How can you prepare this fresh new year to be the most purposeful and powerful year of your life? Start it off with an act of self-love that centres you even more deeply into the essential creator you are. Grab a journal and a pen and join in as Amorahki guides us through an interactive clarity workshop designed to help you celebrate your growth, compost anything no longer serving you, reclaim any lost power, and vision into the greater possibilities of your life that are calling you forward now. We invite you to prepare a private, quiet, nourishing, and comfortable space within which to gift yourself this mini-retreat for the soul!

New Year Clarity Workshop

Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings! Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. I’m your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and we are fresh into the start of 2024! As we enter the second half of January, I invite you to consider how can you prepare this brand-new year to be the most purposeful and powerful year of your life? One way is to start it off with an act of self-love that centres you even more deeply into the essential creator that you are.

And that is the purpose of today’s episode, where I will be guiding you through an interactive New Year Clarity Worksheet that is designed to help you celebrate your growth, compost anything no longer serving you, reclaim any lost power, and help you vision into the greater possibilities of your own life that are calling you forward right now.

Activate Your Superpowers

Imagine this as a mini retreat for your soul, and an opportunity to ready yourself for the kind of year that you will get to look back on with awe, with wonder, and with deep and lasting appreciation, as something you truly value and treasure.

Whether you are ready to dive into this right now, or you need to pause and return a little later when you create some space for yourself. I invite you to grab a journal and a pen and to prepare a private, quiet, nourishing, and comfortable space that you can fully relax in as you gift yourself this mini retreat for the soul.

All right, everyone, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network and we are going to take our short break right now. When we come back, we’ll enjoy this New Year Clarity Workshop together, kicking off 2024 with an act of self-love that will powerfully free you from anything no longer serving any useful or positive purpose in your life, and align you with the full potentiality of your year using the transformative power of clarity!

Activate Your Superpowers!