SOS – The Vision of a Truly Inclusionary World

How are we going to see the vision of a truly inclusionary world? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes JWoW to discuss the concept of a genuinely inclusionary world. Tsunamic love will be born when you bring one set of forces of nature with another set of points of nature and their friends. Inclusivity is inclusion, focusing on diversity. However, the loophole is that diversity is specifically focused on ethnicity and doesn't have a broad enough spectrum across intersectional lines for us to get an entire global culture. Tune in to know more about this conversation and the process of curating the vision of a truly inclusionary world.

2022-08-29T18:47:23-07:00September 16th, 2022|

ISP – Live Better Through Strength

Do you believe that people can live better through strength? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes his guest Chris Duffin to talk about the significance of possessing immense power in how you live your life. Chris is a Guinness World Records record holder for being the heaviest one repetition sumo deadlift in 2016. As a world-class powerlifter, Chris has a lot of amazing stories to tell. He works with athletes and professional sports teams and has built an empire of impact through his understanding of mind, body, and spirit. Tune in to know who Chris Duffin is and how to live better through strength.

2022-08-29T18:26:00-07:00September 15th, 2022|

SES – Mystery of Eros

Do you want the mystery of Eros to unravel right before your eyes? In this episode of Spiritual Ecstasy, host Gabriel Cousens M.D talks about Eros as a conscious way of living. Gabriel says that you are not a wave. You are water, the spiritual ecstasy of Eros that can bring us to experience the face of God. Most significantly, males and females alike should speak and acknowledge their essence. Listen to this episode to open the mystery of Eros to the world.

2022-09-12T17:32:14-07:00September 14th, 2022|

YSPM – Change Your Relationship With Alcohol

How can you change your relationship with alcohol? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Dr. Sherry Price talk about the human relationships with alcohol. People tend to drink more than they want, and this practice has to do with our brains. According to them, changing your relationship with alcohol is possible without becoming completely sober or entirely giving it up. Tune in to this exciting episode and discover the process of unlearning the desire for alcohol, breaking the over-drinking habit, and changing your relationship with alcohol.

2022-08-30T18:25:46-07:00September 12th, 2022|

SPS – Nourishing Motherhood

How can we shift the societal mindset about what it means to have nourishing motherhood? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, Amorahki chats with Alasen Zarndt. Alasen is known as The Nutrition Doula, breaking out of old paradigms in motherhood, “she who sacrifices the most, loves the most.” She will discuss how to tweak society’s view on motherhood — a sacrifice rather than deep nourishment. It takes a whole person, physically, spiritually, and emotionally to raise amazing little humans. Listen in and discover how to embrace the nourishing mindset, which indicates that mothers deserve to be cared for.

2022-08-29T18:06:29-07:00September 10th, 2022|

REC – Connecting Blended Families

Why do we need to start connecting blended families? In this episode of the Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva, share their personal experience of having a blended family. Justin highlights the importance of creating containers for each family member to come out and show themselves freely. Because of doing so, Neva and her older siblings, who are now full-fledged adults, have a fantastic relationship with each other. In other words, the containers allow each of them to be who they are as they blend in with the whole family — maintaining the identity while being in harmony with one another in a space. Colors, though they differ, can still create a beautiful rainbow. Tune in to know how you can also start connecting blended families of your own.

2022-08-29T18:58:53-07:00September 6th, 2022|

SPM – Adoption Through the Eyes of a Birth Mother

Why is it important for us to perceive adoption through the eyes of a birth mother? In this episode of Superpower Mommas, host Tatiana Berindei and guest Hope Baker sit together to focus on birth mothers through the lens of adoption. There are a lot of common misconceptions present regarding mothers who place their children for adoption. What if the stories we know are not accurate? Today, we hear directly from Hope and her story as a birth mother choosing the adoption path for her child. Tune in as this episode will benefit those considering choosing to put their unborn child for adoption and those who have placed their child for adoption.

2022-08-30T17:20:37-07:00September 5th, 2022|

ILP – Infinite Love and Unity Consciousness

Can we bring ourselves out from the darkest hours of our lives through the help of infinite love and unity consciousness? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, hosts Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi share the possible things that happen when we connect with the Divine and taste the nectar of source. Generally, everything within us that holds a distortion comes up for healing. However, it takes courage to face our unhealed parts. But, when we tap into the Infinite Love of the Divine Mother, there are no bad parts within us, only unhealed places. These unhealed parts of ourselves should be touched by light and unity. Once we realize that we are all one, we can step into the Unified Field of Awareness. Tune in to feel the infinite love and be aware of the unity that offers us comfort during downtimes.

2022-08-23T18:26:57-07:00September 5th, 2022|

LTN – The Stalker Song

Have you heard the stalker song already? In this episode of Leave It To Neva, host Neva Lee Recla welcomes her guest Justin Recla to reflect and dive into the bits and pieces of the song “Every Breath You Take” by The Police. While all of us have sung this song, whether during a drive or inside the shower, little did we know that it encapsulates hidden messages. This is the anthem of misogyny, toxic relationships, and harmful stereotypes. People are often unaware of what they consume, especially on bandwagons and trends. Tune in to know more about this stalker song and other awareness implications and not get sucked into harmful stories.

2022-11-08T18:45:37-07:00September 3rd, 2022|

SOS – Where We Go From Here

Where do we go from here? How can we move forward? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla is excited to welcome one of her favorite guests, Ervin Laszlo, again to the show. Ervin is the author of The Upshshift, Wiser Living on Planet Earth. He believes that each of us should have an overarching vision to know where we are and where we want to go. Obviously, we have to overcome the tremendous damages, the hurt we have suffered in ecology in the pandemic now with war and aggression, climate change, the refugee crisis, and poverty and destitution. We need new thinking, but that's not enough to understand the past but also to look forward and to give, to go forward— and that is evolution. Tune in to know more about evolution and answer the question: Where do we go from here?

2022-08-22T19:03:25-07:00September 2nd, 2022|

ISP – A New Now

How can we forge a new "now"? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes his guest Michael Goddart. Michael has an MFA from Bowling Green's Writers Workshop, and his writings have been published in numerous worldwide spiritual magazines. He is also the author of the book A New Now, which he will dissect in this episode. Tune in to know how the book uncovers the chance to step into an omnipresent reality, a new now in which you can readily navigate your life successfully, happily, and efficiently.

2022-08-23T18:10:19-07:00September 1st, 2022|

SES – Dance of Eros

What is the dance of Eros? In this episode of Spiritual Ecstasy, host Gabriel Cousens M.D talks about Eros being inside of the experience. It allows us to see and be in the inner experience of others. Gabriel shares some ways to live in Eros erotically in our lives' non-sexual and sexual dimensions. Eros paves the way to yearn for God when it reaches its highest level. Please tune in to hear the beat of Eros's dance and know how to sway with it.

2022-08-22T18:43:03-07:00August 31st, 2022|

WOA – Scalar Energy

What is Scalar energy, and how is it used for health improvement? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Tom Paladino talk about scalar energy, non-physical energy that impacts health and well-being. This type of energy can also help meet nutritional deficiencies and needs that can increase metabolism and balance hormones. Tune in to know more about scalar energy as clean energy that has the power to change the heart and the world as a whole.

2022-08-29T17:47:19-07:00August 29th, 2022|

YSPM – Magical Traditions and Spirituality

Is having magical traditions and spirituality that important? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell sits with her guest Sadhu Dah. Their conversation revolves around the importance of daily spiritual practice in generating chi and achieving a higher state of consciousness. Sadhu shares breathing exercises to bring you closer to mushin– a state of no mind. You will also understand trauma regression hypnosis and how it can help rewrite subconscious fear programs. Tune in to know more about magical traditions and spirituality that can elevate your life!

2022-08-22T18:15:19-07:00August 29th, 2022|

IMS – From Expression to Experience

Are you excited about a new IM Series, “From Expression to Experience?” This episode will give you all the important information about the new series airing on Wednesday. Tonya Dawn Recla takes us deep into the power of words, the fuel of emotions, and the energy of vibrations. Tune in and join us for this exciting series, From Expression to Experience, guaranteed to change how you look at yourself as a creator in the entire creation process.

2022-08-22T17:45:13-07:00August 28th, 2022|

SPS – The Adora Frequency

What does it look like to truly wake up and embody our life purpose, and how can the Adora Frequency help with it? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Adora Winquist chat about the Adora Frequency. Adora is an author and expert in the fields of plant and vibrational medicine. According to her, Adora Frequency can help you peel back the layers to understand your individuality truly. It is important to know and honor our unique parts in the awakening and evolution of the consciousness of humanity. A visionary in Quantum Alchemy, an evolutionary and transformative path for self-mastery, facilitates healing at the DNA level. It is different when we wake up daily and embody our life purpose. Join this episode and experience the Adora Frequency for yourself!

2022-08-22T17:36:21-07:00August 27th, 2022|

ILP – Past Lives & Akashic Records

How are our past lives and Akashic records intertwined? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan welcomes her future co-host, Mirabai Devi, to tap into Past Lives accessing the Akashic Records. We have to access our higher soul to enter the library of Akashic Records, a place where all truths are known and where we learn that every moment matters. Within families, generational trauma is often present. Every family member is also obliged to play their role perfectly within the house's four walls. Tune in how we can access our past lives through our Akashic Records and create instantaneous healing to live the present well.

2022-08-26T12:18:17-07:00August 24th, 2022|

REC – Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

“Liar, liar, pants on fire!” Have you ever heard this line before? In this episode of The Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva fire up their conversation with Billy Crystal’s lines. Through this, they will examine the reason behind the human truth of committing simple truths. Tonya shares about the chameleon's abilities and Neva talks about her self-reflection and self-awareness journey. The world is programmed to speak lies and untruths since it is not open or trained on how to receive and react to truths appropriately. Remember that it is essential to embody and practice transparency and complete authenticity as a family. So, tune in to hear this live parenting episode as the family shouts, “Liar, liar, pants on fire!”

2022-08-23T17:41:39-07:00August 23rd, 2022|

SPM – Kids Talk꞉ Reconciliation

What makes reconciliation difficult?? In this episode of Superpower Mommas, host Tatiana Berindei is with Neva Lee Recla for another powerful chat in their Kids Talk series. Tatiana and Neva discuss why we should forgive and how we start the process. Re-establishing relationships requires an emotional willingness from each party. This is why most of the time, people find it to be a chore. However, when reconciliation is done well, it can bring healing, happiness, and a sense of renewed attachment. Tune in to learn what it takes to observe reconciliation.

2022-08-15T18:41:12-07:00August 22nd, 2022|

ILP – Guidance

How can we explore the guidance the light provides in traditions we trust? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, hosts Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi talk about the process of forging the connection with the Divine. It is now time for us to take responsibility and engage in the ascension process. We have no idea how vast the universe is. It has a lot of dimensions and guides, guides who we can trust and love as they lead us to our path to wholeness. Please tune in to know the different guides present and how to use their guidance to connect with the Divine.

2022-08-01T18:27:47-07:00August 22nd, 2022|

LTN – Adult Talk꞉ An Unfiltered Sex Talk

Why is unfiltered sex talk beneficial to us as a society? In this episode of Leave It to Neva, host Neva Lee Recla welcomes her guest Tatiana Berindei to the show for the first episode of their Adult Talk series. They discuss some points on sex— as an activity and category. Tatiana hosts the Superpower Mommas podcast, where Neva comes on for their Kid’s Talk series. Their conversation revolves around reclaiming your power after a sexual assault, taboos around sex and virginity, and the sexualization of females within our society. Tune in to learn more about sex and the improper practices around us that need to be shattered and avoided. Brace yourself because this episode is an unfiltered sex talk!

2022-11-08T18:46:11-07:00August 20th, 2022|

SOS – The Subtle Energetics of Traditional Medicine

What are the subtle energetics of traditional medicine? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla sits with William Pawluk to discuss the convergence of science and space in the medical fields. William works in pulse electromagnetic field therapies, and his recent book, Supercharge Your Health with PEMF Therapy. His superpower involves seeing realms, information, and connections that other people may not see and, at the same time, making them available to others. Tune in as this episode will teach you the subtle energetics of traditional medicine to deal with pain and injury quickly as you could ever imagine!

2022-07-26T18:12:24-07:00August 19th, 2022|

ISP – Leading the Unleadable

Is it possible to lead the unleadable? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Alan Willett. Allan is a coach who teaches individuals, leaders, and groups to a new level of leadership power and increases their speed to value. He is also the author of the book Leading the Unleadable: How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People. Tune in to know how managers lead the unleadable and change their employees’ from difficult people with problem personalities into team players.

2022-07-26T18:01:32-07:00August 18th, 2022|

SES – Relationships as a Spiritual Path

When can we consider a relationship as a Spiritual Path? In this episode of Spiritual Ecstasy, host Gabriel Cousens M.D talks about love that comes from within every individual. Gabriel shares that for us to live in spiritual joy, we must resist nothing— even forgiveness. As we desire to become whole, we too must learn how to forgive and let go of our attachment to the past. Tune in as this conversation gets deeper into the benefits of love in walking down your spiritual path.

2022-07-26T17:57:36-07:00August 17th, 2022|

YSPM – Transmuting Challenges Into Excellence

How can we start transmuting challenges into excellence? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Terry Tucker talk about transmuting challenges into excellence. During this process, the importance of having hope and believing that what you are going through will make you better is vital. You need to understand that looking at failure is a part of success instead of focusing on its opposite. Terry will also share the four truths that will change your internal narrative and lead to sustainable excellence. Tune in to find more inspiration in transmuting challenges into excellence.

2022-07-26T17:54:48-07:00August 15th, 2022|

SPS – Feng Shui For Health

Is Feng Shui genuinely beneficial for health? In this episode of the Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Patsy Balacchi discuss the profoundly transformative effect of practising Feng Shui for health. Patsy is the founder, creative director, and Feng Shui expert of Zenotica™. She is exceptionally passionate about demystifying Feng Shui and ensuring that this life-changing knowledge is available to everybody. Do you seek ways to fortify and amplify your immunity and overall health? Grab your pen and paper and jot down notes of how Feng Shue for health can create inner harmony for the next level of ascension!

2022-07-26T17:39:38-07:00August 13th, 2022|

ISP – The Science of Superpowers

What is the true secret behind the science of superpowers in business? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Tia Graham will reveal the mystery behind having a wholesome organisation. Tia Graham is the creator/founder of Arrive At Happy and the author of the book: Arrive At Happy. She works with business teams and organisations to help increase the happiness level of employees and team members. Tune in to know why it is essential to study the science of superpowers for happiness to flourish within companies.

2022-07-26T17:33:16-07:00August 11th, 2022|

WOA – The Medicine of Beauty

If the medicine of beauty exists, would you be willing to take it? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Marcella Benson talk about an inspiring story of overcoming illness with the live-food vegan lifestyle. Marcela is the author of the book: Love, Peace & Vegetables: Recipes for Conscious Living. She has been teaching people to become healthy chefs - and healthy people. Some recipes are straightforward. Others are creative and more detailed. It does require focus to become a healing master. You will also hear Ayn’s poem "A Universal Prayer" by Ayn Cates Sullivan which explains how poetry, art, and crystals bright light and beauty into our lives. Tune in to know how eating healthily is a form of self-love— the true medicine of beauty.

2022-07-25T18:03:13-07:00August 10th, 2022|

REC – Inclusionary Parenting

What is inclusionary parenting? In this episode of the Reclamation, the Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva probe deep into how parents should create an inclusive, loving, and healthy home for their children. Often, variables such as traditions, beliefs, and religion hinder parents from becoming fully accepting of their child. When a child feels unwelcome and excluded, hatred and other negativities could arise. Inclusionary parenting is beyond words important as it fosters an environment that includes you no matter who you are. Tune in to know why inclusionary parenting should be observed within the four walls of the home as a parent.

2022-07-19T17:15:31-07:00August 9th, 2022|

IMS – The Secret of Stillness

Do you want to know the secret of stillness? In this episode of the IM Series, host Earlene Coats shares the secret of stillness and how it can open your connection to divine guidance and creative energy. You will discover the process of finding calm amid chaos and coping during paralyzing uncertainty. Tune in to learn new tools that allow you to step into the powerful secret of stillness.

2022-07-19T17:29:45-07:00August 7th, 2022|

LTN – How did Jessie Get the Girl?

How did Jessie get the girl? In this episode of Leave It to Neva, host Neva Lee Recla welcomes dad and guest Justin Recla. Their conversation dives into this 80's song series, unpacking stereotypes and hidden misogyny in these songs, starting with the song "Jessie’s Girl" by Rick Springfield. Even though this was written decades ago, the fight for gender equality continues today. Tune in to know how the song resonates with the current social issues as Neva and Justin dissect how Jessie got the girl.

2022-08-08T21:16:58-07:00August 6th, 2022|

SOS – Co-Creation in Action

Have you witnessed co-creation in action? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes her previous guest Adora Winquist. Last time , Adora talked about The Alchemy of Action. But now, she is going to discuss all the beauty of co-creation. Co-creation in action is the thread of synchronization. Everything in creation is co-creation because we are not doing everything alone. Tune in to this episode and discover the power you have to harness to participate in co-creation in action.

2022-07-18T18:12:33-07:00August 5th, 2022|

ISP – People Processes

Do you believe that people processes within organizations need to be updated? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla talks with guest Rhamy Alejeal about building healthy relationships among people in the workplace. Rhamy is the founder and CEO of People Processes, an HR firm leading the way with new processes and systems for managing employees. Tune in as they deliver some tremendous and refreshing insights on the HR Process and how to manage relationships with your employees through up to date people processes.

2022-07-18T17:54:03-07:00August 4th, 2022|

SES – Love the Elixir of Life

Is love the elixir of life? In this episode of Spiritual Ecstasy, host Gabriel Cousens M.D talks about how long-term healthy relationships lead to longevity and better quality of health. Gabriel says happy relationships decrease mortality rates by 49% and help prevent all chronic diseases and depression, and anxiety. It is a bit intriguing how more people over 65 are getting married because of this! Tune in to know more about love, the elixir of life.

2022-07-18T17:31:09-07:00August 3rd, 2022|

YSPM – Aligning Mind, Body and Spirit

What do we gain from aligning our mind, body and spirit?? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Mark Halpern talk about developing the ability to use your breath to calm your body and produce uplifting emotions. Mark discusses his inspiring path of overcoming stress and anxiety to thrive and build a meaningful, grounded, and abundant life. He will also teach you how to understand the connections between your heart and brain and the process of using the breath to change your physiological state. Tune in to discover powerful tools to manage stress, pain, and overwhelm.

2022-07-18T17:18:56-07:00August 1st, 2022|

SPS – The Heartful Method

How does the Heartful Method work? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki chats with guest Arnaud Saint-Paul. He is a conscious technologist, philanthropist, author, and visionary on a lifelong quest to help 1 billion people open their hearts to themselves. Using technology as a means to such an endeavour, Arnaud created The Heartful Method. This scientifically proven and revolutionary methodology helps people and businesses focus on the positive aspects of their lives to make them happy, successful, and abundant and allow them to fulfil their highest potential. Tune in to know more about the Heartful Method and how it rewires yourself to reality.

2022-07-18T17:55:17-07:00July 30th, 2022|

ISP – Managing Hard Conversations

Why should managing hard conversions be given attention in the corporate world? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla speaks with guest Jerry Fu. He is a conflict resolution coach and works with those who have trouble managing conflict. Their conversation revolves around Jerry’s process of helping people manage complex discussions. The end goal of this system is to learn how to navigate life and work relationships from the newfound freedoms found when speaking their truth. Tune in and let this episode shed light on how the importance of learning how to manage hard conversations!

2022-07-11T17:49:14-07:00July 28th, 2022|

TFC – A Woman’s Voice in Art

Do people give focus to a woman’s voice in the art? In this episode of The Frequency of Creativity, host Melinda Harr Curley welcomes guest Joanne Landis. After twelve years as a fashion illustrator in New York and London, Joanne knew she wanted to do more profound work. Wanting to incorporate what she thought about onto the canvas, she decided to become a figurative painter, mostly of women. Landis reaches for archetypal figures that represent eternal and universal themes that are common and accessible. She intends to capture her unique voice in her work. Tune in to understand and hear a woman’s voice in art!

2022-07-18T17:47:01-07:00July 27th, 2022|

WOA – Hemp

Is there more to Hemp than just being a cannabis plant? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Noah Hammond Tyrrell are going to speak about a plant that has been misunderstood, Hemp. Noah is the CEO of Feel Good Hemp and believes that there are many ways Hemp can impact you and the planet. For instance, it can be used to create wood and paper. Hemp can also carbon emissions as a crop that traps carbon from the air into the plants and can be used as a biofuel. Its seeds contain as much protein as soybeans. Tune in to know more about CBD hemp oil's healing power and benefits and how to find the best products for your needs.

2022-07-11T17:31:45-07:00July 27th, 2022|

REC – Rebuilding Trust in Relationships

Does rebuilding trust in relationships always complicated? In this episode of the Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva sit together to talk about the beauty and messiness of relationships. Every time two or more people get together, a beautiful exponential component exists alongside messiness. So, we need to use the energetic piece between people to address the chaos. Then, harmony will flourish, which paves the way to restore trust. Tune in to know how to own up to your misstep and rebuild trust in relationships.

2022-07-11T18:50:17-07:00July 26th, 2022|
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