Have you ever wished for the power to portal right into the arms of pure Divine love? Join in as Amorahki chats with Terese Bowors, an unyielding Chronic Illness Thriver and Certified Medical Cannabis Coach and Educator, about her experience answering a profound call from the Divine to become a portal keeper. Transcending past fears of ‘service’ equaling ‘self-sacrifice’, and fully guided by the Divine, Terese created a portal room that pulsates with Divine love, healing, and bliss. This endeavor, marked by sacredness, awe, and unexpected joy, ushered in a transformative wave affecting her life, family, work, and community. Tune in to learn how in this next era of healing, miracles are more real than ever and already here for us!

Portals of Possibility

Amorahki: Blessings, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I’m your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I am super happy to be welcoming back one of our deeply inspiring guests to talk about portals of possibility today. Terese is an unyielding chronic illness thriver!

She has journeyed on a 15-year wellness odyssey alongside her husband and two adult children, navigating through many hardships. She harnesses the power of plant medicine, gardening, and meditation to sculpt her holistic self-care rituals. As a certified medical cannabis coach, educator, and a super captivating public speaker, Terese is the living embodiment of resilience in her relentless pursuit of wellness. She’s a real inspiration!

In the fall of 2023, she answered a profound call from the Divine to become a portal keeper and, transcending past fears of self-sacrifice, she wholeheartedly surrendered, ushering in a transformative wave affecting her life, family, work, and community. Guided by the Divine, Terese joyously created a portal room in her home, an endeavor she says was marked by sacredness, awe, and unexpected joy.

The room, adorned with crystals, candles, ancestral items, and Divine scents, pulsates with Divine love, healing, and bliss. She’s here today, not just to share her extremely powerful story but, as always, to help inspire others who could also benefit from her lived experience. She’s a wonderful human being who serves as a true beacon of resilience and hope, and I am overjoyed that she is here with us today. Terese, welcome back to the show! I am so glad you’re here.

Terese Bowors: Thank you so much. What an honour to be able to come and sit with you again. It’s a privilege. Thank you.

Activate Your Superpowers

Amorahki: I agree, such a privilege to be here with you! I am super eager to hear your story today, and I’d like to start by defining some terms for people before we really dive in. As I just mentioned, last fall you felt this profound call from the Divine to become what you call a ‘portal keeper’ and to create a portal room in your home. Maybe I’ve just watched too many sci-fi movies, but when I hear the word ‘portal’, I see visions of people in one place literally stepping through a doorway, through a portal, stepping into a whole other place. So, for the purposes of today, what are we talking about? What is a portal room? What’s a portal keeper?

Terese Bowors: So, when the Divine first asked me to build a portal room, and those are the words that I heard, “I want you to build a portal room”, I was like, I know nothing about portals. But the Divine said, “I will guide you, don’t worry about it. All I need to know is if you’re willing.” And so, with that willingness also came the direction and the guidance. It’s a physical room in my home that was empty that was asking to be of service and so yes, there’s a door, there’s a window. It’s a typical room.

But once you do walk through that door, you know you’re somewhere else and you know that the energy has shifted and that the Divine is right there ready to embrace you as soon as you enter that space.

Amorahki: So, in some ways it is a portal into a different frequency, a different energy once you cross the threshold?

Terese Bowors: Yes, yes.

Amorahki: And I’ve heard stories that it is really palpable.

Terese Bowors: I mean, it’s so palpable, yes, even for children. So, I’ve had children in it and at this point for the portal room, the Divine has asked that it just be for feminine energies right now. So, we haven’t had masculine energies in that space. And I’m just honoring the Divine request for that. Partly because I believe that us feminine creatures need a safe space to explore ourselves, to grow and to learn, just kind of away from the masculine energy right now. This isn’t forever, but just the safe space right now. So, I’ve had women of all ages, girls of all ages, come into the portal space and the very first thing that they always say is ‘I feel so calm’. I can watch the girls, even the young girls, just moving in and out of a Theta wave state where they’re just in awe and then they’re curious and then they’re restful, and then they ask a question and then they just are spending a lot of time inward and enjoying the feeling of this calmness and nervous system regulation.

Amorahki: I can’t wait to dive into all this because the stories are quite profound. And I do agree with you wholeheartedly that these kinds of spaces are imperative towards unlocking feminine power, creating the safe spaces that feminine energy really needs. I love that you spoke to that and we are going to speak to so much more in just a moment! I’m going to go ahead and take our short break now so we can get deep into it when we get back. Just before we do that, sweetheart, can you share with us the best place for people to go to find out more about you and connect with you?

Terese Bowors: Absolutely. My website is www.terese.ca  and if you want to get onto my email list, there’s a button at the very top of the page. The very first page says, ‘start here’, click on that and then you’ll actually get a free guide and be able to connect with me more consistently that way too.

Amorahki: Ok, super, so generous. Thank you so much for that. We’ll make sure there’s links on the show page for anybody listening as well. All right, everyone, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network and we will be right back to get deep into portals of possibility with Terese Bowors in just a moment. Stay tuned!

Activate Your Superpowers!