REC – Empathy

How can we show genuine empathy towards others? Why must it start from ourselves? In this episode of the Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva, talk about the profound meaning of empathy. It goes way beyond looking people in the eyes, being friendly, and using our manners like what was taught during our kindergarten. We need to accept people not only for who they are but also as a reflection of us. However, we must understand that not all people have the superpower of being empathetic. Tune in and learn how to spread empathy by delving deeper into your authentic self-reflection.

2021-11-09T19:51:38-07:00November 30th, 2021|

ISP – Hiring Right

What is the significance of hiring right for the business? Do all companies find the hiring process as a crucial part of employee development? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Mac Prichard talk about the proper recruitment process and education for both employee and employer. Mac is the founder of Mac’s List, an online job search directory. His main goal is to serve small businesses wanting to hire right in one shot. Tune in and learn more about the importance of employees to the company and why they should be trained and educated.

2022-04-11T12:26:44-07:00November 25th, 2021|

REC – Exposing Yourself

How can exposing yourself not be a bad thing at all? What will you do when you find yourself in uncomfortable spaces? In this episode of Reclamation, Tonya and Neva talk about the experience of hearing the spirits calling to use your voice, superpowers, and abilities in instances you are not excited about. Also, Tonya and Neva share the importance of being open to discussing topics that need attention in the household, such as rape culture; however, they may seem taboo to society. Tonya’s newly released article, Deep Throat: “Exposing the rape culture from inside out.”, is a reflection of her experience in exposing herself. Tune in to know more about the importance of following the calling of the divine and going out of your comfort zone.

2021-11-08T18:25:18-07:00November 16th, 2021|

ISP – Getting Funded

As an entrepreneur, are you having trouble getting funded? Do you want to get support amidst the pandemic? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Ken Alozie focus their discourse on getting a business funded despite the hindrances posed by the pandemic. Ken is a managing partner at Greenwood Capital and a business mentor in SCORE. He commits himself to guide start-ups in need of business and marketing plan optimization and getting funded smartly. Tune in and know more about the best practices and bits of advice for your business to flourish.

2022-04-11T12:26:48-07:00November 11th, 2021|

REC – Navigating Social Media

How can navigating social media make or break us? Can you live without the bright screens and clicking keyboards? In this episode of the Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva, talk about navigating social media and how it can go through the wires of our brain to control us. Also, Justin shares his view as a recovering social media addict. Tune in and learn how to tap your awareness to avoid falling into the bondage of technology and mitigate the unhealthy effects of social media.

2021-11-16T18:33:15-07:00November 2nd, 2021|

ISP – Localfi Your Business

How can you LocalFi your business? Have you mitigated the adversities brought about by the CoVid19 pandemic? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guests Kim Coates and Issac Navias talk about supporting local businesses that are serving the local community. Kim and Issac are the owners of an SEO Marketing Company called LocalFi. During the pandemic's peak, many of their brick and mortar clients not only continued their respective businesses operations but also thrived in the field. Tune in and learn more about the benefits of SEO marketing and why we should focus on helping the business in our locality.

2022-04-11T12:26:52-07:00October 28th, 2021|

REC – Doing it Now

Why should we be doing it now? What does it mean to be an adult? In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva revolve their conversation around the process of taking things that are considered with adulthood as a youngster. The Reclas also share why it is essential to have a strict work schedule and a plan for your life as early as possible. Tune in and listen to the Reclas as they talk more about connecting oneself to the Divine, taking things to the next level, and avoiding people who do not believe in your capacity as a young person.

2021-11-02T16:44:26-07:00October 19th, 2021|

ISP – Celebrate All Things

Do you celebrate all things that come your way? Are you grateful for everything that you have--- good or bad? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and Sherry Belul talk about Sherry’s experience of being in a dark place and her superpower of finding joy in all things. Sometimes, we are so focused on achieving and gaining more that we forget the long journey that has been, how far we have reached, and the things that we have. Staying elevated is one of the ways to remember to celebrate all things--- grand or simple. Tune in and get to know Sherry, a happiness coach for those who want to celebrate the relationships in their life. 

2022-04-11T12:26:57-07:00October 14th, 2021|

REC – Spiritual Saturday

What is a Spiritual Saturday? Do you have one day in a week to take a dose off? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva talk about their family ritual called Spiritual Saturday. The Reclas designate their Saturdays to take time off from a busy week that has been. Also, this is their time to take a pause, gather themselves, and connect with the divine. Tune in and discover the importance of contemplation and reflection time alone for the spirit to communicate with God. 

2021-10-08T11:11:57-07:00October 5th, 2021|

ISP – Escape from the Grind

How can one escape from the grind? Is it easy to let go of the things you used to do every day for years? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Howard Scott talk about the process of learning something new and escaping from the usual grind. Howard Scott is a 7th generation lawyer and has been working for 30 years in this profession. However, he was stuck in a moral dilemma with his legal work and decided to quit and start to write a fiction book. Howard’s book, Rascal on the Run, is based on the two murder cases he handled during his career. Tune in and listen to Howard’s life lessons as an attorney-turned-book writer.  Justin Recla: Welcome back to Incorporating Superpowers. This show goes out to all of you that are listening to the show who feel like you [...]

2022-04-11T12:27:01-07:00September 30th, 2021|

REC – The Power of Community

What is the power of community? Why do we need to have a community to relate to and interact with others? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva talk about the power of having a community. They Reclas share how the various communities they were in shape them into who they are today and helped them with their journey to creating their community.  Tune in and discover how being in the community is the key to success and why we need people to uplift us in our journey.

2021-10-02T11:19:28-07:00September 28th, 2021|

REC – The Invitation

Did you receive the invitation? Are you starting to hear the call from the divine? In this episode of the Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva, talk about human awakening and receiving a message from the divine. Tonya shares her unique invitation from God and how it changes the life of her whole family. Tune in and join The Reclas as they share stories of faith, love, and challenge in answering the invitation.

2021-10-02T11:27:06-07:00September 21st, 2021|

REC – Doing it All

What does doing it all mean to you?  In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva are talking about doing it all.  Neva shares how much she desires to do it all especially with the excitement of starting a new school year and through this conversation she realizes that doing it all requires managing expectations. Tonya shares that the relationship that you have with expectations has to do with how you develop your desires. In contrast, Justin questions that the idea of expectations in itself essentially sets you up for failure.  Check out this episode to learn more about setting your internal expectations to gain divine clarity. 

2021-10-02T11:53:43-07:00September 14th, 2021|

REC – On Death and Dying

What is your perspective on death and dying? Do these words mean loss? Why do we grieve when someone important to us dies? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva, view death and passing through a different lens, a perspective far different from the usual. Whenever someone dies, the little pieces they left--- memories, things, and experiences make us mourn and feel empty. Furthermore, the fact that we identify dead people as physical bodies we cannot see anymore gives us a sudden burst of emotions. Tune in and join The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva discuss death, loss, fear, and seeing ghosts. Justin Recla: In this episode of Reclamation, I see dead people. This episode is called On Death and Dying. And for those of you who don't know, yes, I actually do see dead people. I've seen dead people since I [...]

2021-08-24T18:14:39-07:00September 7th, 2021|

ISP – Tax Free Wealth

How can we build tax-free wealth? How do you handle the money that you have right now?  In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Barry Brooksby talk about the tax-free way of building a legacy. Barry has worked in the wealth and finance industry for the last 21 years. He shares ways on how to preserve wealth for you and for the next generations to enjoy.  Tune in and Join Justin and Barry as they discuss diversification of funds and opportunities that offer living benefits for building a tax-free wealth today. Justin Recla: Welcome back to Incorporating the Super Powers. We are going to take a look at what everybody is driving to do in business. It's the elusive idea and concept of wealth. But today we're going to look at it through the lens of wealth tax-free. And what does that [...]

2021-08-31T17:54:15-07:00September 2nd, 2021|

REC – To Shave or Not to Shave

"To shave or not to shave?" is one of the controversial questions society is currently debating. In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva share their thoughts on the idea of shaving the hair in different parts of the body. The Reclas added the importance of valuing your choice and the natural tendency to feel obligated to continue to shave once you’ve started. Tune in and listen to Tonya, Justin, and Neva as they tell stories of breaking social norms and freeing themselves from societal pressure.  Neva Lee Recla: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Reclamation. I am Neva Lee Recla and I'm here with my mom. Tonya Dawn Recla: Tonya Dawn Recla. Neva Lee Recla: And my dad. Justin Recla: Justin Recla. Neva Lee Recla: And today we are, I'm [...]

2021-08-24T18:06:56-07:00August 31st, 2021|

REC – Movie Magic

Do you often find yourself captured by movie magic? Do you consider yourself a cinephile, a person who loves to watch movies? If yes, then this episode of Reclamation is perfect for you. The Reclas, Tonya, Justin, and Neva, talk about their love of movies that serves as a common ground for the whole family. They share how they mimic and reenact movie quotes and lines after watching the film.  Things like movies allow us to go with a natural rhythm and flow because it mirrors the things happening to us. Join The Reclas as they converse about movies and the déjà vu moments that occur when movies mimic real-life situations. Group: (singing). Justin Recla: All Right. We've got a confession, and this might be a little weird. Tonya Dawn Recla: Oh, no. It's really weird. Neva Lee Recla: Very weird. [...]

2021-08-09T18:34:35-07:00August 24th, 2021|

ISP – Money as Energy

Do you believe that money is energy? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guests Peg Donahue and Madeline Gerwick revolve their conversation on money and how it is not what most people believe it to be. Peg and Madeline are both energy workers who have come together to co-author the book "Money is an Energy Game." They think that money is energy and the right energy attracts more. Join Justin, Peg, and Madeline for you to know how to play the money and energy game to avoid frustration and create new potentials for success. Justin Recla: Welcome back to Incorporating Superpowers. Today, we are going to crack the matrix wide open because this conversation is going to be one that you probably heard us talk about on the Superpower Network and as part of Superpower Experts, but probably not in the manner [...]

2021-08-03T17:32:42-07:00August 19th, 2021|

REC – Reimagining Fluidity

What is reimagining fluidity? Do you believe that fluidity is way beyond sex and gender? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about fluidity to allow us to reimagine ourselves and shatter the boxes and limitations we build around us to separate us from other people. The Reclas also tackle the long list of identities an individual has or the chameleon ability. Tune in to this episode with Tonya, Justin, and Neva to discuss fluidity, confidence, and finding your true self. Neva Lee Recla: Hello everyone. This is Neva Lee Recla and you are listening to the Reclamation show. I'm here with my parents. Tonya Dawn Recla: Tonya Dawn Recla. Justin Recla: Justin. Tonya Dawn Recla: And today we are going to be talking all about re-imagining fluidity. I am so [...]

2021-08-02T18:23:46-07:00August 17th, 2021|

REC – Hell Loops

What are hell loops? Have you ever find yourself being stuck in one? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about the pre-programmed subconscious that makes us subjects of repetitive undesirable events, which they refer to as the Hell Loops. We sometimes become the demon of ourselves by constantly torturing us instead of learning from and changing the situation. The Reclas further discuss how willingness, awareness, and conscious effort can be some ways to mitigate these things from happening. Tune in and join Tonya, Justin, and Neva as they share their unique experiences with this hell loop.  Neva Lee Recla: Hello everyone. This is Neva Lee Recla and you are listening to Reclamation. I am here with my mom. Tonya Dawn Recla: Tonya Dawn Recla. Neva Lee Recla: And my dad. Justin Recla: Justin Recla. [...]

2021-08-03T17:42:42-07:00August 10th, 2021|

ISP – Compassion as a Service

Are you ready to use your compassion as a service in your business? Are you ready to learn about how evolved business practices can boost your business and create a bigger impact? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla is joined by the three hosts of the On The Mend Podcast: Steve Retallick, Max Retallick, and Rob Knapp. The three guests discuss how they’ve revolutionized the medical industry by implementing a compassion-first-based service at the center of their business model. This is an emotional episode as the three men assisted the Recla family with the transitioning of Justin’s 99-year-old grandmother into his parent's home. We’d like to invite you to tune in and experience what a real evolved business looks like for yourself.  Welcome back to Incorporating Superpowers. Today we're going to do things a little bit differently because today we're going to be [...]

2021-07-20T17:49:35-07:00August 5th, 2021|

REC – To Save a Hummingbird

Is it worth it to save a hummingbird from the brink of death? As a follow to the last episode of Animal Harmony, The Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva in this episode of Reclamation talk about their experience of how a dying bird came back to life. The family emphasizes the importance and feeling of moving harmoniously around nature to communicate and allow ourselves to have remarkable experiences with its elements. The Reclas also tackle the process of gaining intimate experience with nature. Tune in as the Reclas tell their story about how helping the lifeless hummingbird brought so much life into their home. Tonya Dawn Recla: Hello everyone. And welcome back to Reclamation. We are Tonya Dawn Recla. Justin Recla: Justin Recla. Neva Lee Recla: Neva Lee Recla. Tonya Dawn Recla: And we're so excited [...]

2021-07-20T18:28:35-07:00August 3rd, 2021|

REC – Living with Superpowers

What does it mean to live with superpowers? Is it even a real thing? In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva share personal experiences around how they navigate living in a household where three people have superpowers. Justin talks about what it means to have a wife who is a mind reader. Neva talks about her superpower and how it allowed her to kick her Dad’s butt and Tonya shares about the origins of these unique powers, including how it all started. Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva in today’s episode to possibly uncover your unique superpower and learn how to live your best life using it.   Justin Recla: Welcome back to another episode of Reclamation. My name is Justin Recla and I've got my two girls with me and we have a confession today. Neva Lee Recla: Oh snap. Justin Recla: We [...]

2021-07-20T17:30:00-07:00July 27th, 2021|

ISP – Spiritual Revolution

Do you believe that spiritual revolution can help humans live a successful life? We only live once, they say; yet, did your spirit already embrace the fact that one day you are going to die? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Michael Goddart talk about business from a new perspective - how to connect yourself back into that frequency and make sure that you are walking your path. Michael is a fiction novel writer who found his spiritual side after his spiritual retreat in India. He is the author of IN SEARCH OF LOST LIVES: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind & Soul. This book is all about Michael’s personal spiritual quest of over fifty years. Listen in now and join Justin and Michael to talk about a spiritual revolution and living life to the fullest. Welcome to Incorporating [...]

2021-07-06T17:12:27-07:00July 22nd, 2021|

REC – Animal Harmony

What is animal harmony? Are animals magical creatures? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about the enchanted animal kingdom and how we people need to live in harmony with them for us to unfurl and get a glimpse of their genuine magic. The Reclas spice up their family conversation with stories of surprises from these mystical beings. Justin shares how they welcome, converse, engage, and honor a teeny-tiny bee. They also introduce their house dog and the uncountable magic it brought to their lives. Please tune in to join The Reclas in their family chat about the wonders of animal harmony inside the Recla household. Welcome back to the Reclamation Show. I am Justin Recla, and I'm herewith. Tonya Dawn. Neva Lee. Awesome, and today we're going to be talking about animal harmony. And so sit back, relax. I would [...]

2021-07-15T18:30:50-07:00July 20th, 2021|

REC – Refuse to be the Victim

Why is talking about “refusing to be the victim” as a family essential? Sometimes, we do not realize that we are victims in different circumstances. In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about the importance of family for someone to break the chains of victimhood, self-empowerment, and creating boundaries. Neva shares her childhood experience with a family friend that awakened her to manage herself out from being a victim. The Reclas emphasize the power of love and how it can help a person take charge in a situation to decide whether to be a victim or not. Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva in today’s episode to know more about how they refuse to be victims. Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the Reclamation show. I am Neva Lee, and I'm with... Tonya Dawn Recla  Justin Recla Today we're going to be talking [...]

2021-06-28T18:48:01-07:00July 13th, 2021|

REC – The Power of Unschooling

Have you ever been curious about the power of unschooling?  Reclamation host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by her husband Justin Recla, host of the Incorporating Superpowers podcast, and daughter Neva Recla, host of the Super Power Kids podcast.  Together they share their unique experience with Neva's learning, and what they have witnessed on Neva’s independent educational journey. Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva as they share the power of unschooling from their own pioneering trek through it. Hello, everyone, and welcome back. Thank you so much for joining us at Reclamation. We're so excited to be back with you today. I am Tonya Dawn. Neva Lee. And Justin. And we're the Reclas. We are Reclamation. And today we're really, really, really excited because we're talking about the power of unschooling, and the reason why, well, we were going to cheer. And the reason why we're talking [...]

2021-06-29T18:19:10-07:00July 6th, 2021|

ISP – Awesome Outsourcing

What is Awesome Outsourcing and what is its goal? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla is joined by guest Michelle Thompson as they talk about outsourcing and the reasons that led to the conception of Awesome Outsourcing. Michelle shares that she started the Awesome Outsourcing Agency after having a stroke and needing assistance in getting tasks done for her side hustle. Michelle's agency was created "by accident" as she became so good at outsourcing for her business that she quickly found herself with the request to do the same for others and their businesses. Michelle's focus is on education, and the impact outsourcing has for business and for those who assist in getting the work done. Join Justin and Michelle in today's episode to discover how you can also use outsourcing in your business!  Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. Today's conversation is going [...]

2021-06-22T18:23:15-07:00July 1st, 2021|

REC – The Frequency of Miracles

What are we really talking about when we talk about the frequency of miracles?  Reclamation host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by her husband Justin Recla, host of the Incorporating Superpowers podcast, and daughter Neva Recla, host of the Super Power Kids podcast.  In this episode, the first family of inspired personal development dives deeply into the concept of miracles and the fact that there's a frequency at which all miracles occur.  Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva for this inspiring discussion and attune yourself into that space where miracles are constantly occurring. Hello, everyone. And welcome back to Reclamation. We are so glad you're here with us today. In fact, are we so glad, everyone? Yes, we are. Welcome back. We are talking today about the Frequency of Miracles. This conversation lights us up because this is what we live for. Right. And we talk about [...]

2021-06-22T17:10:27-07:00June 29th, 2021|

WER – Walk the Walk

We often hear people say “Walk the talk,” but what does “Walk the walk” mean? We discover the answer to this question and more in this episode of We Rise with host Ashley Palmer and guest Justin Recla. Justin shares how he walks the walk through his superpowers which are his chameleon ability and energetic manipulation. Justin also talks about how we can walk the faith walk and how he walks in faith even in the most challenging times. Join Ashley and Justin in today’s insightful episode to discover how you can also learn to walk the walk! What is up, everyone. Welcome back to the We Rise channel. And another day, another episode. This is Ashley Palmer speaking, and I have a super awesome guest. I have completed the triangle. I am now with Justin Recla, the third one in the family. We get to [...]

2021-06-21T14:27:39-07:00June 24th, 2021|

ISP – Digital Give back

What is digital giveback and how is it done? In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla is joined by guest Arman Ananian as they talk about this novel and modern way of giving back. Arnan is the CEO of AREV Media, a digital marketing agency based out of Spain with a client base in the U.S. and around the globe. Arman’s agency focuses on creative ways business owners can leverage the power of giving back to charities to increase sales while impacting the world. Arman talks about how you can leverage the power of marketing to do more good in the world by helping charities and organizations that you did not even think were possible. Join Justin and Arman in today’s episode to learn more about digital giveback. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. My name is Justin Recla, and I am your host. And [...]

2021-06-21T14:22:37-07:00June 24th, 2021|

REC – Radical Self-Reliance

What does radical self-reliance mean? How does it help you discover, exercise, and rely on your inner resources? In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva share their thoughts on radical self-reliance and what it means to them. The Reclas talk about their experiences with it, including going to the Burning Man for three consecutive years. Tonya also shares how they grew from this experience as a family, with the phenomenal principles of the Burning Man. Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva in today’s episode to know more about radical self-reliance. Hello everyone and welcome back to Reclamation. We are so glad you're back with us here. We love having you and we love the reviews and the feedback and we thank you so much for being on this journey with us. We love what we do and we're so excited to be back [...]

2021-06-21T14:12:43-07:00June 22nd, 2021|

ISP – ADHD꞉ The Ultimate Superpower

How is ADHD the ultimate superpower? How can you harness your ADHD superpowers, help your kids unlock those powers for themselves, and bring them to light? We answer these questions and more in this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers as host Justin Recla is joined by the CEO and founder of Our Road to Thrive Foundation, Dana Kay. As a mother of a child with ADHD, Dana is passionate about assisting families in finding healthy alternatives to manage ADHD in children. Dana shares how you can see ADHD from a different perspective and not see it as something lacking. Join Justin and Dana in today’s episode to understand more about ADHD as the ultimate superpower. Welcome back to Incorporating Superpowers. In today's episode, we're going to tackle a topic and we're going to look at superpowers. We're going to look at the ultimate superpower, ADHD. A lot [...]

2021-06-08T18:09:23-07:00June 17th, 2021|

REC – When Words Hurt

How do you manage your emotions when words hurt you? In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva have a meaningful conversation about the power of words and the impact it brings to the people we talk to. The Recla also talks about observing the words that come out of our mouths and deconstructing those words so we can stand a much better chance of growing together instead of growing apart. Join Tonya, Justin, and Neva in today’s episode as they talk more about the power of what we say and what happens when words hurt.  Hello everyone. And welcome back to Reclamation. We're so glad that you've joined us again today. We are talking today about when words hurt, this is such a powerful conversation right now. So present in so many homes that it feels incredibly important to talk about how [...]

2021-06-09T09:31:16-07:00June 15th, 2021|

ISP – Building a Better Life on a Dime

Who doesn’t want a better life? In this episode of Incorporating Super Powers, host Justin Recla and guest Seth Kniep discuss the importance of doing the internal work required to be an entrepreneur and how anyone can build a better life on a dime. The co-founder of Just One Dime, Seth has trained over 100,000 entrepreneurs in over 150 countries, many of whom are multi-millionaires today. Seth's team manages the Amazon store for one of the sharks from the Shark Tank TV show, runs a sourcing team in China and multiple fulfillment centers across the US. Listen in now to learn more about how to build a better life with Justin and Seth. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers and folks, if you've ever been in a situation where you were just fed up with what was going on in the workplace, perhaps you're sitting there right [...]

2021-06-07T18:49:22-07:00June 10th, 2021|

ISP – The Future of Business

What is the future of Business? What impact will the virtual age have on business? In this episode of Incorporating Super Powers, host Justin Recla and guest Jeff Hunter discuss how to grow your business by building a virtual team. Jeff Hunter is the CEO of Savage Marketing, a VA Staffer, and an expert Digital Marketing Strategist. He has a background in Information Technology and Project Management, recognized as one of the Top 5 for Phillips nationwide two years running. Jeff Hunter is also a sought-after travel hacker and the first gamer to go viral on TikTok. Listen now to learn the tactics of outsourcing and the future of business from Jeff and Justin. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers, and folks if you've been listening for the last year and a half, and I know you have, then you're going to really, really enjoy today's show [...]

2021-05-25T18:39:59-07:00June 3rd, 2021|

ISP – Mastering Your Story

What is the importance of mastering your story in today’s digital world? In this episode, host Justin Recla is joined by the CEO of Invent Group and full-time entrepreneur Scott Cullather. Scott shares how crucial it is to nail your story and connect with your audience in a very unique and authentic way. Scott also emphasizes that connecting with your audience is one of the most important things a company and a brand can do, especially amidst the sea of choices people have to listen to. Join Justin and Scott in today’s episode and discover how you can master the art of storytelling. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers, and today we're going to go into storytelling. Matter of fact, today we're going to go into mastering your story. My guest today is the CEO and president of INVNT Group. Scott Cullather is... Well, Scott's a kindred [...]

2021-05-17T18:51:56-07:00May 27th, 2021|

ISP – Creating Your Personal Blue Ocean Strategy

Living in the new normal and during this trying time, how do you create a Blue Ocean Strategy for your business? In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla is joined by guest Billy Bray as they talk about the ways to create a Blue Ocean Strategy. Billy is in the insurance business, and in this episode, they discuss how he pivoted during the height of the COVID pandemic. Justin and Billy also talk about the importance of finding your blue ocean strategy and how business owners and entrepreneurs can find the courage to step out on their own to find the freedom they desire. Join Justin and Billy in today’s episode to begin creating your personal Blue Ocean Strategy. Welcome back to Incorporating Superpowers. Today, we're going to be talking about a topic that I know a lot of you out there, especially in [...]

2021-05-12T12:20:02-07:00May 20th, 2021|

ISP – Is it time for your business to Get Naked

Is it time for your business to get naked? We answer this question and more in this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers as host Justin Recla shares his time with guest Joel Primus.  Justin and Joel explore some of the concepts of what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how to cultivate balance in your life. Joel also shares his book, Getting Naked, where he discusses his journey as an entrepreneur and coach. Join Justin and Joel in today’s episode and discover how you can get your business naked. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. I am Justin Recla. Today, we're going to Get Naked. Yeah, you heard me right. We are going to Get Naked. We are going to explore some of the concepts of what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how to cultivate balance in your life, not only just as an entrepreneur, [...]

2021-05-12T12:20:02-07:00May 13th, 2021|

ISP – Intentional Manipulation

What is intentional manipulation and how do we know if we are being manipulated? In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla and guest Tim Ray share a great conversation around how you are either manipulating a situation or being manipulated. Tim is the founder of UI Media and is shedding light on the Intentional Manipulation that exists in the world. Join Justin and Tim in today’s episode to know more about intentional manipulation. Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. I am Justin Recla, your host. I am super, super excited to have the conversation that we're going to have to be around intentional manipulation, because if you're paying attention to what's going on in the world today, what's going on in social media, what's going on in politics, what's going on with the censorship, what's going on with the cancel culture, all of it, right? [...]

2021-05-12T12:20:02-07:00May 6th, 2021|
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