22 06, 2024

SPS – The Power of Past Lives

2024-06-10T09:22:17-07:00June 22nd, 2024|

Can you imagine the power of being shown exactly what blocks you in this life, so you can make conscious decisions to change and empower your life now? Join us for this empowering and enlightening conversation as Amorahki chats with past life and spiritual journeys facilitator, Allan Green, about how to not only find your mission or purpose, but also release fears, phobias, pains and ongoing issues with situations or people that you have now, that actually stem from past life wounds. Listen in to put this power to use creating miracles in your own life today! The Power of Past Lives Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings. Welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki and I am so happy to be here with you all today for a conversation with our fabulous guest, Allan Green, all about The [...]

8 06, 2024

SPS – Ascension Frequencies

2024-07-16T12:18:40-07:00June 8th, 2024|

In this pivotal time of ascension on earth, what are the tools that will best support you to move past density into balance and ascended well-being? Join us for this uplifting and empowering conversation as Amorahki chats with “The Goddess and The Green Man” healing center co-owner Catherine Green, who has been helping clients far and wide to achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony for more than 40 years. Listen in as Catherine shares where we are at with ascension frequencies, and why the work of removing the contracts people take on to experience lessons, emotions, and relationships on earth is so important right now!  Ascension Frequencies Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki, and I am extra delighted to be inside of this wondrous episode all about Ascension Frequencies [...]

25 05, 2024

SPS – The Master Reset Button

2024-07-16T12:19:16-07:00May 25th, 2024|

In an era where burnout is rampant and disconnection from our true selves and the environment is common, pressing The Master Reset Button is becoming vital. Join us for this heartfelt, inspiring, and actionable conversation as Amorahki chats with world renowned regenerative lifestyle leader, speaker and teacher, Anna Naturalista, about how to catalyze change, harmonize life's elements, and optimize your existence. Get ready to take a powerful step towards reclaiming control, restoring balance, and renewing your commitment to personal and planetary well-being! The Master Reset Button Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I am so excited to be on the inside of this super juicy episode, all about pressing ‘the master reset button’ with our incredibly beautiful and inspiring guest, Anna Naturalista. Anna is a world-renowned regenerative [...]

11 05, 2024

SPS – Divine Mother Energy

2024-05-09T08:55:55-07:00May 11th, 2024|

Are you carrying strong mother energy? Do others come to life inside your field of unconditional love, care, and support? When was the last time you fully turned your innate power, dedication, ferocity, and loving kindness upon yourself? Host Amorahki Fenn invites listeners to honor and celebrate the carriers of Divine Mother Energy with a guided meditation to reclaim their own power and feel fully supported as they recommit to unleashing their greatest potential. May it serve your highest possible good and assist in supporting Divine Mother Energy to flow as freely and as powerfully as possible through you to help shape the most benevolent outcomes in our rapidly evolving world. Divine Mother Energy Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I am so delighted to be here with [...]

8 05, 2024

WOA – What is Reality with Tonya Dawn Recla

2024-07-22T11:21:26-07:00May 8th, 2024|

What is reality? In this thought-provoking episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan explores the nature of reality with guest Tonya Dawn Recla, Director of the Superpower Network. They delve into whether humanity experiences a single reality or if multiple realities coexist. Tonya shares her insights on the complexities of personal and collective experiences, suggesting that while we share spaces, our realities are individually crafted. The conversation spans the interplay of AI, consciousness, and human perception, emphasizing the importance of embracing the multi-dimensional aspects of our realities. Join this enlightening discussion that challenges conventional understandings and invites a broader perspective on existence. What is Reality? with Tonya Dawn Recla Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan Welcome, friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages, where we invite the sacred into our lives. On my [...]

27 04, 2024

SPS – Sit, Stay, Write A Book

2024-04-25T11:40:43-07:00April 27th, 2024|

So, you want to write a book? Join in as Amorahki chats with Ann Crawford, the bestselling and award-winning author of ten life-affirming books about how to get your book written! Storytelling is at the heart of our humanity and it is said that at least one book sits unwritten inside each of us. Tune in to learn Ann’s best tips for honing your own creative process and getting your book out of your head and into the world! Sit, Stay, Write A Book Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I am extremely excited to be inside this empowering episode, all about how to sit, stay, write a book, with our incredibly inspiring guest, Ann Crawford. Ann is someone who believes in love at first sight, that good always [...]

19 04, 2024

SOS – Ramses Ja and Tonya Dawn Recla Disrupt Divided Discourse

2024-04-17T13:48:35-07:00April 19th, 2024|

Disrupt Divided Discourse In a world on fire with social tension and divided discourse, how do we meet in the middle and guide conversations differently? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla and Ramses Ja, co-host of Civic Cipher and activist extraordinaire, disrupt the division. Ramses is well-known for sharing his voice and using his power in ways that matter. His reputation as a popular radio host who models exemplary selfless social service precedes him and lights a path for others to follow. Finding himself at the epicenter of one of the biggest divides of our time, he, and co-host Q Ward, hold the trademark to the highly controversial words: White Lives Matter. Listen and watch now as Tonya and Ramses explore the depths of our divisiveness and discover that all roads lead within. Don’t miss this powerful episode that turns the conversation [...]

13 04, 2024

SPS – Empowering Your Voice

2024-03-04T17:58:47-07:00April 13th, 2024|

Do you ever get nervous about speaking in a group, or find yourself holding back your true thoughts and feelings? Join in as Amorahki chats with Julie Blue, an accomplished singer, award winning composer/recording artist, and uniquely transformational voice coach, about the healing power of your own voice. Tune in to learn how to develop the presence and self-love to live your highest life by empowering your voice! Empowering Your Voice Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I am outrageously delighted to be inside this extra powerful episode all about empowering your voice with our incredible guest, Julie Blue! Julie is an accomplished singer and pianist, an award-winning film composer and recording artist, as well as a uniquely transformational voice coach. She's touched 1000s of people through [...]

5 04, 2024

SOS – Mary D’Angelo and Tonya Dawn Recla Decode Social Engineering

2024-04-04T07:53:19-07:00April 5th, 2024|

Decode Social Engineering What can we learn about ourselves by facing the threat of social engineering? In this extremely powerful episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla and  Mary D’Angelo dive deep into the darkness to shine light on some of the toughest issues facing humanity. Mary is a dark web and cyber threat intelligence expert using her superpowers to combat atrocities like child trafficking. She was one of only five practitioners invited to a prestigious Dagstuhl Think Tank in Warden, Germany, to collaborate on threats related to social engineering and the dark web. Mary and Tonya decode the connections between facing our greatest threats and uncovering our greatest fears. Don’t miss this eye-opening episode guaranteed to heighten your awareness and reignite your intrinsic power. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I [...]

30 03, 2024

SPS – Money Miracles

2024-03-04T17:41:21-07:00March 30th, 2024|

Have you ever wished for a money miracle? A miracle is a shift in perception that has the power to shift everything, right now! Join in as Amorahki chats with Kevin Orosz, an author, coach, and entrepreneur, about how to move past hustle and burnout culture and get into money and mindset alignment instead. Learn how to create more impact, success, and prosperity without sacrificing your health, relationships, or energy to do it! Money Miracles Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers at the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and if you have ever wished for a money miracle, my oh my, are you ever in the right place today! I am so delighted to be inside this extra potent episode all about money miracles with our gorgeous guest, Kevin Orosz. Kevin is coach, an entrepreneur, [...]

16 03, 2024

SPS – Power of Passion

2024-03-04T17:39:55-07:00March 16th, 2024|

Many of us hold secret dreams in our hearts, but how many are given the unstoppable passion necessary to fulfill them? Join in as Amorahki chats with Jorden Halvorsen, a 28 year old two time world champion female bull rider, about what God showed her after almost losing her life in a bull riding accident. Tune in to hear this deeply inspiring story and learn the trick to keep on after your dreams after all hope seems lost! Power of Passion Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings! Welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I am so happy to be inside this powerfully inspiring episode all about the power of passion with our incredible guest, Jorden Halvorsen. Jorden is a 28-year-old female bull rider. Yes, you heard me right, a bull rider! A bull rider [...]

2 03, 2024

SPS – Portals of Possibility

2024-03-01T10:01:27-07:00March 2nd, 2024|

Have you ever wished for the power to portal right into the arms of pure Divine love? Join in as Amorahki chats with Terese Bowors, an unyielding Chronic Illness Thriver and Certified Medical Cannabis Coach and Educator, about her experience answering a profound call from the Divine to become a portal keeper. Transcending past fears of ‘service’ equaling ‘self-sacrifice’, and fully guided by the Divine, Terese created a portal room that pulsates with Divine love, healing, and bliss. This endeavor, marked by sacredness, awe, and unexpected joy, ushered in a transformative wave affecting her life, family, work, and community. Tune in to learn how in this next era of healing, miracles are more real than ever and already here for us! Portals of Possibility Amorahki: Blessings, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, [...]

17 02, 2024

SPS – Animal Whisperer

2024-02-15T15:32:50-07:00February 17th, 2024|

Have you ever wished you could understand what the animals in your life are trying to tell you? Join in as Amorahki chats with Fiona Mauchlan, an intuitive animal channeler and healer about her life as an animal whisperer! Fiona’s stories, many of them channeled from the animals she serves, are as delightful as they are eye opening. Of all the surprises Fiona shares, the most touching is how many times she is called in to work with an animal, only to discover it is the animal’s person that receives some much needed healing as well! Animal Whisperer Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I want to welcome you to this extra magic-filled episode all about being an animal whisperer with today's guest, Fiona Mauchlan. Fiona is an intuitive animal [...]

9 02, 2024

SOS – Amber Needham and Tonya Dawn Recla on Believing is Seeing

2024-02-01T15:28:19-07:00February 9th, 2024|

Believing is Seeing So much of our lives is shaped around the belief that what we see is what is real, but what if what is real is solely based on what we believe? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla shares a fascinating concept that makes us question the very nature of reality. She’s joined by Amber Needham, author of The Blind Girl Sees: Seeing Through the Heart and Not the Eyes. Watch this episode now as Tonya and Amber explore a complex concept that shines light on our complex consciousness. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone, welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I am Tonya Dawn Recla. And I have with me today Amber Needham. Amber, would you like to say hello to everyone? Amber Needham Hello, everyone. Tonya Dawn Recla Fabulous. Well, I'm really, [...]

3 02, 2024

SPS – Revolutionary Wellness

2024-01-30T14:13:14-07:00February 3rd, 2024|

Do you believe that everyone, including you, deserves to achieve their dreams and live a more fulfilling life? Join in as Amorahki chats with Rick Broider, Holistic Wellness Advocate and founder of the Holistic Life Tribe, a vibrant community dedicated to personal growth, professional enhancement, and holistic transformation. This dynamic environment where growth seekers and expert coaches unite, reflects Rick’s philosophy that everyone can embrace holistic wellness and realize their dreams for holistic success. Listen in on this value packed episode dedicated to unlocking your full potential today! Revolutionary Wellness Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings! Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I want to welcome you with big open arms today to this value-packed episode all about revolutionary wellness with today's guest Rick Broider. Rick is a transformative leader, a holistic wellness advocate, and the founder [...]

20 01, 2024

SPS – New Year Clarity Workshop

2024-01-18T14:01:36-07:00January 20th, 2024|

How can you prepare this fresh new year to be the most purposeful and powerful year of your life? Start it off with an act of self-love that centres you even more deeply into the essential creator you are. Grab a journal and a pen and join in as Amorahki guides us through an interactive clarity workshop designed to help you celebrate your growth, compost anything no longer serving you, reclaim any lost power, and vision into the greater possibilities of your life that are calling you forward now. We invite you to prepare a private, quiet, nourishing, and comfortable space within which to gift yourself this mini-retreat for the soul! New Year Clarity Workshop Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings! Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and we are fresh into the start of 2024! As we [...]

12 01, 2024

SOS – Dom Brightmon and Tonya Dawn Recla Share the Secret to Fulfillment

2024-01-03T08:40:35-07:00January 12th, 2024|

The Secret to Fulfillment Have you ever wanted to know the secret to fulfillment in work, in relationships and in life? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla talks with author and podcaster Dom Brightmon about how to create a life that addresses all of your wants and needs. Dom brings his experience growing up in a religious home, authoring multiple books and interviewing hundreds of writers to an enlightened conversation about human evolution, development and expansion. When we remember that we are all multi-faceted beings interconnected with each other on the same planet, it shines a light on the full scope of fulfillment. Be sure to watch this episode that asks all of us to dig deeply and meet ourselves and each other in grace, humor and love.   Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone, welcome back [...]

6 01, 2024

SPS – Detox Right, Right Now

2024-01-05T14:32:29-07:00January 6th, 2024|

Are you feeling constantly fatigued, weighed down, or just not your best self? Feeling lost in the whirlwind of health trends and quick-fix solutions? Join in as Amorahki connects with renowned wellness expert Daniel Tardy, the founder of the Get Light online detox store and creator of “How to Detox Your Life”, an inspired course for transforming your wellbeing in just 30 days! If you are ever overwhelmed by the challenges of modern life that leave you drained, stressed, and out of touch with your wellbeing, let this episode serve as your beacon through the chaos! Detox Right, Right Now Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings. Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. I'm your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I want to welcome you to our first episode of 2024 where we get to learn all about how to “detox right, right now” with [...]

29 12, 2023

SOS – Dimitri Moraitis and Tonya Dawn Recla Talk Spiritual Arts and Superpowers

2023-11-17T17:15:37-07:00December 29th, 2023|

Spiritual Arts and Superpowers Are spiritual arts and superpowers the same thing? What can we learn from exploring these levels of human potential? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by Dimitri Moraitis, cofounder of the Spiritual Arts Institute, as they discuss the similarities and differences between spiritual arts and superpowers. Trained in metaphysics by Barbara Martin, Dimitri brings his experience and wisdom to the conversation from his years training others to find healing, peace and inspiration. Watch this insightful episode now to find out how to incorporate spiritual arts and superpowers in your life for richer meaning and deeper fulfillment today. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello everyone and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. Really excited to have you here today we have with us a wonderful guest Dimitri Moraitis, from spiritual arts, we're [...]

23 12, 2023

SPS: Discover Your Inspired Work

2024-01-04T17:40:56-07:00December 23rd, 2023|

Do you want to show up in the world in a brighter way, make your valuable contribution, and live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling to you? Join in as Amorahki chats with Kiley Redhead, the creator of The New School for Inspired Work, about the new era of work we are now entering. We are changing what we do for work and why, and in this evolution our work must be grounded in purpose, expansive in vision, and allow us to be our true selves; the person we came into this lifetime to be. Listen in to learn how to discover your inspired work today! Discover Your Inspired Work Amorahki: Hello everyone, and welcome back to this final episode of Superpowers of the Soul for 2023! This is Amorahki and I am so happy to be here today talking about how [...]

15 12, 2023

SOS – Kimberly McGeorge and Tonya Dawn Recla on Our Energetic Superpowers

2023-11-17T17:13:28-07:00December 15th, 2023|

Our Energetic Superpowers What are energetic superpowers and how can we use them for good? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Kimberly McGeorge about energy, frequency, and healing and how it relates to our innate energetic systems. Kimberly is the creator of HAELO - Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency devices and assist clients in different healing modalities. If you want to know how to live in an optimized state by harnessing your energetic superpowers, watch this powerful episode. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. So glad to have you joining us again, we have a wonderful show in store for you today we're gonna be talking all about energetic superpowers we have Kimberly McGeorge majority are you want to say hi, Kimberly? Kimberly McGeorge Hi, everyone, I'm so happy [...]

9 12, 2023

SPS – Conversations About Death

2023-11-20T14:07:30-07:00December 9th, 2023|

How comfortable are you talking about death and dying? For such a natural and inevitable part of life, it can be a crucial conversation many of us put off having with the ones we love most. Join in as Amorahki chats with death doula Joanna Lipsey about why conversations about death are not just important from a practical viewpoint, but also one of the kindest and most loving things you can do for yourself and your loved ones. Listen in to discover how to have conversations about death that serve to enhance all the days of your life right now! Conversations About Death Amorahki: Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki, and I am so happy to be here today talking “Conversations About Death” with my dear friend and wonderful guest, Joanna Lipsey. Jo [...]

1 12, 2023

SOS – Karen Abrams and Tonya Dawn Recla on Healing the Past

2023-11-17T17:11:25-07:00December 1st, 2023|

Healing the Past One of the best ways to create the future you want is by healing the past. In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla chats with Karen Abrams again about how to deal with your past in empowered and inspired ways. They discuss managing guilt and shame from generational programming and reimagining old behaviors in alignment with new perspectives. If you're stuck in repeating old patterns or wondering how to feel more confident in your own wholeness, don't miss this fabulous episode that guides you through healing the past to create your future.   Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. So glad that you're joining us again, I'm Tonya Dawn Recla and I have a repeat guest here. I love having people back on the show so we can [...]

25 11, 2023

SPS – The Happy Confident Movement

2023-11-20T14:21:44-07:00November 25th, 2023|

Imagine a world where every child knows, loves and accepts themself, fully. The Happy Confident Movement is a growing group of parents, teachers, experts, schools, children, and organizations who all share this vision. Join in as Amorahki chats with the founder of The Happy Confident Company, Nadim Saad, a best-selling author, parenting expert, education thought leader and father of three. Nadim has worked with renowned therapists and teachers, drawing from the latest research in child psychology and neuroscience to develop a programme that’s already changed the lives of over one hundred thousand families. Listen in to discover how to improve your own happiness and confidence as well as children all over the world! The Happy Confident Movement Amorahki: Blessings, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki, and I am so happy to be here with you [...]

17 11, 2023

SOS – Ellen Taaffe and Tonya Dawn Recla on the Superpowers of Successful Women

2023-11-17T17:22:36-07:00November 17th, 2023|

The Superpowers of Successful Women How can you harness the superpowers of successful women for your own success? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla and Ellen Taaffe discuss the attributes that professional women use to increase their career fulfillment. As an expert in women, leadership and culture, Ellen brings a wealth of experience to conversations about females in the workforce and how we can harness our innate wisdom for greater agency and empowerment. Be sure to listen to this amazing episode that highlights the impact of successful women in this new global era. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. So glad to have you here. I'm Tonya Dawn Recla, and I'm here with a fabulous guest, Ellen Taaffe. Ellen, you want to say hello to everyone?  Ellen Taaffe Hello. [...]

11 11, 2023

SPS – The Wealth of Health

2023-10-19T08:59:42-07:00November 11th, 2023|

Do we truly understand the wealth of health and how to optimize it in today’s world? Join in as Amorahki chats with Anna Naturalista Allen, a highly sought after guide, consultant, advisor, and healer to influential leaders worldwide, about how to ‘Live Wellthy’. Having studied with some of the greatest minds and founders of the western natural health movement, Anna is passionately devoted to empowering personal healing through nutritional and lifestyle optimization education. Come ‘sit by the fire’ and enjoy Anna & Amorahki’s fiercely loving embrace as they chat from the heart about a better way to unlock the wealth of health! The Wealth of Health Amorahki: Blessings, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki and I am so happy to be here with you all today, talking with our beautiful guest, Anna Naturalista Allen, about the [...]

3 11, 2023

SOS – Dr. Elsbeth Meuth, Freddy Weaver and Tonya Dawn Recla on Sexual Superpowers

2023-11-17T17:25:41-07:00November 3rd, 2023|

Sexual Superpowers What if the secret to greater intimacy and fulfillment is knowing how to use your sexual superpowers? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Weaver who share their wisdom for deeper coupling. After assisting more than ten thousand couples, Elsbeth and Freddy shine a light on the often confusing aspects of deep intimate and sexual relations. Their approach to bringing higher levels of joy and creativity to coupling brings hope to those who seek deeper connection. Don’t miss this fabulous episode and start harnessing the sexual superpowers in your relationship today. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone. Welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. Have we got a treat for you today. That's right, you read the title. We're talking all about sexual superpowers. And to do that [...]

28 10, 2023

SPS – The Power of Dance

2023-10-10T09:08:58-07:00October 28th, 2023|

Do you yearn to feel completely alive? To experience more joy, ease, pleasure, and safety in your body? Are you ready to watch your soul remember itself? Join in as Amorahki chats with Anne Gehman, dance artist, embodiment coach, and the founder of Body Space Gnosis, about the power of dance! Listen in to learn how people suffering from chronic pain, stress, burn-out, trauma & fatigue can tap into the wisdom of the body to grow their capacity to experience more love, self-trust, healing, and inner authority in their lives! The Power of Dance Amorahki Fenn: Blessings everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki and I am absolutely thrilled to be here with you all today talking with our super wonderful guest, Anne Gehman, about the power of dance. This is going to be so [...]

20 10, 2023

SOS – Chris Hadnagy and Tonya Dawn Recla on Energetics and Human Hacking

2023-10-19T08:34:12-07:00October 20th, 2023|

Energetics and Human Hacking How can we better our lives using the combined sciences of energetics and human hacking? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Chris Hadnagy and Tonya Dawn Recla discuss their experiences using human dynamics in everything from cybersecurity to online protection to greater interpersonal interactions. Chris shares his years of wisdom and experience in the human hacking space and the latest from his book Human Hacking: Win Friends, Influence People, and Leave Them Better Off for Having Met You. He and Tonya talk about the power of understanding yourself and understanding others at behavioral and energetic levels. They cover everything from cyber predators to the future of AI. Don’t miss this powerful episode that holds the keys to creating a more inspired humanity for generations to come. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello everyone and welcome back to The Science [...]

14 10, 2023

SPS – The Intersection of Energy, Emotion & Fitness

2023-10-10T09:03:30-07:00October 14th, 2023|

Is the intersection of energy, emotion, and fitness the key to unlocking the full potential of the personal fitness training world? Join in as Amorahki chats with Melanie Graverson, a highly diverse practitioner, and the founder of Inner Lift, about what is bringing out unprecedented levels of self-awareness, healing, fitness, and health in people just like you! Listen in as Amorahki & Melanie enjoy this wildly revealing and fabulously fun ride along the leading edge of twenty-first century fitness! The Intersection of Energy, Emotion & Fitness Amorahki Fenn: Blessings everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Superpowers at the Soul. This is Amorahki and I'm so happy to be here with you all today, talking with our super fabulous guest Melanie Graverson about the intersection of energy, emotion, and fitness. Melanie is the founder and diverse practitioner at Inner Lift, a boutique training [...]

6 10, 2023

SOS – Doug Patton and Tonya Dawn Recla on the Emerging Creative Economy

2023-09-13T15:43:39-07:00October 6th, 2023|

The Emerging Creative Economy with Doug Patton How can we best prepare our lives and businesses for success in the emerging creative economy? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Doug Patton of Patton Design all about creativity, creative strategy, the process of creativity and the changes we see for the future of creative business. Doug is an inventor, author and strategist finding solutions to large, conceptual issues. If you want to start now to make the shift into what's coming next, don't miss this engaging episode unveiling the power of creativity and steps you can take to make an impact in the emerging creative economy.  Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. So glad that you're joining us. Again, I'm Tonya Dawn Recla here with Doug Patton and [...]

30 09, 2023

SPS – Resilience, Hope & Cannabis

2023-09-27T20:24:39-07:00September 30th, 2023|

Are you or someone you love in the midst of a health challenge? Join in as Amorahki chats with Terese Bowors, a Certified Medical Cannabis Coach and Educator, who is passionate about harnessing Cannabis's transformative potential for body and soul. Terese has been on a 14-year wellness journey with her family that has equipped her with profound insights and deep empathy as she now works to illuminate alternative paths to wellness for others. Listen in as Terese shares her inspiring story with Amorahki, which includes leaving an authoritarian religious community in her youth, about what has shaped her unwavering spirit and devotion to embrace wellness, no matter what.  Resilience, Hope & Cannabis Amorahki Fenn: Blessings everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki and if you or someone you love struggles with a physical condition that [...]

27 09, 2023

WOA – The Scottish Butler – Alister David Reid

2023-09-28T08:51:17-07:00September 27th, 2023|

What is it like to be a modern-day butler? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by Alister David Reid, a butler in Scotland managing details for royalty, pop stars, celebrities and those seeking a fairy tale experience. Alister shares his wisdom from years of caring for those requiring precision, discretion and expertise. He talks about the art of being of service while remaining invisible and so much more. Don't miss this wonderful episode that takes you on a journey inside the very real fairy tale world of the modern-day butler.  The Scottish Butler Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan Welcome world travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages and today I have a real treat for you. My guest is Alister David Reid. And he's a modern day butler, who works in [...]

22 09, 2023

SOS – Quinton Jenkins and Tonya Dawn Recla on Becoming the Impossible

2023-09-22T12:16:34-07:00September 22nd, 2023|

Becoming the Impossible with Quinton Jenkins What steps are necessary on the path to becoming the impossible? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla chats with Quinton Jenkins, aka DJ Nathan Quinn, about his walk in defying the odds and doing what couldn't be done. As a serial entrepreneur in the world of fashion, dance and music, Quinton's story proves that we can create our reality one step at a time. Quinton walks us through his early years, describing the process he went through to do his best, respect others and honor difference, even in the face of adversity. If you want to know how you can take steps on your path to becoming the impossible or discovering what that could be for you, don't miss this fabulous episode! Tonya Dawn Recla Hello everyone and welcome back [...]

9 09, 2023

SPS – Practical Manifesting

2023-09-05T12:38:49-07:00September 9th, 2023|

Do you dabble in manifesting? Are you ready to go pro? Listen in as Amorahki chats with Jackie Knechtel, co-founder of the Flow Consciousness Institute, about practical manifesting. Learn how we all have the ability to manifest all aspects of the uniquely joyful lives our hearts know is possible, right now! Practical Manifesting Amorahki: Blessings everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki and I am ridiculously overjoyed to be here with you all today talking about Practical Manifesting with our beautiful guest, Jackie Knechtel. Jackie is an international speaker, facilitator, serial entrepreneur, and pioneer in the area of flow. She's the co-founder of the Flow Consciousness Institute, something I highly, highly recommend, which holds cutting edge trainings, retreats, and workshops delivering transformational experiences worldwide, as well as Shiine, an early stage tech startup supporting underserved communities [...]

29 07, 2023

SPS – Life Between Lives

2023-07-13T16:15:02-07:00July 29th, 2023|

What happens when we die? Can we access the after life now to find answers to our most burning questions about our current life? Listen in as Amorahki chats with Regan Forston, a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Life Between Lives Facilitator from the Newton Institute. Tune in to learn all about how we all have the ability to visit the place we go to when our life here ends, right now, in this episode on life between lives!

24 07, 2023

ILP – Spiritual Health

2023-07-25T14:01:03-07:00July 24th, 2023|

How does Spiritual Health affect your life? This episode of the Infinite Light Podcast hosted by Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi will discuss the difference between mental illness and spiritual awakening. Why it is important to be careful who we speak to - finding a like-minded community. Becoming sane in an insane world. The gift of finding an attuned spiritual teacher or practices that enhance spiritual growth and evolution, becoming a precious pearl that can operate in a dualistic world and yet still fly off sanely into multidimensional realities. The effects of drugs on consciousness. Learning how to sustain spiritual awakening. Noticing how the ego wants to isolate and aggrandize itself - and what happens when the heart opens and we begin to engage with friends and community. The power of being of service, the importance of friends, and heart-centered listeners. Tune in today to learn more about spiritual health!

22 07, 2023

SPS – The Art of Spiritual Leadership

2023-07-13T15:51:44-07:00July 22nd, 2023|

What is the art of spiritual leadership? Leadership is no longer just for people with fancy titles. Evolutionary Leadership is a global grassroots movement of people at home bravely evolving themselves to be part of the change our world needs most. Join in as Amorahki chats with Christof Melchizadek, a speaker, shamanic facilitator, and leadership coach, about the art of spiritual leadership. Tune in to learn how we can evolve ourselves to a higher consciousness dedicated to advancing the collective, through spiritual leadership today!

21 07, 2023

SOS – David Charlson and Tonya Dawn Recla on Living in Flow

2023-07-13T15:42:01-07:00July 21st, 2023|

Everyone loves finding flow, but what does living in flow mean? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, David Charlson joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk all about integrating flow state into everyday life. David shares his experience helping clients become more intuitively guided in their creative pursuits. Be sure to check out this inspiring episode that gives you tips for how to follow your guidance and flow to your own rhythm.

15 07, 2023

SPS – Anxiety As A Superpower

2023-07-13T15:33:33-07:00July 15th, 2023|

What if the greatest challenges in your life hold the potential to be your greatest superpowers? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki chats with the founder of The Breath of Life Institute, Dina Leialoha about anxiety as a superpower. Dina discovered breath work at the age of 6 when she began experiencing anxiety attacks and she learned how to shift out of unconscious patterning using breath. Listen in as she shares her inspiring story and learn how your greatest life challenges can become your greatest gifts in this episode on anxiety as a superpower!

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