SPM – What Does it Mean to be Intuitive

Isabel Hundt, a successful public speaker and certified transformation coach, joins Laura Greco of SuperPower Mommas as they explore what does it mean to be intuitive and what role intuition plays for parents today. As a transformation coach who works with empaths and empath-warriors, Isabel also engages in emotions clearing. In addition, Isabel is a published author of The Power of Faith-Driven Success and has been featured on TV shows, radio and other well know podcasts. Her expertise revolves around navigating the emotional world, and the important role of empaths/empath-warriors, the power of intuition and the importance of trust and perseverance in today’s society. Tune in to this conversation and gain insight into Isabel’s experiences of being a present momma and entrepreneur. Hello. You're listening to SuperPower Mommas, and I'm Laura Greco, your host. I am so excited to be with you today. I have a [...]

2024-10-21T17:04:13-07:00January 3rd, 2025|

SPK – Getting Real and Being Weird with JP Sears

In this Super Power Kids episode, Neva Lee Recla and JP Sears talk about pets, parenting, and being weird. Neva shares her impression of Miranda Sings and does an oracle reading for JP Sears. JP Sears also provides Neva with some advice about how to take criticism and still keep going. JP Sears is an emotional healing coach, YouTuber, author, international teacher, speaker at events, world traveler, and curious student of life. His work empowers people to live more meaningful lives. JP is the author of How To Be Ultra Spiritual. He is very active with his online videos where he encourages healing and growth through his humorous and entertainingly informative videos. You can learn more about JP and his work at AwakenWithJP.com. Today, I'm here with a very special guest, JP Sears. If you're on Facebook, you've seen him. He does so [...]

2024-10-21T16:08:27-07:00December 8th, 2024|

SES – Alive Parenting

What is alive parenting? In this episode of the Spiritual Ecstacy Show, host Gabriel Cousens warmly welcomes this topic. He talks about how an alive parent takes on the role of a spiritual warrior, the art and mystery of parenting being the source of love, sweetness, and caring guidance. He shows you how to support your children to reach the highest expression of sacred design, and support your children to be the truth they are meant to be. Tune in today to learn about alive parenting!

2022-11-22T18:45:22-07:00December 7th, 2022|

SPM – Improve Confidence and Release Mommy Guilt

How you can improve confidence and release mommy guilt is a powerful subject. In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, host Laura Greco is joined by Amber Trueblood, an author, a retreat-host and a mother of 4 sons. Their discussion addresses the realness of life, some of the challenges of mommy guilt and Amber’s superpower of honesty which has been such an aid in her journey of parenting. In addition to the tools and tips, you will also enjoy the insiders story as to why Amber named her book, Stretch Marks. You are warmly invited to get to know the secrets behind relieving mommy guilt, the passion Amber has about sharing her realistic tools so you too, can be guided towards a happier, calmer parenting life while you improve your confidence day after day.  Hello everyone and welcome. You're listening to Superpower Mommas and I'm your host, [...]

2020-10-12T18:19:15-07:00March 17th, 2020|

SPU – Shifting the Parenting Paradigm

As we pursue higher intellect, greater capacity to experience life and evolved existence, the parenting paradigm must also adapt. In last week’s episode, Tonya talked with Amber Trueblood about stretching motherhood and she continues that conversation today. Listen in as Tonya explores how to create an expanded perspective of parenting that can accommodate our ever-transforming concepts of reality. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today we're talking about Shifting the Parenting Paradigm. Last week I spoke with Amber Trueblood about stretching motherhood and her book, Stretch Marks. All about mothering in your own way and having the courage to step into that space with you, and your partner, and your children. How you're going to do mothering? What that means for you, what that looks like for your family. I wanted to expand on that conversation today and talk about the [...]

2020-06-29T11:38:06-07:00February 14th, 2020|

SPM – Parenting with Confidence vs Perfectionism

What does parenting in confidence look like? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco is joined by Jody Johnston Pawel, founder and CEO of Parents Toolshop™ and is a Certified Family Life Educator through the National Council on Family Relations in the State of Ohio. This empowering discussion opens up the difference between “perfectionism” and how to parent with confidence. As a mom, you strive to do your absolute best. So how do you release perfectionism and embrace being an imperfect parent with confidence? You are warmly invited to listen in and discover tips and tools that will enhance your balance and release the stress of getting everything “right.” Hello, and welcome everyone. You're listening to SuperPower Mommas, and I'm Laura Greco, your host. Today, our show is about parenting with confidence versus perfectionism. So, I am so excited to have Jody here with me. [...]

2020-10-12T18:22:01-07:00November 12th, 2019|

A Momma’s Best Superpower

A Momma's Best Superpower Laura Greco explores what a momma’s best superpower is. This article not only reveals this best superpower of a momma, but also dives into the momma’s movement taking hold throughout the world. You are not going to want to miss this if you are a momma who wants to know and step into her best superpower and be a part of impacting the world! When looking up the definition of superpowers, I discovered a strong reference to a ‘powerful nation.’ Are you looking to be a part of something powerful? Right now, mommas all over the world are joining together to develop their best superpower. This community is a ‘powerful nation’ of mommas unified in their mission to raise children who are self aware, considerate of others and present in life. These mommas experience peace in their hearts. [...]

2021-06-15T22:36:02-07:00June 4th, 2019|

SPU – Radical Parenting

Radical parenting requires radical courage, radical partnership and radical children. Neva Lee Recla is the embodiment of radical. She joins her mom, Executive Director Tonya Dawn Recla, on the SuperPower Up! Disrupt Reality series to talk about the ups and downs of bucking the system. From starting business at age 2 to free range learning to finishing her first book, Neva takes listeners on a journey into her world and illuminates how she walks her path and holds herself accountable to her highest frequency. Listen in to this remarkable exchange between mother and daughter as they model open dialogue, disruption, self-dominion and the frequency of love.   Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today I'm joined again with the fantabulous Neva Lee Recla. Hi everyone. And we're talking today about radical parenting, which we're super excited about because, well, we [...]

2019-04-13T18:25:22-07:00April 19th, 2019|

SPM – What Areas of Personal Growth Enhance the Parenting Experience?

In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco is joined by Allison Livingston, a Conflict Resolution Mediator, to explore areas of personal growth that enhance the parenting experience. Allison began her journey in this arena in 2005 when she sought a way to relate to her oldest daughter who was a spirited 4 year-old child. Allison knew that she needed help to understand how she could be successful when all she felt was triggered and challenged. And who of us mommas haven’t felt this way? Please, join our discussion as we explore this topic and how to navigate with more clarity and peace around your parenting experiences. Hello and welcome. I'm Laura Greco and you’re at SuperPower Mommas. We're so excited to be with you today. Our topic is what areas of personal growth enhance the parenting experience. And I'm here today with Allison Livingston and [...]

2020-10-12T19:25:10-07:00April 16th, 2019|

SPM – The Truth about Meltdowns and What Self Development Methods Really Work

Sandy Hall is the CEO of Perfectly Imperfect Parenting Solutions and creator of the MOM Method (Minimize Our Meltdowns) and she joins Laura Greco in a discussion regarding the truth about meltdowns and what self development methods really work. As a mom of 2 kids, an integrative wellness and life coach, Sandy helps to cut through all of the “shoulds” that have been piled on us (by others and ourselves) to get clear on what you REALLY WANT, and how to get it.  She is known for her superpower, as a solution finder, and she helps you harness that ability too. You won’t want to miss this discussion as we dive into the bottom line about meltdowns and Sandy shares a tool to help you, as a momma, to begin navigation this behavior with success. Hello, and welcome. I'm Laura Greco, and you're listening to SuperPower [...]

2020-10-12T18:44:58-07:00February 5th, 2019|

SPM – Compassion, The Secret to Positive Parenting

Jessica Silverman is a Certified Parenting coach, Positive Parent Educator and an early intervention speech-language pathologist, and she joins Laura Greco in an interesting discussion around compassion as the secret to positive parenting. Jessica takes great pleasure in serving the needs of children and their families. She is the founder of Parenting with Clarity, which is a heart-centered business designed to help parents experience greater ease and positive and lasting changes in their families. She shares much wisdom and heart as you will hear and she herself is a parent of 2 children. Join us for this compassionate discussion and gain the wisdom shared here. Hello. I'm Laura your host, and you are listening to SuperPower Mamas. I'm so excited to have both you and my guests with me. Today, we are talking on the topic of compassion, the secret to positive parenting. I have Jessica [...]

2020-10-12T19:32:18-07:00January 8th, 2019|

SPM – Building Confidence in Families

Courtney Harris is a Life Coach for teens and their parents and she joins Laura Greco on SuperPower Mommas to discuss building confidence in families. Courtney supports tweens and teens and young adults in finding their voice, growing confidence and thriving. All are assisted in overcoming anxiety, disconnection and isolation as they explore their truest sense of self and develop a deep sense of empowerment. In addition, Courtney supports the parents in practicing self-care, growing alongside their children, and developing balanced sensitivity towards the process their rapidly-changing child creations. So join in on the discussion and see how building confidence in parenting can be achieved. Hello everyone, and welcome to the SuperPower Mommas show. I'm so excited that you are here again, and I am your host Laura Greco. Today, I have a wonderful, lovely guest, Courtney Harris. She is joining me from all the way [...]

2020-10-12T19:33:52-07:00October 30th, 2018|

SPM – How to Get What You Want by Loving Yourself First

Nat Couropmitree guides innovative leaders to live their lives through the energetic frequency of their Truest Selves. He joins Laura Greco of SuperPower Mommas as they explore the topic of how to get what you want by loving yourself first. Nat is all about tapping into love, respect and value that frees people from the exhausting cycle of working harder to gain something that can never be achieved through more effort, more work, more sacrifice, and creates space for them to experience what they really long for...ease, joy and adventure in the present moment. Aside from his website, you can also find Nat on his podcast Bold Magnificence. Be sure to listen in and glean for yourself how self love must come first. Hello and welcome to SuperPower Mommas. I am your host, Laura Greco, and I'm so excited to have you listening today. Our topic [...]

2020-10-12T19:34:00-07:00October 16th, 2018|

SPM – What is the Secret to Balance for Mommypreneurs

Kenneth Choo is an entrepreneur, business consultant and mother industrialist. He joins Laura Greco of SuperPower Mommas to explore the question...what is the secret to balance for mommypreneurs? Kenneth is best known for his out-of-the box thinking and offers creative solutions for his clients marketing campaigns. With his book, Mother Industrialist, he helps moms become entrepreneurs and to perfect the balance between motherhood and business success. Join in and hear his story of why he coaches mommas. Hello and welcome. I'm your host, Laura Greco and you are in the SuperPower Mommas Show today. I'm so excited to bring you to this topic of what is the secret to balance for mommypreneurs. Today, we have a very special guest who has been working with mamapreneurs for such a long time, and he's written a beautiful book, which is what he's best known for, and that is [...]

2020-10-12T19:34:07-07:00October 2nd, 2018|

SPM – The Personal Growth Opportunity in Parenting

Tatiana Berindei, Super Power Experts and host of the Sex, Love and SuperPowers show, joins Laura Greco on SuperPower Mommas to discuss the personal growth opportunity in parenting. Tatiana loves to work with women – especially with mothers – to help them to reclaim their feminine power, embrace their sexuality in a profound and healthy way and become more present in their bodies so that they can model to their children what embodiment truly looks like. Listen in as they explore deeply the challenges and blessings that go into parenting today. Welcome, everyone. I'm so excited to be here with you. This is the SuperPower Mommas' show and I'm your host, Laura Greco. I'm so excited to introduce a special guest, as we explore the topic, The Personal Growth Opportunity in Parenting. Tatiana Berindei is a beautiful person that I met only just a few short [...]

2020-10-12T19:28:27-07:00September 4th, 2018|

SPM – Parenting from the Concept of Consciousness

Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and Founder of Soul Language, joins Laura Greco on Super Power Mommas as they discuss parenting from the concept of consciousness. Jennifer is a master intuitive who uses her intuitive skills to help raise consciousness, she also hosts the SuperPowers of the Soul show on the SuperPower Up! Podcast. Soul Language is a paradigm to put tangibility to Soul. Jennifer is the author of: Soul Language Consciously Connecting To Your Soul for Success and A Little Book of Prayers. Listen in as Laura and Jennifer discuss the profound advantages of parenting through deepening the conscious connection between mommas, children and their Divine with the tool of Soul Language. Welcome everyone. I am so excited that you are here. You are listening to SuperPower Mommas, a show that provides tools and strategies to navigate parenting in a peaceful and intuitively divinely inspired [...]

2020-10-12T19:28:39-07:00August 21st, 2018|

SPM – SuperPower Mommas

Tonya Dawn Recla, Executive Director of ​Super Power Experts, joins Laura Greco on the debut show of SuperPower Mommas. Tonya spends her days convincing people Super Powers are real and recruiting other powerful mutants. During her career as a government Special Agent, she explored the human psyche and honed her ​Super Powers. Tonya continues as a lifelong student of energy manipulation, transmutation, clair senses, and intentional molecular creation. She believes everyone has the power to create a multidimensional existence and master the human experience. And along with all of this, she is also a momma. Listen in as Tonya and Laura share a discussion that explores what it is to be a conscious momma, raising a daughter while pursuing her purpose. Welcome, everyone. This is Laura Greco and I'm so excited to have you here. I'm one of the SuperPower Up! hosts, and today's topic is, [...]

2020-10-12T19:28:47-07:00August 7th, 2018|

SPU – Parenting from the Soul with Laura Greco

Laura Greco, creator of the Art of Soulful Parenting, talks with Tonya Dawn Recla about the amazing journey of parenting from the soul. Laura is a Soul Language practitioner, trained by Super Power Expert Jennifer Urezzio. Listen in as this episode delves into the amazing challenges and gifts of parenting and the power of connecting with your children's souls.   Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I have on this show with me today, Laura Greco. She is the founder of The Art of Soulful Parenting and those of you who have talked to me for more than a second know that this is a topic that's very near and dear to my heart as I traverse the world with Neva, our young daughter. And so I was really excited to have Laura on this show as she talks about [...]

2018-02-26T21:44:44-07:00August 29th, 2017|
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