Are you feeling constantly fatigued, weighed down, or just not your best self? Feeling lost in the whirlwind of health trends and quick-fix solutions? Join in as Amorahki connects with renowned wellness expert Daniel Tardy, the founder of the Get Light online detox store and creator of “How to Detox Your Life”, an inspired course for transforming your wellbeing in just 30 days! If you are ever overwhelmed by the challenges of modern life that leave you drained, stressed, and out of touch with your wellbeing, let this episode serve as your beacon through the chaos!

Detox Right, Right Now

Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings. Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. I’m your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I want to welcome you to our first episode of 2024 where we get to learn all about how to “detox right, right now” with our beautiful guest, Daniel Tardy.

Daniel is a distinguished wellness expert, a seasoned Detox Guide, and a Soul Coach. He possesses profound insights into holistic detoxification and gut regeneration. As the founder of the Get Light online detox store, inspired by the lush jungles of Costa Rica, Daniel is seriously devoted to transforming lives. He’s guided hundreds of high achieving clients worldwide to completely transform their wellbeing through cleansing.

Daniel is truly on fire in his dedication to bring these much-needed solutions into the lives of absolutely anyone and everyone. One of the things I appreciate most about him is how he strives to make his work as accessible as it is impactful. I know we will be so well served by his presence here today and all the knowledge he has to share about the transformative power of true detoxification. Welcome, welcome, Daniel!

Daniel Tardy: Yes, it’s so wonderful to be here. I’m so grateful. Today has been extraordinary and it just got better, so I’m ready to dive in! Thank you to all those that are tuning in to this episode. I think this is going to be quite revealing. There’s a lot of myths, misunderstandings and misconceptions of what detox actually is. I want to make it really simple so that it’s more accessible to more people.

Activate Your Superpowers

Amorahki: I love that. And you’re right on it. I agree with you wholeheartedly. It seems to me that “detox” has become one of those buzzwords in our current world and we see it on so much packaging, you see it on so many supplement labels and commercials. I feel like it’s kind of lost its meaning in some ways. It’s one of those words that goes in one ear and out the other and yet it has such power for us! So, what is the meaning of true detoxification, as you and I are talking about it today?

Daniel Tardy: I’m going to give it in two different definitions, but to simplify detoxification I would say it is letting go of the things that no longer serve. Now, that could be relationships, food, certain energies or energy blocks, substances, or things that we’re unconsciously taking into our being, even things like social media, other media, different frequencies, or any other types of information that may be inundating our daily lives. If I look at detoxification through that lens, it is simply letting go of some of the things that do not serve and that no longer allow us to be as clear in the mind and as clear in the body as we’d like to be.

Now, one of my favorite definitions which is more of a textbook definition of detoxification, says detoxification is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances that have accumulated in the body and have undesirable short- and long-term effects on an individual’s health. What I’ve noticed from working with hundreds of clients is that most people are not prepared or do not have their lives set up in a way where they can do the deeper and somewhat complex methods like real herbals, saltwater flushes, and green coffee enemas, right? Most people are just not there. So, the question that I had to ask myself after wondering, okay, how can I help more people? The real question was, how can I simplify detoxification? How can I make it more accessible to more people?

Amorahki: Yes, absolutely, and that is exactly what we are going to find out together today, as soon as we get back from this short break. Daniel, before we break, what is the best way for people to connect with you and to find out more about the transformational power of a true detox and everything we’re going to get into today?

Daniel Tardy: For those wanting a very accessible way of taking themselves through an online detox course you want to go to, and it is also still for those that are more experienced and want to dive a bit deeper as it does have three different tracks for people to join in. But for those that want more specific one-on-one support you can visit So, you have two different options, depending on where you are in your detox journey.

Amorahki: Thank you so much. All right everyone, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network. We’re going to take a short break and then be right back to learn all about how to ‘detox right, right now’ with wellness expert Daniel Tardy in just a moment. Stay tuned to start your year off in the best way possible, and really set yourself up for massive health, energy, and success as you define it when we return.

Activate Your Superpowers!