Aligning Mind, Body and Spirit

What do we gain from aligning our mind, body, and spirit?? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Mark Halpern talk about developing the ability to use your breath to calm your body and produce uplifting emotions. Mark discusses his inspiring path of overcoming stress and anxiety to thrive and build a meaningful, grounded, and abundant life. He will also teach you how to understand the connections between your heart and brain and the process of using the breath to change your physiological state. Tune in to discover powerful tools to manage stress, pain, and overwhelm. 

Kristin Maxwell:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I am your host Kristen Maxwell, and in the show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am excited to be talking to Dr. Mark Halpern about aligning mind, body, and spirit through coherence. And Dr. Mark Halpern is a chiropractor, author, lecturer, and certified HeartMath practitioner, who’s also certified in the healing modalities of Psych-K and Ho’oponopono. And with a deep understanding of the role that stress management plays in optimal health, he is drawn to methods that promote health and healing of the brain, body, and emotional state. And as the founder and CEO of Coherence Revolution, his goal has always been to support the healing of others. Dr. Mark, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

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Mark Halpern:

Hi, thank you for having me.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes, I’m excited to learn more about some of this work that you’ve got going on out there. And so, I always want to start with understanding you a little bit more, and that is what superpower did you uncover as a result of mastering your mind?

Mark Halpern:

Well, the funny thing is my superpower, I’ve realized that we all have this superpower, and it’s the ability to use our own breath and our own emotional state to change our physiological state literally at the moment. As soon as I realized I had that power, that I could change my emotional state and therefore change my physiological state, I never felt trapped. And so, as someone who dealt with anxiety for many, many years, knowing that I have this power, that I can change that emotional and physiological state in seconds, not minutes and hours, has definitely turned out to be what I call my superpower.

Kristin Maxwell:

That’s an incredible skill, and I’ve also dealt with anxiety for many, many years. That’s what brought me to this whole coaching and everything, healing space myself. So, can you explain, for those who might not know what you mean, how do you change your emotional state? What do you mean by that?

Mark Halpern:

Well, there are a few aspects to it. I happen to be trained by a company called HeartMath, which HeartMath has done research on how the heart and brain are connected, and then by using the power of the heart you can start to entrain the brain, in other words, make it the same as, and what HeartMath has found out with their research is that the electrical signal of the heart is about 40 times stronger than the brain signal. And so, if you can start to get the heart in a very relaxed and balanced rhythm, you can start to entrain the brain’s rhythm to the exact same frequency, and what happens is you start to affect the higher brain centers that deal with decision making, that deal with stress, that deal with the immune system and pain and sleep. And so, the idea is that as you start to affect your heart’s rhythm, you can affect your brain.

And as they entrain each other, it starts to entrain all the other rhythms of the body, including the way your cells vibrate, the way your digestive system works, and the way your lungs breathe. So, all of these different systems come together in the same rhythm and they’re all entrained together, and that affects your physiological state immediately at the moment. And so, if you’re having a moment where you’re feeling stressed or anxious, or you can’t think straight, or you’re in fight or flight, or you’ve got a massive anxiety attack, by following a process of pausing, breathing in a specific way through your belly and out through your mouth, and you start to come into visualizing things that uplift you and give you pause that are renewing emotions, and so what they found is that when you start to do this breath work while feeling the emotion of gratitude or while feeling the emotion of love or anything really uplifting, it could just simply be happy, it could be a relief, it could be any emotion that gives you a positive feeling, as you start to feel that, you start to affect your heart rhythm.

And as you start to affect the heart rhythm, then it starts to entrain the brain, and that’s really how this process goes. And so literally in my program, I teach people as I’ve learned, how to literally pick an emotion and just start to practice it and it could be as simple as going to a mirror and smiling because when you go to a mirror and smile, you start to stimulate the brain, the muscles that produce smiles also produce endorphins in the brain. And so, you can literally start to change your physiological state as you start to practice these emotions.

Kristin Maxwell:

That’s pretty incredible. I want to go deeper into that because I know that when we’re in the midst of feeling really anxious or stressed or whatever it is, it often feels like it’s out of our control, that we can’t shift how we’re feeling, and so it’s amazing to think that if we can do something physiological, that actually changes how we feel in the inside, and I want to go way deeper into that, but we are going to take a break. Before we go, can you let people know where they can find out about the work that you’re doing?

Mark Halpern:

Sure, for your listeners, I set up a landing page at And if you go there, you can actually download my free ebook. You can download it for free. It won’t cost you anything, and you can start to do this work and learn about it, and there’s also an online course, and there’s a coupon there for 50% off the online course, which there are launch dates just about every month if you check the website. That’s

Kristin Maxwell:

That sounds amazing. Everybody, hang on for a moment and we will be back and we’ll be talking to Dr. Halpern more about aligning mind, body, and spirit.

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