The Secret to Fulfillment

Have you ever wanted to know the secret to fulfillment in work, in relationships and in life? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla talks with author and podcaster Dom Brightmon about how to create a life that addresses all of your wants and needs. Dom brings his experience growing up in a religious home, authoring multiple books and interviewing hundreds of writers to an enlightened conversation about human evolution, development and expansion. When we remember that we are all multi-faceted beings interconnected with each other on the same planet, it shines a light on the full scope of fulfillment. Be sure to watch this episode that asks all of us to dig deeply and meet ourselves and each other in grace, humor and love.  

Tonya Dawn Recla
Hello, everyone, welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. So glad that you’re joining us again, and we have a delightful guest for you today we have Dom Brightmon with us today, Dom, do you want to say hi to everybody?

Dom Brightmon
How’s it going, my friends, it’s great to be here to show off some magical superpowers.

Tonya Dawn Recla
I love it. Magical indeed. We’re going to talk about the secret to fulfillment today. And this, those words were chosen really, really specifically because of course, it’s not a secret, right? It’s available to everybody.

Activate Your Superpowers

Tonya Dawn Recla
But it’s a secret in the sense that a lot of times it feels out of reach for people and out of sort of out of our own paradigms and our construct, so it can feel very secretive. But ultimately, it’s available to everybody. And so we’re going to talk about that today. And the idea of fulfillment, what does that really mean? Right? We are very multifaceted and multi dimensional beings, and we have different levels and different needs and different wants and desires inside of us. And how do we create a life and a way of being that stands a chance of addressing all of that, right? And kind of we get off that, that push and pull Yo yo, but rather create an existence where we can say, hey, I want all of these things, even when they seem to contradict each other, right? Like, I want to be alone. And I want to be with friends, like, how do you kind of have that? And we all have that experience? Right? Like, I want to go see that movie, but I really just want to curl up on the couch with a good book. What do you do, right? How do you manage all of those internal contradictions? That’s at the heart of the foundation building for fulfillment, right? So that you can feel confident and comfortable. And you know that all of those pieces and parts are being addressed, and that you’re living into your full existence.

Tonya Dawn Recla
And so Dom is an author, he’s an inspirer, influencer in his own right, helping people advance by helping others advance right and understanding that there is this interconnection amongst all of us, you all hear about that, whether we look at it through religion, spirituality, individual growth, or or philosophy and psychology. It’s that aspect that acknowledges like I am you, you are me, and and we have shared impacts here. And so how do we bring all of that into this bigger conversation of fulfillment and recognize that we’re not operating in a vacuum. So it’s a whole lot of variables. And each of us puts our own little puzzle together in different ways. And so we’re going to hear a little bit about how Dom does that and talk about his perspective on fulfillment. But first, we’re going to start in by saying, or by asking, What are your superpowers and how are you using them for good?

Dom Brightmon
Thanks so much, Tonya, thanks so much for having me on your fabulous podcast today because, hey, the name of the game is we’ve all got superpowers, at least one of them. Some call them gifts, some call them a talent, but a superpowers is where it’s at. Because, the thing is, if you change one life that one life may change 10,000 if not a million other people and my I have to say if I was to really dive deep, and so the one word that would probably personify my superpowers would be connectivity. Because the thing is, I grew up in a Baptist church. And basically my dad was a big influence on that, where, basically Sunday from like, eight to three o’clock, I’ll basically be in the church. Occasionally during the week for Bible study, then go to school, and then play my friends and all that good stuff. And then in college, I got more curious about other religions. And during that time growing up, I also worked the library part time and eventually got promoted there full time and spent over 15 years at a public library. And when you’re at a public library, where it’s not just about books and card catalogs, folks may think it’s a community center where you’re helping out people, especially in a community where I was where we have a lot of digital divide going on where especially years ago when the Kindle Fires came out, or they got iPads needed help with really knowing how to use. Like, hey, my, my kid, and my grandkid got me this new shiny piece of fangled technology like read 10,000 books, but how the heck do I even turn it on? So it’s like, introducing books or reintroducing folks to the and getting them confident with technology and the fact that books are here because people are here, and it’s all about books and people so whether it’s connecting ideas together for dynamic living, connecting people with one another, or heck, even finding almost anything and turning it into upon, it’s really all about connectivity. So connecting people connecting books, connecting them both together, and together really making a bigger prior to community. So that’s really what I’m all about, because books and people was the name of the game for me.

Activate Your Superpowers!