastered the art of creating consciousness with her clients so they can create the life they want. From owning her own financial advisor firm, to working with kids, Marilyn is a prime example of what it means to show up authentically. Listen in as Marilyn joins Justin Recla and they explore the mindset needed to succeed in business today. This is Incorporating SuperPowers, and I am your host, Justin Recla.  Today, I am super, super excited to be talking with and speaking to one of my favorite people on the planet. She is absolutely magic.  Before we get started, a little bit of background here. Marilyn and I met at a business conference called CEO Space. Oh my goodness, I don't know, three, four, five years ago, however long it was, and just [...]

2022-06-06T10:40:57-07:00January 23rd, 2020|

SLSP – Sex and Intimacy for Good Girls

It is not only the bad girls who have all the fun. Good girls can also enjoy sex and intimacy with their partners. In this interview, Leah Carey, joins SLSP host Tatiana Berindei in a dialogue around sex and intimacy for good girls. Leah Carey is a sex educator and sexual communication coach who helps people learn to communicate about sex so they can get what they really want in the bedroom - rather than just accepting (or tolerating!) what they’re given. Join in to discover how to achieve sexual freedom and how to break the silence, fear, shame and stigma around women’s sexuality and pleasure, redefining what it means to be a good girl. Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei and today, I am delighted to [...]

2022-05-30T18:41:11-07:00January 22nd, 2020|

SPM – What is Low Esteem? Diving Beneath the Surface

Raising children during a time when “information overload” is only a click away begs a serious question: What is low esteem? During this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco is joined by Kristi Hugstad, a certified Grief Recovery Specialist and a Grief and Loss Facilitator for recovering addicts. As you listen in to this special episode, you’ll take a deep look into the growing concern for today’s children and how they are coping (or not coping) with the constant influx of information, as well as stressors that can result. Laura and Kristi also discuss the natural need for children to feel accepted by their peers and family and why it is that children are especially at risk. You’re invited to take a courageous and loving step to learn more about this topic as you listen in on the conversation with Laura and Kristi. Hello everyone and [...]

2020-10-12T18:26:49-07:00January 21st, 2020|

YSPM – Using Mind Power to Heal the Body

Where do you turn to when traditional medicine doesn’t heal your illness? Do you get a second opinion or do you rely on your own superpowers? In this episode, YSPM host Kristin Maxwell is joined by Dr. Elizabeth Hughes, who explains how mind power can help heal the body. In this conversation, Dr. Hughes shares the need for individuals to transform their subconscious beliefs, develop trust in their bodies’ ability to heal, and learn how to communicate with their bodies. Tune in to discover the true power of the mind! Hello everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you the tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life.  Today, we are going to be talking to Dr. Elizabeth Hughes about how you can empower your body's [...]

2020-01-12T20:32:11-07:00January 20th, 2020|

SPS – Quantum Consciousness and Change

Our minds have structures that give rise to quantum consciousness. But how does it work? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Jean Adrienne and Jennifer Urezzio discuss how quantum consciousness and change go hand and hand. Jean is the developer of the InnerSpeak™ Breakthrough Coaching Process. She’s also an author, Internet talk show host, world traveler and financially independent entrepreneur. She talks about how you can propel forward today by forgiving yourself and releasing judgment. Listen now, to start to understand that quantum consciousness and change starts within first. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul.  Today I'm with Jean Adrienne. We're talking about the quantum consciousness and change.  Welcome Jean. [...]

2020-01-08T13:14:52-07:00January 19th, 2020|
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