Becoming the Impossible with Quinton Jenkins

What steps are necessary on the path to becoming the impossible? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla chats with Quinton Jenkins, aka DJ Nathan Quinn, about his walk in defying the odds and doing what couldn’t be done. As a serial entrepreneur in the world of fashion, dance and music, Quinton’s story proves that we can create our reality one step at a time. Quinton walks us through his early years, describing the process he went through to do his best, respect others and honor difference, even in the face of adversity. If you want to know how you can take steps on your path to becoming the impossible or discovering what that could be for you, don’t miss this fabulous episode!

Tonya Dawn Recla
Hello everyone and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. So glad that you’re joining us again. We are here with a delightful guest, Quinton Jenkins aka DJ Nathan Quinn, is here joining us. How are you today, Quinton?

Quinton Jenkins
I’m excellent and yourself.

Tonya Dawn Recla
Fabulous as well. Thank you.

Activate Your Superpowers

Tonya Dawn Recla
We’re gonna jump into the interview here. But a little bit about Quinton. First is that he is fabulous. He’s wandering the world as an entrepreneur and has had his hands in things like modeling and DJing and dancing and has gone against the current in so many spaces, but becomes the current in these beautiful ways and you can feel that from him. And so I’m so excited to share this conversation with you all about becoming the impossible and what happens when we embrace that true creative essence within us and shine. And just shine despite all the odds, despite all the obstacles, despite what anybody else wants to say about it, or even what we want to say about it at times and just choosing to shine. And so Quinton is here today, and we’re gonna have that chat for a little bit of inspiration about what’s possible in your life. We’re gonna start with a question: What are your superpowers and how are you using them for good?

Quinton Jenkins
Well, I believe that I’m coming to understand my true superpowers. And the way that I describe myself  is that I’m kind, that I approach everyone with kindness as a default, irrespective of what impressions I might have had, just from visualizing them, then I move into civility. Civility, to me, is paramount. And then a real empathy, I have a real empathy around the human condition. And wellness, joy, and happiness.

Tonya Dawn Recla
Beautiful. And I can attest to the fact that Quinton embodies that. It’s not always the case that I get to meet my guests in person, Quinton and I got to meet here in Arizona, and he’s just beautiful, the welcoming, the warmth, that’s an embodiment. And, you know, it’s one thing to hold yourself accountable to those sorts of standards. And it’s another to do the work, to walk your path, to integrate the lessons and to have the journey that allows you to embody what you value, to embody who you want to be. So that you don’t ever even have to say the word, it leads the way, it shines the light. And that’s important when we understand how we create, right, how we interact, how we work with each other, how we work with the world and how we work with this resonant universe that is responding to us, right? It’s easy to say, Oh, this happened to me, this happened to me, this happened to me. Ultimately, when you understand how the creative process works, we know the universe is responding to us, what we believe we see.

Tonya Dawn Recla
I mean, we used to teach this to counterintel agents, folks. You can not just look at what you think of as facts because we’re not sharing realities. Right? That became very obvious during the pandemic, we share spaces, but we’re all living in our own little reality bubbles, and the brilliance in this is when you can connect in with somebody else and have enough shared resonance that you can then create together or experience together. And that, to me, is what Quinton really embodies and why I was so excited to have him on the show. And your path has taken you through many, many, many kinds of amazing journeys to even be able to say that you’re a serial entrepreneur that travels the world and can invest in your own creative projects with your own energy and your time and make that choice. That’s a dream for so many people. Share with us a little bit about that journey. Did you just wake up one day and be like, Yeah, of course I can do this right? Or how did that unfold for you?

Activate Your Superpowers!